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Everything posted by mrpasserby

  1. I wonder what this would do to the universe

    Wonderful, I didn't know that there were 'another|another' destiny *tweaker posting here. *Tweaker | Definition of Tweaker by Merriam-Webster definition is - one who makes minor adjustments to something (such as electronic equipment) to improve its performance or effectiveness.
  2. Ouspensky and the forth way

    Thanks for the new in-depth comments, I have been studding the 4th way and trying to clearly understand Mr. G's take on the purpose/function of the moon.
  3. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    'it is not about what you do or say it is about what you become' author unknown
  4. After Enlightenment - Sainthood, Personality,

    Thanks for asking, and thanks for the new handle 'spirit guide', my personal experience exploring the domain of Anubis and his techniques is limited. I try to take a more positive approach in becoming a guide, my efforts are focused on healing and choice. Until recently I didn't know that such a calling was in my lineage. It is of course controversial to discuss.
  5. After Enlightenment - Sainthood, Personality,

    'Maybe it's better to maintain your 'self' awareness in the spirit realm and then chose how to reincarnate'. Thanks that is good advice. Kabbalah tree of life changed to best English meanings that I could find, as requested.
  6. Haiku Chain

    Nothing is better Repair many a wounded spirit Share the rejoicing
  7. After Enlightenment - Sainthood, Personality,

    Thanks for asking.
  8. After Enlightenment - Sainthood, Personality,

    May I ask what that is? is it Kabbalah ? Controversial post info. moved to the Rabbit hole
  9. After Enlightenment - Sainthood, Personality,

    Big Thanks for this, it is exciting to know about immortals that can go about being unseen. Recently I have had a few friendly visitors to my domain bubble that I could perceive but I could not see. I was trying to decide if they were using a dream viewing *technique, but now I get it that their vibration was just to high. *not traveling in spirit bodies
  10. After Enlightenment - Sainthood, Personality,

    I am embarrassed by my poor posting skills, I was looking for examples of gaining access to 4th earth chakra . Thank you for this exceptional information, however I am fully committed to my current course of action.
  11. After Enlightenment - Sainthood, Personality,

    I realy wish that I was that smart. I only used the kabbalah tree of life picture to illustrate the post, that was about my experience when passing through the gate of sincerity, it was quite a scary process, once I was inside the chamber I could clearly see the path that those who were entering through excising their wisdom/enlightenment where taking, my path was low and block with a wall of piercing light and sound while there's was high and easy on the discomfort. The way that the entire structure was set up reminded me of the kabbalah tree of life so I used the illustration. If it is to confusing I will delete the picture if anyone asks. Thanks.
  12. After Enlightenment - Sainthood, Personality,

    Thanks for the heads up dwai, I went back and attempted to clarify what I was trying to say.
  13. After Enlightenment - Sainthood, Personality,

    I'm not literate enough to speak to enlightenment, but after being trained to access my functional spirit body I have been working my way through the experiences of passing through the various earth chakras. This just seamed to be the correct course for me to travel, and hoping to learn how to avoid reincarnation/recycling. To me enlightenment is the way of wisdom that some take, I chose to take the way of sincerity which is sometimes painful but you don't have to be so intelligent just determined. kabbalah tree of life: this picture may or may not be helpful, showing the path across spirit death/recycling.
  14. After Enlightenment - Sainthood, Personality,

    This seems like the right thread to ask for helpful information on some recently developing questions that have come up in the course of my development toward enlightenment. I so far didn't read anything about what is called the 1,000 petal lotus in connection with enlightenment. Can anybody share some experiences about this? Also after I witnessed my 1,000 petal lotus had popped out I began working toward entering what I think is called by some the Jade Emperor, or what I call the 4th earth chakra, the gate keeper their humbled me by stating that I wasn't ready yet. Helpful comments/cultivation examples toward me getting ready to make this transition would be appreciated?
  15. Mystical Christian Thread

    I respect your path and practice. In my experience at DBs: Being a participating member of DBs and expressing mystical information according to your knowledge and experience is a important step. Being open to expanding yourself through the available cultivation is another. In my experience: 'energy stuff', is real, but gaining a understanding of the actual creative us of it is rare.
  16. Mystical Christian Thread

    I admire your clearly understandable comments. Thanks
  17. Open Invitation

    I'll pass by and pass this on to others in passing.
  18. After Enlightenment - Sainthood, Personality,

    In my experience: as an awakened person I needed to experience something greater. In my craft the first thing that I was taught was to create a functional spirit self. Isn't the action of creating a eternal/functional spirit, slimier to the process that I have been studding in Taoist Neiden?
  19. The What If Game

    'What transpires when an unstoppable force encounters an immovable object?' Creation of the universe.
  20. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    'Its not what you could teach some one that matters it is what they need to hear that counts'. Deepak Chopra (slightly paraphrased)
  21. How to become less blind

    I was hoping that someone would make comments on the next step after awakening, and enlightenment, which in my understanding is creating.
  22. Visualizations stories the mage

    comments from a post in My personal experience within the domain of Anubis is limited, and I try to take a more positive approach in my efforts. It is of course controversial to discuss. Rabbit hole: Information within the last supper part of the story of Jesus demonstrates a more pleasant form of the currently used method of Psychopomp work that can be done, and is as I have experienced it when working, with wounded, impoverished, dysfunctional, spirits when they are able and available to be sorted out and placed, within the best state that they Can and Will receive, this occurs if they are found to meet certain criteria, mainly functionality/mobility, desire and in some cases the use of tools/totems. To me it is statements like this and many others that make DBs to my view a forming vortex of possibilities. That said: in my opinion, at DBs there are those who are like prepared samurai showing their sincerity in every-way that is within their abilities. Then waiting ,as we all must do, in anticipation to receive the opportunity to attempt the *'initiation of the crossing abyss' to prove to themselves and others that they are able to pass over the abyss and join in the work of creation. **'initiation of the crossing': receiving the opportunity to cross the abyss, by showing sincerity.
  23. Not Mistranslating the Bible

    Having spent a number of years with a focus on the bibles serviceability toward my achieving functional abilities within the unseen world, I have formed the following conclusion 'in part', (the following comment contains craft information which is frequently controversial and is not complete in its functionality being intended for use as information only). A comment on correctly translating portions of the bibles functionality:
  24. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    "To create is human, to understand how is divine", Unknown
  25. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    "Focus On What Is, Not What You Think Should Be", Albert Einstein