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Everything posted by Toni

  1. How are these exercises ? After all this time i have not been able to open my chest...
  2. Months ago we talked about this. Some believed it was very dangerou and some believed it was a fucking joke, including me. What us your opinion now? Have u changed ur thoughts? Do u think media and governments are the real virus? I have talked today with one of my former qigong masters. It has been the first time since the pandemy and he has said to me clearly that everything is a real joke. So I want to know if people here are clever enough and sage enough to correct past mistakes and analyze things by their own.
  3. What is the core?

    After years of studying and practicing different movement systems I came to the conclusion that the core was mainly the muscles of the abdomen (rectus, transverse, obliques), and maybe also de glutes. Now after some considerations I doubt this is so. People like those of Foundation Training claim that the muscles of the back are more important. So what do you think? is it more important to train the back or the abdomen?
  4. What is the core?

    Posterior pelvic tilt? I know that
  5. What is the core?

    Where does he discuss that?
  6. What is the core?

    I would say that bc people today incline forward, now it is more necessary to train the back, as the abdomen is always contracted (and the back stretched)
  7. What is the core?

    Correct. I ask this bc people talk a lot about the core today, and by this they mean the abs. Now i think the back is more important than the abs
  8. Foundation: Core exercises

    yes, but it focuses way more on the abs than on the back
  9. Foundation: Core exercises

    interesting, but I think pilates and foundation training are very opposite! The first works primarily the abs, while the latter focuses more on the back muscles. Is it better for performance to train your abs or your back? that is a good question and there is not only one solution it seems! Edit: a useful link below about the "core":
  10. Foundation: Core exercises

    in order to train all your posterior chain (hams, glutes, back) is not better to just do exercises like deadlifts?
  11. mm, i see this walking circle is very important here. Does it have many benefits?
  12. thanks, I have found that near where I live there is a person teaching bagua zhang, and only one I think! Last year I tried tai chi for 4 months and I didn't like it. I will give bagua a try.
  13. Tai chi is not good for removing blockages and bagua is better? Is that true?? I think this shoulder be explained more in detail And why do u say u can't train bagua, only a bit?
  14. yes, asian squats is something I have trained quite a lot. I have done many zhi neng wall squats. They are very useful but right now I feel I can't go beyond a certain level with them. Maybe I should have persisted more with tai chi, but my posture problems are still with me, even though I have trained hard in tai chi and qi gong.
  15. Can you share some links? and what is IMA @Gerard ?
  16. can you perhaps explain something about these internal forces and nameless techniques? just to have a general idea about Alexander teachings
  17. Internal forces and nameless techniques, sounds cool. I guess it can help with zhan zhuang then
  18. Can you explain more? Some time ago i thought about getting Alexander technique classes
  19. I am surprised that you say that correcting the neck and jaw can fix pelvis issues. This reminds me somehow of Alexander technique. Is it possible to do this at home via exercises? What are the nerves usually involved in this kind of problems? Also I see you say stretching is more important that strengthening. I have some pain in left adductor and left piriformis, i guess i should stretch them more
  20. Thanks for your response. People who have anterior pelvic tilt sometimes have other problems in the pelvis too, like lateral pelvic tilt, hip pain or a rotated pelvis. What do you think is the most important for fixing this? Do you think it is more important to stretch the tight muscles or to strengthen the core? Your experience as a doctor can help us a lot
  21. oh yes, incel nerd guy with anterior pelvic tilt. Hell in earth
  22. I have edited the original post with some good links, you may want to check them ;). They are quite helpful To maintain healthy and flexible hips is crucial
  23. Yesterday I went to a chinese masseusse here in Spain. Of course she was a low class person, no university, she couldn't speak in spanish very well, much less in english, but she gave me the best massage ever. Much better than a physiotherapist who gave me a massage one year ago, with university training, diplomas and all that bullshit. This great chinese woman gave me a massage focusing a lot on my rotator cuff/shoulder blade area. She pressed hard with her elbows there. My pain was terrible but she didn't even stop, although I was even screaming! I think that people passing nearby could hear me in the street. Chinese massages are good and hard, much better than those with university training. But I am surprised this area hurt me so much. Now I realized that after almost 3 years of non stop internal training I have never adressed this area well. And I am not sure how to do it with exercises. Maybe with Zhan Zhuang or strengthening my shoulders. And I am sure she was clever and knows the human body well. Because when I told her that I have some knots in my neck and between shoulder blades, she told me that she can't press hard on these areas, and that these knots are caused by my problems in the rotator cuff/shoulder blade area. I am not sure 100% that this is the case, but she is probably right. So again, I am very surprised and happy to know that a simple low class chinese woman with no formal training is much better that many of our university trained physios. Pd: i tried to tell her i suffer tinnitus, just to know if she thinks is due to my shoulder blades. But she didn't understand me, she thought i was saying that i don't hear very well. So she replied "i don't hear very well in my left ear neither" lol.
  24. A massage experience

    Now i am training my shoulders. The experience of yesterday told me something about them