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Posts posted by shontonga

  1. Really nice intro to phowa. The lama seems like a good guy.





    like him.


    thanks for posting this.


    would be nice to question him on some stuff.


    not debate but question.

  that he talked about the sound :)


    am confused by the timeline that gets mentioned with such stuff


    think it can vary a lot but might just be perspective that varies?


    that is a spot i'd be interested in questioning someone who practices in such ways as these.


    thanks again for posting this.



  2. wizard appeals to me because it would be fun to have studied enough about the great mysteries to be able to reveal some of those until now treasures hidden in mysterious shrines.


    since it has until now been kept unappealingly secret & undemocratically from the masses in I am sure an attempt to keep powerless slaves. If I were such a wizard I would be sure to throw an unappealing undocumented paid for certificate into the air shouting "your last chance!!" & "enlightenment!!" in.. to some.. the most unappealing marketing way.





    Marketing is a cool science, lol.


    I don't know if you are a wizard Rain


    but U R Magic! :D


    U make me smile when i'm really just such a crotchety jaded old bitty.

    ... thank you. *bow*

    I apoligize if my words had any sharpness to them,

    it was not intended to be so?

    But i do carry a sharpness at times.





    i like the word Shrine


    reminds me of the quiet places

    hushed feel of the land

    that calms a tattered battered soul


    it's a name i use

    short for another name that had been given~

    Reliquary... in short it means a box of bones... true enough?

    true enough.


    I like the feel and sound of Shrine

    brings others into the picture, people that see the holiness of life.

    Not as lonely as Reliquary...which seems to just be a cold dark empty box of bones.

    Shrine has warmth to it, reminds me of a small building on a spring day,

    with petals falling through the air and the scent of flowers.

    With it i hear music not distinct but like the songs of the earth its self.


    i like Shrine.


    for me there is a comfort there that can be hard to find.

    a place for a tired soul to rest awhile.


    Stay well, Shon

  3. Ever look into the eyes of somebody "without hope"?


    Hope(at one level if not all) is a survival mechanism.

    Without it how many of us would kiss our families goodbye

    and step off this wildly spinning planet.

    It is as needed as food, water, or air, at times.

    Many times I've heard a person say

    without hope they wouldn't have made it,

    and had it be true.


    Their hope was not feeding any hunger

    unless that hunger was for life.


    If ones ever given up all hope

    they know it is a "bad" thing (last straw sortta reaction)

    Even though it is very Freeing at the same time.


    It is freeing not because of lack of hope

    but because next in line is Surrender.



    One can learn Surrender

    without giving up all hope though.

    It can be practiced



    But it's also one of those things that can be read about,

    talked about, and debated until faces turn green.

    But if one hasn't been there

    they could not really ever know.





    Great topic, thank you Stig.


    Stay well,





    *edit because my typing is lacking!!! :rolleyes:

  4. Reconciling life and death, How do you do it?


    Be around it.


    In all that it is.


    As much as you can handle.


    Takes practice, you know, what one can handle?


    Life and death

    (which is the same. just as rain is ocean is tears is water. The same.)


    It's strange how so many people are so far removed from both?

    To hold a baby, to sit with a grandmother,

    be it a baby puppy or a cranky old man sitting an a bench,

    I think these things are important?


    Evan an hour a week,

    would bring so many folks into closer contact with Life.

    Take the time to be around it.

    See life coming into the world.

    Plant a garden and watch it grow, pull the weeds, enjoy the fruits, compost! lol

    feel the dirt under your fingernails! It's good you know? To be alive?

    To be a part of the cycles of life.


    How many people never have held a baby, fed it or changed a diaper.

    ... or pet the forehead of someone who may not see another sunrise.

    Become a volunteer at hospice.

    It's always so needed, there are so many who don't have anyone to sit with them.

    Life is dirty, we try to keep it clean and sterile, we buy our chicken wrapped in plastic

    and never see the life it was or bother to give thanks in any way?

    Find a farmer tell him you are interested in helping out if you could come "time".

    Get your hands dirty with life.

    Know it as intimately as your soul is able.


    As for folks that don't dream

    I know some who don't dream?(or so they say)

    They are as troubled by the questions of life as much as anyone else.


    I have some strange beliefs.

    I believe anyone who drives should be able to build a car (yet, i can't!)

    I also believe anyone who alive should know what it is that goes into keeping them alive.

    If you eat a chicken you should be able to know well the egg that was laid and hatched

    the chick that grew into this chicken and you should also know how it feels to break it's neck.

    This is your food it was alive.

    Grow lettuce. Or an apple tree. or make bread.

    Know what's involved for you to keep breathing.

    Don't be so disconnected that you think You are the only living thing on this planet

    Like so many seem to think or at least how they act.



    (my "you" in all this is a generic you

    and not intended to be directed at any individual by the way!)



    Enjoy life!

    Don't worry, It's a sure thing. We are going to be dead all to soon.

    Me. You. Every friend. Any enemy. Cat Dog and Bird. Mother, father, stranger, cousin.

    No matter how long, in the scheme of things, it's not so far away.

    Lot's a choices to be made within every moment.

    Chose wisely if you can, and love it as best as able.

    enjoy life while we can keep breathing.


    Such a complex simplicity?


    Thank you for asking


    and reminding



    Shonton Ga

  5. Magic and mystery in Tibet by Alexandra David Neel !


    Have you read any of his other books?


    by Alexandra David-Neel

    the name of this one sounds good to me???







    Whoops, sorry for double posting like this!!!



    ... i like books :)


    Thanks for this thread!!!

  6. When the six directions are consumed by the pain of inner conflict, if there is potential for recovery, the mind and the spirit will surrender to the true gravity of the situation. It is what is done after this stage of turmoil that will decide the spiritual evolution of the subject, and whether or not she will become reoriented with the center of her experience and achieve the clarity to recognize the eternal state of constancy.

    It seems as though those who pursue wisdom are attempting to return to there infancy and reclaim an unconditioned frame of no-mind, an unstructured state of uninterrupted consciousness. The life process of the "practitioner" relies upon a continuum rather than a standard of extremes, where all experience, knowledge, wisdom, and intuition are interconnected, where love and hate, good and evil are the same and not at all. My awareness of the subtle truth is vague I know, as I distantly watch my feet deviate from the clear and simple path, the clouds in my eyes seem to be the fixed remnants of a sustained confusion, an accumulation of selfish colors that characterize the viscous struggle that is identity; that is the SELF. The futile efforts to preserve my ego; why cant I let it die? When it is threatened it thrashes in its cage, my stomach comes to a boil, and it will defend itself and survive. With each display of superiority further into the maelstrom of suffering I go, as the animal inside me resists and forces me to resist the turbulent current of surrender. Why cant I allow the conditioned, conceptual part of myself perish? Why cant I let go of perspective and embrace the Integral Oneness?


    because of something called "being human" ?




    Enjoyed reading that,

    thought provoking, thank you.


    Hope you enjoy it here!



  7. I learned a little about it by watching Borat. See 2:50...


    Everybody dance now!




    That Is Just So Wrong!


    Hi billb!

    Nice to meet you!


    Harmoniums are GREAT!!!


    Should be lots of places in NYC to check them out

    if you just want to listen and see what they are first

    before shellin' out a hundred and fifty bucks.

    Hear them used in Indian music alot.

    Have been to lots of yoga studios that at least one person there owned one, lol

    (have some stories about them but won't torture you all with them!)

    Have a friend in Ny who is a Rabbi who does wonderful Hebrew Kirtans!

    If your in the city I can let you know someplace he'll be playing.

    Krishna Das Is a great one to listen to also, know he plays a lot out in NYC.

    Sanskrita, Hindi, english singing along with it usually.

    They do have an Incredible feel to them!

    People use every instrument for "healing".

    Sometimes the person playing does just have an amazing gift and that's how it manifests.

    Sounds like it's worth checking out but, personally,

    if you hadn't heard one played(maybe you have),

    I'd want to check it out and see if you even like the thing first.

    If it sounds like fingernails on a chalk board...

    ... maybe go and find a didge player instead !!!




    Have fun either way!



  8. Maybe more of the same ...

    but am always happy to have a new president!


    No matter what i may have had to say,

    (am very opinionated you know?)

    I wish him lots of love and wisdom

    and a hell of a lot more luck!


    not a job I'd want anyone I love to have to suffer through?


    Peace kids!




  9. What is the new age movement?

    Anything that doesn't fit into any other classification?


    Or just any new idea?


    LOL, Kind of?


    Wiki says this :)


    It's a term that encompasses~ science, medicine, religions and philosophies.

    It tends to be old ideas and practices (newly discovered by some)

    that allow people to see things in a more holographic mode rather than "I/Me/Mine".

    If I went into all that it is I WILL offend Many.

    LOL, I wouldn't mind that but don't feel like having to keep up on posts

    with the limited time i get to spend on here!


    Not many new ideas that I've seen, LOL!


    Most are very old and have been practiced for ... ever?




    Most stuff that's heard about is very superficial .

    Was a post recently about chakras for instance(could of been a good thread?)

    was mentioning in it the "7 chakras"

    (He called it in the thread "the 7 house wife chakras", I think, LOL, thought that was great!)

    Was mentioning how many chakras there really are, inside and outside the body.

    Hundreds and hundreds! Think how old a science it is!

    But most folks hear there are 7.

    Rainbow colored at that!


    When there so many just focus on a few?

    There are many Good reasons to!

    Mostly it is for the learning though, so much easier to teach 7.

    Then if they start to investigate most folks will realize there is more going on.

    Start to find more than one spot for the heart chakra,

    it might be one of the 7 heart chakras or one of

    those 7's companion chakras... but most folks don't want to go that far into it.

    For those who don't

    just knowing the 7 "house wives chakras"

    is a life time of study in it's self if one wants it to be.



    LOL, a lot of new age stuff is just simple seeds.

    Plant them and some will grow deep roots of understanding.

    Others with fizzle out soon enough!

    Some grow distorted?

    Some blow in the wind and produce a plant never expected! :)


    These seed make for a good introduction for people.

    How far they want to go to learn and understand is up to each individual.



    It's a way for folks to try and find the common thread that connects us all

    and all to all.

    No different than what people have always searched for.




  10. LOL!

    Oh shoot!

    This is to hard to not reply to

    could go on for days and days and days!



    But this question is rather one sided also lets not forget.




    "So it seems at least to me that people dont like the new age movement.

    I was wondering what is wrong with it and what are the thought on this board about it?"


    The biggest problem with most "movements"

    is when folks get stuck and stop moving.

    (Not the movement it's self)


    Lot's of ways to see that.

    ... and, yup, that's probably how i mean it.

    Moving forward or back movement is growth.


    Stay well,


  11. hey guys thanks for the feedback


    so what about those days that you just can't get into it, ??



    Hello Wenwu

    Nice to meet you!





    how long do you spending in meditation?

    how strict are you on your timing?

    how do you cope with the times when you just can't get in to it?




    1. 2 hours of sitting at night seems to be relied upon, then whatever chance allows

    but some days no (defined) meditation, others times ... for days and nights.

    depending on the way of things.


    2. Am not strict about much of anything :D

    goes against this child's beliefs!

    People are strict(rigid?) enough, figure they might balance me out, lol? does that work?

    Life is to live, meditation is life and keeps this one going. Simple stuff, that.

    At time more seems to be needed to keep functioning,

    when all's well a little less is fine for maintenance.

    would say there is meditation both daily and nightly,as needed.


    C. Like mentioned, am not strict... much???

    not in time(no sense of it anyway.), not in method.

    If in the stage of learning something specific practice is more devoted.

    Have preferred methods that are employed depending on the nature of life but

    am Not limited in a technique, anything can be a meditation.



    2 hours meditation at night tend to have an effect of calming & stabilizing

    but also allowing me to function the next day since sleep is lacking, at best, that sitting is the supplement .

    (Innumerable meditations!?!)

    If not able to hardly stand, feeling like unable to move, or keep going, swallowing the sun works well.

    If not energy at all(need energy to do that) will take sun directly.

    When waiting for others tend to sit with a heart mudra, it relaxes the chest, face, neck head, then so much more! Leaves me peaceful rather than feeling ...? Postal?

    When walking among people

    (Be aware.)

    a meditation is to feel them

    a meditation is to feel the space around them

    a meditation is to make eye contact and stay centered no matter what is felt within you

    a meditation is to feel love then let that love be for a person you see, just as they are, just as you are

    a meditation is to walk through them with forgiveness(damn powerful.)

    a meditation is to feel your self between the earth and the sky

    and as practiced observe you own reactions.

    Observe the reactions around you.


    Meditation is an endless way of playing with life


    Have fun with it.

    Remain curious, it is forever unknown.



  12. on fresh baked salmon,

    celtic silver wisdom fish,

    rests my hungry eye.



    Rests my hungry eye.

    He jumped into the pan to fry!

    Hear the seagulls cry!!!



    (am seagull minded lately. It's weird? :unsure: Might have to go spend time with some tomorrow???)

  13. If it helps I find you much more helpful than MTS ever was




    My names seems to be up there ahead of both you guys?

    Ha Haa!! Would you look at that?!? :P



    Thanks Stig!


    ... um, So what does it all mean then?

    i don't really post that much??? do I???

    I gotta get off this thing, sheesh!


    and U folks just gotta post more!



  14. Wow, Shon, that was one helluva post! I'm standing beside myself at the vast chasm of knowledge I never knew

    you had. 'Course, I don't know anything so that would explain it.


    I am really leaning towards that same idea that everyone has their own experiences, BUT, there does seem to be

    loosely related similarities when it comes to energy centers. It does seem like some people feel them very

    specifically, and some people feel them in a general sense through the body. I find this to be interesting for

    some reason, but the crux of the reason I posted this is to analyse what these differences are (although it does

    not look to be the huge successful thread I had imagined when posting) because I think it is relevant towards

    understanding what we are experiencing since too often these experiences come with absolutely zero guidance,

    mainly due to the very fact that people, for some reason or another, do not like to discuss the details of their



    Btw, you're pretty cute. Are you single? Wanna go out? ;)



    LOL, Sure, sure!

    The next time I'm in california(never been!) I'll look you up, ;)

    We'll go get some tea!


    ... Your standing beside your self??? ... can you see your self?

    Can understand the energetic part of how to do that

    but to get down the physical aspect confuses me! ???

    (1/2 joking but part serious.)

    It's been a half arsed contemplation the past month or two for me!


    Your right there are certain predictable qualities for each chakra.

    My post was just so when folks say "I've been working with the heart chakra"

    They'll understand that yes, it will have do do with "love" but each of the 7 will be a little different.

    Granted with some overlap but still unique.

    So the experiences will be different depending on what they are up to!


    Should be a great topic, I agree! Hope I didn't scare folks away?!?



    Am off to work but will check back on this thread!

    Stay well,





    BTW? I don't know anything either!

    But I sure can be long winded about it all!!! LOL







    are the only ones I've found with any (little) useful information in them. maybe you know some that might be helpful, I'm looking particularly for sites dealing with the spiritual aspects of martial arts, and maybe some simple, useful, general advice that can come handy.


    any takers?


    Used to like Taichido a lot?

    It's a tai chi site run by Mark Allen, he's in GB, I think?

    Some good info, used to seem easer to navigate to me???: )

    How useful the info is is up to the person looking at it, LOL.


    Also goes into some Taoist and Buddhist stuff, has links to his other sites.


    This is a link to a page that has some good little(TINY!) animations

    might have to click on animation menu?



    Good luck in your search!




    As you can see, it is clearly not similar to what the New Age Housewive's depiction of The Chakras is. The heart chakra is actually where the heart is and the spleen chakra is introduced. The image also depicts a snake coiled around the heart which resembles the feeling behind my heart.


    I don't know what is supposed to happen when heart chakras open up. Probably the same ol' spiel of "bliss, enlightenment, love." etc, etc. Perhaps i have felt more of that lately than in the past, I can't gauge this given that i've gone clean and sober after all of this started. But i'm curious if anyone has ever heard of anything like this, or experienced anything like this?


    (Here is the full sequence of Gichtel's art if you're curious.)


    Leadbeater is an interesting dude.

    Check out more of his stuff!

    and on down the line J. Krishnamurti(the anti guru) is great !


    Thank you for sharing all this... very cool :)


    Not sure of the heart?

    don't remember it?

    ... the higher chakras Had some crazy experiences, LOL

    Indigo site, Thunderous explosions, and electrocution for examples of some.

    Most actually rather Fantastically, Captivatingly, Amazingly, Sucked!

    In a fun sorta tortuous way though!


    Never set much store to the pictures you typically see in the books.

    "The House wife" version, I think you mean, is the 7 main chakras most folks know.

    But even that can vary according to teachings and traditions.

    They are nice because they correlate with the endocrine system.

    Or with vertebra in the spine, folks understand them by color for better or worse!

    Makes it an easy way to teach about them.

    It's not wrong but it Sure Aint the whole story either, LOL!


    There are hundreds of chakras.

    They are inside and outside the body.

    How many stars are in the sky?

    The deeper you peer into space,

    does one become aware of more?

    Every joint is a chakra,

    just as every acupuncture point.

    Each can be worked with and connected in many ways.


    Think about it!

    Most folks know they have two eyes RIGHT???

    Some have heard of the "third eye"?

    It's the one between the eyebrows.

    A Few know or have heard the words "fifth eye".

    It's the one in the center of the forehead.

    Well in truth there are 7 eyes.

    Each with their own distinct qualities.

    Each with their own ways of seeing, experiencing.


    The heart it's self has 7,

    the crown is surrounded by 6( rather 6 outside ones more near the main one though).

    The hands express through three that I know of (which sure isn't saying much!LOL).

    and that's just on the palms (Makes for some very cool connections!)


    Think of it even if you go by the endocrine system ones (7 main house wives chakras???LOL)

    with that you can look at the 3rd chakra, the adrenals(LOL,the Yellow one)

    Well they sure are not part of the typical line of rainbow chakras you see pictured, are they?

    The adrenals are off to the side in the body and guess what?!? There are 2 of them!!!


    Depending on what your playing with you'll get some fun energy patterns going on!

    Take the little pet kundalini snake and watch her dance! :D


    Each of these hundreds of chakras will give you a different experience.

    Another way of being. This is a science. A very old one.

    One reasone folks may need a "guru" when working with this stuff

    is weird shit can go down depending on what's going on.

    And it sure does help when someone can look at you and know exactly what it is,

    what chakra, or companion chakra, and can "fix it" lol, for lack of a better word!


    So what I'm saying is

    You can see why there is confusion when it comes to the chakras for people.

    There are many schools of thought that simplify things just by focusing on a few of them.

    There are definite things associated with each chakra.

    Other chakras can share similarities but are still unique in and of themselves.

    And what YOU experience is your own experience.

    And what others experience is their own.

    What someone else has gone through may make for some cool stories but

    It Does Not Make their experiences a sign post for what you should have happen

    or even want to happen. It might? But I most likely won't.

    You would have to learn within the same thing the same way,

    the same system, same meditations on the same things, have the same teacher,

    and be connected energetically, for to improve the chances of having similar experiences.

    That's why they say stuff like "look within".


    It's fun to research but one can only know through experience.


    And Hyok, Your's sound VERY COOL!


    Thanks for sharing them!




    Oh by the way for how long this post is

    this is a super simplified explanation at best ,

    there is way way much more to it all, LOL!



    ans ps.

    Sorry this isn't just a pure goof ball post like I prefer to contribute! :(

    LOL, I do know about this stuff also by the way even though I don't like to admit it.

    The new age world has embittered me to many things. :P !@#$%^&*!@#$

    Got in a fight with a "fluffy-bunny" today about the color and growth of opals, Shoot, I can get mean???

    People gotta learn to do some research. GRRRRRRrrr. PURRrrrrrr, am better now!

    This is a bit of left over angst from my day today, lol, U poor things!



    Peace kids!


  17. Cheers m8t but please don't mail it to me (I've also had a few pm's cheers) While it's possible to get around customs :ph34r: it's tricky, and it's a prison sentence if they do decide to prosecute here in Aus :(


    If I was going to go to the trouble. I would be looking for a longer term solution or something via the domestic mail.


    Laws are annoying :)


    Every spot of land ...

    if stuff grows on it...

    can grow some beautiful or wildly strange plants...

    Think you should talk to some local herbalists

    (they usually seem to know? Know a few that went to school initially

    just to learn to grow bigger better more effective bunches,??? .)

    and see what's available from the land you live on.


    Of course some herbs make great salads, :D

    some just simply flup you up, :wacko:

    others just plain kill ya. ^_^


    So learn as much as you can before chewing/smoking local foliage.

    and take care on your journey, ok?


  18. Xcuse me there, miss, but what does PUA mean? and will I be sorry I asked?


    I think In another post I may have said it means

    Particularly Unbelievably Artistic but that isn't it :D


    In this case it means Pick Up Artist


    PUA ='s Pick Up Artist


    and some are artists

    and some a finger painters

    and some know how to sell the finger paintings?



    Peace kids!

  19. :lol:


    This for me, is the highlight of this thread! And Lin's perspective which was thought provoking. The rest of it has me wondering what the heck I'm doing here. :blink: Just a newb here and all, but I find this whole pick up artist deal to be disturbing and...creepy. Anyone got a bottle of brain bleach kicking around?


    Brain Bleach! :D

    Makes your whites bright &

    Brightens that grey matter Right up!


    Welcome Sound Hunter!

    Yeah there can be some far out stuff on here.

    Some of it more than others.

    You start to see trends pretty fast and recognize different posters and what their/our particular bent is.

    Can be fun to see, to watch things as they rise and fall but not get caught up by them.

    I'd be apt to agree about most PUA stuff but that's me!


    It is still a philosophy that folks can put into practice,

    and a large body of knowledge ... How folks use that knowledge is another story.

    Have a "friend" who goes all over lecturing and giving workshops on this "PUA" stuff.

    He is extremely cute. Beautiful, nice on the eyes. His nickname starts with the word "Evil" for a reason.

    He is a manipulative shit! He is a "kung fu brother" of mine, and I love him but he is still a little shit.

    Would never let any women I know near him!!!


    But the ways things are said and done do have Purpose.

    Can be practiced in many facets of life ... not just sex (imagine that, boys!)

    Don't hear much about that though, huh?

    I still don't like PUA's or PUA stuff like I said though that's me :P

    But even in the craziest thread here, in the weirdest places,

    you might find, there is some cool wisdom to be gleamed!


    Think about it? If we could "sell" ourselves using this PUA Shlop

    We can make a fortune on this "mind bleach" , LOL! B)


    Lin's posts were good to see, It's not a view thats often spoken of or realized for many.

    Glad he put that up here.


    Stay well, Shon

  20. I wish I would have read this thread before I listened to his relationship advice MP3 last week. I figured a PUA with a chakra angle couldn't be that bad but the guy is pretty bad.... actually he's pretty sick. After listening to him I was so disgusted I looked him up online and found all the evil stuff about him. Crud... now how do I erase all his evil funk from my mind..... :angry:


    OOoOooOI Know!!!




    First ...

    Take it out and smudge it,

    then soak it in some salt water, make sure you use pure sea salt or the pink Himalayan verity,

    then leave it in the moonlight when the planets are correctly aligned

    and then in the sunlight ... but don't do those last two at the same time, use extreme caution!

    Things get tough when left in the sun for to long, remember You Don't want "Brain Jerky"!

    If that happens though it's ok, just take your fingers, add some pure olive oil,

    and massage it a little or a tenderizer/hammer works wonders also!

    Then bless it after reintroducing it in the four directions

    and naming it for clearer communications

    and snugly planting a nicely terminated clear quartz crystal into it's center.

    (don't mind the aliens talking to you, they are friendly... sometimes)

    You may get a shock from this but thats ok

    your pain center of the brain should probably be unfunctioning still?

    Then just Plop it back in and shut the lid!


    WaaLaa! Beautiful!


    Peace Dudes!




    *Um, The elements of truth that may have been abused in this post are not meant to offend

    or steer anyone to or away from any modality of choice ... If you knew me you would see

    that this is just a normal day at work for me, lol??? Your lucky :P this is a free consultation!


    and Darin, U Must Know by now not to take my advice, right???

    Leave the brain as it is... ^_^

    It will all be ok!

    LOL Hope I didn't add to it now!


    *this post has been cut down to 1/3rd of it's original blasphemy for all of your convenience!