Moog Vertus

Junior Bum
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Everything posted by Moog Vertus

  1. New arrival

    Thanks for the warm welcome and the recommendations. I think I'll start with shaking because I know it from dancing classes and it gives a good feeling.
  2. New arrival

    Hey guys, I am finally registering here after a long time reading your great stuff as a guest. I have been doing meditation, Chi Gong, Tai Chi, the 5 Tibetans and Yoga quite a while now. It has basically eridicated panic attacks I previously had and gave me a general sense of well-being. But I recently talked to a friend who does Chi Gong with me and she said she can feel the energy flowing along the meridians in yoga and Chi Gong. I have never felt any energy movement, only some stationary vague sexual energy in the sacral chakra, some love energy in the heart chakra and some snake like energy in the third exe that both seem to do nothing else or move. So I wanted to check in with you guys here. Am I maybe chi deaf? I can't say... do you have recommendations for removing energy blocks? Where do I start? :-) Moog