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About Wisdomkeyz

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    Dao Bum
  1. Misinterpretation at its finest

    I know and I found it very funny your very knowledgeable
  2. Misinterpretation at its finest

    Thank you all for your replies and for helping me understand subjective interpretation better I really appreciate it when I don't understand I just have to find out I look forward to future philosophical discussions with you all and what we can all learn from each other cause after all that's what life is all about learning from one another so we can help each other understand the world better
  3. Misinterpretation at its finest

    I'm not trying to insult anyones interpretation of anything all I'm saying if you read the daodejing and the only thing you learned from it is that you have the ability to be immortal and walk through walls or some other corny goofball crouching tiger hidden dragon power ranger ability type of stuff please me understand how you got that cause alot of this stuff is just so silly I can't believe that it's actual adults coming up with it but not you though rene you're very articulate and tolerate towards others opinions and I deeply respect that and it's something I'm striving to cultivate in myself so I don't come across as belligerent
  4. Misinterpretation at its finest

    Hmmmmm I agree with everything you said and no I don't feel everyone should think the same way I do but I do wish everyone would use common sense before assuming some so stupid that it's almost profound in its own way I mean if only you could see some of the things these daoist take part in like praying to a monkey god and other superstitious garbage if you wanna do that then its fine by me but don't slap daoism on it and try to make it seem like it's what Lao Tzu's message was all about
  5. Misinterpretation at its finest

    I really strained my brain trying to read this cause oh man I had no idea what you were talking about especially the whole "life is a question without an answer" thing because that is simply not true life is a puzzle and most people die trying to finish it without realizing that the secret to life is very very very simple and easy to comprehend the master secret to life is wisdom because life is all about decisions now your decisions are responsible for the quality of your life period your destiny is simply the outcome of the choices you've made most people reject this because they don't want to own up and admit all the bad horrible and dumb decisions they made in their life and that's where humility comes in because humility is the willingness to change
  6. Misinterpretation at its finest

    All I'm saying is I don't understand how people can read the same book I read with the same profound wisdom that can be applied to every aspect of life but yet somehow conclude they need to worship some spirit and meditate it really baffles me I've seen so called "daoist" worship Lao Tzu as a god and I'm like if he was alive today he'd ridicule them the same way Zhuangzi ridiculed Confucius for being a fake intellectual that's why one of my favorite quotes from the daodejing is "When intellectualism arises hypocrisy is close behind"
  7. Misinterpretation at its finest

    First off I just wanna say I'm not here to argue or to debate because wise men don't need to debate and men who debate are not wise now I've practically studied the daodejing more times than I can count and the Chuang Tzu and in my opinion they are 2 of the greatest books ever written in human history next to the seven military classics of ancient china and I've been reading people's post on this site for a while trying to see if anyone else was greatly inspired by the profound wisdom in these ancient text but boyyyy how far have you so called "dao bums" missed the mark it's almost a shame I don't understand how you guys can read these books and get all this bootleg spiritual nonsense that is just ridiculous and I'm a huge fan of old Shaw brothers kung fu movies that have lots of daoist concepts and wuxia novels but even i know to just draw the wisdom from it and leave the fake Chinese magic stuff alone I mean come on alchemy and immortality seriously the daodejing itself says this stuff is unnatural and that those who do it will come to an early end I mean the way the daodejing and Chuang Tzu have been twisted and made a mockery out of is just appalling the daodejing is a book about life in general it talks about how when you stop doing unnecessary things unnecessary problems stop arising unnecessary action leads to unnecessary consequences that's what wu wei and non-action really mean ito also speaks about leadership in such an amazing way it's priceless same thing with the Chuang Tzu Zhuangzi's main message was the usefulness of the useless and the action of non action and how to live your allotted span not fake kung fu movie flying and chi magic this isn't big trouble in little china with Kurt Russle it's real life I suggest yall read these books again this time from a real life perspective