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Everything posted by natural

  1. Are you sure you want to mess with Texas? Oh, I guess your safe, after all Ted Cruz is either enroute to or from Cancun.
  2. I am pretty chill too. Is he a free diver?
  3. No, it involved slow mindful breathing in stages, a slow controlled inhalation, followed by a segmented controlled exhale. No training it occurred naturally. But required some exploration. A reverse to the natural fight flight reaction? I am not sure exactly how or why it occurred. We were taught to regulate our breathing to control our depth, a huge inhale and you may rise 10 feet in a second or two, likewise exhaling to fast and you might sink too fast and stir up sediment. Slow and steady in out were the orders of the day. It was cool to float along varying depth with breath. We of course began with neutral buoyance @ 30 feet or so.
  4. Did he have anything to do with hootie and the blow fish? Inspiration perhaps?
  5. Well, that was certainly my experience in my underwater explorations. It often said as pilot one experiences hours of joy with moments of terror. The opposite seemed to be true to when I dove in caves mostly controlled panic then a moment of bliss. An albino cave critter or a fossil, and WOW!
  6. I practiced skip breathing while scuba diving with impressive results, and at great risk. Oh, the ignorance of youth. Partially due to my cave diving training, swim in until one third of air is consumed reserving two thirds to exit the cavern or cave environment. I usually used only a quarter of the air supply going in and similar amounts to exit.
  7. No of course not it was a practice recovery from an imagined slight rise on the path...
  8. Love, Loving-Kindness, Bonds, Attachment

    Yes, wouldn't a shout gather more attention than a whisper?
  9. I for one prefer first and foremost prefer not to stumble, or otherwise be embarrassed in public. I do frequently laugh at myself (and others as well) hopefully in private. As stumbling or acting somewhat as a buffoon ain't really an option for me.
  10. Many try few men succeed !
  11. Love, Loving-Kindness, Bonds, Attachment

    Does commensurate play any role in this?
  12. Thats a wise choice, as there be no nekkid peeps on the right bank, too conservative lol!
  13. So, when opportunity knocks ignore it? LOL
  14. Wild cats

    Clear concise communication!
  15. You are IMHO skirting on the edge. I generally don't have a problem digesting these theories, but I do require some rumination. I look forward to more discussion on this.
  16. I guess I am a living example of insanity, I keep trying love and end up with a 50% 0f sucess.
  17. I don't either but my default nature leads me to promote love!
  18. A throw back of sorts. Is it real or Memorex? If a recording can capture the effect? Is it still real?
  19. I continue to wonder why when things go bad and I get/accept the blame, but don't get nor expect credit when things go well. ; )