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Everything posted by Mithras

  1. The Gods and Magic

    I stepped too far I didn’t mind my mouth, I really don’t know how to say you thanked them instead
  2. The Gods and Magic

    I have no more sticks to turn, ego cannot avoid directions what do I do
  3. The Gods and Magic

    But what of you, I speak softly of its tune in a safe environment and you still provide excess
  4. Wealth does not disturb new directions

    Honestly eating here was a bit tastier than the food outside, I really should let my food keep eating and not eat instead
  5. In truth I don’t even know what happens when you put me in your pocket, just put a dollar there instead. You didn’t have to learn magic from me
  6. Wealth does not disturb new directions

    Safe excess is hard to communicate, it must be hard establishing communications to people I did not know yet
  7. Wealth does not disturb new directions

    Men used to be tyrants in their own belonging, this is why terror did not fold past their neck What did you expect by reading further? I did not have to hurt you and I could thank you here instead
  8. Wealth does not disturb new directions

    Take take take, what reason for madness I know for pleasure
  9. Wealth does not disturb new directions

    I can’t even expect civilization in my own conversation let alone your madness, you shouldn’t be communicating with your answers
  10. Wealth does not disturb new directions

    Keep them safe, and know supports from my structure
  11. Wealth does not disturb new directions

    It does not disturb new directions in your picture, you weren’t supposed to collect
  12. Wealth does not disturb new directions

    The creator was quite kind to me today, I did not need to thank, I just needed to thank those that took and take nothing from them
  13. Blocking a user?

    I wonder what ego is when I stand on your shoulder openly, a safe place is a well lit one Sanity is not your release, It’s quite hard not to help someone and be thanked instead
  14. Blocking a user?

    I can still see you, spiritual wonders do not cease because you can express them.
  15. The Gods and Magic

    I know destruction towards too many sources and I decided not to feel it, how do I avoid
  16. Blocking a user?

    I can still observe cycles, if you can plunder here you will be an animal and speak no longer
  17. Blocking a user?

    Which dogs speak dilemmas over different cycles,
  18. Blocking a user?

    They cannot plunder from machine environments, I am not the doer
  19. Blocking a user?

    What are different practitioners that know their interests
  20. Blocking a user?

    it's obvious everyone is trying to know psyhic excess in machine matter, why stop the argument? you had to expect they were noble to know they were dead
  21. The wonders of Indian civilization

    Think with wonder and know that archaeology knows no answer anyways. Men look for their triumphs and easily find them, confirmation does not even provide any proof. If perception was alternate even a can opener would look like sci fi technology, information control (the place we start from) really does change evidence. It's my sincere belief that the things left behind change as we change, history and the world is so odd that everyone keeps forgetting that things can change and that you, yourself, can be the center of this belief. If man looks for fantasy they easily find it, even mythology exists in reality, it is clearly written down; seeing with eyes that accept mythology reveal it to be quite real. What I'm saying is that these civilizations had real wonder, if you look for it, you'll find it. Looking for evidence in places that deny it is like looking for a man to beat you and expecting the stick to be pleasant. That isn't to say stern reality isn't it's own wonder, but it has it's own answers that don't always connect. Paradox is reality's wonder but in spiritual eyes it is easily crossed from.
  22. O sweet mother's wind, By which I sorrow, Verily I have fled the wretched den, Embracing the happy sun Good stuff, I've thought about this question a bit. I think the answer is nothing really, not as in the void or some other substance, but a bit like a shrug. Self realization was never that important it seems, so do whatever you want.
  23. Intellect vs Wisdom

    intellect sticks, wisdom dissolves itself
  24. Simply Be -- Summa Iru

    Hmm I don't know if this is similar, but I actually did something that relates to this just yesterday. It was really great. Basically I just took my hands off the mind and let it do whatever. No breath control, no opinions on what thoughts pop up, not taking any sides really and just letting the whole train just zip by. Letting the mind think whatever it wants. What ended up happening is that a whole bevy of thoughts appeared that collided with each other and moved like waves on an ocean. Some deeply positive, while others abhorrent or strongly negative. All the while I floated beyond even ignoring the conflict or the awareness of it all. It ended up being what felt like the final straw to the mind, as even the thoughts that had strong ego's that made it seem like I was on a certain side no longer meant anything. This seems to be an extremely powerful practice towards letting go, rather than the contempary methods of bottling up the brain like a pressure cooker and beating it into silence, as you're not caring about what opinions you hold anymore nor the direction the whole train seems to be going. Negativity, positivity, and all these states seem to return to just being states and nothing more. Otherwise, I was cleaning the kitchen at the time, so it was a bit nice as it felt like I closed my eyes and woke up to a cleaned kitchen hehe. Though maybe its important to note, that I think most go the wrong way when it comes to quieting the mind. They treat it like some beast or some great foe, but really getting a silent mind is as easy as learning to stop talking. Just trying to stop thinking in the same way that you stop talking... doesn't get simpler than that I suppose. Well maybe it does haha. But yeah... if I was a telling a "beginner" something then I'd say watch the breath for a few days, and then just learn to stop talking if you want a quiet mind.
  25. Hey Goodlookin, What u got Cookin?

    Ha, street tacos without the street. Made me lol reminds me of a time I was at a school trip to an amusement park, and it started raining. But we were all hungry so we ended up eating tacos in the rain. My friend remarked, “This is as low as it goes.”