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Posts posted by Wuxia

  1. I always watch the deck review videos on youtube ~ I won't even buy a deck until I've seen every last card in the deck .


    youtube is the best place to find a deck 

    • Like 2

  2. so you use different baguas for different purposes 

    so I guess the colors would keep changing ~ I really don't know what to think about it 

    I just like being able to read the hexagrams from the taiji symbol with the colors assigned to the trigrams 

  3. jSpFCX_9WUA.jpg?size=387x388&quality=95&



    The above reference grid is one example of compass direction to trigram correspondences.

    Below you’ll find two versions of the dial that are both referred to as the Later Heaven Ba Gua, but feature different trigram arrangements, and therefore will align differently to the compass directions than what you see up top.




    Yes, there are different versions of the “Later Heaven Ba Gua.” Different traditions practice differently is the shortest explanation I have for that.


  4. 6 hours ago, Taomeow said:


    I would at least go with the traditional attributions from the I Ching.  Earth is yellow, Water is black, Fire is red.  The rest can be determined via seasonal associations of the trigrams.  Thunder is green -- Spring, etc..  

    I didn't know about that ~ I want to use the correct colors ~ I just don't know what they are ~ it would be nice if there were colors assigned originally so there won't be all of the confusion from everyone using different colors 

    there should be a system already in place that is the same all over the world ~ ( I would think )


    are you talking about this ? because it's not trigrams  ~ you would have to help me see the light because I am lost in the confusion of it all 


  5. okay ~ I guess I'll stay with the colors I'm using now 

    I got them from this Oracle  ~ I think it's ingenious how she made a picture for each trigram ~ also I don't even need to see a hexagram ~ all I need to see is what color is on top of what color in the yin yang symbol

    there is a yin yang symbol at the top of each card

    I guess that also means I have the freedom to assign my own colors if I want to  



    here is an example of someone else using different colors 

  6. I am about to start a project and I need to associate colors with the trigrams 

    I am using a system that has assigned the following colors to the trigrams


    heaven ~ white

    earth ~ black

    fire ~ yellow 

    water ~ blue

    wind ~ jade green

    thunder ~ red

    lake ~ pink

    mountain ~ dark green


    so before starting my project I wanted to double check the colors online to make sure that they are the correct colors ~ 

    but online everyone is using different colors 


    Does anyone know what the correct colors are