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Posts posted by Boerewors

  1. 2 minutes ago, Walker said:


    Oh, well I never!


    Well, since we're sharing our feelings, I think think it's ironic how you cast insults left and right simply so you can have a showy little personal pout parade of Glenn Beck-y butthurtedness about it the moment any of it comes back atcha! 


    Kinda laaaaaame for an aspiring immortal flying around the galaxy for all eternity, but hey, maybe when you run into the Annunaki you can defeat them with your petulant, witless snarkiness and your teenboy sneer. I hope you have bangs, they make the sneer soooo much better, plus bangs will look totally kewl when you make your first Daoist Thundermagic Cosplay YouTube vid. First one to 40 views wins! 

    It's easy to kick people when they're down. I guess herd mentality is what one should expect from cowards who need their hands held. 

    • Like 1

  2. 2 hours ago, Nungali said:

    DUDE!  I used to put on that accent at work ... it lead to ALL  sorts of ... things .   What I can say here  is , sometimes new people would " Oh  , are you from South Africa ? "  and I would lie and say yes and go with ....  bosses and crew would  crack up s they knew me and .... 'my prejudices' .


    Also , during the aftermath scuffle that ensued from such a 'joke'  one time , I admitted I was racist - against whites .  Maori workmate enlightened me " You're white, ya can't be racist against your own race ; that's not racism , thaat's shame . "


    5 hours ago, Walker said:


    By the way, I don't hate white people as a group, but I do find insular, paranoid, racist white South Africans who pronounce "white South Africans" in this Emperor Palpatine sounding-ass voice as "whet Seth Efrikens" rather distasteful. 

    I also think it's ironic how certain kinds of discrimination are apparently prohibited, and yet ethnic discrimination against other minorities are openly welcome. How tolerant and progressive of you. 

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  3. 5 hours ago, Walker said:

    By the way, I don't hate white people as a group, but I do find insular, paranoid, racist white South Africans who pronounce "white South Africans" in this Emperor Palpatine sounding-ass voice as "whet Seth Efrikens" rather distasteful. 

    Nope. Those are the English-speaking South Africans, they have a variety of different accents depending on where they came from in the second Anglo-Boer war, since they segregated themselves, Canadians with Canadians, Australians with Australians, Brits with Brits, etc. I'm Afrikaans, from the North-West originally so have a very Northen Dutch-like accent. You could also be talking about Afrikaners from the Cape, however we are different people, and have only recently been united under the Afrikaans blanket. 


    I never said that guy is my role model. I pointed out that I regard him highly, he's been doing this for over a decade, without a teacher. He's dedicated to his practice, and practices daily. I wonder if you go tell some audience about the things you believe in if they won't start laughing at you? Hmmm. I guess there's very little to learn from such a sanctimonious individual. I highly doubt you have all the answers, nor any that I'm looking for. Have a pleasant day.

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  4. 21 minutes ago, RiverSnake said:

    My experience with trees is that your cultivation does get an extra boost because your dealing with more than just your energy field.....there's more voltage at your disposal. 1hr of Tree work is equivalent to 1hr and 30 minutes of regular chi kung. 

    So on the day that I do the Tree Gong I just skip the regular qigong sets that I do before seated practice? Thanks a lot man, this will probably help me a lot, I do appreciate it.


    21 minutes ago, RiverSnake said:

    Whether Vampirism or Tree Gong will help you side step the Jing requirements for cultivation? I highly doubt it (complimentary perhaps), the path is one of deep and heartbreaking challenges.

    Time is on my side for now, so when I feel ready to put this into practice I will try cutting out the Jing -> Qi part, by absorbing more Qi from external sources like trees. I have to try it out and see if it works, it would save me a lot of heartache, so it's worth taking a few years to try it out, advice still highly appreciated though, and will always keep this in mind.


    21 minutes ago, RiverSnake said:

    If your worried about not having enough Jing....then eat more Jing rich foods and moderate your sexual activities

    The moderate sexual activities is not possible for me, and won't be in the future, thus why I'm looking to try different approaches. I did hear Wa Mu's one book has an approach where you don't lose Jing by ejaculating with your partner, do you think this technique would be worth learning? If this solves the problem obviously the traditional route would remain the priority.


    21 minutes ago, RiverSnake said:

    scared sex, Kamajayi Mudra

    Never heard of these, do they nullify the need to retain semen?


    21 minutes ago, RiverSnake said:

    Jason Millers SS course is quite handy....highly recommend for budding sorcerers. 

    Thank you once again RiverSnake, I really do appreciate you enlightening me. I wish you fortune, good health, and a pleasant evening man. 

  5. 18 minutes ago, RiverSnake said:

    My understanding is that there would be a need for more refinement of said stolen Qi because most people's energy is shit. Furthermore, be careful with drawing from other peoples Qi field. Free Will is not just some idealistic is a part of the fabric of reality. When you cross that line, naturally there are consequences. 


    When it comes to exchanging energy for mutual benefit, one alternative is Tree Gong. Trees have very pure and comforting Qi.....much more harmonious and beneficial than the average person walking the streets.Furthermore there usually always open to exchanging if approached with good intent. Evoking Angels, Sacred Sex....etc. Intent is key in all different approaches. 

    Thank you very much for this post man, very much appreciated. A few questions though if I may?

    1) What kind of refinement would be required? 

    2) With trees, would the energy from trees be easier to refine?

    3) Would absorbing Qi like this on a regular basis nullify the Jing -> Qi converstion requirement in Neidan, in your opinion?


    I have read some of your posts and see you're also into Jason Miller's work. Than you for your consideration bud.

  6. So I've been reading Jerry Alan Johnson's book, Daoist Exorcism, and in the part about Psychic Vampirism he talks about the Psychic Vampire stealing Qi and storing it in the LDT, then later refining it based on the magician's Five Element Constitution. This made me really think. Since I've only recently begun to practice Daoist practices, but am not that new to the LHP in the Western Esoteric tradition, I am not completely unfamiliar with Psychic Vampirism and have a few books on the subject, but I've never used them. I think I'm changing my mind though.


    If what is stolen through Psychic Vampirism is Qi, then doesn't that bypass the need to refine Jing to Qi in Neidan? Maybe this is a stupid question, just thought this would be interesting to talk about.

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  7. 10 minutes ago, thelerner said:

    I have have test tubes and chemicals.  I could mix up a batch of something and sprinkle it on aspirants and see what color it turns thus producing the evidence you're looking.  What kinda powers you looking for?  Superman, Wonderwoman.. Aquaman?  No.. probably Doctor Strange.. he's got another movie coming out so you can see him. 


    If you'll only listen to Masters who can levitate, well.. good luck with that.  I got 3 words for you Western Mo Pai.. Look to the Magus book, that's got high level guys shooting fireballs, destroying villages, a level 35 killing off a level 27.  Cool stuff..  dude. 


    <kidding sortof> I think there are lineages and traditions and excellent teachers that, if they connect with you, one should commit and learn from them.  The conceit that one doesn't require instruction is often the ego blowing smoke up one's ass.  That's not to throw common sense out the window either.  There are frauds but they're more often the ones touting powers.  Imo the best you can do is find wisdom that'll improve your spirituality, mind and body.   



    You want powers look to an electrician, you want wisdom look to the wise.  While siddhi's happen, most traditions seem to think aiming for them rather then letting them happen naturally is a mistake.  

    I'm not looking for superpowers or MoPai. I'm looking for all these "Authorities and masters" to go get scientifically monitored so as to determine whether they're really authorities, as you and your little cult of orthodox quacks like to claim. Why waste your time learning to achieve a state of immortality from somebody who cannot be verified to be one? If Chinese Traditional Medicine or Daoist cultivation can improve longevity, then why is the Chinese life expectancy not the highest? Maybe because they're talking shit.


    I'm not saying I'll "only listen to masters who levitate", I'm saying there's no use in spending your life blindly following frauds and people who aren't any more advanced than you are. If they are more advanced, the burden of proof falls upon then, until then they're all frauds out to make a fortune off gullible fools. Obviously I'm a spiritual person myself, but that doesn't mean I'm going to fall in with your submissiveness and willingness for blind belief in others. 


    The conceit that you think spiritual wisdom is restricted to only a certain group of cultures from a certain geographical area, clearly stems from a lack of knowledge. It might hurt your feelings to hear that your heroes and idols aren't the only ones with spiritual knowledge, doesn't change the fact that they aren't though.


    I'm not looking for siddhis, I was looking for those who claim to be "authorities" in a highly subjective subject to come out and prove why exactly anybody should believe them to be authorities. Also, if people could not teach themselves, I guess your Daoist religion would not exist, because guess what, the original masters didn't have authorities, or masters, they taught themselves. The idea that you need to blindly obey people is ridiculous.

  8. 53 minutes ago, moment said:


    No, I freely admit that I do not know the answer to any of those assertions you made above.  Again, my question is how do you know?

    Fair enough. Seeing as they are not able to objectively (scientifically) prove themselves to be immortals, they are thus not objectively immortals, thus not authorities. And since I subjectively don't believe them to be immortals, they are thus both objectively, and subjectively not immortals, and thus not authorities.

  9. On 1/22/2020 at 10:40 AM, Walker said:

    He doesn't seem to learn anything here, he hasn't convinced anybody of anything, he makes it so people can't have serious conversations about the very real problem of colonialism

    I wasn't aware that we had to prove anything to anybody here? Hmmm, I guess you're closer to a cult than you'd like to admit. What is it one would have to "convince" others of? Superpowers?


    The very real problem of colonialism, hmmm. Does that extend to Chinese, Indian, and Japanese colonization of others? Does it extend to Turkey having been a colonial nation since the 11th century after they committed genocide against the Byzantines? Or reparations from Mongolia, or North Africa for conquests in Europe? How about Bantu tribes displacing the Khoi people in South Africa? 


    When are you telling the Turkish to fuck off back to Central Asia then? Or does nativistic ideology only apply when it's at the expense of the white people you hate? 

    • Like 1
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  10. On 1/22/2020 at 5:09 AM, Earl Grey said:

    What value, gendao, do you even bring to this forum? You do nothing but force your uninformed and unrelated views everywhere, and when someone who does have authority (again: someone like Walker or I have language skill, formal training, life experience in respective countries we speak of, and actually talk with the people you've never directly engaged with), it is disregarded by you because it does not suit your conspiracy agenda. 

    You don't have authority, and even though I have no problem with Walker, neither does he. Nobody is an authority on spiritual matters, not some Celestial Master, not the Dalai Lama, not the Pope, nobody, because it's all subjective. So sorry to burst your superiority bubble. Guess who the real supremacist is, the guy kissing some false authority's ass so he can talk about his supposed authority. You can't get to immortality by holding your masters hand.

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  11. On 1/20/2020 at 10:48 AM, Earl Grey said:

    alien Christian colonialism conspiracies and pseudoscience in every thread regardless of whether it has anything to do with a topic or if anyone wants to hear what he says, like he is on the volcano thread and won’t shut up about it.

    The funny thing is I'm a colonial, and I still like him more than I do you, so what does that say about how irritating and obnoxious you are?


    On 1/20/2020 at 8:19 PM, Earl Grey said:

    you did start with a personal attack against me

    You didn't attack and insult me when I joined this forum and wasn't buying your bullshit? The reality is the vast majority of the people on here, including yourself are no better than people from Abrahamic religions, because what you practice is the Tao of Conformity. You need your hand held and can't think for yourself. If you're such a great master with such a great set of skills, why the fuck are you wasting your time complaining on an internet forum about other people? I thought an aspect of Daoism was accepting nature, I guess that's just another aspect you don't have mastery over. 


    I remember a similar thread where you commended the censorship on this forum since it was in favor of your set of political ideals, you were thanking the owner and kissing his ass because other people were bullying you. I think you need to grow up. Once again, isn't politics somewhat beneath a great Daoist master who is working towards immortality? 


    On 1/21/2020 at 3:57 AM, gendao said:

    If you were banned or disappeared, there would be a lot of calm from me and everyone else as we stay on topic and discuss what is good, and I have indeed had healthy disagreements here--from sane, respectful, rational people, which are all characteristics absent in you. 

    Everybody doesn't think like you do, you're not Jesus of Borg. There's a lot of alternatives to this forum, I suggest those banned for not conforming to check out OriginalDao.


    On 1/21/2020 at 4:15 AM, Earl Grey said:


    You do the same with your Orthodox Daoist brainwashing. Look at my introduction thread. You irritate people with your agenda, but when others do it to you, you beg for them to get banned? Strange... 


    On 1/21/2020 at 4:15 AM, Earl Grey said:

    the average educated adult would say

    The average educated adult would say that other worlds and qigong is all bullshit. We're not dealing in average here.


    On 1/21/2020 at 4:15 AM, Earl Grey said:

    your obnoxiousness doesn't know when to stop

    Didn't I ask you to stop on my introduction thread?

    • Like 1

  12. On 1/17/2020 at 3:01 AM, GSmaster said:


    You are really dumb.


    Competition with the A.I is a driving force for human evolution.


    A.I capabilities will make the life of humans easier and safer 1 million times.


    You can prevent hundreds of millions of deaths in car accidents every year by using A.I.

    You can improves surgeries / operations by using A.I. / robots eliminating human error.

    There are hundreds if not thousands such applications.

    Too much life too little death. All that accomplishes is faster destruction of forests, woodlands, and jungles. There's already enough people in the world, I see people every day, I kind of see animals every day since I live close to a mountain and a small nature reserve with a river. The point is though, one day there won't be animals left to see, people will have to go to museums to look at modern animals the way we have to in order to look at prehistoric ones. Overpopulation is in my opinion the single worst problem facing the planet right now.


    You should check out the movie "The Time Machine".

  13. 21 minutes ago, GSmaster said:


    Scammers and fools are universal in any tradition or teaching, and represent a majority of people who are too stupid to understand things and usually go on teaching stuff.

    I do agree, however what you seem to be doing a lot of the time is dismissing anything outside your realm of experience. Maybe I'm wrong about that, if so I apologize. 


    23 minutes ago, GSmaster said:

    I am not a taoist, daoist practice and cultivation is roughly 1% of my GS internal arts.

    So you're eclectic as well, good to know. What does GS stand for?


    26 minutes ago, GSmaster said:

    We then have to deal with mental patients of those masters, who come on forum and talk nonsense like

    Are you a psychologist or merely being bias? I doubt everybody you disagree with is mentally unstable, though I am aware of people going crazy from practices in the Western spherical systems, this is rare. 


    1 hour ago, GSmaster said:

    Practiced and experienced what?

    What you claim is spiritually false and fraudulent. Prematurely judging anything is ignorant, no one person can know everything, we are limited by our limited vessels in this world, and there isn't only one way to any one destination. Systems are authenticated via feedback from those who have practiced and assessed it objectively.


    While I understand you have sheeple that blindly do as those around them do, or do as they are told, if somebody well-versed in similar practices adopts the practices for a period of time and reports success, it has thus been as authenticated as any spiritual system in the world currently can be.


    1 hour ago, GSmaster said:

    Why would I care what he says?)

    Well I would hope that since you're a Master that you'd be willing to learn from others. But if you think you don't need to learn from others I guess you don't have to care at all.


    Have a pleasant evening.

    • Thanks 1

  14. 14 hours ago, GSmaster said:



    No, I am not. Nor do I owe him anything.


    I have zero tolerance towards fake spirituality and towards scammers.



    I don't watch videos of losers or scammers on youtube.

    The philosopher Ken Wilber says that authentic spiritual systems confirm to the three strands of objective knowledge that constitute science:

    1) Injunction: try doing something
    2) Apprehension: observe what happens
    3) Falsification by a Community of the Adequate: present findings to people who have the requisite experience and to judge the observation and its implications. The reason it says falsification is because you can never really prove anything, because you would have to survey the totality of existence to make sure that there are no counterfactuals anywhere. You can, however, easily falsify claims by finding only one counterfactual.


    You can't technically claim any tradition is fake and a scam, and be correct, if it's based upon what they claim to achieve spiritually when you haven't practiced and experienced. 


    14 hours ago, GSmaster said:

    qualified teacher

    Refer to the above points regarding the objective knowledge that constitute science and apply once again. Taoism isn't the only way that works, in fact, in my short time here I've already met numerous people that, while they began their journey in Taoist practices, have moved on to the Western Esoteric or Buddhist practices. 

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  15. 3 minutes ago, Earl Grey said:

    Given the skills i do have and the respect from multiple lineages (including outside mine), wishful thinking and a miserable attempt at an insult.


    I remind you: YOU started this in the thread and now YOU are restarting it by your bizarre sexual fantasies about sucking my cock.

    Multiple lineages consistent of mostly people who aren't and will never be immortals, I'm impressed. Not only that, you're also assuming you know the only way to immortality, as such you should prove it or continue appearing to be a daft peasant.


    Yes, I did start it, and ask pretenders such as yourself not to derail it because you're irrelevant, as is anything you say. You're the one worshiping your master who is not an immortal, thus polishing his knob, not me. Also, when you grow up and need a job, you can come mow my lawn, and rake the yard, because that's what obedient little fools do where I'm from.

    • Haha 1
    • Confused 1

  16. 3 minutes ago, Earl Grey said:

    Man, I leave you alone and you go right back to it. You want someone to pet you on the head rather than tell you the truth, and nobody here with their salt will ever say that making up your own system will get you what you claim to be looking for.

    And nobody worth their salt thinks you know what you're talking about, nor does anybody consider you some kind of authority, sorry, back to polishing knobs and sweeping the floors boy.

    • Haha 1

  17. 1 hour ago, GSmaster said:


    Spirits in cosmos dream about teaching you something. For free.



    Exactly, the path will become unbearable to walk if you lack that humility quality, you will eventually realize that you are a nobody nowhere and extreme far away from your "objectives" of becoming an immortal, without humility and with selfinflated ego, that will turn into internal demon and Qi deviation that will devour the practitioner.

    Yes, you know everything about becoming an immortal, and you also clearly know that there is only one path to that state of being, and that humility is a requirement. I am sure you have learned a lot from your masters who aren't immortals, and a bunch of books written by people who were most likely not immortals. Preaching about something like this makes you appear rather daft.


    Since you believe so much in humility why not practice it? I mean, you speak for all the spirits in the Cosmos who will apparently only commune with those who are self-righteous assholes such as yourself right? I think I'll take my chances learning from spirits rather than some fools on an online forum that assume they know everything regarding the paths to immortality, why don't you and Earl Grey go polish your masters' knobs?

    • Haha 3

  18. On 12/15/2019 at 2:15 PM, cobwebby said:

    Dear EarlGrey I think you are not taking my words for true. I do not need your guidance. I have found my own methods to be more effective and efficient than stagnated teachings. I mean no offence.

    Cobweb, there are certain characters on this site you should ignore, EarlGrey and Freeform are some of them. They're little men with inferiority complexes, and as such try to impose their wills on other on this site. Just ignore them. I'm actually an Afrikaner moving to the Netherlands in a little over a year, so if you ever need to talk let me know bud. There is actually an abundance of Daoism in the Southern regions of your country if you ever feel like checking it out.


    Take Welkin's advice, as well as that of Gendao, and especially Zhongyongdaoist, they are all mature, open-minded individuals and will try their best not to impose any dogma on you. Good luck man.


    • Haha 6
    • Confused 1

  19. 35 minutes ago, Nungali said:




      Reveal hidden contents

    There are not many people in the world that will BBQ a turd .


    There are not many people in the world that come from cultures that committed genocide against the natives, and were complicit in concentration camps in South Africa. Reflect upon your own culture before judging others.

  20. 2 minutes ago, Taomeow said:


    You are rude, dude.  And a post earlier you also rudely lashed out at the forum owner/admin, which is usually a bad idea regardless of all other considerations.  Hope you're not suicidal in RL.  If that's the case, I have much compassion and can share some helpline numbers.    


    But if you're saying, unnecessarily rudely, that no one here has the real perspective, please allow me to introduce myself.  I lived the first half of my to-date life in a socialist and the second half in a capitalist country.  Do you have any questions you would like me to answer, or do you have all the answers already? 

    My question to you is, why are you living in a capitalist country, if socialism and communism is superior? I'd say your actions contradict your ideals. You may perceive it as rude, but at the same time, to live in a capitalist society screaming about how unjust it is, and sitting in a first-world Western country, is a paradox. And as such, I cannot take any "leftist" or commie seriously when their actions contradict their claims, it's a form of hypocrisy, or cowardice.


    If capitalism was worse than communism, you wouldn't be living in a capitalist society, people from socialist or communist societies would not be trying to get into Western capitalist societies. You can claim differently all you want, but your actions are what I trust, not your words, typed from a capitalist country.


    1 hour ago, ralis said:

    I don't know what country you are from, but capitalism is running amok here in the U.S., and by extension affecting the entire planet!

    I'm from South Africa. I'd like you to come live here, or some other non-capitalist society, and then compare. You see, it's easy to think it works when you don't understand how unions can ruin a country. All of our SOEs, State-owned Enterprises, have been neglected, and run into the ground. Let's take Eskom as an example, our power utility, which employs over 20000 more people than it should, and the CEOs all get massive sign-on and leaving bonuses. There's a thing called load shedding in my country, rolling blackouts, and it can never be fixed for a number of reasons;


    1) Unions have too much power, and the ANC won't fire the 20000+ that are nothing but leeches, because they'll lose those 20000+ votes.


    2) The people in townships, which are like favelas, don't pay for water or electricity, and owe the municipalities billions, billions every year. Will they be forced to pay? They can't because nobody wants to invest here to create jobs due to the power of unions, corruption, and racist policies. Will they be cut off? No. Instead, we have rolling blackouts, depending on the stage (from 2 hours a day to 12), for both those who pay and those who don't and it'll get even worse. So can you imagine paying a massive amount for your utilities, and then being cut off from it because others don't? It's shit.


    Zimbabwe, is a great example of what's going to become of South Africa soon.