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Everything posted by shontonga

  1. Haiku Chain

    Without a worm-whole this apple is less than fine! Look! The other half.
  2. Keris any one own one?

    Hi Santiago! Don't have one , so sad. Like blades though! those are those big guys ? sometimes they have a wavy blade, right? How do you use it? Like do U use it in a martial art form or just enjoy it hanging on your wall? Have it in my mind that I would love to do some forging at some point, make some blades. Love cable damascus would be fun to make a Keris out of that! Damascus blade, with tiger maple handle, inlayed with silver wire or set some stones into it? ... I can see it . Sure. Of course I'm just dreaming and all but... could happen! take me a long time just to learn to forge the blade the way i'd like! What do your Keris' look like? are they heavy things? Peace! Shon
  3. The God Who Wasn't There

    Forget the book of Mormons (for now). You Gotta Read "Lamb" the story of Jesus' best childhood friend~Biff. Funny as hell. But interesting also! Fast book can be read in a night. Anyone interested in Jesus had aught to check it out. and those not interested, too! Tells of his childhood the missing years. How he learned to meditate learned kung fu all kinds of stuff! got this brining the dead back to life thing down... the kinds of stuff you just mentioned. great foolishly interesting book. I read it as homework for tai chi ... didn't think i would think twice about it. It's pitiful how often i recommend it! LOL. Shon
  4. Haiku Chain

    Did i drop some acid? Is that why your Glowing! WOW. Living lights in Blue!
  5. The God Who Wasn't There

    LOL Hi James! Has me wondering more if it's a selling point? Ya know, even bad publicity is good publicity, kind of thing? Lot's of folks would see the word "Heresy" and (ok. this may get me in trouble. but no offense intended!) America was/is pretty much built by the hands of "Heretics and rebels" (and Loving mommas!) Something about reading the word is more apt to peak our curiosity! Make our subconscious pick up on it and say"Oh? What's that?" otherwise lots of folks may not even consider looking at "another God thing"! The word may be more of a juicy tidbit Not that i agree od disagree with that thinking, just some thoughts for ya! I like God things! OK. Do I have to stand before a firing line now? PEACE! Shon
  6. Taijiquan roll call!

    Not sure 'fanatic' is the word...but everything that's done is tai chi ! 24, 7, every moment. Always what underlies the thoughts... ok, well maybe fanatic is the word? but would hope a fanatic would be Much better at it all than i am! LOL. Old Yang Lu Chaun Style , told it's close to chen styles? Long and short forms ... with a little kung fu staff and circle walking thrown in for good luck. and whatever else catches my eyes! Did(very basic!) Bagua, some kung fu to better understand tai chi . Same reason laundry gets folded, teeth get brushed, dinner get's made, and what-have-you. fanatic might be the perfect word? am off to practice! Going to go play with the thunder and lightning! Shon Have fun!
  7. Shank918 here

    Hey Shank! How are you? Have fun here! Shon
  8. how do i escape?

    go to sleep ? LOL! Great. Am listening to him right now I like his voice. and he does give some stuff to think on! Eric23 ~ Love the poem, have sent it on! Such great heartfelt advice from all. Hope some of it helps/clicks Rainbow! think someone said there's no escape! Enjoy it for what it is. Sometimes it's Pure Hell! be intimate with it, stay present! Sometimes it's bliss, It's all a study of comparisons! If you stay with it (u are it) Present with it/u then there is nothing to compare! (i am telling my self also! ) Peace ! Shon ... Is there spiders in this hole??? I so Don't Want to sleep with spiders!!!
  9. What is Flapping?

    LOL,Love it , thanks!
  10. So many things, what do do first

    As a child (long,long,ago ... back when the dirt was still mountains!) if anything was wrong my Mom would send me outside to sit under a tree. (Yes. She was probably OVERWHELMED by a bunch of kids/animals running around driving her crazy!!!) Still works well and recommend it a lot to folks that come to me. Get some good feed back about it. Great stillness practice. Just sit. simple. when you start something like that the rest will fall into place. You might find yourself getting lost in your thoughts? Or paying attention to all the noise around you! or within you? or to what you feel. or something different each time. Some folks like things much, much more structured, there is a place for that also! To do something around the same time every day can make it much easier to do and sometimes "stronger". To practice the same technique again and again may make you learn it inside and out. ... but watch it, there is also the chance of letting it become a dead technique. I.E. a Habit void of "energy"... empty. So to keep feeling things, pay attention, use intention, and to enjoy your emotions in all that they are is a part of it all, i think. that make any semblance of sense? Others can say what i would like to better so I'll let them! Just sit/stand/lay and have fun! Just be. ... just watch yourself be! Peace! Shon
  11. Are you tired of kunlun too?

    Have to admit was wondering when i joined if they were affiliated somehow ? Couldn't figure it out! Every other post was about Kunlun! Had only started to hear about it about a year ago, there was a brief flare up goin' on, kind of underground, in some of the "communities"(newagers) around here. Then it all died down again. folks have moved on to other stuff. Then I came to this group and it was EVERYWHERE!!! Was surprised. It sounds interesting ? Still don't get how it's any different than lot of other stuff out there but then again, have had a strange life so ... Glad You folks are having fun with it all. and learning . and communicating . So important to share experiences. Sure does get overwhelming though! Would be nice to see it a little more contained in it's own section for those that are still "considered outdoor students". Peace! It's nice out doors ! Enjoy it, Treasure it! ... That's where I tend to meet the most interesting of "Teachers"! Shon
  12. Hello

    Hi Teddy, I Have Enjoyed your questions so far! keep firing! Shon Welcome!
  13. New Member

    Hi Scadder! Will enjoy what you have to share! Shon welcome!
  14. New Member Greetings from Northern California

    OooI'd Like to pick your brain, I'm sure But have to think of some questions for you first! What's yer favorite thing you've learned this year? in school or otherwise! Enjoy ! Shon
  15. Greetings

    Hi! Shon
  16. Hello

    Hello 安永樂 ! ... i don't know what that says but welcome! Shon
  17. Haiku Chain

    Spring rain falls, roots sprout Leathery leaves open wide to play in the wind
  18. New, Albuquerque/Austin..

    Hello! Yer a lurker, Dude! Good to meet you! What kind of studying thing ? Sounds like a good life, within this child there's a simplistic longing for simplicity. Hope your Cello/erhu Has a voice sweet as the wind!!! and as passionate! Peace! Shon How did u learn to play Erhu? self taught ? just by playing with it? I play flute but mostly just make noise it's not the flutes falt! nice to meet you Randall!
  19. Hello From China

    am glad for that !
  20. What is the Most Important Thing?

    Oh, How I've enjoyed reading all of your answers! Great. Thank you all for replying so i could see them a little clearer ! Shon Like this too! terrific quote Anette L. ! -------------------- "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children."
  21. from france

    Hi Reg! Welcome! Shon
  22. Hello From China

    Hi! Hope all those you know and love are safe with all that's gone on recently. Stay well, Shon welcome
  23. Wasssssuuuup from California

    OH,What fun ! Welcome!
  24. Hi!

    Hi Tongko Song ! Have fun!
  25. Good day!

    Hi Jim! Love books too ! But not moving them! Enjoy your travels! Shon