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Everything posted by Cleansox

  1. Reading Zhuang zi

    Going back to big bird, the thread by Marblehead on this (Chapter 1, first section) has a breakdown on some of the most important characters and their connection to a hexagram. Normally hexagrams in nei dan relates to the firing times, but this specific hexagram relates to what Wang Mu calls yao (medicine). Still coincidal. Easy to interpret stuff in any which way by breaking down complex characters. But interesting.
  2. Reading Zhuang zi

    For me, it was years ago that I read it, and only the first one stuck in my memory.
  3. Xiang Gong - Fragrant Qigong

    This was not what I was looking for, in the late 90-ties several styles advertised that they were on a list of about ten approved styles. Maybe the list have changed.
  4. After reading a lot of his posts and texts the past years, I would say that D. is very good at finding sources for information, but often come up with conclusions that others disagree with. He is talking about Liver (implying the Organ system in TCM), so you are not accused of drinking heavily, just with having an obstructed flow. Never mind, congrats on the refund.
  5. You inspired a blog post. Btw, how is your liver? Seems like Drew is tired of getting his views critisized, staying on his blog reduces that.
  6. Personal Practice Discussion Thread Request

    They have been slow in coming lately.
  7. Xiang Gong - Fragrant Qigong

    There is also supposed to be a list of about ten styles that are ok, haven't seen that either.
  8. Antioxidants May Help Counter the Effects of Sleep Deprivation

    For the majority of people. The ones that breathe poorly, whose minds try to solve problems without end.
  9. Xiang Gong - Fragrant Qigong

    I also thought that you ment what @SirPalomideswrote.
  10. No refunds on donations. Donations are gifts not payments, so you have no ground for a refund. Maybe voidisyinyang will name a shiitake tree after you ๐Ÿ˜
  11. Best isolation of feet from earth material ?

    What about a grounding wire? ๐Ÿ˜
  12. Translate the above to: Fap more. You have no need for a sexual neurosis, life is to short for that. Return to celibacy when you have learned to find the root of desire, and you have learned methods that reroute sexual energy instead of dam it.
  13. Best isolation of feet from earth material ?

    Interesting. My impression was that the problem was the other way around, that we need more connection to the ground and that isolation from the ground was the problem. But ๐Ÿ˜Ž, continue. Industry grade rubber used for dampening vibrations, inside a Faradays Cage, that would do the trick.
  14. Reading Zhuang zi

    The question is, is this coincidence or are there other stories in zhuang zi that relates to nei dan? It might be coincidence, and one shouldn't read to much in to it. Proverb: Not every obscure chinese text is a nei dan manual. Only most ๐Ÿคช
  15. Reading Zhuang zi

    Yes, so is there a map that has an ocean at the lower part (north), that shows an ascending route to the south, and have a lake of heaven/heavenly pool? Something nei danish?
  16. Is taoist breathing compatible with 6-pack abs?

    And if it is EDS, one needs to find someone with clinical experience on that problem.
  17. Is taoist breathing compatible with 6-pack abs?

    @freeformsome version of yijinjing? With small movements, arms low in the beginning, isometric low-impact. Any suggestions?
  18. From where to start spiritual cultivation?

    Welcome abhi! It starts with slow and relaxed abdominal breathing, but that is the entrance to many roads. Search through the forum, in all the sections, and see if you find anything you like.
  19. Reading Zhuang zi

    Water and Wind. Both needed to get to the South, darkness (doesnโ€™t that relate to "mystery"? Hmmm, sounds nei danish.. ๐Ÿ˜
  20. Reading Zhuang zi

    Yuan Jing. It is a fair description of a part of the process including yuan jing.
  21. PM @voidisyinyang๐Ÿ˜
  22. How to start on martial arts cultivation

    Check out the refine the zz alignments thread for starters, and continue to post there. And Welcome ๐Ÿ˜Š
  23. Refining ZZ alignments

    Terminology. For me, it isn't. Mostly because my teacher said "this is the natural standing position" which in my method is the one with the hands by the side, while "this is our basic stance, you are going to work with it for a long time" is a palms down stance. I guess someone in my tradition decided this basics would be relevant for us. While in taiji, we normally only/mostly used the three circle/hugging the tree stance and lowered the hands in the end of the session. More or less the opposite.
  24. Refining ZZ alignments

    Combining static and dynamic methods is usually a good idea. Finding a good teacher (TDB automatic advice no 1) so you learn to release while standing is also useful. Personally, I spent years in the 90-ties standing like a stiff dork because my first teachers didn't know better. Ahh, the nineties.... ๐Ÿ˜