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Posts posted by AngelsView

  1. On 12/8/2019 at 6:36 PM, MegaMind said:


    I know a person who served in Vietnam, and was exposed to agent orange. 


    He had to have his prostate surgically removed, and a kidney due to aggressive prostate cancer.


    He never practised Mo Pai a day in his life.


    All men will develop prostate cancer if they live long enough.















    While Jim was serving in Vietnam he was doused in agent orange.

    Jim developed a specific form of very aggressive cancer, it was linked to that exposure.

    "A 2013 study conducted at the Portland VA Medical Center and Oregon Health and Science University found that Veterans exposed to Agent Orange are not only at higher risk for prostate cancer, but they are more likely to have aggressive forms of the disease. Read the abstract for the publication, Agent Orange as a risk factor for high-grade prostate cancer."

    A study of 1,495 veterans who underwent radical prostatectomy to remove their cancerous prostates showed that the 206 exposed to Agent Orange had nearly a 50 percent increased risk of their cancer recurring despite the fact that their cancer seemed relatively nonaggressive at the time of surgery.

    Agent Orange as a risk factor for high-grade prostate cancer.

    52% increase in overall risk of developing aggressive prostate cancer.

    Prostate Cancer Foundation

    Worse, “the men who were exposed to Agent Orange and other battlefield chemicals often present with more aggressive prostate cancer,” says Jeffrey Jones, M.D., Chief of Urology at the Michael E. DeBakey Veteran Affairs Medical Center (MEDVAMC).

    Agent Orange tied to aggressive prostate cancer risk

    Agent Orange exposure increases veterans' risk of aggressive recurrence of prostate cancer

    Also according to Dr. Lawrence Blair as of September 12, 2019 John in his 80s and close to level 20 in Mo Pai has cancer himself.

    It is also important to note that most men will develop prostate cancer if they live long enough, it is a natural part of aging.

    At best it can be argued that lower levels of Mo Pai do not provide the ability needed to heal cancer.

    John stated that his teacher however could heal cancer, so at higher levels this would be possible.

    This just promts me to someone who went through cancer a decade ago, that we are all at risk of cancer just because of all the crap in our global biosphere now. And mine was diagnosed as environmental, not genetic. So whether you have it or not, Its so important to be on a cancer fighting diet, detox and to exercise regularly. And pray/meditate. Don't allow negative energy to stagnate.

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  2. I'm loving this thread just how it is. Lol...truly! We are not clones, and imo people should be allowed to be who they are unless they are intentionally hurting others. I enjoy reading the process of understanding on here and you're not just entertainment, I'm learning. Some people are just way out there and that can turn some peeps on, or off. Looking down on someone...I'm not getting that vibe from Everythings replies...and in other forums/topics... is very nice to people in posts. But that point is still well made...and taken. Idk...I don't frustrate easily, but when I do...kaboom! haha

    • Like 1
    • Confused 2

  3. 17 minutes ago, Everything said:


    You guys are BLOWING my MIND


    17 minutes ago, Everything said:

    Thank you for sharing your wonderfully unique expression and perspective, regarding on how to stay ever so more fully on topic.....


    Let us know evermore what it truely means to stay on topic. With ever revolving topics of all topics of all topics. And allow any and all topics to truely be, allowed such freedom to be and become evermore freely and uniquely expressed, here and now. Where all that exists exists. And all the ways that it has of coming to know itself. Evermore ongoingly more effortlessly, truely, freely, knowingly, realisidly. Through all that you truely are being and becoming evermore here and now, regardless of anything that you may choose or not choose to allow yourself to be and become here and now. 


    Because in the end, everything is just perfect, just the way it is ever so more fully allowed to be. And become. Evermore ongoingly more effortlessly and joyously and freely and truely and meaningfully and valuably, on any and all topics, being and becoming evermore delightfully and enlighteningfully here and now. Through reveal the all as is the one, as is the all. 


    • Thanks 1

  4. 7 hours ago, Earl Grey said:

    Some more Bukowski for ya, Steve, to see how his style actually really is a good parallel. Some of my favorite poems read by him, especially.






    I’ll leave you to look up Bluebird and The Genius of the Crowd—those two are brutal.

    My fav of his...



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