
The Dao Bums
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Everything posted by Shubin

  1. Modern Taijiquan Sucks!

    windwalker's video is excellent. At 1:43, 2:43, the Master talked about Yi, Qi, Jin. If one has Qi, he can learn to use Yi and Jin. After learn a few forms, he can fight with Taijiquan. If one practiced a lot of forms, pushing hands, ... etc, but he has zero Qi, his Taijiquan is a joke.
  2. Year of the Pig

    a 3000 years old pig.
  3. Advice for Wudang Schools for Study

    For beginners, it may be a good idea to find someone local to get start. A lot of people put "Master(大师)" before or after their names but they actually are not qualify, so in China some people call them with another word,大狮(big lion)。
  4. Advice for Wudang Schools for Study

    No,When I had time, I did not have enough money.
  5. Advice for Wudang Schools for Study

    I am not sure if you've seen these videos before, but hope they could help. I can see the points of vonkrankenhaus, and it is true that for beginners they do not have to go to China to learn Daoism/TaiJi/Qigong, etc.
  6. The first one, traditional. the second one, simplified. Yes, the 3rd character in Text 1 and the 4th character in Text 2 are the same. In writing, mandarin and cantonese are same, but Cantonese has about 40 special characters.
  7. Based on posts I found on web, he is not a criminal. Does he has a reputable lineage? In terms of Religion? Neidan? Qigong? I could not find anything about them. Is he a cult leader? No. Are his tai chi teachings authentic? Authentic has different levels. For a beginner, it may be authentic.
  8. Thanks for the help from you, and cyber pals at 漏尽阁, the translation and a sort of revision have done, so I am very happy. Now I am putting a copy of the result below for Daobums. I would like to say THANK YOU to the Forum because this would not happen without -Shubin (集体作品,如引用请注明出处。文后有译者附言。发表日期:2019年 1月 1日)《大道密印歌》 匡廬山人 壺雲禪師 述 大道淵微兮,玄關最秘傳。 玄關,卽玄妙機關也。腎前臍後稍下,前七後三之間,空懸一白圈。先天慧命元炁,卽在其中。無形無相,至靈至明矣。丹田炁穴是也。每活子時二候之許,炁發則成竅。炁息則渺茫。而爲眞息往來必由之所。故曰玄關。歸根復命,安爐立鼎,皆係於此。故修丹之士,於此玄關之內,撰結聖胎也。以有心求之,則恍惚無象,莫見其有。以無心求之,則炁機充周,不竟爲無。黙黙體認於不着有不着無中,自然得之。知而不着是功夫。觀竅之法也。 回光返照兮,下手在先天。 至眞之道,在乎逐日凝神返照炁穴之功。純熟而後,有來之機緘矣。或一月玄關顯露,或數月玄關明朗也。 先天,卽慧命元炁也。以靜而入。至動而取。下手之法也。 九難十魔兮,斷然執志堅。 九難者,一曰衣食逼迫;二曰恩愛牽纏;三曰名利縈絆;四曰殃禍橫生;五曰盲師約束;六曰議論差別;七曰志意懈怠;八曰歲月蹉跎;九曰時世亂離。免此九難,方可奉道。九難之中,或有一二,但徒勞而不能成功也。十魔者,一曰六賊魔;二曰富貴魔;三曰七情魔;四曰恩愛魔;五曰患難魔;六曰聖賢魔;七曰刀兵魔;八曰女樂魔;九曰女色魔;十曰貨利魔。此十魔,雖有不認者是也。旣認則着。所以不成道者,良以此也。起火焚身,一揮而群魔消散。 晝夜功勤兮,打坐學參禪。 以眼視鼻。以鼻對臍。專注意玄關爲法也。初試百日也。 煉己待時兮,虛極靜篤先。 煉己卽內絶思慮,外除塵境。泰然堅固也。心中無物曰虛。念頭不起曰靜。致虛極,守靜篤。煉己之要法也。時者,慧命元炁自動之天機。卽身中活子時也。 若欲有心待之,則屬於抱(拘) 滯。眞陽反不生。若欲無心待之,則落於頑空。妙機恐錯過。此有無兩失矣。然則若何爲哉?且有還於無,而無內靈似乎有。故沅 (遠) 遊篇云:“無滑而魂兮,彼將自然。一炁孔神兮,於中夜存。虛以待之兮,無爲之先。” 文火也。 一陽生動兮,外物自擧旋。 靜極而動者,大道之根苗。造物之主宰。卽下手之時也。 此所謂,辨得水源之淸眞者也。活子時,陽生一候也。 凝神御炁兮,攝收回丹田。 陽動之時,凝神入於炁穴。則其機受神之制伏。而又起呼吸之氣,攝收向外之精而逆吹,回於本宮也。武火也。 迎而又迎兮,止在龜縮顚。 一迎、二迎,乃至十迎。外物縮則止也。武火也。 烹煉鎔化兮,調樂未採先。 久久烹煉。使其神炁二物,鎔化合而爲一也。武火也。 築基多要兮,救護老病年。 此則調藥。卽以精補精之築基。 壯年少要。童年不要。而採其大藥,卽運大周天也。 以上煉己築基也。 調到物靈兮,天機現目前。 先天炁發。玄關顯露。卽活子時藥産二候也。生而後採也。 神炁相包兮,時至本自然。 神不捨炁,炁不離神。自然而然,紐結一團。虎吸龍精是也。 藥産神知兮,恍惚又酥綿。 心身恍惚。四肢酥綿。而癢生快樂。藥産之景象也。 勿驚勿訝兮,靜候旺動焉。 若起警 (驚) 訝之念,則神馳炁散而隱矣。若起明察之念,則後天之氣因念而起。包裏先天之炁,而不得融盛也。又不可妄起呼吸之武火。亦不可迷失眞候。靜聽炁之自然,則所發之陽旺生矣。此所謂辨得淸眞之中,又有辨其至淸至眞之天機也。 當令採取兮,入爐封固全。 藥嫩則炁微。藥老則炁散。皆無用也。故內藥外腎並旺之時,急以採取。入爐封固,名曰小藥。卽運小周天也。 火逼金行兮,槖籥憑巽旋。 金,元炁也。藥之未旋,以文火逼之。藥有旋機,則漸以武火催之。從督脈而上升泥丸。從任脈而下降丹田。此小周天之道路也。槖籥,先天消息。巽風,後天呼吸。先天之炁,因後天之氣轉軸升降。故神炁同行同住而不離也。武火也。 周天息數兮,四揲逢時遷。 自子至巳六陽時,三十六爲度。自午至亥六陰時,二十四爲度。 非眞有時也 。使神炁無太過不及之弊,故立此法而勻之也。 沐浴卯酉兮, 子午中潛還。 沐浴者,不行呼吸之武火,而洗心滌慮也。中間行其沐浴以完周天,而還於本宮。閏餘,沐浴也。文火也。 文武幷用兮,二候六候全。 封沐,文火也。採煉,武火也。陽生藥産,二候也。採封升降沐浴,六候也。此小周天火候之總訣也。 歸根復命兮,切防陰魔堅。 內觀、夢裡、及身外。或見女人,或有障病,或夢虎怪。當用武火,猛烹極煉而化之也。 動煉煉靜兮, 小藥小周天。 藥物生,動則煉運。煉運則靜。靜則溫養。循環不已。此時來時煉,補完眞炁之法也。 以上煉精化炁也。 數足三百兮,景兆透眉前。 三百,卽妙周之限數。火足之候。景兆,卽陽光之發現也。 止火機來兮,光三偃武然。 陽光之二現、三現,止火之候也。外腎不縮而有光者,非也。 馬陰藏相兮,採其大藥恮。 三百妙周。陽光三現。外腎不動。卽採大藥之候也。採而後生也。 雙眸秘密兮,七日看中田。 此採大藥之靜功也 。勤心精進。於七日中,守留不怠也。 六種震動兮,眞鉛出爐全。 身中六處,次第震動。卽得藥之驗。金丹大藥,出爐愼勿驚懼。待動而幷行。不可引而使動也。 幷行幷住兮,善護寶珠牽。 珠行則幷行。珠住則幷住。聽其珠之自然也。 切防蹊路兮,大藥大周天。 大周天者,過關服食之法也。 蹊路者,命門 (陽關?) 、肛門、鼻孔是也。 還入中宮兮,金丹結成全。 左旋右轉三十六。右旋左轉三十六。歛聚而結成也。 寂照十月兮,不昧正覺禪。 寂而照。照而寂。勿忘勿助而溫養也。切忌昏沉散亂,而不昧醒醒而已。太空中一点甘露自降,收付於胎中。靜定之中,月先出日後出。懸於空中。收付於胎中。至陽之物,自湧泉穴而上升, 自合於胎中。法輪再轉矣。 此胎成之驗也。 息停脈住兮,性定道胎圓。 口無呼吸。手無六脉。白髮還黑。 落齒復生。胎圓之驗也。 嬰兒現形兮,超脫在上田。 自太玄關,上升泥丸。端拱冥心。合於自然。寂滅爲樂也。 陰盡陽純兮,雪花自飄天。 全無昏沉散亂。白雪紛紛。出神之驗也。卽以出神可也。 初出三界兮,切防外魔堅。 愼勿驚懼,卽從頂門而出。在一二尺虛空,寧而待之。一輪金光,懸於當空。此煉形之至寶也。以陽神近於光,歛而藏之。更入凡軀,長定不已也。初出定時,若有外魔之現相,一切莫認而除之。 以上煉炁化神也。 乳哺三年兮,面壁又九年。 乳哺者,在上田而存養出入。卽煉神還虛也。面壁者定而又定,煉虛合道也。身外有身,雖爲奇特。虛空粉碎,方露全眞。 功圓行滿兮,逍遙紫金仙。 三千功圓。八百行滿。上報四恩。下濟三途。天下有道,與物皆昌。天下無道,修德就閑。千歲厭世,乘彼白雲。以遊大羅。是爲上品天仙也。拔七祖父母,同亨 (享) 極樂無彊,孝莫大焉。救一切衆生,永離苦厄,聖莫加焉。 然非人莫傳。古之戒也。 译者附言: 1. 迄今为止(2018年底),仅发现数种韩文本《대도밀인가(大道密印歌)》。推测是由全炳薰先生,或由他的弟子传入韩国。2. 此文系由韩文本翻译成中文。仍采用韩文本的段落。所用韩文底本有两个。分别由 dosa@The Dao Bums 和 泄天机@漏尽阁提供。3. 文中括号里的字是校订后加入的。括号之前的字疑为转抄刻印过程中产生的错误。4. 在翻译和文字校订之后,做了断句并加了标点。所使用的韩译中软件Papago,由 泄天机@漏尽阁 推荐。5. 参与韩文本发掘和解读的,有漏尽阁网友:同尘散人,蜀宾,先天诀, 泄天机, 玉溪, 東昌, 无极而生, 玄妙之道, 言日中。(按在该话题首次发表回复及点评的时间排序。)6. 感谢网友 dosa@The Dao Bums,在发掘和翻译校订过程中所提供的帮助。7. 感谢漏尽阁提供版面,使得此一宝贵修真古籍的初期发掘,整理和翻译得以完成。
  9. What are you watching on Youtube?

    Master Chen Zhonghua's Dec. 2009 New York workshop DVD 2 on Chen Style Taijiquan Practical Method applications. Assistants for Master Chen were Michael Calandra (7th dan black belt) and Joe Meyers.
  10. I checked some Korean words like "에" and "니라", and found out that they are either 格助词 or 终结词尾, so I use a function of Microsoft Word,“find and replace”,removed all of them, and made notes on the words replaced and number of occurrences. If needed I can redo the who thing by following the notes. The notes are helpful to make macros for interpreting similar docs. For some Korean words, like 커든, I have to check it one by one manually with, and still was not 100% sure. Thanks again for your help!
  11. Thank you so much for your help。 “陽光之二現和三現 or 陽光之二現, 三現“ --- I checked伍眞人丹道九篇,”止火当自阳光二现为始,至三现为终。” so you are right. I will take your "陽光之二現, 三現".
  12. How about this one? The Book of Poetry (Library of Chinese Classics)
  13. I almost finished the "translation". There are two paragraphs that I am not sure if they are 100% correct. When you get a chance, could you please take a look on them? Hope it would not cost a lot of your time. Thanks in advance. 1) The original text: 止火機來兮光三偃武然이로다 陽光之二現과 三現은 止火之候也니 外腎이 不縮而有光者는 非也니라 My translation: 止火機來兮,光三偃武然。 陽光之二現之后三現,止火之候也。 外腎不縮而有光者,非也。 2) The original text: 六種震動兮眞鈆이 出爐全이로다 身中六處가 次第震動은 卽得藥之驗이니 金丹大藥이 出爐커든 愼勿驚懼하고 待動而幷行이요 不可引而使動也니라 My translation: 六種震動兮,眞鉛出爐全。 身中六處,次第震動。卽得藥之驗。 金丹大藥出爐,愼勿驚懼。待動而幷行。不可引而使動也。
  14. I did not find them in an on-line dictionary so I misunderstood it.
  15. as apples and rice? which means more than enough?
  16. I cannot believe that you put content of original book for me. It is good enough and please do not do anything more since now I am only dealing with "大道密印歌 9" After finished it, I will work on other parts of this book if I have time. Your full 目次 is very helpful since I can get an estimated number of characters per page of 大道密印歌 based on it. Sorry I should have told you that I already found some online copies of this book (may be not the full edition). 仙佛家眞修語錄(선불가진수어록) 附: 內功入門 象言破疑 - 유정식譯 소백산청심대 선불가진수어록 역간서 입니다.부록: 내공입문 상언파의하드커버 / 상태양호 930p [출처] [판매완료]선불가진수어록 附: 내공입문 상언파의- 유정식譯 소백산청심대 |작성자 조운 BTW, I found a photo of Mr. 全炳勳. Also, some photos of 정신철학통편 전병훈 저(精神哲學通編 / 全秉薰 著) 靑虛 禪師! 그리고 仙佛家眞修語錄
  17. Thank you so much for correcting my error and translated the sentence into English. 转述 and 誊录 are two different things. I am trying to translate 大道密印歌 from Korean to Chinese, because i could not find the hard copy or e-copy of 仙佛家眞修語錄 on websites in Chines, so it seems for me that this book and《精神哲学通篇》are not available in China any more. Here is the two links of 仙佛家眞修語錄 (in Korea):
  18. Thanks for your nice words and the image. In the first link, there is a paragraph about the book of 仙佛家眞修語錄: ( after 유화양선사금선증론위험설 柳華陽禪師金仙證論危險說) "위와 같이 여러 종류의 단서(丹書)를 모아서 한 권의 책으로 편집한《선불가진수어록》의 각 내용을 살펴보면, 우선 서문은 서우(曙宇) 전병훈(全秉薰:조선인)의 글로서 원래《정신철학통편》 두 권(二卷:원문으로 출판됨)으로 저술하였는데 그 중의 일부를 여기에 옮긴 것이다." I translated the paragraph into Chinese with, and then made some changes on the result, but I am not sure if I got everything right. When you get a chance, could you please take a look on my translation below? Thanks in advance. 如上所述,《仙佛家眞修語錄》 一书的内容是从多部丹书中收集编辑而成。 查看各部分内容, 首先序言是曙宇 全秉薰所写。底本是《精神哲学通篇》两卷本(原文出版),其中的一部分被转述于此。
  19. Hi,dosa, I found a online 大道密印歌 in 仙佛家眞修語錄 , and another one, 대도밀인가(大道密印歌)/匡廬山人 壺雲禪師. It looks like that the second one has more Chinese characters, so the two 大道密印歌 are translated by different people. Thanks, Shubin
  20. I am wondering how to translate "The Dao Bums" into Chinese, so I could introduce our forum to some of my net-friends in this forum, The hard part is the word "Bums". I found this statement in a few dictionaries, bum:"A person who devotes a great deal of time to a specified activity". Does this definition sound good for most people? If translated to Chinese, it would be, 迷 or 粉. 迷: enthusiasts 粉: fans Any suggestions or opinions would be appreciated.
  21. Thanks for the URL, so I was able to read a little about the history of our forum. For me, these words come with negative information: 流浪 - people might do it as a life style 遊民 - homeless, or after a nature disaster people keep moving from one place to another 流氓 - rogue, could be related to a gang
  22. Did not know it came from the name of a novel, but it make sense. Thank you.
  23. Do good even if it seems like small. Stephen William Hawking unable to walk after he was about 30 years old, but he changed the world.
  24. There is a series book (not free),named Library of Chinese Classics《大中华文库》 . It contains about 170+ ancient books of China. The books are translated by top-notch professionals into English and other six (?) languages.大中华文库 This project is sponsored by the government of China, since 1994.大中华文库 A few sample pages: E-book,(scanned)22.4 GB pdf file
  25. tried some free online translators

    It turned out that was made by a Korean company, and it was released at July, 2017. “Like the latest version of Google Translate, Papago relies on a new, AI-based computing algorithm called neural machine translation to deliver more accurate and natural translations.” It can translate a web page。Google translators can do it, too.