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Posts posted by TheCLounge

  1. Labels reflect those labeling you.


    The issue is you will never know the true essence of the person until you let go of what you perceive them to be.


    Not saying that they're aren't any people in the world who aren't cruel hearted. But at the end of the day, they're still human like everyone else.


    I believe labels are ego based. Nothing wrong with ego btw. As it serves a gateway to the soul. Problem is we focus more on the ego than the soul itself, and that's when issues arise. 


    I see people and their actions as they simply are, whether it is perceived as good or bad. But I feel it would be impossible for me to "label" THEM. 


    Like silent thunder said. We are flowing verbs



  2. One of the biggest conundrums I've encountered in my 27 years of life are "characteristics". They never made sense to me. 


    We claim someone to be good, until we see something bad. Then some will try to flip it, OR to make matters worse they would try to "measure" their actions and judge them according to what "appears" to be good or bad. It's a never ending cycle of self righteousness and hypocrisy.


    I remember someone once told me that I was a kind hearted person. But if I refuse to give that homeless person my pocket change, am I now unkind? Some people call me mature, but if I do something immature, am I no longer mature? Where are these standards coming from? It's all ego based..


    There are no personality character traits in my opinion. It's all neutral and flows in different directions. Like light to a prism. It's all light, until you add whatever color you want to it.


    The only thing I see is enlightenment. Enlightenment to me is simply "the I am". In other words, "it is what it is"...and it is whatever you make of it.


    Growing up kids used to judge me. They would say I was "cocky" and stuck up. And this was all before theyve even attempted to have a conversation with me. So to alleviate their impression of me I would "try" to "appear" humble. The issue only got worse. Instead I was seen as a liar and a phony. And I admit, I was. 


    I never understood why we as people use labels to describe others. My biggest mistake is letting others use those labels against me. But then again, maybe I'm just as stuck up as they claim me to be...


    the more you you try to be good, the more bad will be reinforced. You need positive in order to have negative. You need North in order to have South. The more you walk East, the more expansive will you see West. Is there a right and a wrong? That depends on the person..


    But one thing is for sure. None of us wants to be trapped...None of us wants to live without living..

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  3. On 9/25/2013 at 9:11 AM, Apech said:


    Lots to think about here :)



    Jesus had to come to remind people of that. Religion is ego based and keeps people away from their truest self-awareness. Nothing wrong with ego, it serves its purpose but it's supposed to be subservient to our truest being. I'm going to make a thread about the Kabbalah and the 10 commandments soon. Which is really the basic laws of cause and effect..positive and negative...yin and yang

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  4. I believe the early Catholics took out his name and replaced it with "Lord, and God" because they knew how powerful his name was and If known and understood, the people would no longer be bound and afflicted by any authority or government. And clearly the early Catholics didn't want that to happen so they replaced "I AM" with "god and lord" to create a needy, and slave/master mindstate in people..


    the phrase I AM is so powerful that it fulfills the entire old and new covenant. All of the 10 commandments are summarized and fulfilled by the first one, which is simply..."I AM"



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  5. On 9/25/2013 at 9:11 AM, Apech said:


    Lots to think about here :)


    This is probably by far the most important thing Jesus (Yahsuha) has ever said.


    In Hebrew culture God is not called God. He is called by his name, which is "I AM..."


    Everything you need to know about life, the meaning of life, and his purpose/law is seen and understood by his name. The Torah says that he wants us to meditate on his name Day and night because it gives us life and power.


    In fact, the greatest commandment is to "Love I AM with all of your mind (father), heart (Son) and being (Holy Spirit)..."


    I AM is the awareness and truth of all things. And once we acknowledge his name in US we acknowledge his name in ALL..



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  6. This is the C Lounge. I'm here to learn more about the various topics being presented.


    I grew up in a home of Christian missionaries and at a young age I took interest in Jewish mysticism or the "Kabbalah" if you may call it. I always felt that the Bible had many spiritual meanings that were misinterpreted due to dogmatic religion. All in all I believe God (I AM) is our higher self and we achieve it by knowing ourselves In relation to the world around us. Numerology and Tarot are my strengths as well as astrology.


    i was drawn to this site through my practices of meditation and through my interest in learning how to transmute sexual energy for higher purposes