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Everything posted by shontonga

  1. Haiku Chain

    greedy men, greedy... tortured to death ... spiked wheel. Child, martyr, saint.
  2. Powering down

    LOL, Have said before ... What could possibly be more feminine than water! She is a sweetheart. Yes Trains hard ... and she can kick! So watch out you boyos! LOL!
  3. Becoming a psychopomp

    If you have questions, you can pm me if you like, Boken. am born the same. Most don't "become" but already are, though not always. The best thing one can do is just stay present. Anyone who does psychopomp work will have their own way of doing things, no two folks the same way. Otherwise it just get's into playing with hearsay, not actual practice. And how you experience such things will be nothing like anything one could read, just the way of it. Sorry didn't read any further than this post, but will come back to it as time allows. Stay well, Shon
  4. Newbie Introduction

    LOL, Welcome 5ET! Have fun, kids!
  5. What's the demo?

    Tangy? Ya like it thick enough to stick a wick! Uughh ... tangy yack butter ... i am now ill. Enjoy your tea! I got a bag of black with me, got a cup and some milk : ) The water hot? Be fun to hear what you see here! Enjoy your stay walker! ... may need some coffee for Darin? Hot chocolate? Somethinsomthin on rocks? NO TANGY YACK!!! Enjoy!
  6. i need a staff

    Can you get one from your teacher? Almost better to feel one before you buy it! If your teacher doesn't have one they should be able to recommend a place? Maybe another school near by(if not stepping on any toes by doing that?) Lot's of places online but try locally, saves on shipping! You want a staff you can work with, not one that just looks pretty, it will be your partner, try it out first see what feels Good to you : ) I have a very heavy one right now ... i recommend a very light one! LOL, might hurt less!?! Stay well Pranaman!
  7. Haiku Chain

    Who can tell us why? Asked the cute pink nosed mew cat! Such a Cute Kitty!!!
  8. Haiku Chain

    both/and will transform in darkness we open eyes Where no eyes can see
  9. Haiku Chain

    where birdsongs echoes in an old broken down heart a flower is laid
  10. Haiku Chain

    essence and all things daisys, bugs, stars ... Venus, Mercury, Mars! Sweet heart of silance.
  11. Haiku Chain

    Or is sap raising? Yup. An english professor! Don't spell badly Now!
  12. "Special Abilities"

    Could be if someone has the ability, are you aware not all do? Bad grammar doesn't show the opposite? Accept that folks are usually doing the best they can. Have seen a few people here get attract on the tao bums because of grammar and writing skills. That's REAL Taoist. Good form whatever path you follow. How many artists can't write! ... or doctors for that matter. You can prove your own credibility with your own writing/speaking. Don't leave others afraid or worried about speaking their thoughts. Talk about stupidity. Might have a chance to learn something if ya just listen? Town next to mine shares the language of "De's and Dem's and Doe's" If one doesn't know the language, your not from there! Good reason to get a tail kicked in ways one wouldn't recover. One might consider the events "un harmonious" ? Glad folks here are so high and mighty about SUCH IMPORTANT STUFF That folks get chased away by "you" or only will speak through pm's. Real nice of the Bum's. So inteligent. Ego free, lmfao. Nicely polished ego's folks got. No judgments flying about here. Nope it's not a case of either or other ... until folks get attract and as a result censored. How many times are you guys going to repeat this little play your putting on? and at what loss? Must be nice to already know everything so you don't care to listen to others. Sorry to do this in your thread Rhps73189, my apologies. If it was the first time it was seen, would let it slide. But guess I have let it slide a few times and that was wrong? If I had heads near I would knock them together. Afraid my words are meaningless though. There loss. Won't post anymore of this nonsense in your thread.
  13. "Special Abilities"

    As someone who can't spell/write for shit! I think you write fine and am enjoying your thread! Good questions, others will also fine benefit in, i think. Would rather read something posted with good heart, rather than good grammar, LOL! Keep it up! Shon
  14. what use does this have?

    BLEHHH! didn't feel sick before? thanks mantis. ... downright horrifying at this point in time! ... maybe for breakfast? Who's with me!!! (no.)
  15. Haiku Chain

    A breeze cools bald head. Phrenology! Bumps I see! A man of keen sight!
  16. leg tightness and cramp

    Magnesium is something that helps me a lot with that stuff and epsom salt baths ... guys should take more baths? Good for ya and just plain feel nice! Also, with standing, it is a part of it. To learn to relax through tension, to be relaxing, once it clears up in one spot lots of times you'll find it in another. It's kind of a desolving practice to just do it, watch it, BREATH, let your flesh hang loose on the bones. Re-lax-ing. There are reasons you don't keep your body tense when your doing it. That's another form of practice like iron body or some such. And to stick with it beyond the point you can't last any longer teaches so Much!!! It's hell. It's training. Tortuously, torturously, good fun, Enjoy! Hope it gets better fast! Mind set does influences a lot, too, you know! It just starts to get interesting at 15 min. to me, that's when I start to see a lot with standing? Not sure about it for other folks though? But RELAX ! Good luck Shon
  17. Haiku Chain

    is It Dreaming Me? This amazing hurricane? I love a good storm!
  18. Haiku Chain

    The tide ebbs & flows You can hear it so clearly The shell to your ear
  19. end of the world in 5 days?

    Ooo. Had been to phoenix. Scary. The parts I accidentally ended up in anyway! ... told there's nice parts but not interested in finding out now! Don't know where I was but Knew I did Not want to be there. (No offense intended by that!) Will be up in Sedona 10-17th : ) Get together with a group of friends up there. Do some tai chi workshops. It's a yearly get thing they do, been going on 15 or more years, I think? I've only been a couple times though. Can't wait!!! Push hands heaven! Have fun in San Diego! Hope You get to do some good things while your there! Shon Yes. agree about the living thing, LOL, it Is a good thing!
  20. Haiku Chain

    A BEeR wLlL dO tOO! WHeN WE're aT thE ZoO, WOoHoO! LetS Go FEed LIonS! (arn'tchya glad i don't drink,LOL!)
  21. end of the world in 5 days?

    WHOOHOO! I'LL BE IN AZ.! WHAT A PLACE TO DIE! Or live? either way I guess? Just read this. "Unfortunately we'll still have to go to work after this one is done... bummer!" Awwmannnn. Have fun!
  22. Portable Video Game

    Agree! This is the nearest I've found to a game Good but helps to have some prier knowledge. This is a good site by the way. There used to be a site that asked new questions daily but it disappeared ? Even the cd's I've had don't have anything cool like that on them Would think with all the handheld computerish things there would have to be one? U know how many weird applications U can get for those "I phones" ... or facebook for that matter? Had found one on "Do in" at one point, very basic, but it was just so bad. If any are found please keep me in the loop! I want to learn : ( Shon thank you! LOL,Um? Hey? looking for some info on "Chi Yun Hsueh" (energy that connects the meridians) Any thing would be good! Just starting this investigation, though!
  23. The Taoist Mystic

    LOL! Hello Wolf! Funny the little bickering flickering arguments that Seems to be swirling around here! Ankle biters! like those pesky little "dogs" that just keep nipping out of their own agitation? When this was started I think it was begun out of kindness informing not judging? funny the things we folks get caught by! Hope Your doing well! Hi to the alpacas! Stay well! Shon Of course I mean no offense to dogs that are attracted to ankles? I like dogs well enough!
  24. New poster alert!

    Hi Yuen! I think that all have shared in that depression at one point or another! Hope You can find the inspiration you are looking for! Stay well, Shon
  25. Haiku Chain

    Breaking Haiku Rules!!! So much better than breaking boards and cinderblocks! LOL!