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Everything posted by Cleansox

  1. teacher/direction

    @Jdb1d learning to sift through posts is also an important skill here.
  2. Yin and Yang

    A site with potential, if the person/s running it ever care to flesh out the texts a bit.
  3. teacher/direction

    That really doesn't narrow it down. This place is full of persons with a diversity of practices. Just jump in if you find a subject that is close to your interest.
  4. Reasons to be cheerful

    Not in this thread, you must learn to stay on subject 😁
  5. Reasons to be cheerful

    Yes, but licking a Bufo Alvarius/Incilius Alvarius isn't really an improvement to eating cikadas, except for the genital thing.
  6. Reasons to be cheerful

    When did that stop anyone from getting high? An O. A. D. doesn't require genitals anyway 😁
  7. Reasons to be cheerful

    So now people will eat cikadas to trip?
  8. Hip Chakras

    Technically, I didn't. If someone checked the term out (!), one would find, just as you wrote, that the phallos-lingam connection is seen as a misunderstanding. It is fairly certain that this is the origin of the above. But why write that, when dawn90 could find that out for him/herself?
  9. Hip Chakras

    As a symbol for power, absolutely. Check out lingam.
  10. There are other ways than drugs to experience these realms. A proper position and a proper beat will get you there, with more control of the experience.
  11. The cleansocked wanderer sneaked around at the border between light and darkness, listning to the chatting around the fire. Less is more, he heard, especially when it comes to penetrating wisdom. This must truly be nei dan discussed, he thought, because here the common belief is reversed. To conceal himself, not having a string, he put a sock (clean) on it, just like a red hot chili pepper.
  12. Anchoring the breath - regarding attention

    It's one area, only big. Awareness will expand with time.
  13. I spend a serious amount of time teaching patients about their experiences, tracing them back from the abnormal and uncontrollable to where they are functional. Often, that removes the fear and stigma of it, and enables the patient to actually work through it. Working through doesn't always mean talking about old situations, more commonly, we train the mind (or the brain, whatever floats your boat) to handle and process painful stimuli, so that the person have a reasonable chance of handling normal life.
  14. @Chainikas So, if I had a point, that would be that you started on meds because you had symptoms severe enough to be referred to a psychiatrists and if I understood right, not as an outpatient? So, even if I am sorry for your experience, and for the fact that psychiatric care still tend to bulldoze patients, there is a possibility that the symtoms/problems that you still are suffering from is related as much to the reason you contacted the health care system in the first place, as much as the negative impact of the treatment. For a healing, it is important to see this, so you can focus on the root cause and direct your efforts on that.
  15. Most of the critique against psychiatric medication here is correct. Most have side effects, some antidepressants have a period in the beginning where one gets worse including suicidal, and the heavier meds cut away both emotions and some cognitive function. And a bunch of them have the efficiency at the level of placebo. On the other hand, every time a person have a manic or psychotic episode, that person loose a chunk of cognitive function. If unattended to, every such episode increases the risk of suicide. And even before the rise of psychiatry, people with severe mental health problems were locked up or banished from their social group, at least in the western historical context. Non-pharmacological treatments demands more resources, both financial from society and motivational and cognitive from the patient. So, there is a problem on that side as well, even before discussing if the treat treatment offered is relevant to the problem at hand. There are many psychotherapies offered, but: Ever heard of clinical detoriation and retraumatization? Searching help in the spiritual community? People actually trigger mental health issues in meditative and energy based practices. A few teachers claim to know how to fix that, but there are not enough qualified teachers willing to engage in patients with mental health issues, so obviously that is not an available solution at present. Really messed up, the whole business...
  16. Sacred geometry, in this case the pyramid shape, which lifts the energetic transformation chamber slightly above you. I'm sure someone could post a non x-rated image of that.
  17. I read once that it was connected to which one's basic reference frame is. People who orient better usually have the four directions as their basic reference, even indoors. People who orient worse usually orient with objects (a house, the shape of a table, some geographical object) as their reference.
  18. And what motivates a do-gooder? Does a do-gooder's method always alleviate suffering?
  19. So yes, for example nei dan works on energetics. And being powerful is better than being weak, if all other things are equal. The question is, what does one do with that energetics? Hoard it, like Smaug? Or transmute it, like a Xian? How does one reach the state described in DDJ ch 50?
  20. Wuji Posture

    When we place the weight on the front part of the foot, the body enters an activation mode, we prepare for action. You might experience this as a "rising" sensation on the back side of the body.
  21. Damo Mitchell Free MCO Course

    No. In some traditions, you start with "Opening shit up" and laying the foundation, which can be standing and moving methods. The russian group was very adamant on that, and you will find that idea in other traditions as well.