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Everything posted by mrpasserby

  1. 'It wasn't fear, but a real sense of it not being possible to return to awareness of my physical form as I know it.' It realy sounds like you passed the initiation and the test to me. Why? because these things are Subtle, all is balanced, your desire to try along with your courage to face the snake, sounds like enough. It also sounds like you got the upgrade/a quickening in your spirit, which is normal if you passed. Like me entering the 4th earth chk, the gate keeper said straight up 'you are not ready' Now I am working to get ready, it could take weeks months years. 'Like the real test was beyond a point of no of no return' In my experience: that is exactly what crossing the abyss feels like. P.s. I didn't want to be discouraging, but felt that I should mention that just before I cross over like into the 4th earth chk., I leave a note or a post, just encase I don't make it back to my physical form.
  2. I am posting this with thanks to whoever led me to this web sit where after reading the following I finally understand the difference between dual and non dual. Dual consciousness 'An occultist learns through self-control and discipline to work on two planes at once: to be partly out of his body even as he is working on the physical plane, so that while he is writing or speaking, he may be doing other things with his astral body. When such is the case with an occultist, little need be said of a full-blown jnani who is resting in his own swarupa, essential nature. A jnani has dual consciousness. He has consciousness of Brahman as well as of the world. He sees the world as a dream within himself. A jnani is always in samadhi. There is no ā€˜in samadhiā€™ and ā€˜out of samadhiā€™ for a jnani like that for a raja yogi.'
  3. In my current experience: I am attempting to push my way into the earths 4th chk. The gate guardian (deliberately being nondescript, at this point in the process). The gate guardian seams to be forcing me to become clear on my Hindu, incites. In other words because the head(focus) of 3rd earth chk is in the hands of Hindu's (according to me, 'having recently passed through it), I need to present to him a clear understanding of what they teach before he will allow me to enter the 4th earth chk. Still working on my understanding the dule verses the non dule, etc... The point is that I reread this thread, after posting my experience/initiation while in the earths 1st chk, and I realized that your post indicates to my understanding that you passed a slimier initiation to mine. So big congratulations. Earth chakras expanded view
  4. A closer look at candle-gazing meditation

    'For me personally, it just raises a question of what space is it that tratak will eventually grant me access to? In my experience: one of the types of spaces that you could possibly enter into would be: Also, what exactly is the force or entity that I'm aligning myself with by continuing to entertain and engage with the practice of tratak? You are aligning with your true or higher Self. Your own fire of life (life energy) can be increased and controlled with various types of practices. In my experience: unseen world energies sometimes have the appearance of fire. The easiest type of external energy that can be handled is sometimes called smokeless fire or fairy fire. several decades ago I experimented with tv as a form of meditation and energy transmission. Not much luck went back to candle. Then plasma tv came out and Huzzah! no more need for candles.
  5. Earth chakras

  6. Tantra...

    Great explanation!
  7. Tantra...

    Here is a post that I wrote for *Patheos/Pagen, that is about a type of group merging, that in action I consider it a type of 'tantra': 'John, in my opinion: The original religion was and is the gathering of like minded people using simple techniques to form a folk soul="church", then one or more people channel/connect to the life force of the folk soul, and initiate those willing to evolve/transcend to the next level of awareness/quickening, and so it goes, until all have become Hole(christian call it Holy, Hindus call it realized, Buddhist call it nirvana, Taoist enlightenment, etc...). *
  8. My posted words are not sufficient to address all of your questions, so I picked this one. In my experience: initiations (sometimes observed by others as external suffering) are part of a process of obtaining for are selves, the unseen world functionality that will serve us in the next higher faze of our evolution. In my experience: 'the caterpillar becomes a butterfly' totally simple to the casual observer, and y a totally complex activity to the continually initiating creator who is *(suffering 'exerting himself', to pay the price) to learn the unseen world complexities of creation for himself. *siddhis:anima-minimization A definition: In Shaivism, siddhi are defined as "Extraordinary powers of the soul, developed through consistent meditation and often uncomfortable and grueling tapas, or awakened naturally through spiritual maturity and yogic sādhanā."
  9. 'But it doesn't change the fact that it is the truth...' The above statements are true within this plane of existence. My question: is this truth working for those who practice it? If it hinders them from attempting to reach for the next higher rung of the ladder, in their personal evolution?
  10. Tantra...

    Thanks, but then who gives you the initiation, also the test that usually seams to follow?
  11. Tantra...

    Thanks, this is realy good information. When I was young one of my spirit guides was in the room when a stick figure cartoon came on the tv showing what you have taught me are the rituals to become the deity (higher tantra). This cartoon startled my spirit guide (who would not say why) into speechlessness, so I have been curious if anyone ever new what this becoming the deity was all about. Many thanks
  12. Tantra...

    Thank you for all of this Tantra information. Now I understand why I know what to do, even though I don't ever seam to be able to explain it properly to others. (I have body smarts, but not head smarts) The only part that I did not understand was about the Mandela connection to a deity. The deities that I have had experience with where ether in spirit temples or they where in what I call domain bubbles or what I recently found out are called a: sanctum sanctorium. So my question is can anyone tell me during a Tantric session how do you connect to a deity using a Mandela? Interrupted againnn look for some future edits.
  13. Tantra...

    Being celibate I use a type of Tantra slimier to the 3rd type that Pilgrim showed us in a earlier post. No physical contact, Tantra can be achieved using energies generated through the lower Dantian. It was a funny joke on me: I tried a experiment with the #3 Tummo, part of Pilgrims post, and then 30 minuets later, I had to hide from the various physical consorts that arrived at my front door.
  14. Not Mistranslating the Bible

    This post is spectacular! Thanks
  15. Earth chakras

  16. Tantra...

  17. What Knowledge is Actually Sound ?

  18. Tantra...

  19. Why do YOU think the world is so messed up?

    In my experience: If some seeds planted in the earth start out to comfortably, they might not decide to go to the trouble of turning themselves inside out, so that they can grow.
  20. Seeking Info

    Become something.
  21. Mystical Christian Thread

    The writers: Isiah and Paul were trying to give their audience a Wake up call. In my experience and training the wake up call has always been to become something.
  22. Seeking Info

    Hello, cah5896, having been perceived by others as a old soul, it could be easy for you with the cultivation at DBs, to discover for yourself the correct path for you to follow. I am currently looking into taoist neidan. have fun
  23. Mystical Christian Thread

    I thought that the following might be offensive to some so I hesitated to post it, however because I got a like in advance: