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Posts posted by waterdrop

  1. I rather use a flowing shower 

    so how do i get there ? 

    do i need to gather carry bottles of water of buckets of water  ....   or rather  build a pipe line ?    in that metaphor it seems that building a pipeline is better   instead of wasting time gather water bottles  ...............  unless by gathering qi you help get flowing of qi better somehow

    but if that is the case it does clash with  your example of a "larger container"   we expand the channels just so we can gather more qi in some place in the body ?  or we gather qi so we can increase the flow of qi ? 

    is it A to B   -  or B to A ? 

  2. Can you elaborate a bit more  -  like why its not useless to eat food which is high in qi  - if we anyway do qigong exercises that are supose to increase the circulation of qi between the body and the universe ? 

    for example there are many exercise where you visualize qi entering and exiting the body  ( like in zhineng qiogng which i practiced )    -     isnt it  clashing with gathering qi ?  meaning it makes it pointless ? 

    why expand the channels for example   ?   does it make the gathering of qi obsolete ?




  3. What is the advantage in not masturbating and eating good food  .... if anyway qi comes and goes with the body ? 

    its it usless  like putting buckets into a flowing river ?   

    (also some palces i seen people say there is no point in gathering qi and all that matters is doing stuff like practicing qigong increasing the flow between the body and the world)

    what are the advantages of gathering more qi in the body (in means of food and celibacy etc) ?

  4. I did vipasasna retreats  (mahasi sayadaw style) -     but that is just doing meditation all day long    -   so the meditation you do in daily life  just  more non stop  ................   so maybe that is the case with spontaneous  qigong  that if you do it in a retreat setting non stop you get to eliminate seeds as well ?

    What about the aspect of feeling qi and flowing of qi  using spontaneous qigong  -  in comparison to other methods ?

  5. 2 hours ago, freeform said:

    There is an end to the process - as in you wouldn’t be doing spontaneous movements for 20 years. It’s a process that runs it’s course and ends eventually.


    Not at all - it’s a great process and clears a lot of stuff - one of the most efficient methods for the early stages.

    (I’m assuming your spontaneous movement is what I’m familiar with - it may be something different like interpretive dance type of thing...)


    But no one method will get you all the way.


    Im afraid you need to find the motivation inside yourself. This is a really difficult path. There’s a story about one of the Yang family members who tried to commit suicide because of the extreme discomfort of internal training. Another one tried to run away...


    Of course you’re probably not subjected to the rigorous level of training that the Yang family had, so you’ve no excuse :lol:


    Just remember the resistance you feel is a resistance to change. It’s normal. Training isn’t pleasant - but that resistance is irrelevant. Just do what’s required and you’ll go far :)

    If you do many movments in it that you do in other techniques even more tailored for your own needs   (the qi will move where it is needed   - and in that its much better than other qigong styles ? )    than  you  can clear all blockages with spontaneous qigong   -  is it not so ?   


        your meridians will be the best they can be flow will be crazy good is it not the case ?

    it can be like meditation as well no ? 


  6. TBH i dont like to read it  ( that its not one method all the way and that its not for 20 years) cause it does lower the motivation to practice it -  probably (99%) my fault for asking 

    what i am doing is just moving in what goes between qigong movments some the even very close to the ones i practice in zhineng qigong   to  interpretive dance type of thing  

  7. Quote

    It doesn’t ‘build’ - you won’t be building your ‘internal’ body or generating Qi - but it does clear and smooth things out which helps your body work more efficiently. 

    I am looking for motivation to practice it more  -   and the end point thing you wrote and this   seems like its not that great without that great results

    can it help increase the flow of qi in the body ?  and to feel it better ?  sounds from what you say that other methods are better  maybe like zhineng qigong ?                                         

        (         i am aware of the warning you shouldnt practice it without a teacher  - my meditaiton teacher just told me to do it with no instructions  - but i report to him on my life in general and my practice and i trust him 100%    -   but i am really unsure about the benefits of it  and i really have a hard time practicing it  cause of it even though its more "easy" and "fun"  to me than  zhineng qigong )

  8. 1 hour ago, freeform said:

    Visualization only moves your ‘existing Qi’... meaning it’s at a shallow level. Like if someone touches the back of your hand with a finger and holds it there, your attention and in turn Qi will start to concentrate there at the level of the nerves. Visualization, in some people can do the same. But this is not the Qi of Qigong... it’s not able to transform - but it could maybe be used for healing.


    Think of the volume of water the tides in the ocean move vs the volume of water we can move with a bucket or even a big tanker. It’s incomparable - even though yes, some Qi is moved in both cases.


    The Qi of Qigong moves by having a correct structure (from years of practice) and then letting go. Only through letting go do any profound transformations take place. Visualization and imagination is the opposite of letting go.



    Great answers freeform 

    I practice now sponatinues qigong  as adviced by my meditation teacher    -  what are your thoughts about it in light of the stuff you wrote ?    is it using the whole body as a channel ? or just the channels ?  

    it’s not able to transform.................  what do you mean by transform ?

  9. This are good replies 

    But i did hear about a blessing before drinking water from my reberthing course instructor  ,  also i did hear from taoists and buddhsits about "viberations"   -       and i did hear from people in qigong including qigong instructors about good food with good qi ,  and i did hear about microwave being bad for the food    ....     doesnt it clash somehow with what you say ?

    CT do you not think that it doesnt matter if you use microwave to cook your food ?


  10. Well i started by learning zhineng qigong from a teacher that follows mingtungu  who teaches with visualaztion  -  i was never good at it  than i went to learn zhineng qigong in china and its with no visulization and it was better  - but now i read about reality transurfing (which is indeed not qigong) and they have a few visulaiztion exercises there and it does seem it can work    (my practice at the moment is spontaniues qigong,meditation,reberthing)     (  !!   but i dont want to talk about myself or my practice cause that always derails the thread  and makes ingormation that could be told  not be told !!! )        cause by that pratcie you visualize qi going up the spine and qi going down a bit infront of it  and its supose to widen the channels  by moving the qi in them  it seems  , you dont think that works ?


    Well depends on your practice. In Taiji, for example, your entire body becomes one big channel

    can you expand on that ?   i get in general that the body is made of qi  -  what do you mean the body becomes one big channel  -  is it in the end stage after years of practice ,  or is it just the way of practice from the start ?    seems better to do that be one big channel than just some in parts of the body no ? 

  11. 1 hour ago, freeform said:


    You shouldn't be doing anything with the Qi directly. You need to follow the correct method and these things will happen of their own accord.


    i was thinking for example about visulization exercises  where you imagine qi going up and down the body (and outside the body)  and it is said to be an exercise to make more qi flow through the channels

    how big can this channels get ?   dont they clash with each other at some point ?


  12. *every info someone wants to add to this subject the better  - some questions i have :

    1 .  The more flow in the body the better  ?   

    2 .  Do the meridians expand the more there is more flow  or you expand your meridians and than more flow is going through them ?  do you need to maintain them by always pumping more qi through them or else they will close ?

    3 .  Do the meridians expand  ( i read recently they expand somewhere so i wonder how big can they get ?  do they expand out of the body ?  do they push each other ? cause some  are pretty close together)   ....   or the difference is just in the volume of qi flowing thorugh the same size meridians ?   do you just release blockages inside the meridians more and more until they are smooth as much as possible ?   


  13.  im conufesd  you wrote  :  " In cooked food there is limited Qi, not worth counting "              hence raw food  should be considered better with more qi  ?      so a raw diet (not fruiterian spesificly )    can have much more qi  no ?   and that is suppose to be a good thing no ?

  14. When i lived alone i used to not use the microwave at all   (but for example to avoid the microwave and laziness i did cooke for example a pot with rice and one with lentils and ate from it for five days (more than 48 hours)     -    now i live with my family and my mom all week  (Expcet at weekends)  makes food in microwave  ,  and at the moment im sick  (a cough that doesnt leave for 4 weeks now and sometimes yellow phlem)   so i try to minimize touching stuff in the kitchen and time there  so i usually eat what she makes 

    so i wonder for example if she makes now spaghetti and the microwave   - and the chickpeas she made  are the exact same thing qi wise   -  i mean if microwave is that bad than maybe they are the same      or  spaghetti in the microwave VS cauliflower in  the microwave

    and also if the soup she made in the microwave is the same as a bag of chips   ,  is the processed hummus paste with preservatives and all is better than chickpeas that were soaked in water and cooked in the microwave   

    and maybe there is better or at least worse  (dry shit seems better than wet one)  in choosing between two foods

    most   nutritionists  wont say stuff this strict about microwave  - and for example would say vegetables in the microwave are healthy even very healthy  -  so im trying to get the qi  aspect of things

    *   and of course  its not just a question about my situation now but in general  its useful to know about this stuff to know more or less  whats better  if i have other choices between this kind of food or between cooking methods etc 
    **   also i do want to say i ask this stuff  qi wise  not "scientifically"  cause every now and than there is a new article about a new research finding different findings  ,  not to mention stuff less known and published to the public 


  15. Well  the question from the first place was to help me make the least worst option   (and to help me understand the reasoning behind the things so i can get to my own conclusions   -  as in  "microwave destroyes all the chi ,   but if you only reheat food in the microwave that was cooked in the oven etc ...  is not that bad"  as i was told by someone

  16. So  for example you all think that chickpeas  soaked in water  than cooked in the microwave   are worse  than     cheakeps from a can ? 

    or for example are spinach leaves that are cooked in the microwave worse than consuming doritos chips (which lets say is corn flour and wheat flour and a lot of oil , salt , spices and preservatives)  that were cooked in the oven in the factory ?

  17. I did a little barefoot walking  - once in a 5 day meditaion reterat were some of the people walked barefoot on grass and cement paths  -  and on a vacation in thailand in a forest where the guides where barefoot  so i did too   there where very long sticks on the ground but also a lot of wet leaves so it was really not a big deal at all suprisingly 

    but alone somewhere new to do it barefoot  im too worried to get something stuck in my foot  (  a sharp stick edge , a nail , a needele etc)    -    when i did it  it was nice painful but cool expirence in the forest it was even nice and cushny  - inside  my house when its hot i walk barefoot  all the time  ,   but like qigong practice which i did  i dont feel all this stuff   -  so of course practice is better than theory but i ask for motivation and also its nice to look for stuff 

    about morning walking i used to do it everyday before dawn as adviced by a teacher  - now im back to my parents house i changed it with walks with the dog  instead of alone  and in the afternoon  - not sure how it effects it  ---   in the morning walks they were nice but again since im not advanced i didnt feel any special benefit actually except nice scenery  ( if i would experience stuff than i wouldnt have a need to ask   )

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