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Everything posted by old3bob

  1. Unpopular Opinions

    forgive for butting in, but I'd say that is possible in willing to be a conduit of zero or near zero resistance for a greater will
  2. popular opinions

    partly agreed, yet even a great oak tree also returns to The Great (and formless) Tao, would you say yes or no per most Taoist schools that you may know of?
  3. Unpopular Opinions

    I don't see any way to reconcile all of the stated contradictions (given by their prophets or founders) among or within the Abrahamic religions; which also extends to whatever degree (?) even in their esoteric versions... granted there is some important and related common ground but that can only reach so far imo. Good luck
  4. popular opinions

    A return to Formless (chap 14 of the T.T.C.) would not retain any form...is the way I read it but I'm not representing or quoting a particular School of Taoism, are you?
  5. Follow nature

    nature does not play favorites or unfavorites with anyone...to be or come under the laws of nature if you mean "the law of the jungle" can be tough, yet we also know nature as mother to all beings on earth. The ocean is a very powerful force in its different states but much of mankind still has a special feeling or love for it.
  6. Unpopular Opinions

    well I'd say by various degrees that various "introverts" by general definition (thus not your friend who I was not specifically pointing at) tend to have more of an inner private (as you say) which they don't share at any time with anyone...but if someone knocks kindly on the bricks so to speak then there may be easier or greater communication.
  7. Unpopular Opinions

    Where, behind a brick wall? Nah, just kindly remove a few bricks...
  8. Unpopular Opinions

    well it can get complicated...
  9. Unpopular Opinions

    well, the time to be a human child is limited, and the time to be a soul child is also limited...thus there is evolution related to both. (into an old soul in a human body that has reclaimed innocence that is also wise through purity)
  10. Unpopular Opinions

    "there but for the grace of God go I" (which is not a method)
  11. Unsure where to start

    we can recognize, appreciate and to some degree benefit from different religions or ways but to try and cross-mix them into something they are not is beyond what is really limited to their basic and common ground principles, principles that are found in mostly all spiritual teachings, thus going further than that is greatly risking stepping on one or both and is at least problematic to harmful to peoples. For example: American Indians having their ways forcefully mixed up with or destroyed by Christian beliefs that don't jive with or are destructive to theirs. Study some history if you haven't already and you may be shocked to read how various Christian groups, with some of them being violent fanatics following "manifest destiny" spent hundreds (and thousands) of years committing self-justified genocide against American Indians and dozens of other native groups in the world!! Anyway good luck to you, and I suggest not expecting to find more than doable common ground, beyond that water and oil don't mix.
  12. why are you making assumptions or jumping to conclusions again Stirling,
  13. ok, then from what you are quoting such can be said to be the mark of the true master on that level. (mind to mind or soul to soul communication and more)
  14. understood in that way, but you say no actual telepathic energetic wisdom/knowledge "transmission" according to what you know...Btw. I do know about what you said along the lines of gaining and losing which is not what I'm getting at...which could be called pointers, tools and more shared and revealed mind to mind or soul to soul depending on one's definition of those terms.
  15. how many types and levels of transmission are there is Zen schools...how many of them are an energetic transfer of wisdom/ knowledge through direct telepathic transmission?
  16. "Although actualized immediately, the inconceivable may not be apparent." (Genjo Koan, tr Kazuaki Tanahashi) ...and conversely could we not also say, although the inconceivable is apparent it may not be immediately actualized?
  17. Unpopular Opinions

    some people are frozen like stone in their opinions, and won't budge an inch. 2129.webp
  18. Unpopular Opinions

    maybe Luke found such in one of his living room corners during a transcendent mystical vision... but considering his find was of a smaller dimension along with its tiny and vulnerable inhabitants beseeching him not to reveal their existence, and with him being the good Samaritan that he is he went along with their request to remain hidden from the giant people with big feet. (Just as Rod Sterling had done for them decades before, alas they still tried to go for walks outside with mostly fatal results)
  19. Unpopular Opinions

    well history sucks in many cases but again I would definitely not say in all cases. As for the "Tao being Destroyed" in the human world I hear that as sounding like an absolute which would be like saying the Kali Yuga is absolute and the end, yet we know the cycles keep taking place and a Sat Yuga will return. So if said that Tao in human world is totally destroyed then there would be no humans left along with incredible destruction to other realms and an end to the great cycles, but that is not so is it, since we could say human Tao even if largely buried and not in much effect still rises and comes back after an x amount of time in the next phase of the cycles. (because of the Great Tao)
  20. Unpopular Opinions

    ...and does anyone know how "God" could break the law of karma with Job since Job had done nothing to get the incredible tormenting that came his way, and which he did not volunteer for or knowingly make a deal about for what took place? So if "God" could break universal karmic law as described in the Book of Job then everything falls apart in the universe does it not? Breaking karmic law is not possible as it is known, which is different than satisfying karma in a lawful way that supersedes it with higher law such as with miraculous healing which would otherwise remain under basic karma so to speak.
  21. okay, so would you make a deal for all that valuable clutter?
  22. Unpopular Opinions

    Eureka...here is the most powerful of amulets, just beware of the smiling face which may not be what it appears...
  23. Unpopular Opinions

    I don't know the accurate numbers but there has been a couple of thousand years of various degrees of genocide against various native people, along with however many non-native peoples caught the wrath of inquisitions and such...