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Everything posted by Cleansox

  1. Damo Mitchell Free MCO Course

    Not that boring... You just do something over a long period of time. Like watching paint dry, or a plant grow. While doing something hard and painful. Sounds weird when put in writing.
  2. Were you impressed with the depth of the insight?
  3. Most people who try cannabis get some kind of positive effect, ranging from relaxation to pain relief to interesting experiences. A minority trigger a psychotic episode. The same goes for many other drugs. Of those that I have personal knowledge of (I work in a psychiatric clinic), quite a few that it went really bad for, was already known (or their siblings were) to the clinic, or to the social service. But not all.
  4. Damo Mitchell Free MCO Course
  5. Luckily, those that doesn't die will get long covid, making them slow. Meanwhile, I'm packning heavy in swords and still have my survival books from the 90-ties.
  6. Here on the bum's, there are people with experiences from all aspects of human life. Obviously...
  7. But please, no more astral getting laid around here. 😁
  8. Emotions in Ancient China

    Now I read it, and although the important parts (as they relate to actual practice) can be cut down to less than a page, they are still relevant. The author, Curie Virag, makes a good job in discussing strengths, weaknesses and cultural bias in translations. The main reason I decided to read is was because @Yueyarecommended it, and since it analysed the term "qing", which is mentioned in multiple texts discussing nei dan. I mentioned a few above. Could add the Wuzhen Pian to the others. So. In my opinion, is "emotions" the most relevant translation of "qing" at a relatively late stage of practice? No. Qing might be emotions when one pair it with xin. That is an early stage pairing though. When paired with xing, qing is better translated as (and now you can ready the book, and find out for yourself 😊). The DDJ, verse 1, discuss this.
  9. Personal Practice Discussion Thread Request

    There might be some hope. Steve da tech is on da case 👌 With some friendly aid (thanks you who made the effort) my ppd subforums have been found in @ilumairen 's ppd. Like lost sheep, taking shelter.... 😁
  10. Personal Practice Discussion Thread Request

    Quite a bit more, actually. 😁
  11. Differences between TCM and Daoist Alchemy

    Technically, I just used Google translate on Awaken's post. In a stage where ones emotions no longer are the fuel that drives the aquired mind, but reflects a deeper connection to ones core.
  12. Personal Practice Discussion Thread Request

    Most of my ppd seems to be lost. Is it a glitch in the software?
  13. Emotions in Ancient China

    Understanding qing and its relation to xing is an important aspect of neidan practice. See for example zhonghe ji, cantong qi, jindan sibai zi. The book The seven emotions is a great introduction to the subject, but in my experience, a discussion on the development of the term might be very useful, as a historical and cultural immersion, to help ones understanding. There is a text on the development of "de" that is useful in the same way. (Thank you @Aetherous and @OldDogover at Original Dao)
  14. Depression

    Some find the power threat meaning framework useful.
  15. Emotions in Ancient China

    An expensive book. Worth it?
  16. Depression

    Yes, one should not play with oneself in solitary while doing neidan. 😁
  17. Depression

    More or less the same as you wrote in the tcm/neidan thread. Is this your wisdom for the day? Or OCD?
  18. Depression

    ... Always more complex than what can be included in a one-liner. Simplify it = avoiding looking at the whole picture. That kind of simplification usually comes with an agenda... Or a soap box 📦
  19. 难书。有些人试图从那本书中逆向工程实践,以气功告终
  20. Optimal time to practice Qigong?

    Doesn't that one usually end with a comment that in reality there are no times, and this is only to show a principle based on the waning and waxing of energetic states?
  21. Jing to Qi - a Technical Question

    I read some of those threads this week.
  22. Jing to Qi - a Technical Question

    The texts of nei dan shu are so garbled that any author might get away with anything. It is difficult to sift out the good parts. The wuzhien pian is a great text.
  23. Jing to Qi - a Technical Question

    Dodetot äror momånongoga mometotododeror. (translate that Google 😁)
  24. 32 and 80 signs of perfection. (edit: There are lists on what they symbolize as well)
  25. Pranayama and breath holding

    There are some texts discussing red and white bindu that seem to imply the connection to the penis tip.