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Everything posted by mrpasserby

  1. Please leave ego aside to read this

    Sorry for your loss, I have so much respect! When I was young I visited Sidney in the late 60's and just after getting off of the plane I received a spirit from a white haired gentleman who reminded me in his deportment of my grandfather. I enjoyed much cultivation while working with that spirit for many decades.
  2. Please leave ego aside to read this

    It makes me happy to know that I can receive a share of wisdom from the initiated. Thanks!
  3. The Complete System

    There is great information in this thread, thanks all. Esoteric things reveled.
  4. Please leave ego aside to read this

    Excited for you and thanks for the share of this great experience.
  5. Is any of this proven or real?

    I kinda sorta think that you have got it, if you want that for you. IME A functional spirit body is for use know, not for later.

    'spiritual question is how can I bring myself into existence.' Wow, my poor words of support for your statement can't do justice. Hopefully the last sentence will resonate within the unseen world. One of the first steps in the process that I went threw is to get noticed.
  7. Is any of this proven or real?

    In my experience: it is all about creating your own functional spirit/light body, in order to evolve from a intelligence living as a temporary being to a more permanent higher functioning being on some level. As far as I know people can do it, it just seams to be a matter of who will make it a priority. This forum is one of the few places where I for one have found that the process is taken seriously and some seam to have made it a reality for themselves.
  8. Is any of this proven or real?

    In my experience: this is a good question. If you can't cut it in a higher plane of existence then what options do you have? Your physical body was grown by you or for you? We know in its original form it is temporary. Can your temporary body be changed into a more permanent form? At my current level I usually work with spirits/light bodies, their is more, and I am looking to find out.
  9. Is any of this proven or real?

    'Beware of desire for power, you will never be powerful enough. But if you release your need for power you may find a new power you never knew existed.' Hello,'Lost in Translation' Great wisdom there Thanks.
  10. Is any of this proven or real?

    Notably good unseen world comments: In my experience: The least opportunity to work beyond the vale can give you great advantage toward your future possibilities.
  11. Is any of this proven or real?

    Thank you very much for writing this approach. I strained to say as much but in the end mentioning examples of my spirit craft won out. In my experience: both designs work the best together
  12. Is any of this proven or real?

    In my experience: I found that the fastest way to increase my spirits functionality skills and to gain experiential knowledge was to: state clearly to you spirit guides (known or unknown) that you want to prepare to have a job within the unseen world /world of spirits. In my experience: this should begin 'the process of trying to acquire or develop a quality or skill, and then be open to receive the natural increase as it comes.
  13. Is any of this proven or real?

    I am not sure what you mean by doing cultivation. Everyone here is doing cultivation and receiving cultivation. There are no free lunches (said to me by a (...) just before he kicked my R...) Here at TDBs we are all one hand washing the other. You are not really asking about my path. Even so learning how to move energy in or out of the body is a great way to start in my experience: most alchemy is 99.9% energy gathering and focusing, and 1%intention. Nature assists actions that follow her lead, so IMO starting the formation of your own functional spirit body is the next step.
  14. Is any of this proven or real?

    my personal experience is: It is all real if it is real to you: your first experiential knowledge after a initiation into what is called the unseen world/spirit world, by most people is what will make everything come together within your understanding, if you choose you can view all from a transcendent state. Having a master pop in to visit you from the unseen world, isn't the all end all, you still have to put in the work of building your own functional spirit body that can operate on the more subtle planes of existence. I have enjoyed receiving cultivation from masters while studding in this forum with thedaobums, If you are willing/able to receive it so might you. (best forum ever).
  15. Neidan ( all experiences and opinions wanted)

    My eccentric relatives would drink white gold laced tea. I even found a line in history about some who would grind up and make tea out of the cloth from old Egyptian mummies for the supposed white gold that was some how soaked into them. This may be why I turned out so Normal- Neidan ( all experiences and opinions wanted) My comment about tea did not seem relevant, but I am trying to connect Neidan actions to my own craft, which is netting me much cultivation. Diets and such seem to be a part of the whole process.
  16. Hello!

    @Song of the Dao, In my opinion: this is wonderful news, it means that you are lined up with those who use none verbal communication, also that are collective/*Egregore, is getting stronger, which to me indicates that we as a group may be attracting more masters who could view our efforts and then possibly lend their support to our individual and collective efforts. *Egregore (also egregor) is an occult concept representing a "thoughtform" or "collective group mind", an autonomous psychic entity made up of, and influencing, the thoughts of a group of people.
  17. Greetings Fellow Dharma Seekers!

    Hello, Self-Cultivation I am a Californian. I hadn't heard the word cultivation until I was lead to thedaobums forum. I have obtained so much from studding the information found here, and to my surprise, connected up with masters willing and able to help me take the next step in my advancement. My craft has been a life long ind-ever, with the simplicity of it pointing toward wisdom & sincerity much like what you stated: 'Master Nan Huai-Chin's teachings resonate with me most, mainly because of the core principles he espouses such as: the necessity to cultivate both merit (virtue) and wisdom, the necessity to transform physical form'as the rewards of labor. I have been healed a number of times by spirit visitors, *none so far from the daobums, but I have received spirit body walk ins from the daobums who have worked to increased my spirit/light body advancements. In the future you could consider adding practices that lend themselves to attracting those masters who my be available here who have learned the healing arts. good fortune!
  18. Interested in the abilites developed by certain Lineages

    @Pilgrim , thank you, for this wonderful explanation .
  19. Taoist meditation

    Thank you, I have great respect for the members of the doa bums forum and for those who can do exactly that. I have received cultivation and enhancement from certain masters because I did what was necessary and had prepared myself to receive it. Theoretical practice is also good and enhanced by focused action. My opinion.
  20. Neidan ( all experiences and opinions wanted)

    Thank you very much, I have never been able to put it into words.
  21. Neidan ( all experiences and opinions wanted)

    Thanks, you have stated it so clearly.
  22. what does the transcendent desire?

    I for one, desire to become whole enough within my light body so as to be able to transcend the recycling process associated with this physical plane of existence.
  23. what does the transcendent desire?

    In my experience: the Bible seams to act as a mind trap for many. In my studies I obtained information from the concealed, (though some what distorted) esoteric information in the bible, which is only obtained through effort by the interested.
  24. what does the transcendent desire?

    In my experience: life force is like water it has memory. In my practice of life force reclamation I allow the impure memories/energy retained in my life force to dissipate through the body/mind connection while I focus the clean life force toward increasing the residence/wholeness of my transcendent form.
  25. Visualizations stories the mage

    Answer to a question that I posted in the wrong place: In my experience, enlightenment is to gain the understanding that it is your responsibility to do everything within your power to grow your own permanent ethereal body. In my ilk once you are enlightened you would know that when your temporary physical body wears out, your spirit will wake up within the ethereal world, with or without a body to travel around in. Its up to you. Natural: Jivanmukta siddhis A man grows in form from a seed created in someone else's domain. A man begins to be functional and wants his own domain. A man learns/is taught to work with a tool that is another's. A man earns his own tool, he does work for himself. A man fully functional wants his own domain, he works to build it. A man creates the forms and powers of his spirit within him. A man has developed his spirit and practiced functional/skills? A man spirit learns/is taught to work with a tool that is another's. A man spirit earns his own tool(s). A man spirit is able to build his own spirit domain