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Posts posted by Shadao

  1. Not exactly "breaking glass" but once, when I was studying in another university than the one I do now, I remember that  that day I was going to do a test and, I kid you not, I had just stepped on the first step of the stairs to enter the building when the bracelet that I had on my right hand(one made entirely of stones that resembled a starry night...I think it is a stone called "Blue Goldstone") just snapped open(it was a nylon string)and some stones went flying around while the rest just fell to the floor.


    I never was one to believe in "signs", but I guess that what happened had to do with the fact that someone there had made "magic work"(I think it was a hex?) against me earlier in the semester.


    By then, though, I was already protected from it, but I ended up taking this as a sign that "whatever they did or was left over from it was transfered to the bracelet".


    Don't know if it was indeed this, but I like to think that the bracelet took on something that was supposed to go to me.Better it than me.

  2. I was browsing Youtube and found this video:

    Aside the talk of "misusing knowledge" and "stolen teachings", I got thinking about how he seemed to imply that seeking power(to use it) is bad.


    [Or at least, that was the understanding I got from part of his talk, sometimes I just have issues understanding other languages]


    So I decided to ask those of you that may already be way advanced in your own journey/path, do you really think that it is wrong for one to actively seek power?

  3. On 20/07/2022 at 5:27 AM, Nuralshamal said:

    1) How did you get to be able to lucid dream?
    2) Which practices did you follow, and for how long?
    3) What do you do, during lucid dreams?
    4) What are your greatest "pro tips" for lucid dreaming?
    5) Anything you would like to add on the subject of lucid dreaming?

    1)So far I know not how I got to lucid dream, as those were very few times.In most cases I was able to control something/myself but wasn't aware that it was a dream, I think there was only one time where I was conscious that it was a dream.


    2)None, the times it happened it just happened.


    3)On the times I could control something, I would do things considered impossible in real life, like flying around(once with wings, other times without it), or use/control powers like telekinesis, force-field(of sorts) or even the elements of nature.

    Once, just once, I interacted with some person/being and they taught me "the secret of phasing" by literally grabbing my hand and pushing an object through it and moving it around in my hand.


    To this day I can still recall that sensation vividly.


    4)Considering I never did a thing I guess one "tip" would be to have an intense desire over a subject or something you want to dream of, preferably for a few days.Then one day "it'll just happen".


    5)It really is the world where anything is possible...go wild.

  4. Let me preface this by saying that I never felt any inclination whatsoever to be a doctor.Zero.Nada.Not even in dreams.


    I don't even like much to interact with people, at all.

    In this aspect I'm the stereotype of the introvert that prefers to be alone.


    And yet...yet I realized now that for a while(the last three or four years?) I've kept thinking of "the healing arts"/medicine.


    Once in a while I would talk(with my family) about learning more about anatomy to develop my massage skills, joke about learning acupuncture to "pin myself with the needles", try breathing techniques to lessen the pain, or as it happened today, search about therapeutic methods.


    I was even taking notes about thermotherapy/heat therapy just right now.

    Why?No idea.

    I know next to nothing about how the body works or how ultrasound can be used to alleviate pain or reduce swelling.


    I even enjoy reading the books/posts that talk about it(the art of healing or how the body heals itself, regeneration and etc.), but at the same time I feel no interest in being more proactive about it and maybe "use it to help others".



    Am I somewhat being led towards a more "medically-inclined life"(for some odd reason), or is it all just in my head and I should stop trying to seek issues where there are none?

    • Like 2

  5. 14 minutes ago, Nungali said:

    It actually amazes me how little I need to eat

    Yes, I learned the same, basically IF helped me go through a re-reducation of my feeding habits.

    And by also ingesting more water I learned that sometimes what I feel is thirst, not hunger.

    15 minutes ago, Nungali said:

    lived on crap , didnt exercise or train and had the physique of an  athlete

    Well, either he exercised a lot when you weren't looking, or his metabolism and genes were great enough to look like an athelete.But I bet that inside he was screwed up, even if a little.

    No matter how "healthy one looks", sometimes they just look the part and that's it.

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  6. The version of you that is the true you, pure, clear of any imperfection or condition.


    The version of you that you try to achieve even when you don't know it, the one that has the qualities you wished you had.The one that is so far above your current self that you have difficulty even trying to imagine such perfected self still being "you".


    ps: I've got no idea why I decided to write this and in such a convoluted way, just suddenly "felt like it", a bit like I was half the writer and half the reader ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    You're free to ignore this rambling. 



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  7. 18 hours ago, Ajay0 said:

    But the society we live in is deeply conditioned by the advertising industry which imprints desires within us for products which we may not even need. The message such ads seemingly imparts is that having their product makes one a winner in life , with the rest being losers.

    Honestly I'm part of the group that thinks "As long as I can have a comfortable life without anything missing(i.e. the necessities for survival and a minimum of comfort), I'm happy with what I have".


    I use stuff until I can no longer use them, and even then I try to "push some more use" before I have to accept to buy something new.

    Literally, I had to buy new flip flops recently because the previous pair snapped and even using duct tape only delayed the inevitable. 


    And no, I'm not a cheapskate. 

    19 hours ago, Ajay0 said:

    The sight of one who has a mansion, fleet of expensive cars,helicopters and private jets, and all the connotations of wealth and status in society,  can create similar cravings in other people with adverse results.

    Honestly, I find people that like to show such things a bit tacky.


    I mean, there's no problem to want to show the wealth you got through your work(as long as you do it from a "I'm happy I can finally get/do this" point rather than a "HAH!Get jealous of me, suckers!" one).


    But I know that most people doing this either:

    -inherited said wealth rather than worked for it(which is the case of many of those "rich kids of instagram" and "influencers")

    -got it through underhanded means

    -are portraying to be wealthy all for their image, but they aren't actually wealthy


    17 hours ago, Vajra Fist said:

    I think there's probably already too many people who worship 'sadhguru'.

    "Worship" in a metaphorical way or literally, as if he was a deity?


    16 hours ago, Pak_Satrio said:

    That’s implying there are ethical duties as a soldier

    As far as I know, a soldier's only "ethic" is "follow the orders".


    14 hours ago, Pak_Satrio said:

    Just like Sadhguru’s big mansions, sports cars and jets?


    Yeah, I have to admit that I find it both hilarious and annoying how many of these self-entitled gurus, masters, leaders and such like to seem spiritual but then we get hit by their massive wealth.


    I know, I know, one can be spiritual even when having money...but making money by being spiritual seems a bit...hypocritical in my opinion.

    • Like 2

  8. 5 hours ago, darkflame said:

    I am already and extremely creative, mentally driven person

    I think I'm somewhat the same, I was said many times as a kid that I had "an artist's mind"(still don't know if this is a good or bad thing) and I tend to daydream and be introspective a lot.


    Honestly, aside a creative medium(drawing, writing, making mock ups...) the only way I find to get my head clear is by doing a physical activity, preferably with a lot of movement.While I am moving, I don't have to think, I just "am" or just "do" what I have/want to do.


    It can be as simple as just swaying in one place, shadow boxing or running around at full speed(sprinting).


    Sorry for this mild digression.


    5 hours ago, darkflame said:

    If I were to practice qi gong for multiple hours a day without taking herbs I would quickly go insane

    Why not try to separate you practice in sessions and do high intensity activities between each session?Even before doing the first one, go spend your energy into working out, dancing or just moving around a lot.


    Just an idea though.

  9. While I like to see these spiritual/insightful posts, I have to admit that to me the answers to the cause of violence are much more mundane.


    For one, it is humanity's inherent nature(of some or many) to always desire more and more.It isn't enought to have enough to live a relatively comfortable and happy life, there are those that also seek to get "more than their share" and actually deprive others of "their fair share".




    Then we mix that with both the incompetence and corruption of management of resources(food, water, people, money...) of entire countries.Which only adds a very complex and heavy layer to the problem.


    Finally we add "artificial separations".People do it all the time, separate each other through petty means like "skin color", "religion", "sexuality"...they don't seek to unity all under a mutual respect, they separate themselves into cliques and force a "us vs them" mindset.

    Which tends to create people with extremely narrowed vision and willing to do anything to make THEIR GROUP the one in control.


    If it's already hard to deal with a group of people the size of a class, imagine having to deal with it all the size of a world?

    No wonder violence still hasn't ended.

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  10. 6 hours ago, natural said:

    Once they feel misunderstood or not respected, they resort to violence.

    I can understand it.


    I mean I would pick other options, like becoming sarcastic, over violence, but I can understand feeling frustrated and annoyed when you try to understand and be polite to others, only for them to treat you like you don't care or isn't allowed to voice your thoughts


    And you might even brush it off once or twice(or a few times more) but when it's frequent...well, it sucks.It kinda feels like "what's the point" of being all that only to be met with such disrespect and/or lack of acknowledgement of your worth as a person?It becomes such a downer after a while...


    As for 


    What is behind the compulsion to be correct? Ego?


    I don't have a "definitive/this is it" answer, so in my opinion I think the answer to this is divided in three "options":


    1.Pride(no one wants to admit they're wrong).

    Ex: No big boss wanta to admit that a "lowly worker" is right when they themselves are wrong.


    2.Fear(most people fear being wrong)

    Ex: Those that follow cults do not want to admit that they wasted years believing into something fake, or those that fear they might actually not know what comes next


    3.Hope/Desire(everyone wishes that reality is/can/will be as they believe it is/will be)

    Ex: If their future isn't/won't be like they believe it will, this can break someone's spirit for the present suffering.

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  11. On 02/01/2022 at 3:27 PM, helpfuldemon said:

    What is the goal of a dogma? 

    1. A doctrine or a corpus of doctrines relating to matters such as morality and faith, set forth in an authoritative manner by a religion.
    2. A principle or statement of ideas, or a group of such principles or statements, especially when considered to be authoritative or accepted uncritically

    -From The Free Dictionary


    So it seems that it's to impose someone's will unto others and make them accept it as the truth.


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  12. Theory-wise, I think these books could give you a hand(please someone correct me if wrong because I don't want to lead someone astray!):


    Chinese Medical Qigong by Tianjun Liu

    Chinese Medical Qigong Therapy(5 volumes) by Jerry A. Johnson


    I know it isn't the same as having a teacher, just think of it as "in addition" to your learning with a teacher.

    • Like 1

  13. 21 minutes ago, Nungali said:

    Since 'we' all know that a stage illusionist (or even one on the street )  can fool a whole bunch of people , in real time / life , all this discussion on  believing what we see in a video - which has MUCH more potential for fooling us , is rather defunct , isnt it ?

    I remember some videos of street "magicians" doing their tricks and there are some that if you look closely you can see how their tricks are done or at least what happened before the trick "happened".


    I remember one of Dynamo doing a "vanishing coin" trick and making it appear on a guy's shoulder's the kicker...when you see the video again you'll see clearly that while he is directing the attention of the guy and his friends towards him, he is putting his hand on the guy's shoulder and when he takes his hand away you can see the coin, then he makes him look at it and they all go "O.O".



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  14. 1 minute ago, Iliketurtles said:

    Pretend you know where to find some paranormal phenomenon, and your job is to document it as best as you possibly can. 

    Ah, got it.

    As english isn't my native language sometimes I have issues understanding what people mean, even if a phrase is written with proper grammar.


    Well I personally would go this way(and let's suppose that things like money, location, technology and personnel are not an issue):

    1. I would first do my due diligence and search all about said phenomenon, maybe try to speak to people that have seen/done/went through it.Get a certain number of "subjects" per say, and then try to speak to those around/near them to see if there is something in common/a validity of sorts.I would also try to seek documents and moments in history that might've been recorded about this(even if they were mere myths or folk tales) and cross references until there was a common ground for it all.
    2. I would try to think how I would be able to record such thing(to make this easy, let's say that I would have to document a case of someone claiming to be able to levitate, so in this case it would be a case of a "person" and "able to do 'x'", so that would be something that isn't spontaneous nor a happening that one cannot control or know when/where it will happen.), I would have to first try to make contact with the said person, ask if they would be willing to demonstrate their alleged power and have it on record for all to see.And also set some conditions such as "to be considered valid you'll have to levitate at least this much".If they said "No" or had some "conditions" about it, well this would be the end for me.If they accepted then I would go to....
    3. Find an enclosed space, preferably without any furniture around, and spacious, without a thing on the walls, floor or ceiling.Set cameras to cover all "hidden spots" and put the person in the middle of it all(the cameras would have to be able to cover all of their body and the surrounding area to prove that there are no mechanisms around them) and good light conditions, the person themselves would have to wear a simple, form fitting, clothing of one single color, preferably for guys it would be just pants and for girls pants and a tank top or a sports bra, just so it can be seen that there isn't any threads on their bodies nor hidden mechanisms under their clothes.And we can see clearly if they would be levitating or not as the clothes wouldn't be hidding them.
    4. Set it to go live, and then leave the person on the room by themselves(so the "presence of others" would not be able to be used as an excuse for them being unable to do it), accompany the livestream and let it go for a while, either until some hours went by or the person gave up.
    5. Let the person rest, eat something, feel more comfortable, then ask if they would be up to try again.

    Most likely, the end result would be a failure on their part and an inability to admit that they are fake, because at the end of the day most of these said masters and such just wouldn't be able to re-create their alleged miracles even when given the best chance to prove it.

  15. 3 minutes ago, Iliketurtles said:


    So what other evidence would you accept?

    My comment was in regard to videos as proof when it comes to the supernatural or paranormal.


    Proving one person is trying to scam you for insurance or that a cop beat you is one thing(as these are about wanting to show a happening to others), but these people that use video as a "proof of their powers" do it in hopes to influence others to see them as these grand figures that have "unlocked the mystical arts"(these are about trying to make the mind of others).


    As I said, for the supernatural/paranormal stuff it would be best to do live streams as those are really hard to edit on the go.

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  16. 1 hour ago, Iliketurtles said:

    If recording a random video and posting it on YouTube proved anything then Criss Angel would be a miracle worker.

    I remember, when I was younger, seeing his videos of him "walking on water" and I think there was one of him "walking on the walls of a building".


    And even back then I knew it was all illusions.Honestly, Dynamo made the best walking on water illusion so far, in my opinion.


    1 hour ago, Iliketurtles said:

    There is a reason that people buy dash cams and that is to prevent he said she said situations if they're in an accident.


    Yes, dash cams are a great way to deal with the insurance scammers that like to pretend to have been hit by your car.


    1 hour ago, Nungali said:

    But when its a youtube  ... well, gosh !  That MUST be real ! 

    People think that?TIL something new...


    1 hour ago, Nungali said:

    People get SOOOOO sucked in by an obvious fake thing  ... as long as it has visuals .

    I haven't seen a single Youtube video that had said "visuals", most were "meh" and only few were of decent quality, but nothing that would make me say "Yup, no way this is fake!".


    1 hour ago, zerostao said:

    Question everything. If a particular idea, system, art, study, is resonating with you, then do some follow up on it. Test it.

    This is how I see people getting their evidence, through experimenting/going through it themselves.


    27 minutes ago, Shadow_self said:

    Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence


    If people keep it to themselves, fine, but the moment they start some sort of superiority BS by spouting things like "I can make a fireball" or "I can levitate" then for sure they shouldn't have an issue demonstrating that, right?


    I mean, if you can brag it must be because you're confident in your skills, right?So it shouldn't be hard to do it, right?



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