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Posts posted by ReturnDragon

  1. What is Chi Kung health method?
    First of all, what is Chi Kung really all about?

    @ 1:00

    What is the meaning of Chi Kung.
    氣 (Chi) in Chi Kung means breathing(呼吸)
    (Kung) means to practice(練習).

    氣功 是練習呼吸
    Chi kung is to practice breathing. In other words, Chi Kung is a breathing practice method.

    @ 6:45
    Chi kung has three parts are to be accomplished the practitioners.
    1. 調息(Regulate breathing) : Regulate breathing is the very basic part of Chi Kung.
    2. 調身(Fine-tune the body) : Refine the body (tendons and bones) to its top performance.
    3. 調心(Liberating the mind) : Purify the mind with clear thoughts.

    @ 7:40
    Let's talk about breathing(呼吸),  .....

    1. 調息(Regulate breathing)
    Regulating the breath is the fundamental step in Chi Kung. This is the normal breathing practice pattern.
    Each inhalation and exhalation should be very distinctive. Do not move the upper torso while breathing.
    Breathe slowly with the nose but not the mouth. It is because the nose is for breathing and the mouth is for eating.
    One can breathe softly by not moving the upper torso.

    Ordinary people breathe about 18 to 24 times per minute. The air volume is very low. It is because the breathing depth was only 1/3 to 1/2 deep inside the lung. Hence, the amount of oxygen going through the body is very low. Chi kung breathing method is to regulate the breath. So, the air can go into the deepest point in the lung. Thus the air intake may be at twice or higher than normal.

    @ 8:45
    Breathing can be done in various postures. However, the main thing is to sit up straight with back in and the chest out slightly. Breathe slowly and softly as indicated above. There are many methods of breathing, but deep breathing is the most fundamental method. Inhale slowly with the abdominal muscle moving slightly to guide the diaphragm to go up and down to regulate the lung volume. When the lung is full, hold the breath for about three seconds, then, exhale slowly. So to speak. It is OK not to force oneself to count but just breathe naturally.

    There are two kinds of breathing methods. One is normal breathing and the other is reverse breathing. Regular breathing, on exhalation, is to contract the abdomen muscle to lift up the diaphragm to push the lung upward to let the old air out. During inhalation is to guide the diaphragm downward to increase the lung volume to hold more air.

    Note: People with breathing problem should be given special instructions other than the normal breathing method.

  2. @ 2:40

    They are the vital elements of the human body.

    From the Classic of Tai Ping.

    @ 3:08

    What is Jing?
    In the human body, Jing is the cream of the crop. It is the basic root of life.

    @ 3:14

    What is Chi?
    Chi inside the human body is like the air on earth. Even though, it is invisible, but it does exist. However, the chi inside the body is different from the air that we breathe. In the modern time, chi has different levels of descriptions.

    @ 2:45 from left to right.

    Chi has Nourishment (養份) + Oxygen (氧氣) + Electrical Energy (電能) + Light Energy (光能)

    Nourishment + Oxygen are transported by blood circulation (血液循環).
    Electrical Energy + Light Energy are transported by meridians (經絡脈運送).

    Nourishment are from the foods we eat. Oxygen is from the air we breathe to go into the body. They are transported by blood circulation.

    Light and electrical energies are transported by the invisible meridians. This is a myth. Actually, the meridians are the nervous system. If one compare both systems, one will see that the meridians are riding exactly on top of the human nerves. However, everybody has the Light and electrical energies but only the levels of magnitudes are different.That is why some are stronger and others are weaker.

    @ 4:42

    神(shen)What is shen?
    Shen is the mind(, heart) which control the thinking department.
    Shen is xing() which is the prenatal shen.

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  3. On 2/27/2020 at 9:29 AM, ReturnDragon said:

    Chinese Chi Kung need to know about the body structure.
    It is interesting, this is the modern definition of Jing, Chi, Shen ~ 精氣神


    自我健康療法 : Heath auto healing method
    系列一 :  System 1
    生活應用篇 : Daily application

    氣功 : Chi Kung

    第一集 : Chapter one

    Human lives in the universe, existing with nature. If the change in the body integrated with the action of nature, then human will not get sick. Someone thought that the human chi (人氣, ran chi) is the root of life in the human body.

    人在氣中 : human is in chi
    氣在中人 : chi is in human
    自天地至於萬物 : From heaven and earth (the universe) to all things
    無不須氣以生者也 : None of them is not a dependant of chi for survival.

    Human lives in Chi is like a fish lives in water. Away from the water, the fish will die. Human life is the same way. Ran Chi is the root of life. Also, ran chi is the vital energy for the human body. Homeostasis is the goal pursued by my human. Today, we want to introduce the
    穴道刺激法 : Acupressure method

    氣功健康法 : Chi Kung health method

    The human body is like a building structure. The bones are analogues to the steel beams. The muscles and skins are like the inner layer and the outer wall. The internal organs are like the building materials. The vessels and nerves are the communication tools to manage how the setups are being used.

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  4. 15 hours ago, Limahong said:

    The upper dantien is the head.


    15 hours ago, Limahong said:

    Any linkage to the sixth and seventh chakras?

    Hi Limahong,
    I am not sure what you were asking.

    I didn't mean that you are an Indian. What I had said was what you had mentioned ( the sixth and seventh chakras) is from Indian yoga.