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Posts posted by Jessup2



    Bicameralism (the philosophy of "two-chamberedness") is a hypothesis in psychology that argues that the human mind once assumed a state in which cognitive functions were divided between one part of the brain which appears to be "speaking", and a second part which listens and obeys—a bicameral mind.


    the person would hallucinate a voice or "god" giving admonitory advice or commands and obey without question: one would not be at all conscious of one's own thought processes per se. 

  2. I see many discussions hinting at location making people weaker or stronger physically, concerning how power flows, for spiritual activity, where non-human entities live, etc.


    Question: Aside from physical health, how do you know which areas are draining vs. uplifiting your energy? 


    Location on the planet?


    I read and see that many "masters" claim the mountains are better than the ocean, or water in general. Describe what a perfect setting would be and why?


  3. On 7/27/2017 at 7:12 AM, gendao said:

    And some recent scientific studies also corroborate acupuncture points from a materialistic POV, too:

    Would have been cooler if they actually included some photos of all these acupoint microstructures, though! B)


    Here are some reconstructions:








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    Many-minds interpretation

    The many-minds interpretation of quantum theory is many-worlds with the distinction between worlds constructed at the level of the individual observer. Rather than the worlds that branch, it is the observer’s mind.

    When two people look at two different detectors that scan entangled particles, both observers will enter an indefinite state, as with one observer. These results need not agree – the second observer's mind does not have to have results that correlate with the first's. When one observer tells the results to the second observer, their two minds cannot communicate and thus will only interact with the other's body, which is still indefinite. When the second observer responds, his body will respond with whatever result agrees with the first observer's mind. This means that both observer's minds will be in a state of the wavefunction that always get the expected results, but individually their results could be different.

    Quantum decoherence

    Quantum entanglement

    Faster-than-light communication



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  5. On 3/30/2017 at 5:12 AM, JohnC said:

    In support of this, Wang li ping speaks to that there is pre-heaven chi all around us and it is very accessible using the yi/mind.



    Jing is often named as Pre-birth, Pre-heaven chi, or Sexual energy...

    Is this a correct statement?


  6. 18 hours ago, Nungali said:



    Philip" is an artificial poltergeist, an egrigor or artificial intelligence...


    As in the assignment of power and spirit to foreign things outside of us, it is interesting to note that this works better for many people than trying to  believe that they are actually doing something like tilting a table. It becomes easier if it is outside of us, a being, etc.


  7. But back to the questions:

    How is it done

    Why is it done

    Is it useful


    I can only speculate on energy bodies, transfer, influence, since I am not able to "see" them yet. I do like the idea of the energy sphere explanation. In that scenario, we have energy trapped in a personal sphere, and it matches and aligns with energy of the same kind outside the sphere. We tap only a small amount of these energy "fibers" to create the impression of time and the physical world around us. So the fibers inside are trying to push outward from the sphere and they connect to those outside. In the case of manipulation of other people, we would have to be in control of not only our own connections, but to those of others, and to how they connect and/or interact with others. We have to figure out what makes the body do a jump up and down to follow the flow of this energy, and how much energy to release. So a control in the practice of many things.

    The importance of this exercise is that there are assumed to be a huge number of these energy fibers, all of them with different interactive effects on others and the world around us. Some of them dealing with time and space flow around us, some of them dealing with our current form, health, etc. So by learning to manipulate energy, we can change our environment, and the environment of those around us.

    Basically, I would also think that part of the exercise is to open your mind to the possibilities. So an expansion of your mind to stop the limitations of the basic fibers of time and space that we all are born with, and cling to. It is like we have to shake that idea loose in order to let our minds grasp what we really can do.

    From what I understand, and have experienced first hand, is that when you stop the internal function of clinging to the basic set of energy fibers that assemble time and space and everything known in this time/space dimension, you free the ability to be able to use other energy fibers, and to assemble different constellations of energy. So quiet the mind, inner silence, holding a thought, focus, etc. You move past reason and internal talk and chatter, to just action and doing, the intent mind.

    The most interesting point there, is that intent drives what you do at that point, not reason. So many practices begin to make sense. Training will power, intent, as an equal part of the mind to reason.


  8. 7 minutes ago, ralis said:


    I owned a Neurophone years ago and found the technology to not be worth the money and the claims Flanagan made. Do you own one?


    No. I found it fascinating, but I could never bring myself to spend that kind of money on it. Figured if it was so great, the technology would prove itself over time. 

    Can you tell us about what it did do? Limitations?

  9. 19 minutes ago, Marblehead said:

    I rippled in time once.  Too much alcohol and lost consciousness.


    Harmonics is an interesting concept.  I saw a lot of that working with radio equipment in the Army.


    Is that possible with Chi energy?  I have no idea but it would be interesting to consider thoughts regarding it.






    101st Airborne, 503rd Combat Aviation... 6 years. Thanks for your service Marblehead

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  10. Also check RCF and the human mind, so Radio Carrier Frequency. The Government took away a patent from Prof. Flanagan many years ago, the science assumes that through amplification we can pick up on radio carrier frequencies, transfer them back and forth between people, and that we have the ability to not only project them, but receive them. Tesla was also interested in, and used, many of the "natural" fluctuations and frequencies...






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  11.  In moments of great danger, fear, or stress, push your belly down by pushing the diaphragm down while taking four sharp gasps of air through the mouth, followed by four deep inhalations and exhalations through the nose. The gasps of air have to be felt as jolts in the middle part of the body. Keeping the hands tightly clasped, covering the navel, gives strength to the midsection and helps to control the gasps and the deep inhalations, which have to be held for a count of eight as one presses the diaphragm down. The exhalations are done twice through the nose and twice through the mouth in a slow or accelerated fashion, depending on one's preference.

  12. Jog on this spot, facing the west. The idea is to draw power from the impending twilight by raising one's arms to the sky with the fingers stretched, like a fan, and then clasp them forcefully when the arms are in the mid point between the horizon and the zenith.

  13. Adlib from Tales of Power:

    There is a deadly game that one's mind plays with itself. Some part of yourself is going to do everything it can to prevent the fulfillment of your task.
    Something in us is threatened by our activities and practices.

    Each person has their own way. Each way is different. The only thing which we all have in common is that we play tricks in order to force ourselves to abandon the quest.

    The counter-measure is to persist in spite of all the barriers and disappointments.

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  14. Part of me is difficult – it is angry, envious, sad, full of regret, greedy, arrogant, whining in self-pity, guilt, resentment, feeling inferior, telling lies, full of false pride, superiority, and ego.Thinking it deserves all things it desires. It is rude and cruel. 


    Part of me is easier – it is joyful, peaceful, loving, hopeful, serene, humble, kind, benevolent, empathic, generous, truthful, compassionate, and faithful. Thinking that kindess and helping our fellow man and caring about nature will make all things better...


    The part of yourself you feed energy to grows larger and more powerful... consuming all available focus and creating the physical, mental and emotional reflection of itself at your request and command. 


    Being fluid allows me not to define myself with these passing human traits. Both paths consume, both are fleeting. Acknowledge them, silence the mind, return to neutral.


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  15. Also if you are so inclined, look at quantum entanglement. Where in this sense, the very atoms of another become entangled with your own, taking on the burdens and karma of others, but also sharing in the mojo, qi...

    As if eating the heart of the enemy...

    Or, as in some cases, the connecting of the master to the student...

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  16. 1 hour ago, blue eyed snake said:


    You may be aware that I'm severely ill, I had a pretty hard life, rape and assault bugged me down with post traumatic stress disorder, raised in an unhealthy family. Then myself raising a child with developmental disorders ( who is now grown up and living in a sort of 'home') , staying with an husband who was not good for me because i could not rise the child alone. He needed constant care and I did not want to place him in a home at a young age. A nasty divorce, then at the same time losing my job.



    From what I have been able to determine in looking at different systems across the globe, you would be a better candidate for reaching more goals in energy-related training than someone with a "normal" life.


    There are a few science connections, in particular genetic mutations. In one of them, the only way they even begin to look for this mutation is if someone has had an abusive situation and now suffers from explosive disorder. In that case, for example, the MAO-A warrior and/or the COMT gene is sometimes the active issue. Keeping so much serotonin and hormones around (not breaking them down properly) that it becomes an active volcano of rage. Over time that high level destroys the intestines and the bones, causes internal cysts, and generally weakens a person with time.


    Looking at the level of qi associated, it rises up and becomes a force that is very difficult to fix. Over time this rips organs like the liver and leaves scars. 


    Yes, I am speaking from experience. Women suffer more, because of the hormone-related issues and natural fluctuations. I have had acupuncture folks say that they don't know how to work on "fire" people like me, and that I would need to find someone with knowledge in that area. I feel that being born like this, we don't get to eat the things other people eat. The cures and tonics made for the average person do not apply. Exercises and practices change also.


    Celtic and/or Northern people, Irish, Scott etc... probably need more "warp spasm" training, and awareness where the flows go so they don't destroy the bones and other body parts. I see a higher use of alcohol in most of them, since they have long recognized the effects. Modern drugs are not that great, but some can "mop up" the excess, like Tianeptine (Stablon). Some can calm the fire. Fluctuations in the limbic brain set off emotional outbursts that we learn to control so much better than most. Since without that control, we would be in deep trouble very often. 


    Feel free to share or PM me. I am a Norse-child myself. Were it not for modern medicine, and my own strength, I would be long dead by now, many times over... I am now 56. I have determined a few things through focus and study. One of them is the no-sugar allowed. The other is types of yeast. Without both of those, life is much better.


    In my humble opinion, blocking our energy, keeping ourselves under control, cooperating with idiots and sheep people, are what makes us sicker. We need to blow off energy and steam in a very energetic way, sometimes it may appear to be aggressive or negative because people are not fire. We just don't belong in a society full of non-warrior types. We should also not eat sheep food or live sheep lives. That passive nature is anti-health. 


    Thus, different strokes for different folks. 


    And that's my humble (never) opinion... 


  17. When I got really sick once, my IgG level dropped to the point of needing IgG therapy. I really had no clue what I was in for. They become you, the donors of blood and plasma.


    Now... with IgG, they take the blood and extract the white thick fluid, the plasma, and then reduce things down to Immune Globulin G. Then to give you enough of a variety of immune factors, they mix the IgG of at least 1,000 people when they create batches, and filter it with special microfilters that can actually catch many bugs, so they purify it with filters. There is still a risk of things like mad cow, but the time between donation and actual application would notify them if someone died from something like that.

    Now to get to my point... when those people are now dead, from natural causes... you get that life force, energy, qi, whatever essence of them is in that, and a thousand people at one time shouting in your veins. 4 to 8 hours of infusion, slow drip. It makes your skin crawl, your bones ache, your body screams out... then come the dreams, the voices, the visions as they all have issues with even more issues. I was very polluted for a long time. But I did learn a great lesson. I am pretty good now at sensory data that is mine, and not mine. 


    The first time I had the plasma of a dead man in my veins, the contact was very intense for the first day, and slowly faded over about 7 days. I noticed over and over again that each experience was different, but that there is very strong mojo in some people and they seem to overpower the batch and stand forward.


    It is also quite interesting what other things come with the blood and plasma. And that isn't even actual tissue like a whole organ would be. In that case, they have to give you medications so you won't reject it. The whole thing is pretty wicked and backwards, in particular because we can create you an organ out of stem cells and grow it for you, in your own body, and there will be no rejection.


    Something in the whole organ business is wrong when you find out that Lou Reed, the known junkie, got a liver transplant ahead of young people that didn't ruin their liver with drug abuse aka self-inflicted. Why? Money? Fame first? There is no way that he could have qualified for a liver. I know, I have cared for patients that were waiting, and that list is a real tough one. The questions to get on the list were tough, and any drugs, smoking, drinking, would disqualify you before you even made the list. So him getting one, at his age, was certainly highly suspect and never did make any news except the usual, no scandal... ? hmmmm



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  18. Gravity moves at the speed of light, and more than likely, shows the same type of reflection quality as light passing through a prism. The gravity prism is then spherical, and present before it attracted debris and created a planet.

    When white light is passed through a prism, the rainbow on the other side reveals a rich palette of colors. Theorists from the faculty of physics, University of Warsaw have shown that in models of the universe using any of the quantum theories of gravity there must also be a 'rainbow' of sorts, composed of different versions of spacetime. The mechanism predicts that instead of a single, common spacetime, particles of different energies essentially sense slightly modified versions thereof.


    When white light passes through a prism, it splits to form a rainbow. This is because white light is, in fact, a mixture of photons of different energies, and the greater the energy of the photon, the more it is deflected by the prism. Thus, we might say that the rainbow arises because photons of different energies sense the same prism as having slightly different properties. For years now, it has been suspected that particles of different energies in models of the quantum universe essentially sense spacetimes with slightly different structures. Earlier hypotheses were not derived from quantum theory, however, but based on guesses. Currently, a group of physicists from the faculty of physics, University of Warsaw, led by Prof. Jerzy Lewandowski, has formulated a general mechanism responsible for the emergence of such a spacetime rainbow.


    There are plenty of references made to the frequency. The gravitational waves that were detected swept up in frequency and amplitude from an undetectable level at a few tens of Hz to abut 150 Hz as the black holes merged. This is known as a "chirp".Gravitational wave sources might have a variety of frequencies.



  19. Kozhevnikov, Louchakova, Josipovic, & Motes (2009) examined the effects of meditation on mental imagery, evaluating Buddhist monks’ reports concerning their extraordinary imagery skills. Practitioners of Buddhist meditation were divided into two groups according to their preferred meditation style: Deity Yoga (focused attention on an internal visual image) or Open Presence (evenly distributed attention, not directed to any particular object). Both groups of meditators completed computerized mental-imagery tasks before and after meditation. Their performance was compared with that of control groups, who either rested or performed other visuospatial tasks between testing sessions. The results indicate that all the groups performed at the same baseline level, but after meditation, Deity Yoga practitioners demonstrated a dramatic increase in performance on imagery tasks compared with the other groups. The results suggest that Deity meditation specifically trains one’s capacity to access heightened visuospatial processing resources, rather than generally improving visuospatial imagery abilities.



    The Science of Visualization

    Your brain cannot tell the difference between something that’s real and whether you are just imagining it.

    Neuroscientists at Harvard taught a simple 5-fingered combination of piano notes to a group of people – thumb, index finger, middle finger, ring finger, little finger – which they played over and over again for 2 hours a day. They did this for 5 consecutive days.

    Another group of volunteers didn’t actually play the notes, but just imagined playing them. So they imagined the combination – thumb, index finger, middle finger, ring finger, little finger – for 2 hours a day on 5 consecutive days.

    The researchers examined the brains of the volunteers every day using a technique known as TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation) and found that, each day, there was little or no difference between the brains of those who played the notes with their fingers and those who played the notes with their minds. The brain areas in both cases grew significantly in size.

    In many ways, the brain can’t tell the difference between real and imaginary!



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  21. My hope is that we can tie the chirp wave and manipulation of this form of magnetic energy to gravity. So that what we might actually be doing, is using our sense of the flow of that energy to divert it, reflect it, magnify it. So we may be creatures capable of bending gravity to do our bidding. I am sure it is much more than just a wave of energy pinning us to the surface of planets, since time itself changes with the force of gravity. If this is the case, and the practice of lowering our center of gravity, and alignment of the spine with gravity during meditation, and keeping contact with the earth as in bare feet or being "grounded", will all be clear as this connection and our ability to interact with this connection become clear and measureable. The effect of this manipulation is a side effect, since the magnetic flux and chirp wave create a stimulation of healing stem cells in our body, or another person. And from the stories of being able to stop a projectile without damage to it (see the writings about John in Kosta's books), they have also shown that we can interrupt basic laws of physics by removing the projectile's forward motion without causing any damage to either the target or the projectile. I feel this would only be possible by manipulation of not only gravity, but momentum and a few other basic interactive laws of physics. But this takes it to a molecular level, and gets rather fuzzy without more research to confirm how the forces are playing with each other. I would assume that what is really happening to stop the projectile, is that a moment of time is removed from the equation... ?