
Junior Bum
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About Hachuu

  • Rank
    Dao Bum
  1. Hi hi! o/

    Oh I see, there was a link that says "Invited Yourself to TDB Chat" so I assumed it was a chat that was available in the forums . Thanks, I might check the Slack out... someday xD.
  2. Hi hi! o/

    Thanks for the advice! I'll check those out. By the way, may I ask how active are the chats? It seems like there is a slack chat and another chat that I think is on this website? Not sure which to use
  3. Hi hi! o/

    Yeah I agree, but I guess for practices like these we just gotta feel it up and work based on that. And also read the same thing ten thousand times until the meaning comes naturally, haha Chapter 7 of the Di Zi Gui: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  4. Hi hi! o/

    Thanks! Had to google what gesundheit was, and thanks! I studied computer science back in uni so I had to stick my head into books or watching many YouTube videos on the topic, not to mention the rest of other math and science courses needed as prereqs. I guess it is just a force of habit. However it is such a strange feeling, because it feels incomplete when trying out to do the vague instructions without the in depth understanding of the materials. Also frustrating when wanting to know and understand something, but when reading it, the text makes no sense :angery:
  5. Hi hi! o/

    Mmm! My goal is the spiritual immortality described in Taoist Yoga and other internal alchemy books & websites, via the embryo or fetus or something.. I think it will be a wonderful state to experience and be! Thanks, me too! Although the zhan zhuang book seems to be simple and easy to follow. Has pictures too.
  6. Hi hi! o/

    Hi there! I'm Hachuu. I came across this website as I was researching neidan, doing some googling and stuff . I was able to get my hands on some books regarding the practice, but me being a complete beginner I'm not sure what to make of their cryptic vocabulary choices or finding a place to start on my path to cultivating . Some books I've come across were: Taoist Yoga by Charles Luk The Way of Energy by Master Lam Kam-Chuen Cultivating the Energy of Life by Eva Wong The Tao of Health, Longevity, and Immortality by Eva Wong Harmonizing Yin and Yang by Eva Wong Chinese Shamanic Cosmic Orbit Qigong by Zhongxian Wu Understanding Reality by Louis Chang Xing Yi Nei Gong Health Maint. and Internal Strength Dev. by Dan Miller, Tim Cartmell What do you guys think about any of these books for getting started? And do you guys have any recommendations? Thanks!