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Posts posted by Anvil

  1. I find it is not a matter of being distant vs being attached to person bounds but instead you can both have personal bounds with loved ones and still be 'unattached'. It is a sense of enjoying the moment with someone but understanding that like a dream this time won't last and being Okay with the dream ending.


    (Don't know if what I said makes sense or if I'm 'qualified' to talk about stuff being new to 'Buddhism'.)

    • Like 3

  2. So you @dmattwads talked about how frequent masturbation exhausted the Zhi(will) in the kidneys thus effecting the next part of the cycle the Hun(eternal soul) in the liver, resulting in a lessening of compassion, generosity, and kindness. Yes?


    Is this purely from the constant release of jing or from the addiction of that release?


    Would the same happen to someone with a drug addiction or would it affect the elemental cycle differently resulting in the loss of some other element/organ?



  3. I'm a resident of North America. My religious background is limited to Christianity, but recently I have stumbled across eastern religions and fell in love with the philosophy's and concepts.


    Currently I'm having issues with changing my profile picture... can anyone help me out?