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Everything posted by natural

  1. Pandemic Panic - Transcending the Fear

    By facts I mean that which a majority agree to be true. Be it peer reviewed studies as opposed to conjecture promoted as fact. Etc. Not pointing fingers. I expected the worse, it was worse than I expected, seems to be par for the course. Hang in there!
  2. Pandemic Panic - Transcending the Fear

    Luke, I am going to have to check in with Manitou, but I almost feel like I am channeling Jack Web of Dragnet fame when "I say just the facts" lol. I think it does involve personal responsibility and ethics. People are going to resent any mandate. Be it masks or vitamin d testing. Masks remain simple and cheap. Behavioral changes needed to control obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure require time and effort. Not the clear and immediate solution, but what is? As I understand it hospitals in general and certainly in my neck of the woods are overwhelmed.
  3. Pandemic Panic - Transcending the Fear

    Travel has always involved choices, some will read compromise. Head line reads: Man fined $3,500 for breaking Taiwan quarantine for 8 seconds. I guess when in Rome... still applies.
  4. Pandemic Panic - Transcending the Fear

    Immunization not a requirement as I understand it. It is one way to get an immunity passport. Another is to have tested positive for the virus, followed by a negative test.
  5. I understand the desire to have the wind in ones hair. However in many locals wearing a helmet when riding a bike is mandatory, as is wearing a helmet when riding on a motorcycle. Is this requirement an example of government over reach (big brothers attempt to legislate common sense)? Or an attempt to control medical costs born not by the individual, but rather the public at large, for instance a non insured or even an insured helmet less operator is injured and has no or limited coverage. Should their medical care be covered by the public thru local state and federal funds? Use of public roadways is not considered a right, but rather a privilege. Can that be likened to wearing or not a mask in public? When on public sidewalks etc. Should publicly funded medical care be subject to financial limits, or eliminated entirely to those choose not to wear masks in public and contract Covid or suffer symptons or helmet less riders injured when cycling? Should travel via public transport including air travel also covered by the same constrictions? Where does ones rights for freedom end? Is it when they are possibly endangering others health and well being? I am licensed to operate a motorcycle and have been for almost 40 years. As traffic increased common sense indicated wearing a helmet would be wise. And I began wearing one voluntarily long before it was required where I live. And am glad I made that choice. I T boned a vehicle who illegally pulled out in front of me helmet was trashed, noggin fine!
  6. I have led many a horse to water and damn if I had any luck in making them drink. On the other hand I have followed along behind horses on many occasions who sought water when they wanted it, and got their fill despite me trying to lead them otherwise. I won't even begin to discuss the intelligence of mules...
  7. Do Ya'll guys drink?

    I am sorry for your inconvenience due to this "joke of a pandemic". Have you considered chartering a private jet?
  8. Oh Narrator, Where art thou?

  9. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    Or find someone who loves you the way (fill in the name of politician of your choice) loves them self.
  10. Happy Thanksgiving

    Belated wishes of comfort and peace yo one and all!
  11. Evidnece for the super natural

    I am known in some parts as Natural. In addition I have had sometimes been described as super! Does that make me super natural? I am after all a legend in my own mind!
  12. It is known

    If memory serves me Motor City (Detroit) had unusual rule that incoming vehicles on the freeways had the right of way. All vehicles on the freeway had to yield to traffic entering, not merging, but barreling along at whatever speed from grandma peeking over the wheel at 30 mph to the hot rodder doing 70 plus. Get the hell out their way!
  13. It is known

    Lol! It is coming, like a bad penny it keeps turning up, in both local and state planning. And of course supported subsidized by the federal government. Due in part to Auto makers lobbies, cement and asphalt producers, and road construction contractors
  14. It is known

    The axiom build it and they will come certainly applies to roads in the greater Baltimore Washington metro areas. Go from a two lane highway (two lanes each way) to four lanes each way traffic doesn't double, some how it quadruples. Even though it rains regularly and snow ain't uncommon, you wouldn't know it by the way people drive Motorcycle forget about it... unless you have a death wish!
  15. Pandemic Panic - Transcending the Fear

    Early on I put a huge smile on my mask when around my 10 year old niece and 5 year old nephew, using red lipstick. We maintain social distance, wear masks and stay outdoors for the most part. She, my niece seems to have adjusted if that's even possible to home schooling limited socialization etc. He, my nephew has clothes sensitivities, no tags, frequent clothing changes thru out the day for a variety of reasons. He is A natural nudist, most comfortable out of clothes, ditching them and mask as often as he can. Makes it a more interesting/difficult time for his folks. He spotted some friends (a family who were not wearing masks) outside his home. He went out mask less, and suffered a six day lock down,,,,, My worst nightmare would be having the youngsters get ill with it!
  16. It is known

    From the USDA web site: "Eggs in cartons that do not contain the USDA grade mark (shield) are not required to meet USDA facility sanitation and labeling requirements. Eggs packed in USDA grade mark consumer packages labeled as free range must be produced by hens that are able to roam vertically and horizontally in indoor houses, have access to fresh feed and water, and continuous access to the outside during the laying cycle. Cage free are laid by hens that are able to roam vertically and horizontally in indoor houses." In general Organic standards are stricter, but I have not addressed those here. I purchase eggs produced locally when ever possible from small local producers whom I know. And whom don't label their eggs to USDA standards because they don't have to. They are selling direct to the end user and trust is integral to our relationship. Just one look is all it took! There tremendous difference in the yolk color and consistency.
  17. It is known

    Bias? Moi? Heaven forbid!
  18. Evidnece for the super natural

    one persons ....
  19. Dao Bums reflecting on the world

    Both looks like a journey / struggle followed by a rest (often in my case away from other folks, you see my people skills are fine, its in tolerating idiots I need to work on, present company excluded!) I think we vacillate between both. To varying degrees our entire life...
  20. Dao Bums reflecting on the world

    Is it an either or? Or situational as in what's the hermit to do when the bulldozers arrive, fight or choose flight? And the non hermit fight against homelessness on a large scale or lock arms with the hermit?
  21. 798,758

  22. It is known

    I am sad by the fact not much has changed...
  23. After Enlightenment

    Maybe both? Wise person said follow the lazy way