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Everything posted by waterdrop

  1. if i just lay there (and lets assume i wont die ) than i will have heat and cold and thoughts and pain and itches and boredom and sounds etc
  2. How to find the lower dan tian ?

    " — using the mind " buddhim ? ..... " The other is the path of energy " - qigong neigong ? ... and what is the path of the body ? (of course i know this are all mixed and not purely mind or energy or body )
  3. How to find the lower dan tian ?

    what are the 3 categories ?
  4. How to find the lower dan tian ?

    @dwai maybe i didnt understand it right but i think that i heared in some places that neigong alchemy is focusing on the process that go on in the body in the "enlightenment" process - as in that in buddhism you work with the mind to reach enlightment and in alchemy you work with the body and mind to reach enlightenment ? so in that case isnt the whole energy thing happening also in Buddhism ? maybe not via the lower dan tian but other location(s) instead ? What about the health aspect of things ? as in sitting meditating a lot , maybe too much ? as in taoism deals a lot with health of the body and healing the body - Buddhism not so much ? (of course i am over simplifying things for the sake of the question )
  5. How to find the lower dan tian ?

    I believe it exists , i dont say it 100% exists .... maybe it does not exist , i think it exists because it makes sense to me because it is logical to me plus many people i think know what they are talking about say it exists , plus personal experiences of "spiritual" stuff , plus teachers i had think it exists and for many reasons i think they know what they are talking about . its enough belief that you cant say it exists for sure but enough belief so you put effort in order to find out if it exists .... hope thats more clear than my previous reply .. there are even more reasons why i believe its true , but it would take me it seems a few more posts to explain it in a clear way and that would derail this thread - if you still dont "get" this point of view maybe someone else can explain it better
  6. How to find the lower dan tian ?

    Toni it makes sense you think that way - why i believe in it is that enough teachers and long time practitioners say it exists , that i would be very very surprised if it doesn't and that they all lie or delusional ... thats my reply to your comment and about finding the dan tian - I just read this article , not sure if its legit or not but - it says there : https://flowingzen.com/5523/where-in-the-world-is-dantian/ ........ but i thought you first need to find the dantian ... than build it .... than store energy in it ............... but in this article it seems as if to help you find it in the first place its better you have a high amount of qi ?
  7. How to find the lower dan tian ?

    What did practicing taijiquan give you ... in the aspect of finding the lower dantian - that "regular" meditation wouldnt give you ? was it stretches you did ? some other stuff ? Would you say finding the dantian is an "experience" or is it the moment you find it you can find it again very easily ? DO you think long term meditators are finding their dantian all the time ? for example people who train in vipassana find thier dantian all the time ? ..... if i go back to my meditation buddhist path and forget about qigong will my dantian form by itself ?
  8. How to find the lower dan tian ?

    What do you think made you find it dwai ? as in : was it relaxation ? reaching some deep meditative state ? something else ? Did you know about the dantian at the time ? and that its something people look to find ? did you want to find it in general at that time (as opposed to in that spesific practice of " taijiquan ") ?
  9. How to find the lower dan tian ?

    This question is that in the training its basically meditation - which i already did in the past without finding any dantian and i understand from the training that your mind just finds the dantian and "locks on" to it when you do the meditation .... and i have done meditation longer and more time each meditation than what my practices take ........ so im asking if i missed something more than the time thing cause i already given this practices much more time than what the course gives (and did each mediation for longer in that time) so while my practice isnt perfect in consistency - wouldnt it make sense for example that in a retreat i did of 20 days where i meditate all day long with 1 hour walking meditation 1 hour sitting meditation (instead of 15 minutes meditation) ... i would have found the dan tian ? --- this is what im asking about if there is something more to do than just meditate to find the dan tian ? If doing something A for B amount of time is suppose to give me C result .... and i have been doing what i think is A for 100xB amount of time without any result of C .... than maybe i didnt get the explantioni of A and maybe i have been doing A wrong ......... so that is what im asking about : about A .......... did i get it right that its enough to meditate and than with time you find the dantian ? just sit 15 minutes a day than you find it some day ?
  10. I got dust allregy and maybe even seasonal change allergy ... it causes me a lot of mucus in the nose and throat , it makes it hard for me to breath and other bad effects (wasting time ,energy ,money etc) i wonder how to solve this ... cause this maybe some elemental pulse imbalance ? like too strong metal or too weak wood or something like that that some elment meditation can solve ? or maybe i have a weak body organ that strengthening it can solve this or any other solution you guys know of ?
  11. my father has found he has gall bladder stones - does someone here have a solution to that ?
  12. How to fix knocked knees ?

    i have Knee Valgus / knocked knees / inward turning knees issue - not something really extreme but enough to cause some problem in for example wuji stance i wonder if there is a way to fix this - cause i dont want to see a PT at the moment (wont cause of corona and also in the past i went many times to different issues without success) when i practiced zhineneg qigong - i was told 2 things - 1 that doing 100 wall squats a day would heal any problem (asked about this here in different thread and apperantly the answer is its not true https://www.thedaobums.com/topic/49918-what-are-all-the-benifits-of-wall-squats/?tab=comments#comment-902301 and was told by someone else there (not a teacher but advanced student) that if i stand in three centeres merge stance - my posturue will correct itself So base on that insperation - i would like to hear peoples opinion on the matter : if they have some solution (execpt to say to go to see a PT) "traditional" ones - meaning western solutions exercises etc or they have some taoistic solutions like stand in this specific stand for 2 hours a day and problem will fix itself by itself - do Y for 30 minutes and it would fix itself etc in short im asking : 1. do you have a solution (of any kind qigoong realted or westeren related etc) to knocked knees 2 . do you have some "magic" one all solution like stand in X position and you will fix your posture intuitively etc
  13. How to fix knocked knees ?

    do you think it can be even a good sign if i follow the guidelines ? or just not a bad thing ? and do you think i can improvise stretches - as long as it feels ok and i follow the guidelines than it seems every stretch i invent should be fine right ?
  14. How to fix knocked knees ?

    freeform do you think cracks knacks in the knee is a bad sign ? ( i get it from butterfly stretch - not from frog stretch ... get it maybe an hour or two after the exercise)
  15. How to fix knocked knees ?

    @Creation That is disturbing to read , cause it makes me doubt the "Self fixing" aspect of wuji - especailly cause i would think any pain in my organs (anything that isnt joint pain especaiily) is some kind of healing proccess and that wuji is working great and its part of the self fixing
  16. How to fix knocked knees ?

    Ok now i truly got it
  17. How to fix knocked knees ?

    ok i get it now - to stretch while moving (with awareness) just not sure about the logic its just at first you wrote " it's like holding an elastic band in tension until it loses its elasticity " ,,,,,,,, so an elastic band you put in tension is still in tension if you move it - but i guess the point is if you move it than you can get a stronger stretch so it will be shorter ?
  18. How to fix knocked knees ?

    I edited my post
  19. How to fix knocked knees ?

    It sounds like harmonious is training in zhieneng qigong except the stand in zhineneg qigong of "three centers merge" has the legs turned inward which is the opposite of opening the hips as far as i understand so maybe its not the case .... for the record i start to follow damo mitchell course
  20. How to fix knocked knees ?

    I think i see an improvemnt already - i stand wuji after stretching frog pose and it seem i didnt even need to "hold" it much at all still not sure i really got how not to overdo things the way i did with the split - which also went well ... until it didnt i think i got this - but all this moments i do while in a stretched pose right ? so it is like doing a long split just moving tiny bit from side to side maybe rocking the body a bit ? so it is static in a sense just with tiny movemnts - so there is always a constant stretch ! ? like for example there is always a stretch in frog pose of 7 and by moving we move between a 7-9 stretch force - but still there is always a constant stretch ... which is what you wrote against doing ?
  21. How to fix knocked knees ?

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=14&v=QfrIUVIzK00&feature=emb_title also aonther video where the person says the knees should be at same line as hips - which contridicts the guy above (skip to 6:45 where he talks about the frog : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CujvBLqTwjI if someone has any idea why butterfly stretch makes me have pain above the knee instead of the medial side of it like freeform says it should be in butterfly stretch .. and how frog pose does make me have pain in the medial side of knee than i would love to hear an explanation for that
  22. How to fix knocked knees ?

    @freeform i wonder with the putting the awerness thing i sometimes feel its a bit "harder" but wonder if its not just me tensing the area on purpose to feel its different is there a part where we need to relax the stretch ? like relax than stretch more etc ? frog pose stretch is a static stretch isnt it ? ..... what movment part do you do or recommend ? to move back and forth ?
  23. How to fix knocked knees ?

    32 years old - no problem with athritis as far as i know - i did have until recently (not sure when it went) pain in hip i had pain in back - not sure what i have now ... only thing is i got pain recently cause i tried to do wuji and streches like the butterfly stretch i still have pain in sitting bone if i sit without moving on the chair when i over strecthed in the past doing the splits i even found it hard to lift my leg up to ride a bicycle at the time
  24. How to fix knocked knees ?

    I remembered now that i did overstretch in the past - thats why i was probably interested in the stretching issue and that it can cause problems i did a lot of splits stretches - and suddenly stopped advancing and even had decrease in flexibility Do you think the "hold" itself can help correct the posture by itself - or you mean that the streches with time will make my body reach that hold position ?
  25. How to fix knocked knees ?

    By the way the answer to my point number 2 in original post is "YES" wuji stance will solve all posture problems (without a need for knowledge of all the muscles tendons streches exercises etc) ..... but maybe only if you are healthy enough not to cause a lot of damage to yourself by the stance if you have some too strong posture problems - like for example to big inner knee turning ?