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Posts posted by ReturnDragon

  1. 11 minutes ago, dmattwads said:


    So while not Taoism these other religions are "a way" so are they not a Tao?

    Tao is Tao. Tao cannot be defined or translated by one word. If Tao was defined as the principle, then it is the principle of Tao.Thus other religions have their own "way" of beliefs which can be said that is their principle of Tao. In other words, Tao is their principle of beliefs rather than the religion itself.

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  2. Tao is before god which oversees the universe to assure nature has taken its course properly. However, Tao took no action to correct the errors made by nature. Indeed, Tao do not interfere with nature. This is one of the Tao principles which suggested to human to do the same: not to interfere with nature but just let it be.

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  3. Tao Te Jing
    Chapter 1
    1. 道可道,非常道。
    2. 名可名,非常名。
    3. 無,名天地之始。
    4. 有,名萬物之母。
    5. 故常無,欲以觀其妙。
    6. 常有,欲以觀其徼。
    7. 此兩者同出而異名,
    8. 同謂之玄。玄之又玄,
    9. 眾妙之門。

    1. Tao that can be spoken is not the eternal Tao.
    2. A name that can be named is not an eternal name.

    3. Invisible was the name given to Tao at the origin of heaven and earth.
    4. Visible was the name given to Tao as the mother of all things.

    5. Hence, when Tao is always invisible, one would grok its quale.
    6. When Tao is always visible, one would observe its boundary.

    7. These two come from one origin but differ in name,
    8. Both are regarded as unfathomable; the most occult and profound;
    9. The gate of all changes.

    FYI Chapter One of the Tao Te Jing is well defined of what Tao is.

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  4. 51 minutes ago, dmattwads said:

    So I guess if I was to rephrase my question I would ask what is not Taoism as opposed to what is.

    You are not going to make it that easy for me! You should rephrase your question again to read:
    What is not Tao as opposed to what is?

    I can tell you what is not Taoism! Buddhism, Confucianism, Hinduism and Christianity are not Taoism. :rolleyes: 


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  5. 4 hours ago, ReturnDragon said:

    It means one have followed and abide by the principles of Tao.


    51 minutes ago, dmattwads said:


    Yes, but what does that mean?

    OK! It's time to look at the principle of Tao. The Tao Te Jing was evolved around the principle of Wu Wei (無為). Wu Wei is a very famous term which was patented by Lao Tze, so to speak. His definition is take no action to interrupt nature; just let nature take its course. 

    If you have taken an action against nature, then you are considered to be not being Wu Wei. Can you think of anything that you had done was not so Wu Wei lately? I'll let you go from here! 

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  6. 4 minutes ago, GSmaster said:


    Divine truths are repeatedly rejected by you as you have succumbed in your numbskulled clinical poopheadedness.

    Is this one of the westerner's point of view? Please observe what the OP was asking and looking for.

  7. Please keep in mind that Lao Tze is a philosopher. He wrote the Tao Te Jing classic based on Yijing. Yijing is another classic written  based on the observation of nature from the yin-yang concept. The Tao Te Jing used the human eyes to observe nature and came up with a set of principles. All the principles are categorized and summarized by Lao Tze and called Tao(the Principles of Tao.) The principles of Tao were used and applied to the human level of life.

    Some people treated the Tao Te Jing as a classic of philosophy; and some used few chapters to convert them to practice their religious beliefs. BTW This is how the Taoist religion(道教) was originated in China. They treated Lao Tse as their all mighty deity(太上老君, Tai Shang Lao Jun). 

    The two most common Taoist sects are Zhengyi(正一) and Quanzhen(全真). The former is more religious and the latter is more philosophical and righteous. The Heavenly Mater is more toward the Zhengyi(正一) sect. The Quanzhen(全真) sect would like to be more humane by the cultivation of the mind and body to become a true man(真人). The true man(真人) status is the highest realm for a Taoist to be attained.

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  8. 3 hours ago, dmattwads said:

    .....what are everyone's favorite styles of Qigong and why do you like the one you do?

    I am in favor of Taiji. It is because it exercise my body holistically as well as qigong breathing. At the advance level, the movements are coordinated with the breathing and the breathing is coordinated with the movements. After a long period of diligent practice, the body become very strong and the internal organs are being invigorated. One can tell by no sign of illness. The qigong deep breathing, 24/7, gives ample of oxygen to the body. As in result, the body can continuously produce plenty of energy to do the daily chores or other harsh tasks .

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  9. 1 hour ago, dmattwads said:

    How do you all actually practice Tao? What specific methods do you use? Qigong? Martial arts? Study? Ceremonies? Art? Other?

    If I follow the principle of Tao, I would integrate myself in harmony with nature. It is because nature have given me all the natural sources to preserve life. I will take advantage to use these sources, by all means, to have a state of homeostasis. Taiji is the best method of Qigong. I would practice Taiji for life to have a healthy body which I have been doing it for years. The drastic change in my body,  biologically and physically, is very noticeable. The best of all about Taiji, the martial arts came with the package in the practice; but it is optional for the practitioner to be considered it as martial arts or not. If not, just do it for health sake.

    Study the principle would help to understand and appreciate the practice more. Instead of practicing, blindly, was because of somebody said it is good. 

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  10. On 3/30/2020 at 10:43 AM, dmattwads said:

     A lot of things that I used to assume were Taoist I have come to find did not originate with Taoism, but rather a lot of it is from Chinese folk religion or has been integrated from other systems. Such as many of the gods and goddesses come from Chinese folk religion. The concept of yin and Yang and the five elements come from the naturalistic school. The I-ching predates taoism by quite a bit. 

    Here is the sequence of event:
    Yin-yang --- Yi Jing -- Tao Te Ching -- Tao Principles -- Taoist Religion -- Individual Cultivation of Tao(principle). 

    Taoism is a western term which obfuscate with scholarly study of Tao principle and the Tao religion.
    In Chinese philosophy, there are two distinctions:
    1.  道學(Tao xue): the study of Tao principle.
    2. 道教(Tao jiao): The Taoist religion cult.

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  11. 2 hours ago, dmattwads said:

    What is the goal in Taoism? I know some will say to obtain the Tao, but what does that mean?

    The goal of Taoism is to integrate oneself in harmony with nature. Do not interrupt nature but let nature take its course.

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  12. 1 minute ago, dawei said:

    I have tried for 15 years to help you understand how to talk in such forums.   Post your proof of scientific evidence or man up to that is your opinion without any experience you can cite or share.   

    That is so funny. I had seen lots of books written by the so called experts without any scientific evidence. Such as Qigong has nothing to do with breathing. Someone spinning the body is called Spinning Qigong. Did you ask for any proof?