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Everything posted by old3bob

  1. that is not what you may think or can think...thus not found per or by the mind.
  2. John Chang - Jesus

    who knows much about the time we may or may not have, and who in any way can guarantee same? All we really have is the present moment! Odds or probabilities regarding same can more or less be calculated but they are not yet transpired facts! Much of California was supposed to go into the ocean long ago but it hasn't yet... karma related to such matters big or small can be thought about but even karma is not static or fixed thus not limited to giving a fixed reaction. for karma's can be mitigated, increased or decreased.
  3. Ramana's Path of Inquiry and Surrender

    ...btw we can be aware of what we apparently are and still make use of that.
  4. John Chang - Jesus

    understand a spiritual black hole, it sucks without reason or conscience, caring nothing about what any being thinks or feels, for it must feed... intellect can not look it in the eye and prevail only will held by the wisdom of truth can.
  5. John Chang - Jesus

    Hinduism is much older historically and more varied than Buddhism (which borrowed a lot from it) and has brought up the subject of enlightened masters for thousands of years in many of its core teachings and schools. For instance read the Chandogya Upanishad and others. The same goes for many teachings in ancient China going back thousands of years or more which I'll leave for someone else to comment on if they wish?
  6. John Chang - Jesus

    there is no alt-Dharma for universal Dharma's... specialists in lies almost always add half truths so as to burrow their way in to steal and corrupt... greed, malice and fear are the primary tools of dictators (for instance trump) manipulation and obviously primary to their character...
  7. John Chang - Jesus

    that which is not a phenomenal construct or thing of mind...that which is free, that which is joyous truth within all other truths but can not be caught or held by a name for she is so very quick that she is standing still everywhere at once.
  8. John Chang - Jesus

    I'd say that sometimes some of us have been granted visits to higher astral (or even causal ) realms but very few of us have major access or the present need to such access - being that most of us have not attained "moksha" or the great freedom and are dealing with human karma''s and issues and thus are largely "earthbound" souls. So imo it is dubious for us to be speculating about whether or not the higher astral realms (and or causal) exist or not along with the Beings who have attained those realms. Even various spiritual schools and their teachers who supposedly have major access to such realms and beings do not agree on the subject or on the Beings, thus to me they just see their particular take on the subject and often double down on it as being the only truth. (or the highest and more or less deny the all the rest)
  9. John Chang - Jesus

    source from, "In Search of the Miraculous" by P.D. Ouspensky, page 97. "....It was not bread and wine at all but real flesh and real blood. A magical ceremony similar to blood-brotherhood for establishing a connection between astral bodies"
  10. John Chang - Jesus

    going by that response apparently none...I believe the information source was from Mr. G (the fourth way) which I'd have to dig out the book for a quote.
  11. John Chang - Jesus

    how many traditional Christians could handle the idea of actually drinking some of the blood and eating some of body (of Christ) as being part of or derived from certain old (secret) shamanistic practices for astral connection? I don't know much about it, just came across that info years ago.
  12. John Chang - Jesus

    I'd say knowing that we don't know (very much nor the unknowable beyond duality with a dualistic mind)...is not doubt in the regular sense of gnawing or panicky doubt...
  13. John Chang - Jesus

    Hey Edward, you are right about universal ethics and morals as being fundamental spiritual laws to be started with and to be followed all the way through our lives... The the wild wild west parts of this site are often not easy to deal with but I think you were trying in a decent way. Btw. and in case you didn't know (?) Buddhism does not give primary importance to or belief in God or a personal savior, so that can get real wild for those who do and who also try to make comparisons or correlations across such different ways. Just a warning analogy for trying to mix water and oil. Jesus is definitively a real living being to me, more real than flesh, bone and blood or mental speculation or doubts, but religions can be tricky with there being 10,000 interpretations one can get caught up in or lost in along the way, yet in the end Spirit still comes through and works. I'd say our minds work a lot like changeable and programmable computer RAM but our hearts have the eternal ROM code of Spirit in them, RAM And Rom are supposed to work together but software does crash a lot, thankfully we can reboot with ROM. Good luck to you.
  14. John Chang - Jesus

    it is inferred that god has to maintain an eternal hell of suffering for the dammed, who else could? (which is not in Satan's power) No doubt Jesus is a great golden soul, but he is not bound by the dictates of human religion. Nor is he interested in being worshiped, what real brother would be?
  15. "Custer died for your sins", but....

    read trumps lips if you are deaf
  16. But trump apparently expects or really has no problem with hundreds of thousands or even millions dying for his sins!!
  17. John Chang - Jesus

    in the Book of Revelations some are blessed and others are eternally dammed; and god is taught as a Being that has the energy to maintain an eternally dammed realm for an untold number of beings to suffer in (aka hell) thus such a god is not a god of final reconciliation or love. Spirit is Spirit and faith and hope are important but it does not need a creation of god in our image.
  18. John Chang - Jesus

    the Bible does not put it that way, the Bible does not accept masters of other traditions as being equal alternates, right? Thus Christians can not have their Bible the way it is presented and also interpret or cherry pick it however they want as individuals or in groups. You mean well but there can be no peace in or from a Bible and its teachings that is based on absolute contradictions
  19. John Chang - Jesus

    Jesus is a lord of his own golden soul...but he does not lord it over anyone. Btw and if you haven't noticed Christianity is deeply riddled and flawed with 2000 years of mankind's meddling and co-opting for worldly and corrupt religious purposes which can easily lead to forms of individual and national madness. (for instance inquisitions, crusades, murders of nature related healers, genocide of millions of native peoples aka "manifest destiny", the horrors between Irish Catholic and English Protestant as just one example among dozens of other bloody rifts which include the dichotomies between various sects - many who dismiss each other as apostate, etc., etc., etc.. Such madness is also on display in the old Testament with a god that plays favorites and orders the slaughter of whole groups various peoples with his hate and wrath; thus there can be no human or spiritual reconciliation with such Abrahamic religious absolutes of contradiction.
  20. Long hair and feeling connected to nature

    long hair can also act as an earth ground path for static electricity caused by modern fabrics, no wonder Crystal Gale used it. I also have some ocean front property in AZ.
  21. Long hair and feeling connected to nature

    I don't miss my long beard except if it's below zero outside, imo a lot of this hair and beard stuff is quirky as us humans sometimes are... (it would be white/gray if I grew it again, btw I get a kick out of seeing how overweight and out of shape guys transform themselves into tough guys by getting their heads shaved and getting various tattoos along with wearing black or bad ass clothes with whatever embroidered or embellished symbols they may add to the mix.
  22. and when she does (along with her helpers and keepers) evil will no longer be able to demonically manipulate and cause suffering here, although still in the hell realms but not here.
  23. dollar & market both down 75% (or even more), not an if but when? It would take a great miracle to mitigate such a coming reality in the US going by all that is actually happening...the "new duck and cover" will probably include kissing your financial ass goodbye thanks to the powers of malice and greed that be. And only God knows how many deaths from the virus and other causes! The good news, Mother Earth wins in the end.