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Everything posted by old3bob

  1. no need to continue making this or that nagging projection or assumption on what I'm convinced about etc. or to apologize for this or that about same? I try not to make myself too comfortable by pigeon holing this or that way as you are apparently compelled to do?
  2. that would probably not do any good since you are such and such a teacher with a leg up on others and who brags about it....while also making presumptions about Hinduism without being one, btw I'm only a visitor and guest to Hinduism so you will have to get your qualified answers from whatever enlightened Guru you can find while keeping protocol? Btw I'm not interested in becoming a Buddhist although I appreciate many of the wise sayings that have come from it.
  3. I'd say that we definitely do not have the same soul times countless quad-drillions x quad-drillions, etc... thus there is the unique natures that we all have. But if an individual soul merges back into no longer being identified as individual soul along with their soul/light body no longer existing since it then dissolves into the "ocean" then we could say they are returned to the Supreme-undifferentiated-Soul or Spirit....which almost no one is ready for or evolved to the point of no coming back....Btw it could also be said that we have many that want to be and remain as individual super-duper dudes or dude-etts, so to speak
  4. sounds more likely to be your interpretation of Zen...is there one appointed or recognized that speaks for all of Zen teachings and its teachers? (and Striling is it?) from "Om Tat Sat" such is true.
  5. I've been in the Olympic National rain forest in the north west US. Any creature could easily hide in there including a Big Foot! Heck if a person walked a little ways into the trees and heavy ferns they could get lost quickly (if they weren't careful) since much of the sunlight gets blocked out and everything looks the same besides the fact of not being able to see more than a few yards, I wouldn't dare be in such a place at night. Call me chicken. (although some parts have trails and are more open)
  6. we can state our take in certain ways (per the site) but the rest of that is trying to stuff it down peoples throats, thus I suggest your cooling your presumptuous jets. (btw, at times I've not been innocent of such things myself per my variation)
  7. I see down under has its own variation of Big-foot: Yowie History This is a very brief introduction on the history of the Yowie. There will be more detailed information quoting historical records on the new website shortly. Yowies are out in our Australian bush and have been well documented throughout Australian colonial history from as early as 1789 and found in Aboriginal history. The Yowie is common in Aboriginal culture and has gone by many different names depending on the region. In Queensland the Yowie is known to some Aboriginal tribes as quinkin and joogabinna. while in New South Wales it is known as thoolagal, jurrawarra, myngawin, puttikan, doolaga,gularga, and Ghindaring. Some other names include yaroma, noocoonah, wawee, pangkarlangu, tjangara and jimbra.
  8. Simon and Garfunkel got older?
  9. True Masters, Saints, Sages, Gurus, Buddha's, and Deities blessings., radiate compassionate warmth and light energy from their whole being and can be felt and even be seen if we are not totally asleep or blind to it...I don't know about seemingly confining it to just the heart either, which is obviously part of the whole being. In India depending on context such is called Darshan. (which is mostly not understood in the west being many eastern religions have very valid connection to what some scoff at and discount as just being idols of Deities)
  10. I've told my wife to talk nice to her vehicles and she just laughs . Anyway I do believe there can be some sort of connection between mankind and machine but no one can measure it. Not unlike that there can be some sort of connection between mankind and rocks...
  11. Home. Earth. The Pale Blue Dot.

    ok, I was just randomly seraching:
  12. I don't think Watts was talking from the perspective of "enlightened mind", indications are he was speaking more about simple bodily instincts and the related pleasures of enjoying the energetic elements in the moment without a lot mental baggage like in the innocence of a child...which is fine but that is not the same as the attainment of a Jnani. Btw a great Jnani has reclaimed an innocence which is far beyond that of a child's being it could be said they are, "wise as serpents and innocent as doves" to borrow part of a saying from Matt 10:16. I'd say the Self does not abide in the mind per-se. although mind must be still to not cloud it over.
  13. you mean we don't have to be thousand trick ponies to cover all the ground?
  14. Home. Earth. The Pale Blue Dot.

    this could be interesting to see: "Fires can't start in space itself because there is no oxygen – or indeed anything else – in a vacuum. Yet inside the confines of spacecraft, and freed from gravity, flames behave in strange and beautiful ways. They burn at cooler temperatures, in unfamiliar shapes and are powered by unusual chemistry.Sep 16, 2020
  15. so in the Alan Watts video he makes things sound so simple, go swimming or dancing and just enjoy life in the moment....be happy don't worry etc.. but to me there is a catch since that only applies to and works for innocent children who are under 100% protection with everything they could possibly need supplied to them and thus nothing else to do or be concerned about because they have the endless luxuries like going swimming, dancing or whatever...such may be so in a some realm but it is not so in this world for living beings in flesh and blood bodies to deal with. There is that saying, "be in the world but not of it" which sounds noble and nice but if that is case then why even be here in the first place, is it just to enjoy the ride yet not pay for it according to some?
  16. Martial Arts

    sparring partners, good boy https://www.newsweek.com/dogs-reaction-owner-doing-jiu-jitsu-1811842
  17. Home. Earth. The Pale Blue Dot.

    smaller than a grain of sand among the countless galaxies, yet home to countless beings!
  18. much in the way of abstractions and foreign jargon which is hard to fathom for those not part of a particular group, along with contests to see who is best at juggling such things...so it goes with most religions or ways.
  19. when & why can seeking enlightenment be dangerous? We've heard a lot of night-mare accounts from various members on this subject, what is your take? (and how to back-off when you or things go to hell)
  20. ...of course the living Being of the Earth (obviously a different order of being than humans) experiences karma, She has been hammered over and over again for who knows how long with dark karma but will not be broken and prevails in the end along with her Helpers and the Golden one(s) against the forces of darkness that strive to further establish and expand their hell realm upon her. (and they and their dark king will finally be cast out as She evolves)
  21. I'm not qualified or in know on a lot of this stuff...I would say that Kundalini gone wrong instead of sleeping or being improperly messed with through forced and or unsafe practices without a qualified teachers guidance is not the right way to go! Btw if souls could short change or get away with breaking karma/Dharma in the long run then we would all be SOL.
  22. see the Tibetan Wheel of Life for a good pictorial example of realms, better yet go to the other side and visit various (astral or perhaps even higher) realms where able to, to see first hand good examples of same and the evolved levels of countless Beings there-in...nothing silly about karmic law which is active until it is not for uncommon Self Realized Beings.
  23. those cuddly looking guys have quite the sets of claws...