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Everything posted by mrpasserby

  1. Are you a Shaman

    Thanks, manitou, Nungali, I was feeling unconfortable about having made comments that were to deep, I have one non secret initation that I can share. I was made to hold a wierd looking Egyption object in front of a giant snake that I was having to hold up in my left hand until the snake hissed enough to make the wierd Egyption looking thing vibrate some kind of sound, then I was told that I had passed my initation. PS My spelling checker is turning everything red so I quit usinig it for now
  2. Are you a Shaman

    In my experience: you do what you have to do to make it. To me DBs is special and all those who made it here are two. The list of I cant's is long for me, 'a person has to know their limitations'-Lol.
  3. Are you a Shaman

    Thanks for posting me, I am not the all end all being only half my linage is Shaman, I personally have nothing against anything that gets a person into a area that can connect with their deep soul. when I was young I would do whatever it took to get there, once I got a handle on my functional spirit 'deep soul', my personal choice; has been to not use any aids. 'I am capable of staying "in consciousness" for long periods of time, though. Maybe that counts for accessing other dimensions.' From what I have gathered from your posts it sounds like you just need another of what I call a 'bump/initiation', In my experience: different types of Shaman, etc... all have different 'bumps/initiations', initiations that they can provide a person if they are ready to receive it. A intense desire,'wanting a 'bump/initiation', so bad that you are willing to go fanatic for it, usually works for me, to drawer a teacher to me, or to get a 'bump/initiation'. I have had experiences where time and distance made physical 'bumps/initiations' impossible so the whole thing was done via spirit interactions. some esoteric in perfect quotes from the historical documents that I like: the leaves of this tree are for the healing of the nations (I think of peace pipes american Indians, and other not so well documented users from other countries) what ever you put into the body comes out of the body but what comes from the heart is what counts its the spirit that quickens you not the flesh
  4. Are you a Shaman

    This is a pretty good joke on me. please reread the post about Shaman at the Rabbit hole. I am sorry if I offended anyone this was my attempt at posting information that others can understand more clearly then my poor posts. Here is what to look for in the post: (I will also delete and re-right the post by the end of the day) The following articles and comments are going to continue to expand. Credits shown from the articles within my post. 10 Signs You’re a Shaman & Don’t Know It By Lissa Rankin The Shamanic Journey To begin embracing your purpose, please feel free to check out my new book The Anatomy Of A Calling. Click the link below to see if it’s for you: Lissa Thanks
  5. Are you a Shaman

    This is a pretty good joke on me. please reread the post about Shaman at the Rabbit hole. I am sorry if I offended anyone this was my attempt at posting information that others can understand more clearly then my poor posts. Here is what to look for in the post: (I will also delete and re-right the post by the end of the day) The following articles and comments are going to continue to expand. Credits shown from the articles within my post. 10 Signs You’re a Shaman & Don’t Know It By Lissa Rankin The Shamanic Journey To begin embracing your purpose, please feel free to check out my new book The Anatomy Of A Calling. Click the link below to see if it’s for you: Lissa Thanks
  6. Are you a Shaman

    @manitou, I've gone to journeying group meditations and have tried repeatedly to visualize and get down to the lower earth. I cannot. I try going through a hollow tree down into the earth and just cannot. So I don't know if this disqualifies me from being an actual shaman. I know that many of Castaneda's encounters with Don Juan were in that visualization state; in fact, Don Juan was able to include Carlos in his own imaginings, with Carlos being in awareness that he was there. A good shaman in the right conditions should be able to take people on shaman journeys with in. When I was young I have done this a few times myself. It seamed to help a few of those with me to connect and get a taste of the unseen world. The magic for this has to come from within them when they are in the right mood as a group, else the strain on the shaman is very taxing. That is why in ceremonies and such a lot of props are sometimes used and a unifying mantra(s) is recited. The whole point to all of this is for the collective mind within the group to give a evolutionary upgrade to one or more of the individualizes, or else you might as well go to church. Before you ask, the evolutionary upgrade would be to elevate the spirt of a person to the point were they could view the unseen world. Also I don't personally advocate attempting to much down word viewing/traveling unless it is just to get a taste of what is possible.
  7. Are you a Shaman

    I apologize for doubting you, there is a lot of friendly banter that goes around from time to time. In my experience: this new enthusiasm for spirit/unseen world training and experiences, is not going to attract many of the real to come out into the open. Some of the most talented practitioners that I know are looked upon unfavorably by the general public and even among their own piers. Even within groups that do important spirit work all but the essentials have to be hidden from the members. People just don't seam to be able to handle a actual encounter with a being from the unseen world. Thanks
  8. Are you a Shaman

    Thanks for the post, I don't realy relate to healing people, except for having been healed many time. Healing people has always been out of my reach. I don't really require the ceremonial part for the healing, but people really like it and it keeps them a bit off-guard in their thinking; it keeps them from thinking "Oh this is ridiculous, it'll never work". I do relate to the classic distraction technique I have used it in the past' Doing a recovery 4th step and acknowledging the blockages and unwanted traits within myself means I can recognize the problem in another. Clarity appears. And I use the understanding that we are All One to anchor as a basis to escort that person to the other side, the side of health. This sounds like a good practice technique for working with spirits also.
  9. Are you a Shaman

    Thanks for sharing, I enjoined your family and the dances, to the Digity Do music. 'I am curious about the 'Shamanic trait' of feeling like 'not belonging anywhere' as in my Shamanic tradition, that is a central part of it. One just doesn't 'belong' to a place ... one is actually a part of it .' As far as not belonging, that has come up a lot in my lifes journey. It makes sense that I have adopted the name mrpasserby, in my shaman spirit journeying/posting. I do feel like part of the place that I am in now because I have created: my plot of land as a rune (works for one lineage), and I have created sacred spaces within my plot of land (one type for each lineage). I could only guess that your linage having been around so long that the runes are everywhere and the sacred spaces are two, both of which would make you feel as part of the place. also in my experience the genius loci of a area carry the memory of the inhabitants, I have experienced this because when searching for clues about the relatives from my other lineage I have gotten directions to their general whereabouts from the genius loci of the area. Also when I visit a place the first knight there I usually have to come to terms with the echoes of the previous inhabitants, especially if they where being violent over a long period of time. 'But my tradition is a VERY old one , perhaps the oldest still extant on the planet ?' Your tradition reminded me of the shaman aborigines who met me when I was getting off the plane in Australia so many years ago. I mentioned to you in a realer post that he handed me a spirit to work on, and then left. The spirit was realy messed up but we could communicate and he helped me to learn so much as I repaired him, I am still thankful, and in Awe at the level of intuition that it took the elderly shaman to be there waiting for me when I got off of the plane. (nobody new that I was going to Australia)
  10. Are you a Shaman

    A long time ago I posted a longer version of this story (OR did I!). I new a practitioner who never saw a spirit, he had practiced and trained for 30 years, and worked as directed through ceremonies and the like. I as part of my moving up a notch in my calling had the opportunity to give him a final initiation, which had 3 parts. he passed each part with flying colors, the last of which was facing off against the most powerful sourcer that I new at the time. In the battle of wills that lasted a in-determined amount of time, the practitioner clearly saw the Scourer's spirit avatar and his fully functional tuple, as they entered the practitioners area of view the tuple did a kind of rhythmic dance apparently to distract the practitioner from engaging his will against the efforts of the scourer's spirit avatar to close the distance and enter the practitioners sacred space, to begin attempting to focus his will on the practitioner, tempting/intimidating the practitioner into becoming one of the Scourer's many followers. Not being taken in by the nerve racking rhythmic movements of the spirit spider like tuple the practitioner forced himself to focus on the scourer's spirit avatar 'which was the real threat' and then he was able to banish both the two apparitions. After reading many of your inspiring posts I for one think that you have realy got what it takes.
  11. Are you a Shaman

    Thanks for clearing that up, I also enjoy friendly banter.
  12. Are you a Shaman

    Your joking Right! I work with spirits, I only talk to people as needed. It has taken several years to begin any serious posting at DBs, and that has only occurred after I have received much cultivation at DBs, and even then it took a bounce back form what I believe is a Egregore/FolkSoul/Gistalt/Colective-mind-tuple, naturally forming with the input from some of the powerful minds that have focused on DBs while they were posting. (crazy wright!) P.S. you can be part of the experiment/process, pose a question while focused on the good subtle feelings that resonate from DBs.
  13. Are you a Shaman

    I don't know what SJ means. The blocks of general information are meant to inform those who post on DBs but do not understand the basic tenets of Shaman activities. If the provided general information is offensive I will delete it and find other information about Shaman, so that I can have meaningful posts, in the future. Thanks
  14. Are you a Shaman

    Every situation is different, but generally I do all kinds of activities just like in the physical world, except the environment and many of the rules are different. Unfiltered non verbal communication takes some getting use to, sometimes is very liberating, 'except when its not', many spirits also mouth the words of their intended thoughts to avoid misunderstandings do to other thoughts getting in the way. Also a ancient type of *hand communication is frequently employed. *'a old Indian chief that I was studding with told me that he could sign with any other Indian within the world. My experiment at signing with him using ancient unseen world signs, made him stress with the effort, but he eventually he figured out what I meant. Then he got mad because my spirit self which does the signing has no filter, so then he told me a story about 'how general Custer's last stand would not have happened if the Indian interpreter at Custer's last pow-wow hadn't mixed up some of the words that Custer spoke to the Indian chiefs that were there'. When all was said and done we departed as friends.
  15. Astral Projection (don't shoot)

    Thanks, this post is awesome.
  16. Are you a Shaman

    I value your kind comments. I am sadly not a healer or a teacher. Being as how there are so few of my ilk, I have had to wear many hats. My main focus has been assisting in repairing the damage to earth. I plan on adding more information about shaman. @Hannes: 'Although I feel myself more of an alchemist or Gnostic than a shaman. In my opinion: I would say try everything, breaking into any spirit based discipline can fall under being a shaman. It is good to have many choices. I am not one of those who have a lot of verbal/written abilities, However I do have many years of experiences working with spirits within the unseen world. Any questions comments are appreciated.
  17. Anyone familiar with this rare Qigong form ?

    Sorry if I got off track. In the videos of the 8 meridian forms I saw powering up moves that looked similar to (____) circle moves, and I was interested if any of the 8 meridian forms where done in a full circle. Starjumper as a (____) enthusiast caught on to what I was looking for write away. Thanks to all for your Patience.
  18. Anyone familiar with this rare Qigong form ?

    Thanks, this is realy good information and educational to watch. I was wondering being a Westerner if there is any pictures/videos of full circle, circular groups of power movements, within any of these energy moving traditions. To me a full circle would be indicative of a mage/sage/master, practicing the capturing a jinn/spirit in a jinn/spirit battle. I have not found any similar pictures of this type of circular exercise/practice, but this picture is similar to what it would look like using second sight/third eye if, a mage after a jinn/spirit capture, was sitting within his inner circle, as he is working the jinn/spirit into submission.
  19. I do not understand why anyone would want to blast or fake blasting a person into a higher vibration? Can you clarify this? In my experiences of training: I was taught to hold the energy of increase out to someone in the form of a tuple and then if they can receive it, the person takes what they need and comes up to a higher level naturally, or to breath the breath of life into a circle and then let them enter the circle and meditate and evolve into its increase naturally. If a jolt to the person is implied then that is what is used in what is called a duel and it is a matter of will against will, (this is done in what is called a challenging party, or when practicing self defense). To force a person to a higher level then they have earned, is frowned upon, and when done damages to the recipients have been known to occur. (if offensive I will delete)
  20. Astral Projection (don't shoot)

    Thanks @Nungali, I have been looking for a cool name for what I have been calling my domain bubble. I Ching orical: 399. The One who Forms = Not kneel before the gods, acting is the way to victory. Take your destiny in your hands. “My way of forming my life is...” Proceed with strength and perseverance. The power is with you. Success.
  21. Astral Projection (don't shoot)

    Any examples?
  22. Welcome to 1000 petal lotus club. In my experience: before my kundalini popped out a 1000 petal lotus, I had a constant pressure in my head, and for about 2 years I instinctively would vibrate my brain during meditation. Then one day my lotus popped out and I was given the opportunity to see it clearly. Afterword others could sens it but even though I exit my physical shell frequently I have not seen it since. In my experience: Having a nirvana experience and other major experiences are all pretty much the same, the power that it takes to receive such experiences is being used to create, and it is to much to maintain your views or feelings of wonderful experiences, that is why I believe unless your higher self determines that it is important for you to get another look at your lotus, that once may have to do until your spirit becomes functionally powerful enough to maintain the energy output. P.S. I know this is a old post, so fellow lotus wearer let me know how you are doing.
  23. What is Nirvana - A post from FB

    I don't know about titles, but I have experienced high level help from several higher beings while posting about and projecting presents in the DBs. I post this hoping that some here can avoid the dangerous extents that I went through just to get the attention of just one higher level being, hoping to get a helping hand. So why not avail ourselves of this tremendous opportunity currently at DBs and not just learn what nirvana is but for those who haven't yet, try to actually experience it with a little help from our friends.
  24. What is Nirvana - A post from FB

    The purpose of Nirvana is same as the ultimate goal of everyone's life. The purpose of Nirvana is the ultimate goal in the path which every living or non living thing is pursuing (knowingly or unknowingly). And that is liberation of the cyclic chakra of birth and death. Nirvana is the end of suffering while you're alive, and the end of rebirth after you die. The Buddha said all forms of life are unsatisfactory because of birth, sickness, and old age; eventually you will end up suffering if your alive. The nirvana-in-life marks the life of a monk who has attained complete release from desire and suffering but still has a body, name and life. The nirvana-after-death, also called nirvana-without-substrate, is the complete cessation of everything, including consciousness and rebirth. So this is saying to me that, 'I suffered 70 of intense training/working struggling, multiple partial deaths, many painful initiations=(functional spirit upgrades), literally *fought my way across the abyss. All the while thinking that I was evolving and creating a comfortable spirit self to live in, while all the time I was just going to go back to be a nothing within the milky ocean from whence I can fourth.' *the way of sincerity
  25. What is Nirvana - A post from FB

    We each understand different parts of the elephant. I read the verses and came away with: This statement clearly shows that we were given a temporary body so that we could choose weather or not to create within ourselves our own permanent functional spirit body.