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Posts posted by Cultivation1

  1. On 9/29/2022 at 7:48 AM, Aeordimm said:


    Was this exercise given to you by your teacher? What were you trying to accomplish?


    Order of practice always matters. If your channels are not trained, working with chi on one part of the body can do great harm. You may have put a permanent strain on your muscles that will be hard to get rid of. Visualizing reverse action may do very little help, I wouldn't put my hopes on it. Follow Gerard's advice, and check back in a few months.

    I don’t have a teacher I was just meditating everyday for 15 minutes with celibacy. Who is Gerard?

    • Haha 1

  2. On 7/26/2022 at 1:03 AM, Lairg said:


    So you have trained your body to do something.   Perhaps you should train it to do the opposite.  


    The problem may be that the Chi is not quite what you think.   As you may know, all energy is naturally intelligent and typically driven by a higher intelligence with its own agenda.


    I have known several martial arts practitioners to have significant problems with energy entering the head.  The issue seems to me to be that Chi is a subset within the cosmic out-breath and in-breath, that was primary in a most ancient era but is no longer central to the intent of the solar system.  Management of Chi is now part of the systemic "subconscious". 


    Human consciousness is better directed to the current systemic learning/intent.


    The concept of pralaya is relevant as is tzimtzum (minus the religious context)





    If I visualized chi coming into my head with every inhale, how would you suggest training my body to the opposite ? 

  3. 22 hours ago, Lairg said:

    When humans die, they float up through the planes until the frequency matches their own.  Then they interact with and learn from their peers. 


    My parents, after death, moved to different planes so that my mother hardly ever saw my father again.  He is learning relationship and she is learning energy work.  At some stage they will re-enter the human race - with my mother not on this planet but still in this solar system.


    Humans that no longer need to incarnate may move on.  There are said to be 7 paths beyond the planet


    Here is a short version:



    And here is a longer version - written some years later


    Those links were interesting thank you. Are you suggesting there are humans incarnated on different planets of the solar system ? I have to check that out.

  4. 8 hours ago, Taoist Texts said:

    first of all you need to understand that your visualization is not the cause but a consequence. The cause is your innate energetic structure which makes you prone to fantasizing about galactic beings, neigong, orbits, qi emission, visualisations, parasite and other new-age delusions like that. These are all delusions which exist only in your head as clots and congestions of energy causing all the ill effects AND more fantasies in a vicious circle.


    The only way to cure this is fasting and long walks keeping attention on your feet but primarily -  getting rid of the delusions.

    I’ll try what you recommended I’m 24, have been doing meditation/qigong for two years and this started  3-4 months ago. I’m curious why would fasting cure this ?

  5. Hi, 


    Every now and then I see a post somewhere on the internet about advanced Galactic beings such as pleiadians, helping humanity ascend by blasting higher vibrations to the earth. What is your take on this? Do these beings exist, and if they do are they helping humanity ascend as so many people claim they are ? It's said earth is raising in vibration and that they are part of the beings helping this happen.

  6. Hi everyone, 


    I would like to know how to reverse the effects of this visualization I did. I did this visuazliation where I would visualize chi entering my head on inhales. Now chi enters my head on inhales automatically. It's pretty uncomfortable, My eyes have started to get strained I think because of it because they have light red lines now. How would I reverse the effects of this visualizaiton so that when I breathe chi doesn't enter my head, and I breathe normally ? It also gives me headaches, I'm 24 if that matters.
    Thank you.

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  7. Hi everyone,


    I’ve been meditating for two years, I for the first time went to a qigong school a few days ago. The person in charge who’s a member of a Taoist lineage said he could give me a microcosmic orbit transmission and that it would take 1 week to open.


    Is there any potential downside to doing this ? By that I mean is it risky to open it in 1 week? Could a transmission give me energy with bad intention ? I don’t know anything about transmissions aside from that it’s sort of like pre programmed energy. I would love to hear your thoughts on this. 

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  8. Hi everyone,

    I’m 24, have been meditating /doing qigong for 2 years now, and my motivation for making an account here is to learn to go further with my cultivation. 

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