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Everything posted by natural

  1. Been there done that as well... What do they say about assumptions? Something about making them makes the one making them an ass, and yes I have the t shirt ! Now a days my mantra is thought before action when ever possible.... Must I truly react or might I consider a response? An old not so bold commercial pilot strongly suggested when it looks like you are going into the weeds, It is time wind your watch! But then once when i tried to land a 1940 something Piper Cub A tail wheel front to back two seater on the grass at a large airport, between two active runways, the crosswind caught me off guard. And in a matter of seconds the plane was aimed at the hardest possible odject parallel to the runway. I was awoken out of my fear and stupor by a shout to quit winding your watch and fly the f......... plane to a complete stop. LOL
  2. Emphasis bolded by me. The entire post deserves consideration, but I chose to place emphasis on key insights or path notes of a well traveled individual!
  3. Well, I for one move on pretty quickly when I have the runs. Not speaking for others but I suspect its more common than we are willing to admit.
  4. Watchful waiting? Many of my moments result in very satisfying bowel movements. Afterall it shouldn't hurt to poo!
  5. I am not sure? It was an attempt however, feeble or incorrect to be present in the moment? I however remain open to suggestions, thank you in advance
  6. My nosy neighbor pounded on the front door and continually pressed my doorbell. Upon answering the door, I was told a crow was attacking some small fledglings (birds of another species, cow birds to be exact) in one of my bushes. Cowbirds are obligate parasites destroying other bird's offspring replacing their eggs with their own. Generally, I am lassize faire, live and let life follow its own destiny. But I sat on the porch for a bit with my canine companion, watching life unfold...
  7. Amen, amen and amen! Honestly, I never broke bread or tried to eat their meager victuals, however true to my experience he and his family were extremely generous with sharing whatever they had. Poor = great generosity!
  8. I may have mentioned it before but in the late 70's my older brother carpooled to work with a fellow who was making the minimum wage and with 6 kids and a wife relying on him as the "bread winner" they would stop and collect roadkill as they went to work in the predawn hours...
  9. this may date me, however if i recall correctly there was no bag limit nor a Sunday prohibition on hunting them
  10. I will gladly take your advice on this, but wonder about how hungry one must be as well as wily one must be to eat crow.
  11. Can some one please insert? embed Marvin Gaye,s What's going on here?
  12. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    I did as well but I did not find the post particularly flavorful but rather bland.
  13. The wisdom of do nothing

    I am not sure I want to acknowledge that except it was a Yoda original! Thanks both for the laugh and the memory!
  14. My two grandnieces (2.5 and 3.8) years old are natural explorers. They stampede at the chance to splash in puddles, find treasures like a box turtle, or a tree frog etc. They appear pretty spiritual to me. edit to add they are very tactile exploders using sight and touch primarily, but recognize a crows call or squirrels chatter as well!
  15. I am just a roadside weed. A dandy lion if you will... stoically maintaining my existence among the many slings and arrows getting exposed to all types of weather. Perennial source of food nectar and pollen to a mix of creatures. I don't concern myself overly with the mundaneness of life, I just strive to be me!
  16. Ouch, just ouch ralis, a bit dramatic?
  17. Hoping you get the healing rest and all the support you need!
  18. Great respect to both them and you!
  19. I am sorry but getting snake bit 5 times in less 3 seconds was no illusion by any means. A family dog grew blind deaf and my Mom asked me to check on him, I got down with him my best buddy for almost 20 years, and he turned on me faster than you could blink an eye. Bit the living hell out of me, but we had to take care of him before I got stitched up and a tetanus shot , go figure, or not.
  20. As a famous boxer said everyone has a plan until they don't Jeez I been bit or chawed on and argued with more critters than I can enumerate, lol. And I have the scars to prove it! LOL
  21. "Under what conditions would it be possible to witness the actions of another and be sure that they possess agency of their own? Preventing assault or injury to me would be a proper start.
  22. Terror is not a switch, one can turn on and off at will. Anticipation adds to the terror for sure, and can create focus on in the here and now. I been there trust me on this.