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Everything posted by dawn90

  1. That would be some sort of master switch then; I've come across an energy stream that went through the ear or against the ear on the Daith point. I'm not sure I've been able to work it properly I sensed some movement - but it stopped. Sometimes it gets going later perhaps I need to wait but not sure. A kick or a punch to the ear must be so devastating for that reason. Shut down somebodies energy system. PS: You know when you put both ears side by side if you could, you get a heart. Just noticed that.
  2. There's something strange about the lobe. The ear lobe. An implant there would probably be very common. It's in line with the base of the skull where Sushumna enters the brain. At least that's what the theory says. It's impressive: the amount of people with tight back of heads at the base of the skull, I've heard many people talk about it. Seems to be a common problem. Strangely with eyes also. Lot of eye issues. I've been working near the ear again but I've started at the chest and then the collar bone. And now moved up to the voice box region. And the reason I thought of the ear again is that a stream of energy, quite forcefully has tried to enter there. The first time that happened I had also worked the larynx area. So there's a relationship there. It's the only place where I don't have to direct the energy it just wants to go in, as if a creature. If I've been implanted it was definitely in a critical area because there's definitely something in there. Like a master switch. That could cause a shut down, or is that specific to me?
  3. The End Of Sushumna

    Is it true. That the triangle at the base of the spine has to be flipped in order for the soul to follow. I believe I read that. Because you've got an inverted triangle down there, which represents the personality. and some text somewhere says. The personality is an illusion, it's how you stand up to the world all the meantime your true essence of the soul is locked because you haven't inverted the triangle in the right direction. What does that mean? In a healthy individual the triangle is not upside down then. it shoots up. Right?
  4. The End Of Sushumna

    I have a bit of a technical question: it's this quote. I don't understand it very well because in my understanding Sushumna was supposed to finish in the Brahmarandhra; or cavity of Brahma. So I don't understand how it ends up in the middle of the nostrils. Where the nasal septum joins the upper lip, that's the bottom of the separation between the nostrils right? Where some people put a nose ring. Like a bull. My understanding is that Sushumna goes up the spine; crosses in the back of neck where it splits in two. There: one portion of it crosses horizontally to the forehead; while the other part keeps going vertically up the head to Brahmarandhra. And they both meet at Brahmarandhra. Could somebody be so kind to explain this quote. Or is it some sort of extension?
  5. The End Of Sushumna

    I've been quite happy with my results lately. My path. Has led me to be working in and around the genital area and I've been gladly able to confirm the existence of several points that have been discussed in the secret chakra thread and maybe have found some others. The point, at the tip of the penis. The middle of the penis. The base. And right on top of the penis in the direction of the stomach. As well as two others that I have found that are located in each ball. Those are the ones I have no doubt of. The ones lately that I have found and been able to confirm from personal experience, have been the ones that start off the two main meridians; Du, and Ren. Which as it seems correspond closely to the Sushumna channel - I found it interesting, because if I directed energy through there then immediately points at the top of the head start activating, as if linked. Slightly in the anterior part of the skull and with both these points I get those sensations. Pressing CV 1 gets me in a straight line to the crown; whereas GV 1 gets me up the spine and into the top of the head as well. I fire two strings of energy slightly curved from the coccyx region into these points and that's what I get out of it, I'm not using fingers. So that would mean Sushumna must be close to activation and soon enough my trip on this earth would come to an end and I'm reaching for the stars. Definitely feeling optimistic.
  6. I, haven't touched it. Anytime I get close to the ear it just shuts down everything.
  7. Zeal Chakra

    Hello, has anyone heard about the Zeal chakra? It's also called the alta major. I believe it's an important chakra. I've been doing some bodywork lately; and couldn't help but wonder why it kept tightening up: around the Zeal chakra. Whenever I tried to relax, I couldn't. No matter how much I tried my back neck kept activating, now; I'm not saying it's that tight. But still tight enough that I would notice. Like to the degree of a small mosquito bite. https://images.app.goo.gl/eEpUuW5NBgd9M1ef8 I've come across this picture that I thought was interesting, because it showed a relationship between the back of neck muscles and the eyes, and on looking at this photo I realized, that I always moved my eyes upwards and that would tighten those muscles up. And if I relaxed my eyes, then it wouldn't feel as tight. What do you think about this? It's almost as if the eyes acted as a lever for a trap door that exists at the base of the skull. Thus my interest in the alta major. What do you think of this?
  8. Hello everyone, I just wanted to know - if anybody knew - where I could find blue aura individuals. I'm not sure why I want that, but I want that. I've come across some people, in my life. And, when I felt there heart I could swear they had something different about them. It was like a calming influence, like soft, and tranquil. Like the ocean. And then I looked it up on the internet. And that's what I was looking for, what I felt with them. I've only met two maybe three people like that. It's a bit like jazmin in the movie aladdin. She's a woman. but the two people I met like that were male. I think i've yet to meet a woman like that. Although I'd liked to. But it was definitely like that. I don't know. Are they rare? I think I've read, read somewhere that blue auras were not common. That they didn't come along very often. But I'm not sure. It's a slight Mary energy, in the movie "there's just something about mary." and ive always loved that movie, and i know what he means: there's just something about her. And, I remember priscilla presley. In the movie naked gun. She's also spectacular. Same energy. A very spectacular woman that you just want to love. There's also the actor in the iconic movie "plains, trains and automobiles." With that white guy with the white hair, and his friend. He must be it. Also. A blue aura person - at least that's how I see it. Must be why he plays those roles. Just like ben stiller. There's no level of acting that gets you there looking like that. I have a hunch that this is who he is: a guy chronically good. And turned it into a comedy. I think what I wanted to know is if someone could relate, and if there was some kind of club I could join to meet these people. Do they hang out in secret clubs? Tell me your thoughts. And if somebody's like that. Please. Short definition of blue aura: Aura colors can mean many things to different people, but a blue aura is generally thought to be connected with sensitivity and intelligence. The presence of blue energy in a person’s aura is also linked to an openness to receiving or perceiving spiritual energy. People with a blue aura may have a strong sense of intuition, but be unaware of where their instincts come from. “True blue” auras are sometimes found in people who are calm and collected and tend to live a very balanced life. In short, the meaning of a blue aura often reflects the meaning of the color in nature—a relaxed, receptive energy that is aware of the bigger picture.
  9. I thought this was interesting for the idea that the process of further enlightenment would be described as a passing through an increasing disgust for the outside breath.
  10. The End Of Sushumna

    Not disputing that.
  11. The End Of Sushumna

  12. The End Of Sushumna

    If the philtrum is where sushumna ends, wouldn't it make sense to focus there; instead of higher. Whether that be, on the tip of nose; or between the eyes Wouldn't that confirm what is said in this text? That there's been a corruption. A certain hiding of the truth. Where neither, the tip of the nose which I understand is a miscomprehension. But neither, also, between the eyes. It would be in a different and lower point along the philtrum where the philtrum touches the lip. You always read, between the eyes or at the tip of the nose. Do some people focus their attention there? Or does everybody do it between the eyes?
  13. The End Of Sushumna

    It-s interesting what you-re saying because if I focus between the eyes it gives me a tingling feeling in the tip of the nose. There-s an energy center at the tip. But I wouldn-t say quite the tip. I found it to be. Slightly before the tip. Where the build up of sneeze starts. At the root of the bubble part of the nose. Just before the tip. I-m doing something here and I-m feeling energy pathways passing through there so I found that interesting. There-s definitely a sensitive area there. Somebody talks about it here
  14. The End Of Sushumna

    Got it. So Sushumna getting to the middle of the nostrils on the nasal septum is one of its branches. The part that separates the two nostrils is that linked to the base chakra or is it just the tip of the nose because I know the tip of the nose is linked to that chakra. As the base of the spinal column. But the nasal septum between the nostrils makes me awfully think of the space between the anus and the genitals. The perineum I guess. So during meditation. When they tell you concentrate on the tip of the nose is it really the tip of the nose or if you concentrate on the tip it activates the tip of the nose (the balloon part) but also the nasal septum between the nostrils. Is that whole part Mulhadara? If Sushumna arrives there.
  15. Is it true that the nose represents the lenght of the spinal cord and that Mooladhara is represented at the tip of the nose? I seem to be confirming this with personal experience.
  16. Hip Chakras

    "I havent found much information on these, besides what I read in robert bruces new energy ways book. I was wondering if anyone knows much about these? As I understand it, they are located on the inner thigh, where the thigh attaches to the groin, and also they are located at the end of the hip bone. Is that correct??? Secondly, in robert bruces new energy ways book he alludes to the hip centres having some affect on arousal, so I am wondering if well developed hip centres can affect "performance"? The reason I am asking is because I do seem to have some mild issues with performing, and my hip area also seems to feel a little bit blocked. So I can't help but wonder if there is a correlation between the two." I can't seem to locate them. They seem to be located at the end of one's hip bone; if one had to explain this to someone with no knowledge in anatomy, how could I find them. Does somebody know, where the hip chakras are? This is really important. Thank you.
  17. Hip Chakras

    I-m aware this is a joke but I was just curious if this could be tied to something does the soul have a dick Maybe I-m making stuff up but this sounds like the kind of thing that comes out of the urban dictionary but is actually tied to some spiritual reality that hasn-t been expressed, formerly. So people come up with these expressions, and you can laugh at it, but you know how people observe things and explain it the best they can until they meet up with some guru and nomenclature to describe things and be taken seriously. Is spiritual dick a thing
  18. We all are aware of our 5 senses. Touch. Associated with the hands and feet. Vision. Associated with the eyes Taste. Associated with the mouth and tongue. Smell, associated with the nose And hearing associated with the ears. But what about the other senses? The ones beyond the five senses. And I'm not just talking about the sixth sense; but the ones above. I've heard. Of about. some people have mentioned even 11 senses; is that true? And if that's true, what body parts are associated with it.
  19. When you swallow, you make naturally a face of disgust. You tighten the muscles next to the mouth. And swallowing makes the surface of the tongue touch the palate. So disgust leads to enlightenment. Or would you stop making a face of disgust as soon as you mastered swallowing? Because as they say the roof of the mouth is where the Kundalini switch is. Is disgust an impeder or a facilitator, for swallowing? Because I feel from the sides of my mouth two travelers, one goes from side down in the saliva gland, sublingual gland; and the other goes up towards the nostril. And I'm thinking how both the roof and the floor of the mouth have to be connected in order for the Kundalini switch to activate. Then I read somehow saliva helps with that - don't understand it, but that's what it does. I think I need somebody more knowledgeable to put this all together. But it makes sense right?
  20. The secret chakra thread!

    I feel a water sensation parting from my butt crack to land into just beneath the navel. And coming out the other side into the solar plexus. As if entering an underground tunnel maybe; at the navel. And following the heart.
  21. This is the best site I have found. http://malankazlev.com/kheper/topics/chakras/Upper_Forehead.htm
  22. Blue aura people

  23. Pranayama and breath holding

    Chakra What you said makes me dangerously think of this; are those two things related? Something in the brain, once activated sets up a sequence that drives energy into the heart. That's what I got out of it. "In the Guardian context, the Alta Major center is located at the base of the skull, where the neck meets the skull. This is considered the Thalamus Complex, the 9th morphogenetic chakra that directly corresponds to the medulla Oblongata and access into the Universal Antahkarana current. As a result of its placement in the head, it is also referred to as the Mouth of God or Goddess. This energy center in the lightbody directly regulates many aspects of brain and glandular function, and the circuitry connects into the hara center which represents the location where the Monadic identity first anchors into the physical body. In order to maintain connection and communication with the higher heart center located in the thymus gland, and to build the crystal lotus breath configuration within the Sacred Crystal Heart, the three main energy centers in the head must be linked together and then sustained. These three energy centers operate as a trinity and connect into three major brain glands; the hypothalamus, pituitary and pineal. The energetic circuitry links between them exist from on the top of the head, to the middle of the forehead or top middle hairline, and then to the base of the skull. This trinity circuit communicates with the monadic consciousness layers, bringing the communication vibration down into the body and then the spiritual blueprint pattern is spoken through the throat center and voice box. This trinity pattern circuitry allows conscious awareness of our deep heart expression to be brought into the earth realm, by bringing one’s personal spiritual mission or divine purpose into physical actualization."