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Everything posted by mrpasserby

  1. Awakening, Enlightenment and Liberation

    I Resemble that remark.
  2. Awakening, Enlightenment and Liberation

    'The Ultimate must (obviously...) encompass and transcend both masculine and feminine, as were that not the case, It would be polarised/limited.' If you are talking about the earths 2nd gate guardian: He is perfectly hole but at least for now he is in an angelic form. 'Earths 2nd Chakra: Lake Titicaca is said to embody both masculine and feminine energies, thereby making itself representative of sexuality as the sacral chakra. This chakra is believed to regulate all species on Earth and their evolutionary processes'.Jul 28, 2019
  3. Awakening, Enlightenment and Liberation

    There appears to be more then one def for tantra. I was trying to be supportive of this thread. I have practical experience in Non touching tantra magic, as used to enhance a creative word spell. What is Tantra magic? In the words of Vaman Shivram Apte in his The Practical Sanskrit — English Dictionary, tantra is. “a religious treatise teaching magical and mystical formularies for the worship of the deities or the attainment of superhuman power.” We might agree that the above definition is what we mean by “black magic”.
  4. Awakening, Enlightenment and Liberation

    In my experience: the new gate guardian of the earths 2nd chakra/gate, is a complete being male, spirit, female, he is very impressive to behold. The old gate guardian was in a male form guarding the 2nd earth gate's door, this seems to have been confusing for many beings.
  5. Do you think GSmaster has screw loose?

    Starjumper, not even, anyone who can visit me by traveling the unseen world while wearing his astral body, is right with me and gets my respect. He was only there to attempt to kowtow me for (in his mind disrespecting his superior knowledge of the occult). In my training this sort of dueling was the norm. I wrote a article on it in the rabbit hole if you are interested.
  6. Do you think GSmaster has screw loose?

    In another forum I offered a simple suggestion, to another poster. I found out later that he was a temple master in some major group or other he took offense. Later that night he came over in his avatar and we had quite the duel.
  7. In my experience: as your spirit becomes functional, gets powered up and begins to move independent of the physical self, then at times the body will attempt to tag along causing a floating feeling.
  8. Do you think GSmaster has screw loose?

    Such a honorable post, IMO: I have a suspicion that a powerful flux has been introduced into our collective mix, and through alchemy we are being cultivated toward greater heights of awareness. Thank You for being a such a strong voice in confirming this wonder to me.
  9. What is Taoism

  10. Brain cleansing in the internal arts

    Beautifully said! As I read your words, I could picture a folksoul/mass as it should be where the teacher exercises his practiced connection to the gatherings heightened collectieve energie, and then focus the energy to bring first one, then another and another of his students into transcendence. Thank you for this.
  11. What are we?

    Seed, becoming intention.
  12. Visualizations stories the mage

    Draft: The saga of the enchanted cactus In the beginning, there was only the cactus (drum roll). A young mage facing terrible odds, was seeking a way to find shelter and protection form the massed forces that were brandishing their might against him, but with this deadly array of magic came, an overflowing of ambient magic that the lone mage, could grab onto, using it in the hope of eventually finding relief from his persecutors, he created several forms of protection, then lastly he reached out to a Tiny cactus that as a child he had transmuted into the unseen world. Tapping into the expiring life of one of his long-lived pet goldfish, the young mage used the overflowing pooled ambient magic of his enemies (like tendrils of force attempting to fill the house so that their charged spirits could more easily gain access), to enchant several century cactus splitting the original cactus into several. The young mage managed to survive the persecutions (another saga). A decade later, having forgotten about the enchanted cactus, the young mage had long since moved and had the need to buy another house. As he was checking out a house for sale that had a magical feel to it, in the back yard he recognized the lost, enchanted century cactus one of which was over 7 ft tall. DRAFT: How one of my century cactus earned an upgrade into my ethereal domain. At the end of a not too friendly discussion with a mage about him returning certain spirits that he was safekeeping for me. The mage, just coming from an altercation with a student of mine, hit the domain side of the front door of my physical house hard. So when I went to cover the front, seeking to resolve the issue with the angery mage contingent of spirits rolled around and over the back fence. I would have felt bad for the bound functional spirits that were on the bottom of the bait ball of spirits when it hit, because on the spirit/ethereal side the giant enchanted century cactus holds the aspect of, (OUCH!) they hit it dead center as they had just rolled over the top of the backyard fence, and splattered the giant century cactus like a pancake. Then wildly flailing to extricate themselves from the unyielding pronged cactus spines one of them managed to put a cactus spine scratch on my life partner's face. So they were in for a bruising from me once I had got to the back of the house, but some of the unbound spirits within the group had made prior deals with me and had my ear, so cooler heads prevailed, and I wound up getting friendly again with this my old group of spirits and used my energies to release the bound spirits from what I call totems (objects that bind the spirits to the mages will and in some cases enables them make a physical connection).
  13. Weather Magick

    Your post reminded me of a post that I made about weather magic. 98% building energy, 1% focus, 1% execution:
  14. How to open the microcosmic orbit?

    Spotless, Great, this is only the second time that I have red someone describe in clear to understand words, what the 1000 lotus feels like when it pops. Thanks
  15. Weather Magick

    I am glad to see that everybody is lightning up.
  16. Weather Magick

    I would also like to share in more puns (they made my day) and I will share a general weather working outline. Not being a weather mage and by the law given to me by a iteration of (....): that states (there no free lunches), my methods/efforts for weather production are: to build up the 98% power requirement over several decades of energy storage, then to add 1% focus and 1% (emotional content) at the time of activation. As a independent mage: (I did not call upon any gods, saints, demons for their assistance in the actual).
  17. Weather Magick

    This bears a striking resemblance to all of those last remarks:
  18. IMO, magic is a lost science that has not been generally rediscovered yet.

    1. ReturnDragon


      Is magic a science?

    2. mrpasserby


      ReturnDragon, Is magic a science? that is a matter of opinion, I would like to think of it that way myself.

  19. Cultivating the Golden Seed

    Spotless, Congratulations, in my experience, this practice only sees a conclusion, over several decades, and with few in attendance to the process.
  20. Earth chakras

    I am mentioning my return from the 4th earth chk in order to give this thread a bump for those new to TDBs who might find earth chakras interesting. I don't know if it is exhaustion on the subject (I spent years on the undertaking), discouragement or disappointment that has slowed down a updated post about the subject of earth chk 4. I will only wish to mention at this time that aside from the excitement of getting past the gatekeeper and through the gate, and then preparing to enjoy the exquisite view, I did find myself alone with my entourage within the midsts of a seemingly unending forest, with no idea of how to proceed in investigating further into the vastness of the forest surrounding the gate without any adequate transportation available at the location. 2020: I have recently conducted a visual map search of the overall physucak area in Glastonbury england, and discovered that the larger area surrounding the reported area of the 4th earth chakra does not have that much forest, I am left to conclude that the actual unseen world gate opening must be in some sort of a small wood. I am sorry that I did not explore further into the area at the time, but I was also under the constraint of my old body (back home) having run dangerously low on energy, this added to the fact that weather they were friendly or not in times past once I had gotten through a gate I was always eventually met by some sort of being(s) this not being the case in gate #4 put me off of my game, and stalled any efforts to deeper exploration of the area. Earth's unseen world chakras and gates based on current gate positions as of 2020, according to my explorations: Starting work on getting to chk #5. Hoping that there will be more to it then 4, I got discouraged at 4, so I am just going to 5 because my Grand Pa went there and so I am on the nostalgia trail to check it out. I will post more as I progress. Another, parting comment on chk #4, I may have been disappointed about the quantity of actuals within chk#4, but I have to state my sincere gratitude to the gate guardian. I was a little less then pleasant with his avatar (which tend not to truly reflect the true dynamic of the actual being). He gets respect because I am human sized he only made me pass the human size and ability tests, and deal with his human sized avatar. I got a look at his actual magnificence, when he was released from his duties as the next gate guardian (within the realm human sized) took his place.
  21. Weather Magick

    flowing hands, I admire the clarity of your posts, and 'plastic shaman' was close to my first impression when I viewed one of the sorcerers Guild Youtube videos, that is until a couple of Guild members passed through the unseen world, and came over to visit me within my domain bubble, they were there to make sure (in very clear terms), that I would abide by the rules of the Guild.
  22. Starting Nei Gong for kundalini

    Jay78, This may be out of place because you want 'Nei Gong' training, but what is the end goal for your meditation and kundalini practice, is it internal power, the 1000 lotics experience, a mind that is at piece, or creating a eternal spirit body?
  23. Silly hats of religion

    Can we get a big round of applause:
  24. Weather Magick

    manitou, thanks for the compliment, but I am not that good looking. I am glad to hear that you came up with your own athletics to enhance your magical pursuits. I too like to manufacture my own workings, with just a pinch of a hint from someone else's spell on occasion.