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Everything posted by old3bob

  1. Everything is perfect?

    There is the saying heard now and then that, "everything is perfect".... It seems that for the non-evolutionary Supreme Being (or we could also say the Great Tao or pure Spirit) which is beyond good and evil, beyond change and time, decay or corruption, karma, life and death, etc. that everything could be said to be perfect. As for Buddhism it does not say that except perhaps in a way by saying that all are Buddhas but all have not realized that -yet. Further, one might hear that regardless of or including the opposite of all that was mentioned in the first sentence above that everything is still perfect. So I'd say this is something that the human mind can not wrap itself around or validly espouse...since it would not apply to same. Btw. could such a saying as, "everything is perfect" be taken as being counterproductive to Dharma since it would mean that anti-Dharma is also perfect? Anyway it seems to me that this saying has to be put on the shelf until one is in such realization/actualization 24/7, thus beyond any "coming or going" or potential fall, otherwise it comes across as another "new age" type concept of wishful thinking, how about to you?
  2. Everything is perfect?

    unless something has changed or not changed since last week, "everything is perfect" (in Margaritaville)
  3. What is Chi (炁 and 氣)?

    astral relates a lot to emotional energies, which can go into and be thought/feeling forms projected out...the world of mankind has mega tons of that goin on.
  4. What is Chi (炁 and 氣)?

    on a tangent, there is astral matter/energy in thought forms that have an impact on living beings...