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Posts posted by Jessup2

  1. of long pranayamic breathing - Neural respiratory elements may provide a mechanism that explains how slow deep breathing shifts the autonomic nervous system.pdf

    Physiology of long pranayamic breathing: Neural respiratory elements may provide a mechanism that explains how slow deep breathing shifts the autonomic nervous system.


    Breathing, and How it Alkalizes Your Blood pH

    Along with food combining, proper breathing is of great importance to your bone health. By proper breathing I mean deep, cleansing breaths that are not too shallow or too fast.

    It’s a medical fact that extremely rapid, hyperventilation-type breathing can actually cause excessive alkalization of the blood. But the opposite is also true – too shallow breathing causes acid to build up in your body, and here’s why.

    When you breathe in a shallow manner, or subconsciously hold your breath and fail to breathe deeply and thoroughly, you not only fail to take in enough oxygen; you also do not exhale completely. That means carbon dioxide (CO2) accumulates in your blood. High CO2 levels decrease pH, leading to acidification of the blood.

    The Effect of Diaphragmatic Breathing on Attention, Negative Affect and Stress in Healthy Adults


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  2. On 12/28/2017 at 2:33 AM, Spotless said:

    You may wish to examine the SANDS conference = Science and Non duality


    Science is still in its infancy with regard to subtle energies though the topic you mentioned = PK is somewhat covered and relatively simple.



    Link to the PK somewhat covered and relatively simple?


    I went to Google, found the site, did a search. Nothing... not so simple. Do I have to watch a ton of webinars from people not explaining how things work or theories?


    I get tired of hearing that enough prana will do the trick, not buying it.

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  3. it is also quite interesting that a developed dan tien can be seen as a dot on xrays, and felt as a hard spot. These crystal formations in the gut could very well be similar to those in the ear that tells us which way gravity is pulling and can detect even the slightest tilt of the head. I remember reading that the Java master described it as squeezing something together that made a crunch in the dan tien, making him dizzy or passing out I think. And after that point it was much easier to move qi and sense it.

    Calcium Carbonate. Chemical formula: CaCO3. Calcium carbonate is a compound which is found in limestone, pearls and snail shells.

    Calcium is needed by the body for healthy bones, muscles, nervous system, and heart. 

    It is balanced by the kidneys and sunshine to vitamin D (a secosteroid actually).

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  4. The midbrain consists of connections between the hindbrain and forebrain. According to current science, mammals use this part of the brain only for eye reflexes. Where when you do the research, looking upwards creates immediate alpha waves in the brain.

    So I doubt very much that this is the only purpose.

    Sensory Receptors

    • Sensory receptors are classified according to the type of energy they can detect and respond to.
    • Mechanoreceptors: hearing and balance, stretching.
    • Photoreceptors: light.
    • Chemoreceptors: smell and taste mainly, as well as internal sensors in the digestive and circulatory systems.
    • Thermoreceptors: changes in temperature.
    • Electroreceptors: detect electrical currents in the surrounding environment.

    Mechanoreceptors vary greatly in the specific type of stimulus and duration of stimulus/action potentials. The most adaptable vertebrate mechanoreceptor is the hair cell. Hair cells are present in the lateral line of fish.

    In humans and mammals hair cells are involved with detection of sound and GRAVITY and providing BALANCE.

    Orientation and Gravity

    Orientation and GRAVITY are detected at the semicircular canals. Hair cells along three planes respond to shifts of liquid within the cochlea, providing a three-dimensional sense of equilibrium. CALCIUM CARBONATE CRYSTALS can shift in response to gravity, providing sensory information about GRAVITY and acceleration.


    Photoreceptors Detect Vision and Light Sensitivity

    The human eye can detect light in the 400-700 nanometer (nm) range, a small portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, the visible light spectrum. Light with wavelengths shorter than 400 nm is termed ultraviolet (UV) light. Light with wavelengths longer than 700 nm is termed infrared (IR) light.


    Women see more in the red-orange spectrum than men. The gene that allows us to see red lies on the X chromosome. Because women have two X chromosomes, the extra X gives them more color variation in the red-orange spectrum. Men only have one X chromosome, so where women can see crimson, maroon, cardinal, ruby, and scarlet.


    I propose that we have sensors that do many things, and our body reacts accordingly. So part of it is developing the sensors, part of it is developing the reactivity to what is being sensed. As the eye adjusts to light, nerves react to thoughts, saliva flows when we think lemons, etc.


    To do PK, we need to feel the energy that creates the PK, we need to manipulate that to do what it is we want... practice, practice, practice...


    I do think in order to do that, you need to take your awareness below the normal level of consciousness, and keep the mental awareness and control intact... while you also connect the nervous system and the body experience of the force of gravity and electromagnetic energy. In that portion of the brain that can sense gravity and bend it, and in that portion of the body that feels gravity and senses these energy flows, we bend and touch things that already exist outside of us, and PK can happen.



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  5. This control can also be connected through the same systems like sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. Such that just like breathing and blinking, both systems can operate automatically, or be under our mental control. Thus the need for breathing and flexing to develop the dan tien and the sensory input for recognition and feeling of the energy flow, as well as exercising and using the flow, directing it, etc.

    We learn to walk by feeling gravity, resistance, etc. Nobody can study it and then just do it. You need to feel and and practice it to get the muscle control and feedback systems to walk, run, jump.

    I propose this is the same thing in order to to PK or any other sensory practice involving quantum or gravity manipulation.

    It is repetition, feeling it, crawling, then walking... just over the vagus and limbic systems...





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  6. I feel there were/are plenty of good scientists at this project, probably many of them much smarter than I will ever be, and with much deeper pockets. I do think they don't know how to think outside the box, and probably are not allowed to connect dots across different science disciplines. In addition, they are probably not practicing anything personally, and don't have any form of ESP or abilities like PK. So they can't even begin to "feel" where to start or how to measure it.


    The first thing you need is somebody who can do PK on demand, repeatedly, to be your lab rat. If they can take any standard person off the street and train them to do the same thing, you would then have the before and after condition, where you could measure the differences between the condition before the ability, and after.


    At that point, you can then measure what enhances it, what blocks it, what changes it, etc.


    If you have enough people performing the same PK experiment, you can also then determine things like attitude, male female, climate changes, the difference in exercises or meditation practices, etc. 


    Over time, the testing would be able to determine the best methods for people, and the best conditions, the best diets to support it, what drains it, etc.


    An interesting note, if you looked at the links above, during the Philip experiment the psychology of it pointed in the direction of the mind creating an external source for the PK. We know that Philip did not exist. The results there would point to the mind deciding that it is possible for things to move by ghost or foreign entity . It needed something outside itself that it can blame. But when you try to practice the same thing and claim it as your own, there are some forms of blockades in the way, mentally or otherwise. Overcoming that portion is probably also a very important part of the training, or learning to fool yourself, or using the imagery to create gods or demons, spirits or something that are doing your bidding. Interesting, but it may be some form of protective system so that we don't cause trouble when we are delirious or sleeping/dreaming?


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  7. The CIA took on many folks to test. Ingo Swan was probably the favorite.


    He also wrote plenty of books.


    The Stargate was also a real name for a project:


    CIA-Initiated Remote Viewing
    At Stanford Research Institute

    by H. E. Puthoff, Ph.D.
    Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin
    4030 Braker Lane W., #300
    Austin, Texas 78759-5329


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  8. I saw a post the other day that appeared to go unanswered, now I can't find it.


    The question, if I remember correctly, was correlations with brain areas or structure change?





    Let me know if you want this brain and the second brain explained. There are many illustrations from past alchemy that show these brain sections in drawings, as ways to achieve this or that. And the recognition factor goes unnoticed...


    Hopefully we can work on a biofeedback system that helps us to determine if we are in the proper brain wave pattern and feeling the flow of gravity reflected in the upper brain system..



  9. On 12/28/2017 at 1:35 AM, vinnie. said:

    Just wondering is anyone trying to interpret esoteric practices with science? 


    I share your interests here. The most difficult part, in my opinion, is funding and cooperation from the mainstream.

    I have spent many years following ideas, but not having the funding to carry out the lab and testing work. 

    I have learned you have to be careful with labels, like esoteric. But we all know what you mean. Science is not friendly unless you can use items within the framework of science. Adding new things and theories is reserved for those with PhD status, funding, and recognition for participation in mainstream interests. Curing cancer perhaps... 


    So, a few areas that have now made some interesting forward leaps: Chirp Waves and electromagnetic sciences and Quantum Sciences.


    Much of the issues are that discoveries in disciplines are not shared with other disciplines, because science has blinders on and people steal everything you discover, so secrecy. If you have a patent that can be used by the military, or might be of National Security interest, it will be taken away and locked up and you won't get to continue with any of it. There are quite a few of those that have uncovered interesting and useful research items... 


    I am not sure if you have seen the Qi resources on the web? Below is the chirp wave detected. The connection when you dig down into the rabbit hole appears to be that compression and reversal of an electromagnetic wave stimulates stem cell production in the person it is directed towards. Stem cell production can heal almost instantly, depending on the illness or condition being treated. Out of 37 (?) healers tested, only 3 could actually produce this wave. It has also been measured in Tai Chi as a side effect.



    Number one, the fact that human beings can produce something used in the laser light and optics industry, is quite amazing. It was also recently used to measure gravity, which is also a chirp wave, and in my mind... I would suggest that the Tai Chi practices like horse stance and meditation make us more aware of the part of ourselves that can adjust gravity flow, photons, time and space, etc.


    This website is giving the bridge between science and esoteric a good try.


    I find that contacting some of the scientists in actual studies helps, and they do answer some questions:|NSNS|2017-1110-GLOBAL-NovWk2_Youniverse|button&utm_medium=EMP&utm_source=NSNS&utm_campaign=NovWk2_Youniverse&utm_content=button&cmpid


    So I basically try not to repeat things. It is basically a form of "where are we" and "where do I want to be", then figuring out how to prove or disprove each step.


    Having human beings as the crux to define what is and isn't working is very difficult, since the body and brain chemistry change very quickly. Machines to scan the body and brain during exercises are very expensive to operate, as well as any labs needed to check for subtle changes.

    Not to mention the repeat results necessary for any science endeavor.

    Some of the easiest are those that can be reproduced on demand, the chirp wave, dowsing, healing.

    Picking each item and looking at what has already been done and measured can help to determine new directions to test and study, or directions to continue looking.

    Physical differences have been looked at, genetics is just at the beginning stage, diets, practices, etc.


    In addition, you have the mental and emotional issues of the subjects. Some people are charlatans of course. Some are just plain crazy, some have hypnotic effects, some are good at tricking people. 


    In the electronic industry, there is now a huge sales area and development of measuring devices for ghost hunting. Some of them probably have merit. Kirlian photography is an interesting and not expensive way to check some things. What we are seeing is not clear, and I don't see them combining or comparing too many different frequencies.

    I have notes that slight variations in frequency are usually the point of interest for things seen in photographs or video, if they were available for orbs they would probably see much more than a blob.

    Note that the chirp wave is also simply a frequency and electromagnetic in nature.





    Ok, that all being said. 

    My theory for most of the folks who advance into "abilities" using meditation combined with visual and physical practices, is first a brain training exercise for the limbic system, and second, the second brain training exercise to sense gravity and feel energy that is usually ignored by most people because it has been unnecessary for survival. Use it or lose it sort of thing.


    The need for learning emotional control is limbic. Breathing exercises are limbic. Visualization and imagery are limbic. The limbic bridges between multiple centers of the brain that are not well understood. However, pineal and pituatary, hypothalamus and other sections are all connected to this center, and it is the control system between sleeping and waking brain. Also, deep breathing exercises, controlled movement at the lower diaphragm, is shown to be the main circulation pump for the spinal fluid.

    The limbic system is a set of brain structures located on both sides of the thalamus, immediately beneath the cerebrum. It has also been referred to as the paleomammalian cortex. ... The limbic system supports a variety of functions including emotion, behavior, motivation, long-term memory, and olfaction.


    The vagus and other nerve centers are then connected to the "second brain" which is in the gut. By moving awareness and visual control, we can stimulate both areas, train them, and then with proper control, use things around us via quantum physic connections we become aware of. Ask the masters, none to little of the energy is generated in the body.


    Cross checking different cultures that share amazing abilities, and what they practice, boils things down to some very basic items that are the common thread. Number one is ALWAYS quieting the mind and grasping that point between being awake and asleep, as meditation or some other practice. As our mind does that, we need to study sleep, hypnosis, and other states of mind, how they work, and what is happening at that point. Not everyone that is aware of that state of mind suddenly has powers, so there is another missing link. Number two is ALWAYS some form of practice where visualizing energy flows and feeling them in the body creates a condition where these energy flows are then available, mainly through the hands and eyes, and most of the practices agree that the sensation is lower gut, grounding is necessary, body positions make a difference, it takes effort to produce them, you feel them, etc.

    All of these things are the basics. The tests on the Java master showed that they are not electric current, which makes me lean towards gravity, which is now a form of energy closely related to light and photons. We have enough awareness of gravity to feel it to be able to walk, run, jump. When it is altered to things like the horse stance, circular motion, slow movements, we become aware of gravity and how it feels in our gut to recognize that energy as it passes us pulling down. Breathing takes control of the limbic brain during these exercises. This part of the brain is emotions, breathing, sleep/wake, and is called out by the masters as the seat of the soul, which is then illustrated as the pineal gland, also part of the structure of the brain.

    This same network in the brain is also illustrated in alchemy works and ancient texts, without referring to it as a brain center.

    The vagus nerve system is also important and has many functions. Considered to be our first brain.







    So this is probably how we "feel" the energy/gravity and connect to it.





    Between the brains, the practices of things like the Tao start to make more sense, because diet and exercise control many of the brain chemistry substances like BDNF, Melatonin, DMT, Serotonin, Dopamine, Acetylcholine and so much more. I think my last check with the brain authorities, there were over 70 different neurotransmitters identified, many of them are UNKNOWN in function. They check these by creating knock-out mice. So they remove the gene or substance like the COMT protein and enzymes that break down neurotransmitters, and study mice behavior to see what changes. In that case, dopamine is increased, which we know then leads to forms of schizophrenia and behavior becomes hyper erratic. Through these tests, they create serotonin boosting drugs for depression, or blockers for migraine headaches. They know already that high levels of dopamine can cause hallucinations, and that many hallucinogenic drugs work on the serotonin receptors.

    So in studying any of this, how much is a common hallucination caused by messing with the brain? How much of these brain chemicals are altered by certain practices?

    When I asked a brain surgeon professor of neurology, he told me there is only a couple of ways to measure actual brain chemistry. One of them is an autopsy, and the breakdown chemistry continues after death, where production of chemicals does not, so by the time he gets a brain sample, the chemistry is already changed. Another method is to implant a probe into the brain with a measuring instrument at the tip, any changes in chemistry can be seen as they flow past this probe. Measuring for metabolites in urine or blood is simply not possible due to the nature of separation between the regular blood and the brain barrier. So there is a huge area of unknown, and quite possible that the exercises and practices change not only the flow and quantity of neurotransmitters in the brain, but the body as well.

    Deep breathing exercises change the body's electromagnetic field quite radically...


    When they test mediums, you see brainwave studies similar to them being awake and talking while the brain sleeps. They are either aware of symbols and visual materials that they then repeat, or they hear or see actual spirits that communicate, but rarely seen by others or measured in any sense in the surrounding environment. My personal opinion on that is that they are simply tuning in to the person they are telling this information to, since it is very rare that they tell them something they didn't already know. Still quite amazing, but nonetheless sold to the public as the wrong thing.

    Edgar Cayce was under hypnosis and talking, and was supposed to be capable of finding a person anywhere on the planet and diagnosing them from a distance. Also quite amazing, and giving information that was not known to the patient, or other people around him. So a different category of ability. But something very useful that should be used for future science and in the medical field. We would need to keep trying until we find people capable of repeating this, and then figure out why they are different. More than likely some form of brain chemistry or structure difference.


    When we test psychokenetics and pyro-, we can't seem to locate the source of the energy, much less the energy itself, which was the problem with gravity up to now. But, there is a visible 25-30 degree jump or movement in most standard compass needles. This would point to gravity as the possible source, and that we are capable of reflecting or altering the flow like a prism does with sunlight. We are then the prism, and only through patience and proper exercises, meditations, and training can we figure out how to deflect or alter that.


    I am sure they will connect the dots soon and we will see these chirp waves as the way to measure many things.


    As we get to the point of more affordable testing and measuring equipment, we should be able to see and measure what it is we want to manipulate, like measuring muscle growth and strength. I would imagine there will be meditation machines that help guide us to the proper point, as well as gravity sensitivity machines that will help our bodies to recognize and feel the energy through the limbic system and vagus nerves.


    I hope that wasn't too long a rant, and that the information helps you to define and achieve your goals. If you find funding or suddenly win the lottery, please allow me to assist in whatever way I can to help this science move forward.


    Stay fluid


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  10. 53 minutes ago, Nungali said:


    Electric monsters when you have LSD   ?   :huh:


    I missed that one ! 


    My brother could have simply recalled the electric monster event of our past during his "trip". But he claims others see the same thing at times. I wouldn't know, not ever having had any desire to lose control for 8 hours without an exit.

    I figure that the things I do experience are strange enough without throwing something like that into my brain chemistry. Where his "crowd" was into all sorts of mind "expanding" drugs during the 70's. Nothing scientific there can confirm or deny the electric monster's existence, sorry to say.


    I haven't seen much on shared hallucination that could be scientific. Much of what is available to read are statements from the stoners using it, and when you take things into consideration, we can't trust simple judgement calls from them while they are under the influence of hallucinogens. We would have to keep them separated, then interview them separately, and start taking things into consideration like location and distance to each other, or location and distance to the shared monster. Every time we have human beings as a measuring device, it all becomes a mess to study, since each day, everything can change, from attitude to body chemistry. We have to begin to rule out telepathic items, and prove or disprove shared mind experiences as the source. Since we know RCF is produced in the brain, we would have to be able to recreate the monster over and over, and then try to block the radio carrier frequency to see if it is a shared brain frequency. We would have to locate and measure the space where the monster appears to see if there are any physical changes there. We would have to determine if that monster is being created by the person seeing it, or if it is an independent item that can exist without the human factor. Etc... it would have to go on and on to determine what we are dealing with, and how to deal with it.


    There are some interesting studies where people on LSD were capable of describing things hidden from view and unknown to the person testing them. It reminded me of Ingo Swann and the black box experiments. So he may have been one of the first autistic spectrum individuals or something?


    The two young ladies that made the news as psychic mediums back in the depression days were more than likely consuming rye mold, which is ergot, the simple basic form that causes severe cramps and hallucinations. That can't be confirmed, but it would make sense that many cultures have found things from frogs excreting bufotenine to cactus containing mescaline and much more. Given the nature of mankind, I would assume that many experiences become "similar" if they affect the brain chemistry in the same way across humanity. For all we know, the girls were autistic.


    While I am on that subject, Bufotenine is a hallucinogen usually found in nature, like in some frogs, that causes altered states of consciousness. It is being discovered in high enough levels, as are DMT and some other natural hallucinogenic toxins, in some of the schizophrenia and autism spectrum disorders.


    I have never had mine checked, but I wouldn't be surprised to find flare-ups of either of these chemicals, or something similar, in my own body chemistry. They have been able to confirm that it appears to be mainly created in the large intestine, and that re-absorption of these chemicals is the "trip" leading to forms of autism and schizophrenia, where a basic shift from standard reality is an apparent issue that creates the spectrum of what is now called autism, or in some cases, synesthesia.


    I have tried to help a few parents with autistic children, and getting the doctors to even check for the levels of these and other toxins is like finding and pulling hen's teeth. So the science is not quite aware enough to be open and to listen to ideas.


    Learning to deal with the effects of these is quite a task. Diet can be a huge help. We can't yet rule out types of bacteria being the producers and converters in the intestines, or physical differences like genetic mutation. I looked into that area and have a spreadsheet started, but it is very difficult and a slow process of digging in the data and figuring out what bacteria is doing what. At that point, you run into other things living inside us, that are as old as time, like Archae, and you see a symbiotic relationship that is necessary for proper health. You see how bugs and chemistry control how loving or humane we are, or how angry and pessimistic. They influence depression, hormone fluctuations, and general quality of life. They change the flow of chemicals in the brain and some cause a dump down toxic pathways that are neurotoxic. So many of them are not good, and science is apparently ignoring the gut...

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  11. 4 minutes ago, Zhongyongdaoist said:


    As far as I'm concerned words are symbols too, that they are aural ones rather than visual ones, makes little difference if you train in certain ways, but in general, most people will respond stronger to visual symbols than verbal ones because most people are "visual".  If you realize, as I did early on, that the internal processing of words is linked with deep rooted images, which is how "words make sense  to you", then you can use those words to stimulate strong reactions. 


    Well we are giving Edward some credit, so I will assume that he does get credit for things from those who have read his materials and spoken to him personally.


    Please feel free to correct my thought process here:

    I don't know if you learned another language to the point of not having to "think" or "translate" before you speak. My point there is that you suddenly realize there is no language. Words become a thought filter. But the thoughts are not a language. They are concepts, ideas, feelings, descriptions. Language is simply a form of communicating those. I internalized German, and I was raised using English. I realized one day that I was having issues separating the two languages, slipping back and forth without thinking about what was happening. I would dream in German, or English, and then slip and speak German to English speakers, while speaking English to German speakers. After a certain point, I learned had to stop and think about which language to use, switch gears, then move forward in another language. The flow of them was equal, where over time, my engineering skills were more fluent in German due to the nature of my daily tasks.


    Anyway, the point being, science is proving that the part of the brain that does images only, including some dreams, most feelings, etc. is not language oriented. We do actually think (or we should) before we speak. So there is a bit of translation in the brain going on. I will have to look back at my links for studies. I really enjoyed "Stranger in a Strange Land" for this reason, since speaking Martian suddenly empowered the people who learned it.


    But, the visualization techniques of many different cultures and practices was the point of this response. These are rarely language related, and they reach into the depths of things beyond language, in my opinion.


    Where certain sounds and frequencies do have brain affects by themselves. These, however, are not language, but a type of tuning fork response.


    In memory of Edward, remember "E-motion"!


    Emotion and imagination, visualizing and feeling, connected to the deep state of mind between wake and sleep, appear to have the largest effects for me. Bringing that from the depths to our daily lives is the real magic. Why does imagination stay imagination? Why do certain things remain simple dreams? What is the difference between just visualizing, and visualizing things that become real? Why is it now real, and how did that happen? What is the difference between that dream that comes true, and the rest of them?


    Now, as far as dreams go. I can tell which dream is a future vision, and which are just dreams, without knowing why, and without being able to explain it. I can speculate, and study, and try to explain it with science terms... but it never does it justice.

    How do I know the thought just came from that other person? Because it sounds like their voice in my head. It is not my thought, simple. But how does that work? I don't know. It just does. It scares the crap out of people, so you learn that you just don't say anything to them.


    And I didn't learn any of my early experiences from a book or practices. Instead, I went searching in the books and cultures and literature for explanations for what happens to me, and ways of keeping everything in check, under control, or turning it on and off. Mostly off... riding the bus became a horrible day for me. Being in crowded places became torture. People kept trying to lie to me constantly, every day, and I know they are lying, because I can hear them doing it. Thoughts from the perverts staring at the lady like greedy little demons invading my private space made my skin crawl. When you glance over at them, they have that far-away stare directed at her cleavage, mouth slightly open, just sad... human beings... yuck.


    Lucky me I can usually tell what is me, and what is not me. That has always been distinct enough. When pressured for how it feels, I had to say that I had to struggle to mimic standard human processes as a child. I felt more akin to the family dog, simply feeling energy and being a witness to it, instead of being caught up in it or creating it.



  12. 58 minutes ago, thelerner said:

    The good life.. how would you define it? 

    What's needed to get it?  What actions... things.. practices?

    or is it the wrong question?


    In my youth it was doing work I was passionate about, making a good living doing it, enjoying the benefits of that.


    As I got caught up in the rat race, many bubbles were popped. I realized that "good" was certainly not what I expected it to be. The stress of life in general, people lying, stealing, mistreating each other and you. The greed, the awful life of the daily grind, the diseases and back stabbing...


    I carved my own way, had a few of my own business ventures, some very successful....


    I spent many years helping people and caring for the sick. I had a good position in a rehab clinic. That was a good life.


    Then I almost died, and everyone around just let me fall, and fall hard. I lost everything. I fought my way back, limping away, but just barely got back to the daily grind struggling to survive. Then I got death sick, lost 40 lbs, prepared myself for death and dropped everything.

    I slowly recovered somewhat, but never really did. Still no help, still everyone dropped me like I didn't exist. What I thought were friends drifted away. Financial places I had made rich for years dropped me like I was nobody. I realized that none of the help organizations I had donated to over the years really do anything to help most people, just a select few, and I wasn't one of them.


    I realized that the good life is having people around you that will help you and care for you, as you would for them, no matter what. And not those people who say they will, but don't when the time comes.

    You can buy some of those people with money. So having money can help. But when it runs dry... you will be screwed. So it has to be way more than you think you will ever need, and tied up so that it takes care of you like a trust fund.


    The good life was certainly not in how much material things I had. They are a form of stress, you have to care for "things" and belongings, you have to insure things, you have to watch them because people will steal things. 


    So there, the good life is not to have anything that anyone would want to steal. Having nothing that you can't replace.


    The good life is certainly not that woman or man companion or mate that says they are loyal and true, and then they bring home Syphilis because they are a lying whore to your face. So there the good life would be people that you can trust and that are loyal and loving.


    The good life would be children that love you and help you as much as you love and help them. Not the ones that never call if you can't buy them a new car this year. Not the ones that think they are entitled to things.


    So, now the good life is a comfortable chair, a tasty meal, fresh air, children playing in the park that make me smile, a day without so much pain, a good book, a good movie, a great conversation, veggies growing in the garden, that new flower, reaching that level of meditation that resonates deep to inner peace, relaxation, a hug from a dear friend, the smell of fresh cut wood, the smell of pine trees, and so much more. 


    You will know the good life, it makes you smile, it gives you no regrets, it is simple, stress-free, and certainly not part of this insanity the media and marketplace tries to pass off as normal or worthwhile. It is certainly not the sex they sell, or all the "goods" or fancy stuff, no BOGO deals in good life.


    Whatever drains you is not the good life. Whatever takes from you without even tempering your spirit, is not the good life. Helping others is sometimes the good life, if you are cut out for that. It is different for everyone, and time will show you what is, and what isn't important for your own good life.


    For Hitler, a good life would have been selling some of his art and becoming a famous artist. Instead, nobody bought his art. He ended up bitter and cruel, hating everything that wasn't part of his good life plan. 


    I doubt that Gandhi and Nelson Mandela would call the life they had, good. Yet for most of us, they did a good life.


    My humble opinions and life experience...


    Stay fluid



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  13. 17 minutes ago, Zhongyongdaoist said:

    Reading Ophiel was like reading letters from your cranky old uncle about how to practice magic, and some of the ideas in his books are way deeper than he gets credit for, and some of it is, well silly, but all in such a lovable way, that I just had to love him.



    Thanks for the candid reply. That makes you a child of the sixties then? I was born in 1961. 

    Just an FYI, I was in contact with Edward in 1976-77. He was looking for an apprentice and I wanted the job at the time. He selected another person and then passed about 10-12 years later.

    We had some nice conversations and exchanged many ideas at the time. The important take-away was that I understood better how to stay grounded and not leave myself halfway between here and there, since I was practicing many things without any teacher.

    Contacting him back then was very easy. I got directory assistance for his area and he was the only Edward Peach listed in the phone book. He answered the phone himself. What a different world we live in now?


    My question back to you, since you are familiar with his work: "Do you agree with the concept of symbols reaching farther and faster than words?"


    In my opinion, the whole idea was not to be practicing these things in reality, except to learn them well enough to do them when you wake up in a dream, or during deep meditation, which is not the same thing, but both have special connections from what I have experienced using both.


    Of course, I feel the same way about all things that are energy. The physical is what it is, and can be manipulated, but it is not the natural state of things. I call it "The Borders of This Dimension'. The other side, where these practices matter and have merit, is reached by many pathways, but all come from a condition that is closer to being asleep. Alpha and deeper if you will. And visual, symbolic, and much more awesome...

    Since then I understand so much more of the structure of the brain, nervous system, and our connections. But there are many things I would like to experiment with in a lab given the opportunity.


    In the interim, I will keep sewing like fabric to like fabric, and continue to map out the commonalities of mankind.


    Thanks for the feedback and comments,


    Stay fluid


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  14. I find Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Colonel Henry Steel Olcott and the Theosophical Society to be quite a farce, yet they did put together quite a library of materials that still have some merit and substance. A few gems in the muck of profit.


    I find the works of Edgar Cayce to be quite interesting, and hypnosis was the basis. Yet he came up with medical things that are still used today that didn't exist before his "readings". So even without training or a master, there are some very interesting benefits to understanding them.


    Edward Peach "Ophiel" had a grasp on many of the basic symbolic things that the silent part of the brain understands. Many of them bypass your reason and create conditions that literally kick open doorways. The issues there are that people may not be ready for the truth, and then suffer mental illness (at least that is what the doctors are calling it).


    Many Russian studies and those publications are also very interesting. I can't think of the black box guy that could change motor speeds, others that can separate an egg albumen from yolk while it was suspended in water. 


    Now we see the YouTube videos of the Java master, trying hard to help measure his chi and demonstrating for the camera and the scientists. I appreciated these very much.


    In all of them, you must be chosen to get anywhere. So I don't worry about people too much, except for those I have seen drop off the deep end into the trash pile of human insanity trying to figure things out or chasing after practices.


  15. 4 hours ago, 3bob said:

    there are 1st hand (written) accounts of Carlos C.being a sex creep, besides whatever forms of sorcery he may have got involved with, btw. sorcery is not about Self Realization but of various forms of power manipulation per ego. 


    He turned out to be a real creep, and died of liver cancer, probably from using too many drugs to create these visions he was sharing. The sex scandal and suicides are true, he would not even stay in contact with his own son. It appears that he believed in his own creepy way, and tried to practice that, but it was way off center and certainly not what I would have expected.


    In the end, he did not step into infinity, or use his powers to heal himself, or show any signs of actually accomplishing anything except to have a lot of sex with women who believed in him, and to enjoy his millions, and to die from a bad liver. And by the way, they found the adopted daughter's bones in the desert, and he not only adopted her, but was having sex with her as well. It is assumed that she went to the desert after his death, and either killed herself, or died from exposure. She was one of the main women in his little harem, I believe a waitress from some restaurant that needed a guru and got sucked into his web.


    But, that doesn't change the recognition factor of what he wrote down. The very basics which include many of the same techniques used to meditate, for example. The descriptions of the energy body. So much... but not in any instructional way, just a story.


    That being said, I have been to the Castaneda fan websites, and I have rarely encountered so many whack-o crazy people in one place. So it obviously has appeal with the psycho and drug crowds, those with mental illnesses, the gullible, and the greedy who use them to make money.


    I suppose you get those in every philosophical and religious setting... drink the Kool-Aid and all that jazz.


  16. 2 hours ago, Zhongyongdaoist said:


    Having lived with an electric-like being for years: Is this the one that you refer to here?:


    Yes, this was a "tenant" for years that bothered me and my siblings. I would have thought it was a figment, but the repeat attacks and confirmation by siblings proved it to be an actual "thing". I figured out how to deal with it over the years, my siblings did not. My sister will cry if I bring it up, and it has been almost 45 years ago.

    My older brother went on to do LSD, and said it reminded him of the "electric monster" many people on LSD experience. I tried to Google that, but didn't find much information on 'shared' LSD visions or similar hallucinations. I did see some interesting medical uses like fusing split personalities.. strange.



  17. 3 minutes ago, oak said:


    So, lets suppose that you were a pathological liar like Castañeda (I'm not insinuating that you are), and that you had that writing genious... Wouldn't you be able to write  amazing books based on your own life experience with dozens of techniques that worked? What that would make of you? Well, a millionaire for sure... and someone dangerous to be around too.


    Unfortunately the history of planet earth is full of these dark geniouses with enough charisma to manipulate the masses.


    What would really interest me, is where he got the materials he used for the books. I would like to know if it is possible to go back and see what he checked out while going to the University, or what his book shelf looked like...

    I see correlations to all sorts of Eastern teachings here, which were certainly available in the 60's and 70's, plus many of the esoteric works... which is mainly all I am attempting to do, which is to pick out the materials that do have substance when compared to other systems that have shown or produced very astounding results, or in the case of science, that show changes in body or brain chemistry, affect the world around us, or are something we can measure.


    My own experiences I keep on my personal shelf, and compare as needed. Shared experiences have a place closer to the front of that shelf, since they were confirmed by other people and not just a possible figment of imagination. What is most interesting here, is that I see them repeated in his books, which makes me wonder where he got it from, and where else these experiences exist, in what cultures, and in what practices, and if they came up with explanations.


    I also see the same inconsistencies in many religions, where one new leader / master will change the practices to correct the mistakes of those in the past. It is all very colorful and sometimes takes hundreds of years before someone gets the balls to take charge and make the change.


    Concerning the dark types, charisma and masses, the world has a very rich history of them. I hope we don't add to that pile of crap...


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  18. My point in the posting was the description of water and fire electricity beings. Having lived with an electric-like being for years, I don't question the existence of them, or what they do. It is a fact for me, and I find it interesting when I see it printed in literature for comparison.


    What is very interesting, and might be the source of the Castaneda books, are the comparisons between practices, beliefs, and cultures using history BEFORE mass communicaiton.

    When we reduce any system down to the basics, and we see common ground, we should know that these are basic truths. The rest is probably as colorful as the person trying to share what they have learned or experienced.

    To get biblical for a moment, which is not my thing, but a huge system, every character in the Koran or Bible that was "touched" by the "spirit" appears to have a distinct form of using that energy that directly relates to the personality of that person and the situation they are in. Daniel and Lions. People surviving being burned alive. Calling down plagues. Healings. Some of it very mean and nasty, other parts full of compassion.

    Personally, I believe the Bible and Koran are both a bunch of crap, probably opium induced or too much desert sun on the brain. Perhaps myth and story to present to children like Santa. But in any case, it appears to work as a guide to do both severe damage to others, and to help others. 400 years of the inquisition where people either claimed the faith, or died by being burned alive... great stuff. And Catholics are still allowed to practice this crap..


    There have been a huge number of other religions and belief systems that christians destroyed, from the Germanic times to the modern Hawaiians, and christian faith has killed and destroyed every other person or religion in the way, in the name of love and peace. And in my opinion, also a bunch of lies. They can't even substantiate any of it with real energy or powers of any kind, except for violence and money.


    Anyway, to get to the point, now we have a measure for chirp waves that are produced by people practicing healing using Dao and Tai Chi methods. Chirp waves stimulate stem cells, thus immediate healing. So a real and measureable thing we can look at and see.


    So, in my brain, we can now create testing devices that will measure the "bullshit" factor in Eastern religions also. So I would hope to see a certificate on the wall of the Reiki and other "healing" practices that say, "YES, PASSED the chirp wave test".

    This should filter out the liars and idiots that think they are doing the correct practices and charging money for teaching, healing or anything else involved with the bull surrounding that belief and practice system.


    Hopefully science will uncover more about other systems, and we can apply those in the near future.


    This will include actual testing for real energy flows, and not just some hocus pocus from a Feng Shui practitioner that can just say whatever they want about whatever flows and expect people to believe it without question.

    We can measure for energy change from underground sources, and those will certainly also play a role.

    I think the age has come that we can start to move beyond blind faith and the muddy interpretations of "masters". 


    I think it was you who quoted the 9 masters to change a lightbulb...?



  19. Lol, the same can be said of practically all beliefs and religions. Luckily, I had many experiences of my own before reading any of his books. However, some claim his accounts come from a lot of research into other experiences or religions. A form of plagerism perhaps. I see many truths in the materials, and better explained than in most of the esoteric nonsense and practices people devote an entire lifetime to.

    If all it does is to make people aware of other possibilities, which it has, then it was a success. I found the materials to be very funny and the interactions entertaining. I am sure plenty of people since the first publishing went on many drug trips and got lost in the trash heap that surrounds everything.

    I am sure there are those that will take offense to you calling it a life of lies, just like they take offense when you trash religions or beliefs based on Dao or other systems. I myself enjoy putting together a nativity scene made of bacon and posting it to muslim websites... the purpose is the same as your comments. To get a rise out of people whom I believe are making poor choices. Yet it isn't my place to make those decisions for them, or point out what I think is wrong, now is it?


    10 minutes ago, oak said:

    Carlos Castañeda: a life of lies!... and how is followers messed up this documentary that was posted on youtube... What good can come out of a immense lie?


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    "I talk to myself endlessly in my dreams, reminding myself to look at things," I said to don Juan. I had all along respected our agreement that we would talk about dreaming only when he brought up the subject. However, I thought that this was an emergency. "Does it sound to you like it's not you but someone else?" he asked. "Come to think of it, yes. I don't sound like myself at those times." "Then it's not you. It's not time yet to explain it. But let's say that we are not alone in this world. Let's say that there are other worlds available to dreamers, total worlds. From those other total worlds, energetic entities sometimes come to us. The next time you hear yourself nagging at yourself in your dreams, get really angry and yell a command. Say, Stop it!" I entered into another challenging arena: to remember in my dreams to shout that command. I believe that, perhaps, out of being so tremendously annoyed at hearing myself nagging, I did remember to shout, Stop it. The nagging ceased instantly and never again was repeated. "Does every dreamer experience this?" I asked don Juan when I saw him again. "Some do," he answered, uninterestedly. I began to rant about how strange it had all been. He cut me off, saying, "You are ready now to get to the second gate of dreaming." I seized the opportunity to seek answers for questions I had not been able to ask him. What I had experienced the first time he made me dream had been foremost in my mind. I told don Juan that I had observed the elements of my own dreams to my heart's content, and never had I felt anything even vaguely similar in terms of clarity and detail. "The more I think about it," I said, "the more intriguing it becomes. Watching those people in that dream, I experienced a fear and revulsion impossible to forget. What was that feeling, don Juan?" "In my opinion, your energy body hooked onto the foreign energy of that place and had the time of its life. Naturally, you felt afraid and revolted; you were examining alien energy for the first time in your life. "You have a proclivity for behaving like the sorcerers of antiquity. The moment you have the chance, you let your assemblage point go. That time your assemblage point shifted quite a distance. The result was that you, like the old sorcerers, journeyed beyond the world we know. A most real but dangerous journey." I bypassed the meaning of his statements in favor of my own interest and asked him, "Was that city perhaps on another planet?" "You can't explain dreaming by way of things you know or suspect you know," he said. "All I can tell you is that the city you visited was not in this world." "Where was it, then?" "Out of this world, of course. You're not that stupid. That was the first thing you noticed. What got you going in circles is that you can't imagine anything being out of this world." "Where is out of this world, don Juan?" "Believe me, the most extravagant feature of sorcery is that configuration called out of this world. For instance, you assumed that I was seeing the same things you did. The proof is that you never asked me what I saw. You and only you saw a city and people in that city. I didn't see anything of the sort. I saw energy. So, out of this world was, for you alone, on that occasion, a city." "But then, don Juan, it wasn't a real city It existed only for me, in my mind." "No. That's not the case. Now you want to reduce something transcendental to something mundane. You can't do that. That journey was real. You saw it as a city. I saw it as energy. Neither of us is right or wrong." "My confusion comes when you talk about things being real. You said before that we reached a real place. But if it was real, how can we have two versions of it?" "Very simple. We have two versions because we had, at that time, two different rates of uniformity and cohesion. I have explained to you that those two attributes are the key to perceiving." "Do you think that I can go back to that particular city?" "You got me there. I don't know. Or perhaps I do know but can't explain it. Or perhaps I can explain it but I don't want to. You'll have to wait and figure out for yourself which is the case." He refused any further discussion. "Let's get on with our business," he said. "You reach the second gate of dreaming when you wake up from a dream into another dream. You can have as many dreams as you want or as many as you are capable of, but you must exercise adequate control and not wake up in the world we know." I had a jolt of panic. "Are you saying that I should never wake up in this world?" I asked. "No, I didn't mean that. But now that you have pointed it out, I have to tell you that it is an alternative. The sorcerers of antiquity used to do that, never wake up in the world we know. Some of the sorcerers of my line have done it too. It certainly can be done, but I don't recommend it. What I want is for you to wake up naturally when you are through with dreaming, but while you are dreaming, I want you to dream that you wake up in another dream." I heard myself asking the same question I had asked the first time he told me about setting up dreaming. "But is it possible to do that?" Don Juan obviously caught on to my mindlessness and laughingly repeated the answer he had given me before. "Of course it's possible. This control is no different from the control we have over any situation in our daily lives." I quickly got over my embarrassment and was ready to ask more questions, but don Juan anticipated me and began to explain facets of the second gate of dreaming, an explanation that made me yet more uneasy. "There's one problem with the second gate," he said. "It's a problem that can be serious, depending on one's bent of character. If our tendency is to indulge in clinging to things or situations, we are in for a sock in the jaw." "In what way, don Juan?" "Think for a moment. You've already experienced the outlandish joy of examining your dreams' contents. Imagine yourself going from dream to dream, watching everything, examining every detail. It's very easy to realize that one may sink to mortal depths. Especially if one is given to indulging." "Wouldn't the body or the brain naturally put a stop to it?" "If it's a natural sleeping situation, meaning normal, yes. But this is not a normal situation. This is dreaming. A dreamer on crossing the first gate has already reached the energy body. So what is really going through the second gate, hopping from dream to dream, is the energy body." "What's the implication of all this, don Juan?" "The implication is that on crossing the second gate you must intend a greater and more sober control over your dreaming attention: the only safety valve for dreamers." "What is this safety valve?" "You will find out for yourself that the true goal of dreaming is to perfect the energy body. A perfect energy body, among other things of course, has such a control over the dreaming attention that it makes it stop when needed. This is the safety valve dreamers have. No matter how indulging they might be, at a given time, their dreaming attention must make them surface." I started all over again on another dreaming quest. This time the goal was more elusive and the difficulty even greater. Exactly as with my first task, I could not begin to figure out what to do. I had the discouraging suspicion that all my practice was not going to be of much help this time. After countless failures, I gave up and settled down to simply continue my practice of fixing my dreaming attention on every item of my dreams. Accepting my shortcomings seemed to give me a boost, and I became even more adept at sustaining the view of any item in my dreams. A year went by without any change. Then one day something changed. As I was watching a window in a dream, trying to. find out if I could catch a glimpse of the scenery outside the room, some windlike force, which I felt as a buzzing in my ears, pulled me through the window to the outside. Just before that pull, my dreaming attention had been caught by a strange structure some distance away. It looked like a tractor. The next thing I knew, I was standing by it, examining it. I was perfectly aware that I was dreaming. I looked around to find out if I could tell from what window I had been looking. The scene was that of a farm in the countryside. No buildings were in sight. I wanted to ponder this. However, the quantity of farm machinery lying around, as if abandoned, took all my attention. I examined mowing machines, tractors, grain harvesters, disk plows, thrashers. There were so many that I forgot my original dream. What I wanted then was to orient myself by watching the immediate scenery. There was something in the distance that looked like a billboard and some telephone poles around it. The instant I focused my attention on that billboard, I was next to it. The steel structure of the billboard gave me a fright. It was menacing. On the billboard itself was a picture of a building. I read the text; it was an advertisement for a motel. I had a peculiar certainty that I was in Oregon or northern California. I looked for other features in the environment of my dream. I saw mountains very far away and some green, round hills not too far. On those hills were clumps of what I thought were California oak trees. I wanted to be pulled by the green hills, but what pulled me were the distant mountains. I was convinced that they were the Sierras. All my dreaming energy left me on those mountains. But before it did, I was pulled by every possible feature. My dream ceased to be a dream. As far as my capacity to perceive was concerned, I was veritably in the Sierras, zooming into ravines, boulders, trees, caves. I went from sharp faces to mountain peaks until I had no more drive and could not focus my dreaming attention on anything. I felt myself losing control. Finally, there was no more scenery, just darkness. "You have reached the second gate of dreaming," don Juan said when I narrated my dream to him. "What you should do next is to cross it. Crossing the second gate is a very serious affair; it requires a most disciplined effort." I was not sure I had fulfilled the task he outlined for me, because I had not really woken up in another dream. I asked don Juan about this irregularity. "The mistake was mine," he said. "I told you that one has to wake up in another dream, but what I meant is that one has to change dreams in an orderly and precise manner, the way you have done it. "With the first gate, you wasted a lot of time looking exclusively for your hands. This time, you went directly to the solution without bothering to follow the given command: to wake up in another dream." Don Juan said that there are two ways of properly crossing the second gate of dreaming. One is to wake up in another dream, that is to say, to dream that one is having a dream and then dream that one wakes up from it. The alternative is to use the items of a dream to trigger another dream, exactly as I had done. Just as he had been doing all along, don Juan let me practice without any interference on his part. And I corroborated the two alternatives he described. Either I dreamt that I was having a dream from which I dreamt I woke up or I zoomed from a definite item accessible to my immediate dreaming attention to another one, not quite accessible. Or I entered into a slight variation of the second: I gazed at any item of a dream, maintaining the gaze until the item changed shape and, by changing shape, pulled me into another dream through a buzzing vortex. Never was I capable, however, of deciding beforehand which of the three I would follow. My dreaming practices always ended by my running out of dreaming attention and finally waking up or by my falling into dark, deep slumber. Everything went smoothly in my practices. The only disturbance I had was a peculiar interference, a jolt of fear or discomfort I had begun to experience with increasing frequency. My way of discarding it was to believe that it was related to my ghastly eating habits or to the fact that, in those days, don Juan was giving me a profusion of hallucinogenic plants as part of my training. Those jolts became so prominent, however, that I had to ask don Juan's advice. "You have entered now into the most dangerous facet of the sorcerers' knowledge," he began. "it is sheer dread, a veritable nightmare. I could joke with you and say that I didn't mention this possibility to you out of regard for your cherished rationality, but I can't. Every sorcerer has to face it. Here is where, I fear, you might very well think you're going off the deep end." Don Juan very solemnly explained that life and consciousness, being exclusively a matter of energy, are not solely the property of organisms. He said that sorcerers have seen that there are two types of conscious beings roaming the earth, the organic and the inorganic, and that in comparing one with the other, they have seen that both are luminous masses crossed from every imaginable angle by millions of the universe's energy filaments. They are different from each other in their shape and in their degree of brightness. Inorganic beings are long and candlelike but opaque, whereas organic beings are round and by far the brighter. Another noteworthy difference, which don Juan said sorcerers have seen, is that the life and consciousness of organic beings is short-lived, because they are made to hurry, whereas the life of inorganic beings is infinitely longer and their consciousness infinitely more calm and deeper. "Sorcerers find no problem interacting with them," don Juan went on. "Inorganic beings possess the crucial ingredient for interaction, consciousness." "But do these inorganic beings really exist? Like you and I exist?" I asked. "Of course they do," he replied. "Believe me, sorcerers are very intelligent creatures; under no condition would they toy with aberrations of the mind and then take them for real." "Why do you say they are alive?" "For sorcerers, having life means having consciousness. It means having an assemblage point and its surrounding glow of awareness, a condition that points out to sorcerers that the being in front of them, organic or inorganic, is thoroughly capable of perceiving. Perceiving is understood by sorcerers as the precondition of being alive." "Then the inorganic beings must also die. Is that true, don Juan?" "Naturally. They lose their awareness just like we do, except that the length of their consciousness is staggering to the mind." "Do these inorganic beings appear to sorcerers?" "It's very difficult to tell what is what with them. Let's say that those beings are enticed by us or, better yet, compelled to interact with us." Don Juan peered at me most intently. "You're not taking in any of this at all," he said with the tone of someone who has reached a conclusion. "It's nearly impossible for me to think about this rationally," I said. "I warned you that the subject will tax your reason. The proper thing to do then is to suspend judgment and let things take their course, meaning that you let the inorganic beings come to you." "Are you serious, don Juan?" "Deadly serious. The difficulty with inorganic beings is that their awareness is very slow in comparison with ours. It will take years for a sorcerer to be acknowledged by inorganic beings. So, it is advisable to have patience and wait. Sooner or later they show up. But not like you or I would show up. Theirs is a most peculiar way to make themselves known." "How do sorcerers entice them? Do they have a ritual?" "Well, they certainly don't stand in the middle of the road and call out to them with trembling voices at the stroke of midnight, if that's what you mean." "What do they do then?" "They entice them in dreaming. I said that what's involved is more than enticing them; by the act of dreaming, sorcerers compel those beings to interact with them." "How do sorcerers compel them by the act of dreaming?" "Dreaming is sustaining the position where the assemblage point has shifted in dreams. This act creates a distinctive energy charge, which attracts their attention. It's like bait to fish; they'll go for it. Sorcerers, by reaching and crossing the first two gates' of dreaming, set bait for those beings and compel them to appear. "By going through the two gates, you have made your bidding known to them. Now, you must wait for a sign from them." "What would the sign be, don Juan?" "Possibly the appearance of one of them, although that seems too soon. I am of the opinion that their sign will be simply some interference in your dreaming. I believe that the jolts of fear you are experiencing nowadays are not indigestion but energy jolts sent to you by the inorganic beings." "What should I do?" "You must gauge your expectations." I could not understand what he meant, and he carefully explained that our normal expectation when engaging in inter action with our fellow men or with other organic beings is to get an immediate reply to our solicitation. With inorganic beings, however, since they are separated from us by a most formidable barrier-energy that moves at a different speed- sorcerers must gauge their expectations and sustain the solicitation for as long as it takes to be acknowledged. "Do you mean, don Juan, that the solicitation is the same as the dreaming practices?" "Yes. But for a perfect result, you must add to your practices the intent of reaching those inorganic beings. Send a feeling of power and confidence to them, a feeling of strength, of detachment. Avoid at any cost sending a feeling of fear or morbidity They are pretty morbid by themselves; to add your morbidity to them is unnecessary, to say the least." "I'm not clear, don Juan, about the way they appear to sorcerers. What is the peculiar way they make themselves known?" "They do, at times, materialize themselves in the daily world, right in front of us. Most of the time, though, their invisible presence is marked by a bodily jolt, a shiver of sorts that comes from the marrow of the bones." "What about in dreaming, don Juan?" "In dreaming we have the total opposite. At times, we feel them the way you are feeling them, as a jolt of fear. Most of the time, they materialize themselves right in front of us. Since at the beginning of dreaming we have no experience whatsoever with them, they might imbue us with fear beyond measure. That is a real danger to us. Through the channel of fear, they can follow us to the daily world, with disastrous results for us." "In what way, don Juan?" "Fear can settle down in our lives, and we would have to be mavericks to deal with it. Inorganic beings can be worse than a pest. Through fear they can easily drive us raving mad." "What do sorcerers do with inorganic beings?" "They mingle with them. They turn them into allies. They form associations, create extraordinary friendships. I call them vast enterprises, where perception plays the uppermost role. We are social beings. We unavoidably seek the company of consciousness. "With inorganic beings, the secret is not to fear them. And this must be done from the beginning. The intent one has to send out to them has to be of power and abandon. In that intent one must encode the message 'I don't fear you. Come to see me. If you do, I'll welcome you. If you don't want to come, I'll miss you.' With a message like this, they'll get so curious that they'll come for sure." "Why should they come to seek me, or why on earth should I seek them?" "Dreamers, whether they like it or not, in their dreaming seek associations with other beings. This may come to you as a shock, but dreamers automatically seek groups of beings, nexuses of inorganic beings in this case. Dreamers seek them avidly." "This is very strange to me, don Juan. Why would dreamers do that?" "The novelty for us is the inorganic beings. And the novelty for them is one of our kind crossing the boundaries of their realm. The thing you must bear in mind from now on is that inorganic beings with their superb consciousness exert a tremendous pull over dreamers and can easily transport them into worlds beyond description. "The sorcerers of antiquity used them, and they are the ones who coined the name allies. Their allies taught them to move the assemblage point out of the egg's boundaries into the non human universe. So when they transport a sorcerer, they transport him to worlds beyond the human domain." As I heard him talk, I was plagued by strange fears and misgivings, which he promptly realized. "You are a religious man to the end." He laughed. "Now, you're feeling the devil breathing down your neck. Think about dreaming in these terms: dreaming is perceiving more than what we believe it is possible to perceive." In my waking hours, I worried about the possibility that inorganic conscious beings really existed. When I was dreaming, however, my conscious worries did not have much effect. The jolts of physical fear continued, but whenever they happened a strange calmness always trailed behind, a calmness that took control of me and let me proceed as if I had no fear at all. It seemed at that time that every breakthrough in dreaming happened to me suddenly, without warning. The presence of inorganic beings in my dreams was no exception. It happened while I was dreaming about a circus I knew in my childhood. The setting looked like a town in the mountains in Arizona. I began to watch people with the vague hope I always had that I would see again the people I had seen the first time don Juan made me enter into the second attention. As I watched them, I felt a sizable jolt of nervousness in the pit of my stomach; it was like a punch. The jolt distracted me, and I lost sight of the people, the circus, and the mountain town in Arizona. In their place stood two strange-looking figures. They were thin, less than a foot wide, but long, perhaps seven feet. They were looming over me like two gigantic earthworms. I knew that it was a dream, but I also knew that I was seeing. Don Juan had discussed seeing in my normal awareness and in the second attention as well. Although I was incapable of experiencing it myself, I thought I had understood the idea of directly perceiving energy. In that dream, looking at those two strange apparitions, I realized that I was seeing the energy essence of something unbelievable. I remained very calm. I did not move. The most remarkable thing to me was that they didn't dissolve or change into something else. They were cohesive beings that retained their candlelike shape. Something in them was forcing something in me to hold the view of their shape. I knew it because something was telling me that if I did not move, they would not move either. It all came to an end, at a given moment, when I woke up with a fright. I was immediately besieged by fears. A deep preoccupation took hold of me. It was not psychological worry but rather a bodily sense of anguish, sadness with no apparent foundation. The two strange shapes appeared to me from then on in every one of my dreaming sessions. Eventually, it was as if I dreamt only to encounter them. They never attempted to move toward me or to interfere with me in any way. They just stood there, immobile, in front of me, for as long as my dream lasted. Not only did I never make any effort to change my dreams but I even forgot the original quest of my dreaming practices. When I finally discussed with don Juan what was happening to me, I had spent months solely viewing the two shapes. "You are stuck at a dangerous crossroad," don Juan said. "It isn't right to chase these beings away, but it isn't right either to let them stay. For the time being, their presence is a hindrance to your dreaming." "What can I do, don Juan?" "Face them, right now, in the world of daily life, and tell them to come back later, when you have more dreaming power." "How do I face them?" "It's not simple, but it can be done. It requires only that you have enough guts, which of course you do." Without waiting for me to tell him that I had no guts at all, he took me to the hills. He lived then in northern Mexico, and he had given me the total impression he was a solitary sorcerer, an old man forgotten by everybody and completely outside the main current of human affairs. I had surmised, however, that he was intelligent beyond measure. And because of this I was willing to comply with what I half-believed were mere eccentricities. The cunningness of sorcerers, cultivated through the ages, was don Juan's trademark. He made sure that I understood all I could in my normal awareness and, at the same time, he made sure that I entered into the second attention, where I understood or at least passionately listened to everything he taught me. In this fashion, he divided me in two. In my normal consciousness, I could not understand why or how I was more than willing to take his eccentricities seriously. In the second attention, it all made sense to me. His contention was that the second attention is available to all of us, but, by willfully holding on to our half-cocked rationality, some of us more fiercely than others, keep the second attention at arm's length. His idea was that dreaming brings down the bathers that surround and insulate the second attention. The day he took me to the hills of the Sonoran desert to meet the inorganic beings, I was in my normal state of awareness. Yet somehow I knew I had to do something that was certainly going to be unbelievable. It had rained lightly in the desert. The red dirt was still wet, and as I walked it got clumped up in the rubber soles of my shoes. I had to step on rocks to remove the heavy chunks of dirt. We walked in an easterly direction, climbing toward the hills. When we got to a narrow gully between two hills, don Juan stopped. "This is for sure an ideal place to summon your friends," he said. "Why do you call them my friends?" "They have singled you out themselves. When they do that, it means that they seek an association. I've mentioned to you that sorcerers form bonds of friendship with them. Your case seems to be an example. And you don't even have to solicit them." "What does such a friendship consist of, don Juan?" "It consists of a mutual exchange of energy. The inorganic beings supply their high awareness, and sorcerers supply their heightened awareness and high energy. The positive result is an even exchange. The negative one is dependency on both parties. "The old sorcerers used to love their allies. In fact, they loved their allies more than they loved their own kind. I can foresee terrible dangers in that." "What do you recommend I do, don Juan?" "Summon them. Size them up, and then decide yourself what to do." "What should I do to summon them?" "Hold your dream view of them, in your mind. The reason they have saturated you with their presence in your dreams is that they want to create a memory of their shape in your mind. And this is the time to use that memory" Don Juan forcefully ordered me to close my eyes and keep them closed. Then he guided me to sit down on some rocks. I felt the hardness and the coldness of the rocks. The rocks were slanted; it was difficult to keep my balance. "Sit here and visualize their shape until they are just like they. are in your dreams," don Juan said in my ear. "Let me know when you have them in focus." It took me very little time and effort to have a complete mental picture of their shape, just like in my dreams. It did not surprise me at all that I could do it. What shocked me was that, although I tried desperately to let don Juan know I had pictured them in my mind, I could not voice my words or open my eyes. I was definitely awake. I could hear everything. I heard don Juan say, "You can open your 'eyes now." I opened them with no difficulty I was sitting cross-legged on some rocks, which were not the same ones I had felt under me when I sat down. Don Juan was just behind me to my right. I tried to turn around to face him, but he forced my head to remain straight. And then I saw two dark figures, like two thin tree trunks, right in front of me. I stared at them open mouthed; they were not as tall as in my dreams. They had shrunk to half their size. Instead of being shapes of opaque luminosity, they were now two condensed, dark, almost black, menacing sticks. "Get up and grab one of them," don Juan ordered me, "and don't let go, no matter how it shakes you." I definitely did not want to do anything of the sort, but some unknown drive made me stand up against my will. I had at that moment the clear realization that I would end up doing what he had ordered me to, although I had no conscious intention of doing so. Mechanically, I advanced toward the two figures, my heart pounding nearly out of my chest. I grabbed the one to my right. What I felt was an electric discharge that almost made me drop the dark figure. Don Juan's voice came to me as if he had been yelling from a distance away. "You drop it and you're done for," he said. I held on to the figure, which twirled and shook. Not like a massive animal would, but like something quite fluffy and light, although strongly electrical. We rolled and turned on the sand of the gully for quite some time. It gave me jolt after jolt of some sickening electric current. I thought it was sickening because I fancied it to be different from the energy I had always encountered in our daily world. When it hit my body, it tickled me and made me yell and growl like an animal, not in anguish but in a strange anger. It finally became a still, almost solid form under me. It lay inert. I asked don Juan if it was dead, but I did not hear my voice. "Not a chance," said someone laughing, someone who was not don Juan. "You've just depleted its energy charge. But don't get up yet. Lie there just a moment longer." I looked at don Juan with a question in my eyes. He was examining me with great curiosity. Then he helped me up. The dark figure remained on the ground. I wanted to ask don Juan if the dark figure was all right. Again, I could not voice my question. Then I did something extravagant. I took it all for real. Up to that moment something in my mind was preserving my rationality by taking what was happening as a dream, a dream induced by don Juan's machinations. I went to the figure on the ground and tried to lift it up. I could not put my arms around it because it had no mass. I became disoriented. The same voice, which was not don Juan's, told me to lie down on top of the inorganic being. I did it, and both of us got up in one motion, the inorganic being like a dark shadow attached to me. It gently separated from me and disappeared, leaving me with an extremely pleasant feeling of completeness. It took me more than twenty-four hours to regain total control of my faculties. I slept most of the time. Don Juan checked me from time to time by asking me the same question, "Was the inorganic being's energy like fire or like water?" My throat seemed scorched. I could not tell him that the energy jolts I had felt were like jets of electrified water. I have never felt jets of electrified water in my life. I am not sure if it is possible to produce them or to feel them, but that was the image playing in my mind every time don Juan asked his key question. Don Juan was asleep when I finally knew I was completely recovered. Knowing that his question was of great importance, I woke him up and told him what I had felt. "You are not going to have helping friends among the inorganic beings, but relationships of annoying dependence," he stated. "Be extremely careful. Watery inorganic beings are more given to excesses. The old sorcerers believed that they were more loving, more capable of imitating, or perhaps even having feelings. As opposed to the fiery ones, who were thought to be more serious, more contained than the others, but also more pompous." "What's the meaning of all this for me, don Juan?" "The meaning is too vast to discuss at this time. My recommendation is that you vanquish fear from your dreams and from your life, in order to safeguard your unity The inorganic being you depleted of energy and then recharged again was thrilled out of its candle-like shape with it. It'll come to you for more." "Why didn't you stop me, don Juan?" "You didn't give me time. Besides, you didn't even hear me shouting at you to leave the inorganic being on the ground." "You should have lectured me, beforehand, the way you always do, about all the possibilities." "I didn't know all the possibilities. In matters of the inorganic beings, I am nearly a novice. I refused that part of the sorcerers' knowledge on the ground that it is too cumbersome and capricious. I don't want to be at the mercy of any entity. organic or inorganic." That was the end of our exchange. I should have been worried because of his definitely negative reaction, but I was not. I somehow was certain that whatever I had done was all right. I continued my dreaming practices without any interference from the inorganic beings.

  21. The simple mix of these ideas in the Shaman's world is not for the purpose of blocking them or whether you should enjoy / not enjoy music, food, or sex. In the Shaman's world view, the forces of energy (qi and such) are required for creation / perception of the physical world around us, a healthy body, and the importance of self as an individual being in that world.


    Survival means we have to use the energy (qi and such) to create and renew the physical world over and over. The senses and mind take all the available energy to do that, and none is leftover to perceive the rest of creation with. So, nothing is left to use for any practices requiring qi and such.


    To be blind and deaf to the energy and interactions of the energy in this world means that you are deaf and blind because all of that energy is being used up. The 5 senses are all we have to connect externally to the physical world. Reason and emotion connect us to the feeling of self. All of that burns up all the energy. That is the normal condition for all of mankind, and the reason that 99 percent of mankind will never be shaman material, and we never have to worry about them achieving any state of power or capable of manipulating energy for personal gain.


    There are a number of practices that help to reduce self-importance, which is by far the biggest abuser of any leftover energy, and consumes the most energy of any aspect of being human. Giving any one thing importance, whether it be music, sex, food, or anything in standard perception, gives music, sex, food, or your self-image all the focus and energy. Sometimes a waste, sometimes not a waste, depending on if it feeds your ego or distracts you from your path. Depending also on if it drains energy that you needed to interact with other things. 


    So imho, most practices share attempts at reducing the amount of energy lost, storage of energy, and the use of that energy to perceive and manipulate worlds and experiences that are normally outside of your grasp due to the waste going on in your daily lives.


    When the masters say that things in life make you blind and deaf, it is basically exactly that from an energy perspective: there is no energy left to perceive with. Because energy in your being is not unlimited, and you are using that energy for things that don't really help you achieve your goals.


    If you allow things to burn it up, or suffer leakage of energy through any physical thing, then you will never have enough qi to participate in the real other worlds where energy is all that matters.


    In the same frame of mind, if you force it, you end up taking away from your life force. Meditate on the idea of a larger container to hold the energy, and plugging the waste or drain of that energy, etc.


    Giving music or no music more focus than it deserves. It is certainly what it does for you, or to you, personally, that matters. To live with it, or without it, should no longer matter one way or another. But we should also not reach a level of being dark and morbid, since that is also just another way of using up energy.


    Stay fluid



  22. 5 hours ago, Nungali said:

    Well,  ,we can be effected by lots of ground energies. GMF, radiation ......   exploding lava  ... unless that is just stuff 'hitting our issues'   :D  


    Yes, this is a big part of dowsing  and  well known , I would have thought  people involved with , Daoism would know about this ,  via Feng Shui ?


    Look it up  -  'Geopathic stress'   'dowsing' , ' dowsing positive and negative energies in the landscape'  ;   






    Thank you for the response. It might be too fresh for the Dao crowd to have noticed, or they are not seeing the posting, or do not care to answer yet. etc.

    I am not a practitioner of dowsing myself, or Dao, or any other religion requiring slavery. Being a citizen scientist, I look for repeat information such as, if it is a sulphur pool, it is good/bad for arthritis. If it is an underground stream, it will aggravate this or that. If it is an underground pool, it will draw away from chi/qi, add to surplus yin/yang, etc. I can decipher from there.

    People with X or Y are good at detection because... while people with Z or Q are not because. 

    It works with the qi in this way or that way... etc.


    Water is of particular importance because I see it mentioned in many different cultures and practices, not just Dao or the like. Even the "sleeping prophet" Edgar Cayce mentioned it. You can also read about some of it in Immortal Java Master and others. It goes worldwide.

    My own experience from the Water Department, a Government agency, was that they sent one to come out and check the property for water sources. The only source was not drinkwater, and wnen drilled, it was full of sulphur, so they were correct.

    I have heard of others putting a mirror under the bed to reflect the negative portion of the water and that this practice works. Which would mean that something is reflected or wraps around the object. If this is the case, there is something that can be measured, and the lack of doing that renders it subject to foo foo stuff like fake people selling Feng Shui, when they have no clue and can't see or feel or measure the before and after, or the results of the Feng Shui at all. Now we are seeing, for example, that out of over 30 "healers" measured for the active chirp wave that stimulates stem cells that actually do heal, only 3 of those tested could actually do exactly that. The rest are just wishful thinkers who are probably just whack-jobs trying to squeeze people for money.


    Geographical water and energy interaction is a science that is certainly worth better research, but is treated like crap by too many people. And, as mentioned, leaves it wide open for quacks to say and do whatever they want with the information, becoming a mixture of authority and bullcrap. Like my issues have issues already, so I doubt very much that I can measure them, leaving that wide open for the bull...






  23. I feel that many times, there are physical relationships, or similar structures, or reflections, of that which has been considered invisible or hard to explain. Since these are interesting new science discoveries of things as old as human beings, the dual channels that can be manipulated with the acupuncture needles are certainly already "science" in affect, but not yet understood with relation to the physical laws of nature. So it is a step closer to understanding, and in making possible measureable connections. Resistance is futile... lol.

    Keeping it in the realm of the unknown, or as something that can never be known or measured, is stepping backwards to the flat world version, in my humble opinion. Qi is already showing a chirp wave measure when produced for healing. The next steps will follow soon. Such as how we produce a chirp wave, and the forces creating that wave, etc.

    Soon science will make more interesting advances that will put much of the hocus pocus aspects of many belief systems to the test.


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    In philosophy, panpsychism is the view that consciousness, mind or soul (psyche) is a universal and primordial feature of all things. Panpsychists see themselves as minds in a world of mind.

    Panpsychism is one of the oldest philosophical theories, and has been ascribed to philosophers like Thales, Parmenides, Plato, Averroes, Spinoza, Leibniz and William James. Panpsychism can also be seen in ancient philosophies such as Stoicism, Taoism, Vedanta and Mahayana Buddhism. During the 19th century, panpsychism was the default theory in philosophy of mind, but it saw a decline during the middle years of the 20th century with the rise of logical positivism.