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Everything posted by MetaDao

  1. Alchemy fuels spiritual growth. Everything else is a milestone along the path. I’ll let freeform answer your question as well, but it should be a general fact for all of Neidan. First of all, Daoist alchemy is the fusion of Yuan Qi and refined Yuan Shen into an elixir. There are different kinds of elixirs and different methods but all Neidan aims for the elixir. The nature of this elixir is to transmute your spirit from Yin Shen(inert spirit) to Yang Shen. What Damo talks of in this video is more like Neigong that is used to fuel meditative states. If you have more fuel in your battery, your consciousness can maintain a meditative state for longer. This is useful for developing certain mental qualities. The different energies of the body that are used in alchemy can be used for a great number of things. Magical power, development of siddhi, meditation, martial arts, divination, ect. However, the goal should always be spiritual growth. Otherwise, you are straying off the path of alchemy
  2. Yes, and the reason it kicks you out is because Yin Shen states of consciousness use up Yuan Qi. This includes perceptive siddhi
  3. What exactly is neidan/internal alchemy?

    Ah I did not know the meaning and read it as Neidan. The clouding is the fact that I do not know Chinese. You are correct then. Though the internal martial arts still emerged from Neidan. I am off now.
  4. What exactly is neidan/internal alchemy?

    Not true, the trifecta of internal martial arts emerged from Neidan. I will no longer be responding or posting in here until I get the response from the required parties. If no one steps forward to stand witness, I will allow this to be done at a later date when I need it according to the law. My words have been recounted and my name will be revealed to those who choose to participate. My teacher stands as my prime witness. If ever, slander comes across my name, I invoke the law for the trial to carry out accordingly. Those within the old lineages know of what I speak. If you come across these words on the forum, contact me. The others will seek to continue their slander and discrediting of my words. My words stand as my testament. Do not let them sway you and see them for the attack of character that they are.
  5. What exactly is neidan/internal alchemy?

    This argument would work for anything besides spiritual growth. In the ancient era, many people had the opportunity to achieve Dao. They did this not by spending money but by earning the trust of their teachers. If you understand Dao, you understand that there should be no teachers teaching for any ulterior motives. This is the correct way. You share a materialistic perspective. Again, all your arguments are flawed because they are from a materialistic perspective. As a Daoist, you must understand that this world is not material. The evidence exists for the people that know. You simply just aren’t one of them. Now, stop posting please. You have no say in what is evidence and what is not. You are not an authority from a lineage. In the ancient times, when wrong-doings were brought forth, they were dealt with accordingly. I invoke this rule. The ones who know know of what I speak
  6. What exactly is neidan/internal alchemy?

    Of course. I will let @freeform, my teacher, and others use all their perceptive siddhi on me. Why would I lie? Look at them trying to scapegoat me and sweep it under the rug. I honestly don’t even care about the entire matter. It matters not to me. But, if people like you Shadow are going to endlessly attack my character when I aim to make change within this community, I would rather get this out of the way now. I have absolutely nothing to hide. My soul is laid bare.
  7. What exactly is neidan/internal alchemy?

    Egocentricity? Really? Trying to convince everyone Neidan should be given away for free and you play that card. You are so scared that I may just be right and you are trying your hardest to disprove me. Anyone with any lineage backing knows these things are correct and possible. Am I correct in saying using a perceptive Sindhi on a student leaves a karmic imprint? Am I correct in saying these karmic imprints can be perceived by those at the Di Xian level? Am I correct in saying these karmic imprints are all over not just me but many of Damo’s students? Am I correct in saying these karmic imprints can be perceived by high level ghosts? Am I correct in saying there are divination techniques that can be employed to discover these karmic imprints? Please prove me wrong. I am the evidence. Am I correct in saying there is no reason Neidan cannot be free? Again, I ask you to prove me wrong.
  8. What exactly is neidan/internal alchemy?

    I’d love to be told I am wrong. I am waiting for @freeform to respond. Just be quiet until then. If it’s a waste of his time. It’s a cop out. Also, I made it abundantly clear, if you could prove my argument wrong, I’d be happy to accept it. You haven’t. You keep attacking my personal character and that’s about it. A losing strategy. No one listens to anybody except authority figures, so you can hear your confirmation straight from the horse’s mouth. If it’s unimportant and a waste of time, he should be able to explain exactly why. If charging for Neidan is all well and good, he can explain exactly why.
  9. What exactly is neidan/internal alchemy?

    They just keep trying. It’s incredible. Do you ever read your own posts and apply them to yourself? I think you’d learn more from that than listening to your teacher. My teacher can examine every aspect of my being and instruct me accordingly. You have no understanding of Neidan and you are trying to instruct a person who has traveled to hell and back. Failing as well. Every post you make shows your lack of understanding Do you know why @freeform hasn’t responded? Because he knows the answer. He knew it as soon as I said it because he has discernment. He is far along the path and I can respect him. I talk to such people in the way I do because they learn from these exchanges as well. He knows exactly who I am
  10. What exactly is neidan/internal alchemy?

    When they cannot explain it to themselves, they find a scapegoat for justification.
  11. What exactly is neidan/internal alchemy?

    Indeed. They are wasting their time because the have no satisfactory answers for the holes I poke in their obviously flawed arguments. Rather than answer, they simply evade because they are scared they don’t have a counter argument. I see you are still combative and hypocritical. The lines you say about me are meant for yourself
  12. What exactly is neidan/internal alchemy?

    “Instead their developed technique advocates correct Daoist self-cultivation training which unfolds in a systematic manner, under the guidance of a qualified master whose mind (and body) is pure and free from any and all ulterior motives.” Taken directly from the text itself. Are you free from any and all ulterior motives? Why do you charge students? What’s your motive? I am sorry. I was going to stop posting, but I just can’t let this nonsense stand
  13. What exactly is neidan/internal alchemy?

    Laughable. You take a great concept and completely butcher it with your own misunderstandings. Money is needed for personal cultivation, this is true. But it is only needed so far as to support your needs so you can focus on practice. Not to line teachers pockets. How much money do you need if you’re living in a Daoist hermit village? Go back in time with me. Do you think we went to the Di Xian of the village with all our family’s possessions and begged to be taught? No, you’re fooling yourself. The teachings were freely given and people rewarded the teachers with expressions of gratitude. Yes, I have read his books about 8 times each. I have almost completely memorized them. Any Di Xian can also pick up those books and point the errors in understanding out to me. From Taoist Texts responses, I can tell he is a fraud. Never give your money to him. It’s obvious he understands nothing of Neidan.
  14. What exactly is neidan/internal alchemy?

    All problems that would be eliminated if money weren’t an issue. There are no marketing tactics. It’s simple. Either a method works or it doesn’t. It leads to these results or it doesn’t. Brine talks about all sorts of lesser elixirs, this and that yada yada, making you think it’s a path towards the golden elixir. Then, you buy his courses, practice for a few years, meet him. Do you get closer to obtaining the elixir? Sure, maybe. But, like I’ve been saying, a teacher who hasn’t achieved the elixir cannot lead you there. It’s not teacher bashing marketing tactics. It’s a condemnation of the entire internal arts scene for what it’s become. A business of profiting off selling immortality. Not many are excluded from this. Including my own teacher. As you work with a teacher, money becomes an afterthought. Like paying a coach to teach you a sport. Yet, the problems it causes are the exact ones you mention here. Dangling carrot, marketing tactics, bashing teachers, advertising, ect. These problems naturally arise from the systemic issue that is selling immortality. A problem that will be eliminated when I completely destroy the business model by offering teachings for free. It’s competitive advantage. Why pay for something when you can get it for free. That is marketing right there. TT takes advantage of the conversation to quickly explain that he’s at golden embryo level. Dangles a carrot of knowledge in front of the forum to market himself as a teacher. Subtle hint drops. Now maybe he gets a couple more paying students. Ridiculous. If you are at the golden embryo level and you are charging money, you are part of the problem and I don’t wish to be your student. That should be the view. People have normalized paying for immortality and they are suckers for the con. But someone must pay to learn and release it for free when they master it. As a teacher, you can easily say, after 6 months of training with me, payment becomes optional. You can donate to me or choose not to pay. So many options. I do not name call. I speak facts. I will say the same to my own teacher later on. You are deluded if you charge money for Neidan and believe it is better than not charging. It is a causation chain of problems that is unnecessary. If you have reached a high attainment and cannot ascertain your motivations for charging students, you will not reach a higher attainment. You think to yourself: now, wait, my students are already paying me and it doesn’t seem like they will stop, so why would I drop the payment now? Greed. It’s so simple. Tell me I am wrong please. I’d like to hear a counter argument. I don’t think it’s possible to present one I do not name drop my teacher. He does not wish to be named. He seeks no students who cannot find him himself. I do not pay him because I have to, I pay him because I choose to. If I talked with him about it, I am sure he would work with me. That’s the teacher I find inspiring. He has enough. He does not need money from students. It is simply the student’s way of expressing gratitude. To give something in return back to the teacher when something has been freely given. That’s the way it should be done. You are all deluding yourselves if you think otherwise
  15. What exactly is neidan/internal alchemy?

    Quite right. Though like all Dao De Jing quotes, it is metaphorical and refers to a great many things. It is necessary to talk about base level theory and discuss the nature of what the path is so people can recognize it. If you do not have a practice, you cannot talk about even base level theory. If you have not experienced any of the hallmarks of the path, you should not talk of them, which is why I don’t. I have made my point and will no longer be logging into this forum. All the best to each of you. If you have the path in front of you, continue to walk it. If you haven’t found the teacher, continue to seek. Talk to those who can show you the path. Many blessings 🙏
  16. What exactly is neidan/internal alchemy?

    So what are you seeking? Why are you here on this forum? The people with the destiny for the arts and the heart to see them through will find the correct teachers. The resources are literally staring you in the face. If you don’t want to take the path, that is your choice. An egg telling a bird how to fly? Or a bird learning to fly trying to help the penguins realize they can fly? People will have their different requirements and different paths but if the path is revealed to them and they choose not to take it, it is their choice. The least we can do, those who have found the path, is reveal the correct one to others. In this way, we spread the light to more and more seekers.
  17. What exactly is neidan/internal alchemy?

    Ha I see. I hate to disagree, but it is you who are deluded. ”Big secret for small change.” I see we do live in two separate realities. I live in the reality where successful practitioners along the path create harmony between heaven and earth without regard for price. Unsuccessful practitioners fall into the traps along the route. Traps of power. Traps of pleasure. Traps of greed. Then, there are a third group. The worst kind. Those who have achieved something high level and still stray from the path to never achieve something greater than they already have. There are cases of Di Xian falling into these traps. These are the worst kinds of practitioners and that path leads to a place you do not wish to go. You, yourself, from what I can tell, live in a reality of delusion where you have students who pay you a price for a big secret. When they pay this price, they realize the secret is not what they think. The only one who benefits from this exchange is yourself, the one with the secret. Then, you tell your students every other way of doing things is wrong and you have the only true path. Explain to me why I need to pay a price for a secret. Can you? You cannot. That which is freely given without expectation for anything in return is the only true spiritual teaching. Everything else is deluded.
  18. What exactly is neidan/internal alchemy?

    What stage are you at? Sorry, I was overly hostile in my earlier conversations but you made good points I am 22 and am still laying foundations. In the process of opening my channels and replenishing yuan Jing. I only came across a legitimate Neidan lineage about a year ago. I practice 2-3 hours per day. If you say you have achieved the embryo, then you must have the associated signs then? Name them. Are you able to deploy the embryo at will? I came on this forum to point people in the right direction for legitimate Neidan as we could use more authentic practitioners in this era. I cannot tell you I have high level attainments because I don’t. Though, I believe my words are still helpful. Now, I have seen multiple links shared of authentic lineages. The only ones you will ever find online. Anyone who is on this forum without a teacher has no excuse. Find the teacher and path and walk it.
  19. What exactly is neidan/internal alchemy?

    Just curious. Do you practice Neidan? Or do you just study the texts?
  20. What exactly is neidan/internal alchemy?

    Yes. You are correct. Embryo goes through birthing process. What I described is Shen Xian body that is a result of the embryo being born. Still, once you have the embryo the process is essentially inevitable. The embryo’s next evolution is the indestructible energy body. When people refer to the embryo, they usually refer to spiritual immortal body though which is interesting. Do you know the term for the body of the spiritual immortals? Process goes from elixir(Di Xian) to embryo(inevitable that you will become Shen Xian) to birthing of the embryo into what I will call the elixir body as that seems most accurate(Shen Xian) I wonder what term you would use
  21. Nope! There are seated lineages but within this specific lineage it is all standing/moving with martial arts contained within it. The external structure must be perfected and the internal state must be empty/meditative. Once you start working with substances other things become more important. Essentially, your awareness shifts from structure down to subtler and subtler things. Things like Jhana states can be entered while in the movement as stillness is contained within movement and vice-versa. That’s about all I can say
  22. Seated meditation. Yes. You don’t need it. You need the correct internal state. I can’t describe my practice at all. It is an oral tradition meaning nothing regarding the practices is to be written down. You can’t just stand thinking about rainbows. You must be completely empty. You can get infinitely empty
  23. What exactly is neidan/internal alchemy?

    We will see who reaches a higher level in this lifetime. Time will tell my friend. You go your way with all your misconceptions you’ve made about me through the internet. I will go mine. I truly wish you the best in your practice! If you did not sound the way you do, I wouldn’t respond to you the way I have. I will become a Di Xian within about 15-20 years so good luck catching up. If you get close with Damo, ask him about me. I think the answer on why I left the academy might surprise you. You think you know me? You are wrong. You are just proving how distorted your mind still is. Your lens is far from clear and you’ve got a ton of work to do. I respect your defense of Damo truly. I am the type to say what I mean without the care for any consequences because I am truthful. When my friends mistreat others, I call them out on it. When my friends are assholes, I call them assholes. Damo was an asshole to me and so I told him basically just that in a PM. I would say it to his face. He is not an asshole just like how my friends aren’t assholes. He is simply an asshole in certain situations. Just like me! I also know for a fact that he misused his siddhi on me. You are welcome to question him on it. I don’t lie. I don’t care if anyone else knows because it’s not my problem. It’s Damo’s problem and he can deal with whatever might come his way. I respect Damo for what he teaches but I also know his faults. I wouldn’t take back much of what I’ve said here. So truly, good luck! I think we will both need it in the years to come
  24. What exactly is neidan/internal alchemy?

    Elixir is an infinite engine of perpetual motion, constantly replenishing Yuan Qi. It is the fusion of refined Yuan Shen and refined Yuan Qi. It transmutes your spirit from Yin Shen to Yang Shen. Embryo is a further development that is an indestructible energy body that contains the elixir inside of it. Once you attain this, there is no mind. Only free will. A sort of divine consciousness. If you have an infinite energy source, you require nothing outside yourself to survive. No food, no water, nothing. This is Di Xian. Shadow did you a big favor and pointed out a few teachers that can take you along this path. This post has served its purpose of guiding those away from the false Neidan teachers towards the true ones. It is not my teacher, but he is a Di Xian. Don’t believe Shadow’s lies. The Di Xian prove themselves to you if you actually learn from them. Shadow simply thinks himself to know those teachers. He does not.