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Posts posted by shontonga

  1. Haha!

    This is just like being back in the school yard!

    Love it!

    Folks change so much as "they" grow up!

    What a bunch of freaks.




    Should be some black eyes soon!




    WHO'S IN?


    Would hope these things would be dealt with as children

    so adults can get on and enjoy their short little lives.

    Except for the few who chose to ascend ,

    we'll all be dead soon.

    Me and you. (LOL, Unless???)

    Enjoy each other!

    No matter how long it really ain't that long!


    Grow up

    Some folks are assholes.

    Fire burns.

    Waters wet.

    It's their nature.



    There are those in charge of the site.

    If harm was perceived to be done.

    They have accepted responsibility

    to figure a remedy as they see fit.

    Allow them to do their job, take it up with them.


    Or just keep the fires burning.


    Either way.


    What more.


    Meanwhile I'm glad to hold the cash for the bets!


    ...don't mind that my memory is bad and I wander off at times.

    I'll come back ... eventually .


    Ps. Those hugs are all a bit freakish

    and scary as heck.


    *edited fer spellin' ... then couldn't leave well enough alone ... again!

  2. Amen brother.......


    I heard a good saying, "Your not as old as you feel, your as old as the girls you feel."



    :o *Gasp!*



    ...I have it in my mind that he's such a good kid!?!



    Smell bothered me real bad at times while being a veggie person?


    Never ate bacon until a few years ago.

    Now would say it is a piece of heaven indeed!

    Though, yes, one can have to much of a good thing!

    eat it rarely now a days.

    Do love the smell of it :D

    My grandma and all the older folks in my life always used to cook with it,

    there houses always smelt warm and welcoming.

    There was always a pot on the stove waiting to be used.


    Bacon is a "god" of memories!


    Stay well,




    edited fer spellin' stuff : (

  3. Hello All,


    Here is a question I asked my teacher in the practice log that he is helping me to create. I've been going for about a year now, very glad to have started. Anyway, i thought it would be interesting to see your opinions.


    a little explanation: 'Low Horse' is holding a low horse stance with the arms raised above and in front of the head, hands meeting at thumbs and and index tips.

    CTS is Connective Tissue System (ligaments, etc.)


    this is an active practice day, the minimum is 20 minutes of meditation or a slow passage through the form.


    please comment,

    302 - 19 Oct

    Low Horse: 2:10


    pushups: fingerpad on same wood floor: 10 before hand posture collapse


    crunches: holding V: 60 count


    form: 16:12 'objectively' short, but it felt great! Balance was greater than usual, posture stayed longer - felt smooth over the bumps on the ground on which i was moving...workout before form seems to improve form. Because it gets the body awake? Does the CTS need to be 'woken' up? Does it get stronger when challenged?



    Way wanderin' one!


    Some questions for ya?


    Is it the practice log you've been doing for a year?

    Think you had said in another post you've been studying martial arts and all a bit longer, right?

    Dose your teacher talk to you about CTS? lol... am jealous : )


    What do the #'s and all mean?

    302- ? 19 oct.

    16:12? the amount of time you did the form?


    Active practice day?

    Are some based more on like a still meditation or do you alternate days you practice?


    Would be interested in reading more of your practice log,

    I also practice an old yang style, with friends who are very into the martial!

    ... that's what hooked me, too! :D


    U do push hands?

    U should do push hands every day!!!

    I am sure there are some classmates that would love such a form of entertainment.

    I mean practice, of coarse!


    You may want to send a note off to Sean.

    Good guy, runs this site ( i think with others, Yoda helps too, maybe?)

    But ask him to set you up with a practice log!

    Not many folks chech out the lobby for some odd reason?

    Don't get it?

    but if you put this in a journal/practice log folks may be more apt to see it!


    Can also try posting it in the "Taoist Discussion" section.


    Have fun,

    Stay well,

    practice your Tui Shu!!!







    enjoy the Bum's!

  4. Do not seek from others

    They are far distant from me

    Now I will go on alone

    Everywhere I encounter him

    Right now he is me

    Right now I am not him

    One must understand this way

    Only then does one merge with Thusness.


    Tung-shan's Enlightment Verse from The Record of Pointing at the Moon

    Quoted in Working Towards Enlightenment p 245


    Getting towards the end of this book, at last :) Thought people may enjoy this verse.


    I was tempted to change him to it or the true self as I found him a bit exclusive, but as you can see I left it as quoted. There is also a nice little one page explanation that I could run through the scanner if anyone is interested.



    Do like that.

    Thank you Mal .

    Easy enough to understand weather "He" or otherwise,

    not exclusive at all, I don't think?

    sweet verse.

    Good timing, too, kid.





    You like the book it came from?

  5. I want to get my ashes turned into a diamond B)

    Although, surfing for a link, I found out that you can also turn your ashes into ~250 graphite pencils ..........




    That's great!

    U know How many people you could be of service to!

    Or? ... i guesss that might depend on what's written though?



    U don't have to die to be turned to stone by the way :D

    any carbon will do you see ...

    Hair works.

    Makes a different color stone I think, than a, um, body.

    Forget how much is needed ?

    but you have a family, right!

    Save your hair, save the kids hair, the dogs, cats, what-have-you,

    and you might just get one big crazy stone!


    Good luck!






  6. So I have been musing upon "Initiation" by Elisabeth Haich which she says is about her journey through several lifetimes including one of being extremely spiritually high born in Egypt.


    She said that she attained a vey high level spiritually studying directly under an avatar but she said she gained too much while too young and she totally crashed hard as an adolescent and nuked her tuned nervous system.


    She got mummified which she said was the ultimate drag as her pissed off Ka had to sit there for a *very* long time pondering her dumb mistake and she wished that they had just thrown her in the Nile for the crocs to eat so her Ka could be released... it was the ultimate imprisonment experience by her account.


    In the Hindu perspective, they prefer cremation/animal consumption of the body for this reason. It's my understanding that the Tibetans leave the bodies out for the birds and dogs except occationally for a very high lama. But I've heard different things about the Tibetans. Generally, they go for cremation if available from what I understand.


    It's my understanding that mummification is cool for the spiritually awakened or the "on the path" type but I have huge doubts as to whether it's a good idea for a normal person or a crashed initiate like Elisabeth Haich said she was.


    So occultist, JM Greer says that the modern embalming techniques use substances that are toxic and repellent to the etheric body, so "Ka clinginess" or related vampiric peskiness isn't an issue in today's world. That seems to make sense to me and I haven't noticed lots of etheric body pollution out and about.


    But then again, I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed and would like other opinions on this.





    Always wanted to be left in a tree...would suit me well.

    Sky burial sounds nice

    but there are also "green" burial grounds here in the U.S.A.

    Not sure how that would effect said "ka" ? Curious though.

    Maybe those would be more interesting haunted grounds

    for folks to go and meditate ... haven't tried it?

    Only G. Yards i go to are here in town where my family is

    and only on a certain day of the year at that if, i can help it!

    Cremation sounds good though am not sure if i really like Fire all that much! :)

    but cremation into "phenix diamond" would be cool?

    Like stones !


    and it takes up much less room?

    and is kinda pretty for a dead thing! :D

    Do wounder how it's connected to spirit though?

    Haven't seen one in person yet?


    Stay well!



  7. :)

    great questions.


    Seems true, seems true.


    Never been extremely social, lol!

    Am a hermit by nature and by choice!

    Left the "seen" the day of high school graduation,was never really there anyway!

    Was the best thing about graduating! Most folks from back then I see only in passing

    ... memory sucks... don't even usually recognize them. Sometimes they know me?

    I was just there to get out of there! Was often among the missing in school... had rather been outside!

    Would still rather be outside!!!


    This life is odd in many ways, lots not understood by many "normal???" folks.

    There is small handful of good friends who come and pull me out of my cave once in awhile.

    We go have supper or breakfast or something, they know I'll want to take off soon :) , my truck is near !

    And have other friends that I get to practice with once in awhile, wish it was more often!

    They've been friends for a long time, we carry each other's history in a sense.

    If we don't see each other for a few years we can still pick up like there was no lapse in time!


    Have been a "real" hermit at different points in my life with no more than 5 people regularly in my days.

    In truth it was more like 2 or 3. But as good as it was and as much as was learned from it,

    I wasn't learning enough!!! Me not learning is a sure key to getting depressed !

    Need feed back and inspiration and knowledge and stories and smiles and maybe a hug once in a while?

    It's a reason for me to work with the public now (NO! Not the hugs!!!).

    Work with energy. Earns me a paycheck and I get a lot of feed back, learn a lot.

    Have heard it all by now i think,LOL. Don't even blink when someone says they have a "strange" question!

    and seen more than anyone in there right mind would believe, Hahaha, It's a daily thing.


    The more you work with energy the more you perceive it. The more you learn to allow

    or not allow it to effect you? It will teach you. Sometimes like it or not!

    ... am not always so graceful about learning on this end :)

    There is tricks for everything though, worth talking about and sharing them.

    What works for one might not work for another but if you just tweek it a little, the right way for you,

    and it could be a life saver! I like to learn and teach through foolishness :P


    Also don't drink. Don't smoke. Don't like being around it. Won't be around it if I have a choice.

    Have had some training where it is REQUIRED. So there are times that i do.

    Only ever smoked in prayer.(and no, no wackytabacky.) And rarely have more than two sips of any alcohol.

    Worse than drunks are the folks that act drunk as soon as you put a beer in their hand. Can't stand that.

    You want to hear how foul mouthed I can be!?! :D I do have some talent! ...and Pride for that talent!


    At this stage in the game it is important for me to be around folks with similar (crazy?) ways.

    Whatever way that is for them. Peoples spirituality and where they find it is important to me.

    Growth inspires growth sometimes. Come winter the pull to withdraw is greater, during warmer weather

    what is learned is shared and put into action more. There are seasons for things, i find?


    Sweet dreams,

    Sorry for rambling before sleep,LOL,





    Thank you .


    Oh, and I'm *cough*anoldlady*cough*of34*Cough*ithink?

    That cough kinda hurts :blink:



  8. I just wanted to let the forum people know that either my teacher

    is for real and has his teacher still with him, or he is being lost in the psychotic episodes of energy work. I

    think he is really in contact with his master.



    Not sure if anyone mentioned it yet or not,

    i just skimmed quickly and will check back as time allows,

    but it's one of the reasons "Lineage" is so FLIPPIN' important

    among some (many) traditions.(not only martial arts!!!)

    If a student mucks up, there is someone responsible

    even if the student is unable to be.

    This responsibility is never taken lightly,

    and is multi generational.

    Continues on.

    It's not unusual.

    but is expected among some.

    many folks work with the help of their "ancestors" (teachers/family/you-word-here)


    ...but then again, I don't know your teacher!


    there is a lot of wackadoos out there :D

    I seem to repeat it a lot on these pages but always listen to yourself.

    Don't be disrespectful but take everything with a bit of salt.

    Question and stay curious, be a watcher always,

    and enjoy!


    Good luck Dragonfire,

    Stay well,


  9. What was in the wine?

    Valpolicella? Asti?

    Maybe frizzante.


    Whatever's in it

    It tastes like water after

    Jesus has changed it.




    Jesus has changed it.

    My Steak!... He did it again :(

    Want some bread and fish?

  10. Thanks for the welcome.


    That's a very happy looking danbian you've got going on there.



    UhOh? danbian?

    What's that???

    Single whip!



    Hi Nate!!!


    What do you study?

    tai chi? What style!


    ... I love his avatar too!

    Makes me smile every time i see it!


    Stay well,

    Hope you have fun here!





  11. My dear fellow travelers,


    Looking forward to learning from all of you.


    Thank you.

    good reminder that shouldn't need to be reminded,

    but seems so easy to forget!



    thank you.


    Nice to meet you!




  12. late, late, late again.

    Impossible! imagine;

    why time and when date?




    late, late, late again

    neurons shredding memories

    why time and when date?



    why time and when date?

    long time we've been on this date?

    Come home far to late!

  13. A friend recommended this forum as a place to learn and share.


    I've been practicing for about 5 months now. Went from being a full-blown Atheist to... i don't know what anymore! But I am certain now that there is A LOT more than meets the eye.


    Hope to learn and share while on here. Thanks! :)


    Hey Hyok!

    Welcome, hope u are inspired by it all here!

    Can get a bit wild, but a nice bunch of bum's here!




    ... As in hyoka/heyoka?

    ... a path enjoyed?

    My name is Shonton Ga, but go by shon!

    Nice to meet you!


    Stay well!

  14. any non-too-mystical way of learning about dragons and dragon 'worship' (is that even a good term to use? can't think of a more delicate description. (apologies))

    in a kind of hands on way and far from misleading. (yes i am asking 'much', but what is much but good standards?)


    any serious tips at all? (private message would be okay if it's too silly for some to bare, but would be good if it could be open without ridicule for some time.)




    Not sure if this sounds like ridicule

    not meant as such though.


    very simplified way maybe?

    Know there are others out there but this is one easily done, i think?


    Go buy a lizard.

    ...granted it's not a dragon, is it. But maybe it's hard to find a dragon when you need one?

    And Love it.

    ... what better way to learn about worship than through love?


    Also just plain research.

    Every culture has "dragons" of some form.

    Look at the Mayan or is it Aztec culture.

    Look at European, Asian cultures.

    Native american Thunder Birds are said to be dragons.

    Just like Asian dragons one never would see a whole one!

    Look at old pottery/paintings and you'll see parts of the dragon

    are always missing or covered in clouds. Hidden in some way out of respect(love/fear?)

    It's said if one sees a whole dragon, or Thunder Bird, one is no longer

    walking in This same world.


    Read old tails about them. The old tails. The folk tails.

    And there very well be some new tails that will intrigue?

    See what is carried over through the different cultures.

    Think it could lead to a whole lot of other study that one may Love also!



    think of the diffrent animals that (Not sure how to word this?) combine as Dragon.

    Study the "nature"/spirit of each one.


    lot's to learn there ... for all of us.


    Good luck in your search

    If you where here in person would have much more to say

    but it would be pages and pages on the computer!

    looking forward to what others have to say too!

    Bet there is some very valuable info out there, too,

    Maybe even stories? :D


    Stay well,


  15. interested smile.


    ... that's a good friend by the way to be willing to sit and be filmed




    1. how do you experience the energy yourself at that moment?

    With in them, within you?

    Do you feel it enter, do you catch "feed back", depth that it goes or anything, texture?


    2. Do your own hands show anything after doing a projection like that?

    If it's a "prolonged" projection any difference ? ...asking because i end up with inside out burns/blisters

    and am unsure about a bunch of stuff : ) and it ... kinda can freak me out a little.

    Afraid to burn someone else ... very much so actually.



    Thanks for any feedback, appreciate it.

    Have lots more questions for you but will leave it at this for now!

    Thank you for being willing to share that.


    Stay well,


  16. So I keep hearing about the so called dangers of doing these practices and while I have practice qigong I dont anymore and have for a few years been practicing internal only, ie neigung. I just started this topic to get view from different people as to the horrible dangers involved with these methods, seeing as how old people start doing this on cruises I thought "Wow, this can be damn deadly". It makes sense too. Old people who are out of shape, in shape and just plain old, start doing these deadly cultivating arts and are fine so I ask, how dangerous can they be? I can speak personally on neigong and say that it's about as dangerous as a kitten. A sleeping kitten.




    it's about as dangerous as a kitten. A sleeping kitten.

    ... shoved up ones nose sideways!

    Anything done without (at times with) awareness can be "dangerous"

    Energy stuff is no different...think of electricity

    have a child go play with an outlet.

    Hopefully there is an "adult" to steer them away from such potentially "dangerous" behavior?


    If one is playing with thing one doesn't understand

    it is better to have a "teacher" or at least a good friend one can bounce things off of.


    Here's some M80's!

    Go play kids!

    Have fun!




    Don't forget the matches!






    wish i could give you a window for you to see some of the shit i see folks messing with daily and the effects these things can have. Lots are long term. Some quick fixes. Not many around willing to speak of the other side of balance,lol.It sure doesn't sell yoga mats! or Chakra pendants! or workshops with your favorite master on an old persons cruise!




    Accepted/acknowledged "Facts" aren't always truth.



    Stay present

    stay aware

    Bliss yourself out to kingdom come but don't forget to keep your feet on the ground!


    * This isn't directed at anyone individually

    easy enough to research this stuff

    Shoot just look up the effects of kundalini : )

  17. You've got some great advice here, Pranaman !


    As a real book lover, it's so hard ... but I have to agree with what's been said already!

    You can take any move and break it down. Further and further and even further.

    and "hold" it, feel(learn) the alignments, the places and spaces your joints are opened and closed,

    If you only chose to hold postures you will experiences things that could never be written!

    ... things there are No words to describe(though we still try to,LOL!)!

    Wether you study anatomy and physiology, acupuncture, energetic anatomy, or trees!

    Makes no difference. This is stuff I think, you Want to Experience for yourself :)


    A Trick.

    Always ask questions.

    then more questions

    and even more questions!

    Don't believe anything on blind faith ... even from yourself,lol!

    Not to be disrespectful of a teacher or anyone, but listen and investigate.

    Remain curious always!!!


    Working with others is KEY.

    Once you think you have a posture down, have someone who will test it on you.

    An easy way is to have a person push gently on you as you hold a pose.

    If it collapses, figure out why. Try again.

    Don't use "brute" force. If the structure is correct it should hold.

    If it collapses try opening other joints or putting the tai chi principals into action.

    Or try not to put them into action and see what happens!

    If you can find someone to practice with outside of class, I'd highly recommend it!

    Then if you think you are pretty close and ask a teacher to test it even better!

    and above all else have fun with it. U learn more and are happier to continue on

    if it's something you enjoy.


    Good luck, Stay well!



    Did you find a staff?
