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Everything posted by Abzu

  1. Long men pai nei gong and mo pai

    that's why I added to my reply. it is surely easier to compress yourself and incept down than to push yourself UP, and for why? the way I see this, propelling up requires you to push everything else out of the way, OR, adopt an available frame that is yours already, which Is tailored to the environment. however, by going in, you afford yourself the ability to use whatever form you desire, as time is compressed and it is "your" world. if for anything else, to use as a jump point to the "next" experience . to even get there, you'd need your body to be comfortable running on "autopilot," I imagine. another reason why adherence to the traditional is unnecessary. only relevant in THIS context, ie, this world and pov, and whatever world's the lineage "makes" available to you.
  2. Long men pai nei gong and mo pai

    why limit yourself to this one world all possibilities are endless but I will say, one of my goals has been to be able to go IN while the outside functions. compress time by slipping inside the body. like when you spend weeks in a dream over an 8 hour period of time. I imagine this isn't too unfeasible, but maybe not quite worth how much work it would take. however, if one could successfully do this, the end goal would have been accomplished instead of going UP, into this world's higher field, going IN to your own inner field. it would just require the body to be comfortable with you "disappearing."
  3. Long men pai nei gong and mo pai

    reverse engineering is terrifying good for the chi also though, wouldn't we all have different places we want to take our body? like I imagine my idea of sustained chemical balance is different than everyone else's. we all have preference. our goals can't all be the same
  4. Long men pai nei gong and mo pai

    id say when you care too much over anything else the thinking is processing caring is what forces it to process more, imo
  5. Long men pai nei gong and mo pai

    and to make itworse, everyone around you is addicted to YOUR place in their rhythm? and you want out of it? troublesome. if only everyone else was not reliant on other people's body's to keep moving. if only there was some way to have a body be chemically independent of it's surroundings
  6. Long men pai nei gong and mo pai

    it's PAINFUL and will make you disgusted with your surroundings. but then you own your body again sympatheic nervous system is tricky when everyone is insane and yes, get one part more enthused to break than another, and your system will be at odds with itself. until one part wins over the stupidity. then, wholeness, ownership of the mind and breath.
  7. Long men pai nei gong and mo pai

    precisely. I don't want to be thinking about anything while i'm trying to figure out why one part of my body responds to another. I sure as hell don't want to add more thoughts to the mix. that would work against the goal.
  8. Long men pai nei gong and mo pai

    *if your subconscious believes in any religion and you aren't aware of it/ * if your body is wired into the belief system of your immediate community
  9. Long men pai nei gong and mo pai

    this is one of the things I was gonna get in to. it probably is not healthy to have your body think one thing is any one thing. naming limits. if your context for practice isn't "making my body as better as possible," there's gotta be an element of pride to it, which im not judging, because maybe your body needs the pride, but it isn't the best long term way to do it. the best practice is no practice. "I breathe, I sit." everything else is just helpful
  10. Long men pai nei gong and mo pai

    i'm at work. im gonna write up in about two hours and i'll quote you.
  11. Long men pai nei gong and mo pai

    monkey eats mercury and dies; other monkey don't eat mercury anymore. these monkeys live a long time. these monkeys hide. monkey sees monkey eatmercury; monkey 2 also eats mercury, gets sick, doesn't die monkey 2 tells monkey 3 to eat less mercury monkey 764 yells at monkey 953 for not eating mercury the right way
  12. Long men pai nei gong and mo pai

    lonemanpai work good, me like ; my monkey know more your monkey ; your monkey don't know real monkey skill. my monkey learn from other monkey /s ~ im concerned that I see obsession with the fact that the system is not a classic system, when the people present here, which there are multiple of, are saying we like it and it works. where are these people you speak of whose tradition you say lmp ruins? why are you here then? why is it unfeasible that someone could figure something significant out by themselves? is that not what human discovery is about? im trying to figure out what the actual issue with the system is. no ones implying we cant ALSO have the classic system, or learn them as well. im struggling to see why there is an issue that lmp exists at all like, there are actual people in front of you saying they like a thing, and you're defending people you've never met or interacted with, who didn't ask for you to defend their system in the first place? when lmp isn't even an attack on those systems at all?
  13. Long men pai nei gong and mo pai

    i agree with the focus on focus getting in the way a bit. one of the reasons I've been having more success with my own system. I struggle to get the breaths low and deep enough if I have to much focus on the dantian, or on anything. the focus itself seems to prompt the ego and some body tensing. that being said, the passive effects it had on the meridians and dantian activity never left, which is nice
  14. Long men pai nei gong and mo pai

    the way this conversation is being held is ridiculous. We're just gonna suspend our ability to talk about things and the merits of their individual facets for this one guys work? lets be grown ups and breath into our stomachs with some respect for each other we're all swimming in the same astral waste
  15. Long men pai nei gong and mo pai

    choose your fighter
  16. I'd add also that i was removed from this group after distasteful interactions. I am not defending the man or how his group is ran. It is the techniques themselves which i hold as intriguing.
  17. I actually deeply appreciate the time and thought you put in to your reply. I will be looking into the sources you provided. Thank you.
  18. very advanced energy practice

    he said that he felt like he had a panic attack (welcome to the adrenaline chamber?) and that our 4 minutes was 2 hours to him. and that, he was in complete emptiness. also to note, there were other individuals in the room with us, but he and I had meditated with each other before. I definitely felt his body black out. it was on an inhale that I was holding. when he came up he told me to try breathing while keeping my heart level. I have no idea what this means but I feel like he might've found the diapghram hack.
  19. Right So you're making fun of a Crowleyian inspired goetia/qaballah/astral chatroom with qigong techs for not looking like a traditional Chinese lineage. All 3 of us (including me) look dumb right now. Let him wave his candles around in peace. Now the techs, the part of this that is relevant, some of them are phenomenal, and I have benefited greatly from using them.
  20. the assumption itself is the waste, my friend. that is my point. if it were beneficial for you to take the info he has, then it would not matter what the credentials are, nor would a pay in for access to them. bookstores work this way. you have decided it is not, and this is clearly fine. but, the point is that these 2 issues are separate, as he is not the info he provides.
  21. i simply meant that it is a bad accusation from a logical standpoint. making assumptions is bad. pointless to a waste of time. that being said, i look forward to looking into the forementioned story and pai
  22. very advanced energy practice

    this post just broke my "yin/yang" shell. trying to apply the yin and yang to parts of the body as an afterthought has made me quite confused in the past, leading me to opt towards just using light, qi, and dantian, but viewing the body as a simple manifestation of the yin and yang/ universal mathematics is very intuitive and easy to work with. thank you
  23. very advanced energy practice

    that was really confusing and all i really got was that the data of the light outpaces the display of light, but that is enough for calculated woo/ weird brain processing. like the data package can be delivered and unpack, register, all before it is "rendered." like being several frames ahead(or behind). again, ill have to read this several times. something i got recently during ritual is that sound slows down time/light. feels relevant.