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Everything posted by mrpasserby

  1. Serpent Lore

    Thank you, Apech This pic is such a gift, describing an initiation that I had the privilege of participating in while passing through one of the earth gates. The Amduat (Ancient Egyptian: jmj dwꜣt, literally "That Which Is In the Afterworld", also translated as "Text of the Hidden Chamber Which is in the Underworld" and "Book of What is in the Underworld") is an important ancient Egyptian funerary text of the New Kingdom of Egypt.
  2. Mosquitoes, ants?

    Thanks, for the opportunity to mention the "Merlin" myths: In my experience: Pagan Mages/Merlins sometimes use ants-dead or alive to have their students gain experiential knowledge about traveling through the ethereal portion of the world. Pagan Mage's historical activities are frequently billed under the laughable guise of mythic Merlin because IMO: in past times religious armies destroyed all the books scrolls relics symbols, killed all the historian's mages practitioners, made laughable myths out of anything concerning Alchemy/magic Pagan Mage practises, killed anyone that told the truth about it, and then let whatever was left stew in obscurity for hundreds of years. Until finally somebody comes along and writes books and makes comments about the airy-fairy Merlin Alchemy/magic like they know what they are talking about. 'Just sain'
  3. Mosquitoes, ants?

    The following info. is taken from an article written about a student possessing an ant to vicariously experience/practice crossing over to death and back. #**Normal-incidental info. During the practice that this article is based on, the student who enjoyed the crossing became nervous, and so just before trancing out, he asked the student Mentor what he should do if he became frightened of all the beings that would appear to him as giants when he was experiencing his vicarious journey through the normal movements of the ant while it was alive. The student Mentor had jokingly said: “when you get out there, and if you feel uncomfortable just wave at one of the giants that look like a human and ask for help” Lol. The student did just that and another student who just happened to be nearby noticed the weirdly waving actions of the ant and not thinking much of it, decided that it was a good time to take a leek. The next day the student that had possessed the ant for the crossing, approached the student Mentor, and in all seriousness complained about his unhealthy treatment at the hands of the unsympathetic giant student, to the Student Mentor. The student Mentor tried to not hurt the already indignant students' feelings, but try as he would he could not hide his uproarious laughter. The resulting fuss over the incident still carries weight several decades later, and because of it, many an insect has had its life spared and even been protected, when anywhere near the student Mentor.
  4. Visualizations stories the mage

    The young student was without the means/ability to travel far, and unfortunate for the young student at the time, he was subjected to an ongoing ethereal feud because he was in possession of a potent ethereal item that one day he hoped that he could add to his ever-growing ethereal mandala. The young student was concerned that if he kept the item in his possession that eventually some human or other-kin ethereal projector would discover that the item was in his possession and demand to duel him for it and possibly win, So the young student approached his spirit guides and asked them to direct him as to where to lend the item out for safekeeping. Little did the young student know that his sneaky spirit guides had already cooked up a subtle plan to gain him the services of an 'authentic Dakini', in reciprocity for the use of the ethereal item that he would be lending to a certain Hindu temple in India. So one of the young student spirit guides in answer to his request, suggested that his (the spirit guides) female friend of his had the ability to travel through the ethereal world and could take the item off his hands and deliver it to a safe place. So after agreeing to the transaction, the young student waited a week. Then at noon in the appointed place the young student went into a trance expecting the visitor. the young student was totally set aback when all of a sudden to his surprise a what could only be described as an *India/Hindu princess emerges in front of him walking out of the ethereal world, and stepping clearly into his view, the young student lifted the image of the ethereal item to his lips and kissed it then he handed it over to the *ethereal lady ( who he later 'during DBs cultivation' found out was posibly a 'authentic dakini', or a goddess (a person who can project their energy body through the ethereal plane, and carry and use ethereal items like writing utencles, solor hearts, staffs, etc...) upon receiving the item (she spoke with what the young student remember as sounding like an Indian accent) asking him, the young student if there was anything else, that he needed at that time, the young student said no. A number of years later the young student found out that the item wound up in Sothern India as the ethereal part of the physical centerpiece in a Hindu temple. *Back ground: (considering all of the christian dogma that the young student had to swallow most of his young life ‘from his living relatives’, he expected or was picturing the ethereal lady to look like or to be similar to the christian virgin mary and not a Indian princess).
  5. C T Thanks, your post provided me with much cultivation concerning why my spirit guides subtly directed me toward interacting with, an 'authentic dakini'. Also, now I have a greater understanding of the ethereal mandalas, that I have been building for several decades.
  6. Q's...ONLY Teachers may Answer.

    I really liked your post IMO: yes, in my understanding of what enlightenment is, it is just the beginning.
  7. Kundalini discovery

    IME: Human projectors into the ethereal realms have a better chance of being aware of and are able to view their kundalini's thousand petal lotus when it blooms, IMO: this is in part because of the extreme surge of usable energy that accompanies the bloom. IME: after the initial effect the practitioner is then able to more fully project his ethereal body (see Taoist Neiden for internal-external body creation) into the ethereal realms and maintain presents there within the expanded bloom of the lotus itself. I found a picture that seams to somewhat indicate such an occurrence.
  8. Kundalini discovery

    I have no argument with this statement about kundalini being dangerous, my own ethereal guides cautioned me about the dangers, however, once I had passed all of my ilk's initiations, the kundalini dangers seamed small, in comparison, and I wanted to connect to the added ethereal energy source.
  9. Thoughts on Magick

    Magic action thoughts: Many years ago my old dad, had made some enemies at his work, they got together and paid a Mage practitioner, to send a shadow man to harass my old dad at work, apparently hoping to scare him away. The fear tact might have work for the Mage practitioner to scare off Norms in the past, however, my old dad seeing through the attack, simply walked into the company bathroom puffing hard on a lit cigarette. When the shadow man moved in directly behind my old dad to give him a scare my old dad, quickly turned around yelling go to hell, as he stuck his cigarette through the form of the shadow man touching off the volatile chemicals that the Mage practitioner had use in the summoning ceremony to get the shadow man to appear next to my old dad at work. Then my old dad confronted the shadow man directly and finding out that the Mage practitioner had been forcing him to go about assaulting people. My old dad was kind to him and brought the shadow man home for me to work with. The next day the news told of a burned-out car parked next to where my old dad worked, and a weirdly dressed man who had all of his hair burned off. When the group of workers who hired the Mage practitioner found out that his car had exploded with him in it, they became afraid of my old dad, so when my old dad questioned them on the subject, they fessed up about having hired the Mage practitioner to scare him into leaving the job, and they said that they would leave my old dad alone in the future.
  10. Kundalini discovery

    Kundalini-delusion: IME: As a practitioner, I am always seeking more sources of energy, to in-power my workings. I got a heads up about kundalini energy when I was young, but any apparent energies were dormant within me. Over the decades, I received a myriad of varying and delusional Kundalini information. It was only when I had cultivated here at the DBS for a while, that my kundalini started giving me problems, and then with the effort that I put forth, it popped out and started providing me with energy. Thanks
  11. Kundalini discovery

    I agree that these words are good comments/examples in supprt of those who have felt pressured to communicate words like chakra as informational focusing points of reference to present ideas/pictures to aid in making practitioner/cultivators the clearest possible comments for them to gain a pictured focus of an area of intent. IME: it seems that when communicating with most about Simple ethereal/spirit activity, that there is a tendency to make what directions/intentions that are written or spoken in words, into some form of Religious/Sacred exceptionality.
  12. Direct Transmission

  13. The taboo of enlightenment

    Well said.
  14. The taboo of enlightenment

    'The taboo of enlightenment': The fear of gathering the components to become a knowledgeable functional creator. Or holding the view that becoming the default of creation is the answer to everything.
  15. What about a Bums retreat?

    IMO: The great equalizer is meeting some friend physically within the 3rd gate, in what is considered and presented, by the earths collective mind to be the normal realm of the physical world. That said, it sounds like fun.
  16. In my experience: things really started to pop for me after the 2nd earth chakka was brought on line during the four blood moons of 2015, then the Giant combination of the harmonic resonance of the earth chakkas began to align the harmonic resonance within the Small individual chakkas of the earths population, slowly aligning as many as are able to receive it, with the greater collective consciousness of the earth.
  17. Earth chakras

    Sorry about that I forgot to put Draft on the top; spelling changes: (I suspected her as being the gate guardian, gate guardians are funny that way and tend to appear any way that they choose during a gate crossing test, and (they are constantly saying "NO you are not ready"). Example: In my experience: My first gate guardian pulled all of my strings and appeared as a person that I had offended in grade school. That said, the gatekeeper might have been an iteration of Anubis, or some other being, it is hard to tell with gate guardians, until after you have won through and then you can see as you are seen.
  18. Earth chakras

    Update on efforts concerning gate/chk #5, I am holding my comments for a bit longer due to a request for discretion involving a Pilgrimage to gate/chk #5 being made by certain Israelites that I owe kindness to.
  19. Taoist Immortal Monarchs: Alchemy in Nature

    After only seeing one Monarch this last year, my wife bought some *milk weed seeds, kept them in the refrigerate for 3 weeks until they sprouted and just planted them today. *"asclepias fascicularis"
  20. My Kundalini/Shaktipat Initiation

    In my experience: It is not all about the teacher being able to transmit, but it is totally about what the student is ready and able to receive. 'Just sayn'
  21. Shaktipat and possibly Lineage transmission, In my experience: Shaktipat and a possible *Lineage transmission exchange factor. At or near my 30th year of FORMAL studying spirit work. I found myself, having to move from a location where for several years I had enjoyed learning from someone who had become my favorite teacher. Anyway, after my last class with him, we had a parting handshake and both he and I were taken aback by a powerful, what I now believe to be called a Shaktipat type transmission, at the time we both were to stunned to say anything. However, from then on I was able to enter into visions where I could interact with nearby spirits in a beautiful otherworldly **setting. I found out years later when I attended a seminar and briefly talked with my old teacher, that he was excited to explain what happened to him after our mutual experience, he told me that he had gained the love of small birds from me. Then he shared with me an example of how he had previously treated, small birds that in his words, "inhabited/vandalized his exquisite garden", (xxx) and that he recognized that he had gained a form of charity, from our exchange that he had been sorely lacking. **prior to this I relied on others to create the otherworldly settings for spirit interactions *Lineage is basically about being able to trace the transmission–ancestry of a particular meditation tradition or meditation teacher back to an individual that was seemingly endowed with at least a modest degree of authentic spiritual realization.
  22. Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

    In my experience: while the vibrational patterns of certain words when supported with real forms of internal power can produce effective change. I would like to mention that IMO it is always the work of attuning chakra to smooth out or clearing them from obstructions that causes the epiphany, and physical improvements (not some mystical words). For years I worked to vibrate my third eye, until it cleared out (no specific words involved), this was followed by a once in a lifetime visual of my 1000 petal lotus. 'Just sain'
  23. What is Taoism

    I can only speak to the actual purpose of chanting in any temple. In my experience: chanting is supposed to be for unifying the present group into vibrational harmony with the folksoul that is residing within the temple. If the temple is vacant of the folksoul then no reason.