
Junior Bum
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About DaoDro

  • Rank
    Dao Bum
  1. Introduction

    Namaste fellows in boonful fraternity I’m a youth (25) having gone through complexity to form simplicity. A pass time of mine is to ponder the practice between organized chaos in seeking the continual dao between the many modalities of life among higher states and common folk. I have found my way here through meeting “tomic” in seeking further exploration, depth, and holistic progress towards understanding more of the capabilities that can exist within an immortal being on this mortal plane. The purpose of this seeking feels more of a duty to understand these immortal immutable meanings and representing them in ways the common folk can easily duplicate and have them find in their best benefit to do so. I have made small steps of success in this path and can bring the cosmic ringing to call unto souls towards a better balance approach to life. To what end? The indescribable end. The dao-end, bringing forth a new dao-era. Much with the same skin but a perception shift than when multiplied with minuscule action, brings drastic change before anyone realizes it.