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Posts posted by TheCLounge

  1. 5 minutes ago, ljazztrumpet said:

    I feel I just don't know enough about Life and Existence to use the word 'must' in this case. I believe there must be a better way to be 'purged', to release our 'egoic blocks/illusions'. I just don't know what it is yet, but I'm not going to stop trying to figure it out! :mellow::)

    Look at the seasons around you


    When I was 17 I saw a tree and realized that everything you need to know about life can be found in a tree..


    After our peak (summer) we must fall (autumn) and degenerate.


    We suffer because we must "let go". 


    But the lesson is to not resist the suffering, but acknowledge it and realize that a new birth (spring) is coming...

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  2. Ive noticed that I have the ability to see through people's true intentions and motives. I can't explain how or why.


    I don't see people out of fear, judgement or suspicion. I simply see people as they are and I try not to associate anything with them. This clarity allows me to see their insecurities and motives. I've been able to do this as a child. I remember times where I've met people and without asking I knew that they were raped as a child, or that they have parental issues. 


    Problem is I don't trust my insight at first sometimes. There's been plenty of moments in my life where I have gotten precognition and I didn't follow it. Leading to more complications (Jeff knows what I'm talking about).


    I like to give people a chance. I like to take more time understanding the situation/person more and sometimes that makes things more complicated because I don't see people as "good/bad"


    Somehow, someway. Everything takes care of itself. I feel like I have guardian angels that just snatch me out of things...


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  3. 1 hour ago, ljazztrumpet said:



    The problem I have with what both Jesus and Paul are saying is that they are basically pointing out that 'the end is justified by the means'. Yes, of course suffering can lead us to a greater good - a greater realization that greatly benefits ourselves and others. This often occurs, but I have a problem with this mechanism since I see it as cruel and sadistic. There must be a better way to raise our consciousness than to do it through suffering! 

    We must suffer because of our flesh. This is what bearing your cross means. We all won't suffer in the same way. Our suffering will be determined by the issues we must face. But we all must be "purged" in some kind of way..

    • Like 2

  4. 4 hours ago, aden said:



    Ironically at the same time, however, some preachers I came across used to teach that Jesus/God was in everybody. 


    But I like to think that God is both in us and out of us at the same time, in both everything and ourselves.


    Book Of Thomas reminds me of what you just said.


    Next time someone asks you about Jesus just say "I'm Jesus...and You're Jesus too..." 

  5. 1 minute ago, ljazztrumpet said:

    They could be doing it because of subconscious conditioning that says they SHOULD do what they feel is helpful in their own minds. Or could come from being indoctrinated in religious teachings. But, in the right circumstances, the initial motivation may not matter so much if the help given is from a wise place over time..Then that might transform the person so they are helping because it bring them joy and the feel all the positive results they gain in their lives from doing so. That being said, I don't believe in motivating people out of fear.. but am just looking for positive aspects that may occur in less than positive situations.

    Many people who tell others to do good do it as a threat that they will "burn in hell" if they don't 

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  6. 1 minute ago, Lost in Translation said:


    Thank you, but this is quite abstract.


    To put this is concrete terms, let's say you have a family member who has serious problems, is losing their home and will soon be homeless. What do you do? Do you give them money to pay the mortgage, knowing you may go broke yourself? Do you take them into your own home, and in doing so possibly damage your own marriage? Do you do nothing and let them learn their lesson the hard way, and in the process allow the family to be splintered?


    These are choices I had had to make. I chose the latter. He lost his home and died two years later from sorrow. Compassion is not abstract. It is these kinds of choices that I refer to when I use the word compassion.

    Do what you can. And acknowledge what you can't..


    awareness and acknowledgement are things that begin internally. If it comes to you that you should help them do it..


    What I'm saying is that there are those who feel OBLIGATED to do things for others to the point that they become blind. They are doing out of ego and not awareness..

    • Like 1

  7. 5 minutes ago, cold said:


    No you would be to smart to do that.:D

    Compassion arises out of ones being.:ph34r:

     The only obligation one has is to being true to their nature.:wub:


    It remains inexplicable that one is both aware of the ton of bricks, and not flustered in any way by them.:ph34r:

    It simply is what it is.:rolleyes:

    Its due to ones nature or not.


    Six blind men exploring an dragon thru sense touch no matter how refined their are not having nearly the same journey as the one riding the dragon.



    Imho choice doesn't come into play.

    I can choose to sit in the dark or flip on a switch for a lamp.

    I cannot choose to embody compassion.

    Its either inborne or not. I can't cultivate



    The veils or fetters that hide one's compassionate heart fall to the wayside naturally to one with skin in the game or innate compassion. No thought no struggle just one acting in their innate true nature.


    The sun rises on the good and the evil equally. (This realization is the beginning of awareness.)


    The true nature of human beings includes those with great innate compassion (skin in the game, and those (without skin in the game) without a compassionate nature. That's how it is.


    The fellow who bear hugged the bomber didn't think.

    He  didn't have a choice ...

    He had an innate nature of compassion :wub:

    We're pretty much saying the same thing 

  8. The more you "try" to be good, the more you are making it known that you aren't good..


    To be compassionate is to simply EXPERIENCE compassion..


    You are are essence. Nothing can define you


    Acknowledge your true essence and that same essence will take care of everything for you. You will experience everything you need to experience.


    Look at nature around you. A tree doesn't try to be a simply IS..


    The more you "try"..the more you will fail


    The fact that you acknowledge the ills of the world around you proves that you have seen compassion..

    • Like 1

  9. Does this indicate a past life issue?


    If you find yourself mostly at odds with others (or vice versa) would you say this is because something happened in a past life?


    Have you ever found yourself being around people who are just repulsed/intimidated by you for no reason, and it seems like finding someone you can relate to and understand nearly impossible?

  10. 11 minutes ago, Jeff said:


    Your heart was more broadly opening and you felt the flow streaming down into and thru your crown. In christain terms, you would say the power of the Holy Spirit descending. Spots or rashes are common signs of body purification with the increased energy flows (happened to me too).


    Can explain the next stages (mystical Christian path) too, if you are ever interested. 

    I'm all for it and I'm interested in learning..


    my internet is disabled expect for a few sites (to help me with my mental celibacy). So I can't do any google searches

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  11. To me the problem with "god" is that it means nothing and directs towards nothing unless you already known what God you're talking about.


    Titles such as god and lord have a tendency to create fear and repulsion in people. It isn't personal.


    Its like saying "father". But who exactly is your father??


    I hear people scream "god!!" all the time and all they're doing is speaking on their delusions 


    I believe the Roman Church took out his name and replaced it with god and lord because they wanted to control and manipulate people..


    Names are personal and powerful. Titles are fleeting


    People of various spiritual beliefs and/or religions know that saying "I AM" has a powerful vibrational effect on your body and mind. 


    If anything, the God of the Bible's name is really just a phrase meant for prayer and meditative purposes....I AM (absolute, eternal, essence)

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  12. Jeff do you think you can explain why I felt those sensations in my chest and on the top of my head?


    And when I look back at when I was covered with spots at age 13 I wonder if it deals with a past life. I read that a lot of past life reoccurrences are strongest during childhood. I was covered with spots but I wasn't sick or feverish. Doctors couldn't explain it. It left and never came back..

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  13. 1 hour ago, Marblehead said:

    I do speak negatively of the institutions of religion but try to not do so regarding religion itself.


    But then, it is difficult for me to defend religious beliefs as I am an Atheist.


    Yes, I have heard similar histories before.  Perhaps the evolution of the "God" concept.


    And yes, I have heard too of people replacing their external God with the concept "I Am".


    I view this as a freeing of the spirit.  It is no longer dependent on something external.


    I say "I AM" because in the Bible that's his name. I don't like saying "God". God is vague and it's merely a title.


    I AM is personal and it speaks directly to me. That's a whole different discussion though that I'm sure you would care nothing about being that you're an atheist 

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  14. Yes. Religion is a stepping stone to spirituality but it does not define it.


    Like Jesus said the book of Matthew, some seeds fall on rock instead of good soil. They get choked up after a while. 


    I believe people who spend years in religion eventually realize that something is "missing". When they first joined their religion they were radical, but as the years passed they began to seek for "more".

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  15. 4 minutes ago, Gunther said:

    Like all scriptures it all depends on the level of understanding/spiritual development. So for most the Bible speaks of a personal creator god. For others it is mystical, occult even. And so it must be because the spiritual path is individual and everybody has to find his natural and effortless approach to the absolute. Maybe some rely on blind faith or need to torture themselves(and others😀) so be it for the time being.

    If you reached the essence there are no differences. Taoism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity, Judaism, Islam,Schamanism, whatever, whatever, it's all the same. Man's eternal quest

    I agree 100 percent

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  16. 22 minutes ago, Gunther said:

    Yes, same difference. I AM means what? You say "beyond time", eternal life, and that's correct. All he is saying is that he is enlightened, has entered the kingdom of God. And he is not the only one who got himself killed for saying that


    I believe a lot of people have a hard time understanding the simplicity of "I AM" so they try to make it more than what it is..


    The name simply refers to self-realization