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Everything posted by mrpasserby

  1. Visualizations stories the mage

    teacher student talent enhancement: DRAFT During my several decades of spirit guide training I had many teachers and mentors: My most favorite teacher as I was leaving his class for the last time, shook hands with me in a meaning full way. He actually passed me a enhancement to my spirit guide ability/added a talent for spirit world domain establishment but at the same time he received in exchange a bit of my charity, which I found out later gave him a love of sparrows which he had previously hated because they had made messes and nests in his almost perfect backyard garden. Among spirit guides, having beautiful gardens is frequently a passion, because it contributes to spirit realm domain enhancements, that otherwise tend to be plain looking by their nature. spirit guide domains: among spirit guides having a spirit/unseen world domain (bubble) is important for many reasons, but the one that I will mention is a relatively safe place for the spirit guide to do their work while assisting needy spirits who are willing and able to receive a spirit guides help. If anyone reading this post needs clarification of some of the terminology just post me for a clarification. (If this post is offensive just mention in a post and I will delete it, Thanks)
  2. The Tao of disappointment

    The following is abbreviated full info. at The term "shaman sickness" is not one that you'll generally hear outside of most spirit-worker circles, and that's because we have only relatively recently learned to identify it again, after centuries of not understanding what it is that happens to shamans at the beginning of their careers. The term denotes a period of illness (often seriously life-threatening in some way) which is caused by the Gods and wights in order to completely remake someone and turn them into a shaman. The phenomenon of shaman sickness is found in tribal cultures around the world, with remarkably similar sets of traumas. It is the hallmark of the classic shaman in many parts of the globe. Whether his calling be hereditary or not, a shaman must be a capable - nay, an inspired person. Of course, this is practically the same thing as saying that he is nervous and excitable, often to the verge of insanity. So long as he practises his vocation, however, the shaman never passes this verge. The Chukchee call the preparatory period of a shaman by a term signifying "he gathers shamanistic power". For the weaker shamans the preparatory period is less painful, and the inspiration comes mainly through dreams. But for a strong shaman this stage is very painful and long; in some cases it lasts for one, two, or more years. "The young novice, the 'newly inspired' (turene nitvillin), loses all interest in the ordinary affairs of life. He ceases to work, eats but little and without relishing his food, ceases to talk to people, and does not even answer their questions. The greater part of his time he spends in sleep." This is why "a wanderer . . . must be closely watched, otherwise he might lie down on the open tundra and sleep for three or four days, incurring the danger in winter of being buried in drifting snow. When coming to himself after such a long sleep, he imagines that he has been out for only a few hours, and generally is not conscious of having slept in the wilderness at all." However exaggerated this account of a long sleep may be, we learn from Bogoras that the Chukchee, when ill, sometimes "fall into a heavy and protracted slumber, which may last many days, with only the necessary interruptions for physical needs."
  3. Not Mistranslating the Bible

    Nicodemus said to Him, “How can a man be born when he is old? He cannot enter a second time into his mother’s womb and be born, can he?” Jesus answered, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Do not be amazed that I said to you, ‘You must be born again.’ The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going; so is everyone who is born of the Spirit.” (John 3:4–8) “I affirm, brethren, by the boasting in you which I have in Christ Jesus our Lord, I die daily” (1 Corinthians 15:31, NASB). This infers that existing he must be being reborn daily also.
  4. Resources on Waidan.

    The only slimier external alchemy practice that I know of is the use of white gold or *white gold powder, placed in a tea concoction. *the ground up wrappings of Egyptian mummies are reported to contain white gold powder, that was suppose to be the in thing to drink in old English witch circles.
  5. The Tao of disappointment

    While sinking up my own practice with neidan, and attempting to comprehend the tao, I have noticed that there dose not seam to be as much effort in the direction of neidan as I had first supposed. However my studies of the tao are still a work in progress.
  6. Climate Change

    My recent findings within the Chinese information about the god(s) is made to sound like a fairy tale, but in my experiences within the unseen world, it has real substance subtly disguised as myth. The human like self absorbed nature of the god(s), the fact that there are also caring creatures other then the god(s). The multiple changing nature of the god(s) as one ascending while being replaced by another. Especially this well preserved information about new gods being added while other gods are ascending is invaluable if you view climate change with a unseen world view as I do, wherein the changing of the god(s) can be the cause of climate disruptions on the physical plane. The Four Dragons: Once a great drought had spread across the land. Four dragons from the sea noticed the plight of the people and traveled to beseech The Jade Emperor in the Heavenly Palace to bring the rains to the people. He was very busy ruling the heavens, earth, and sea and distractedly agreed to the send the rains on the next day if they would return to the sea, but soon after the dragons departed, he forgot his promise. After ten days, the rains still did not come and the people began to die of starvation. The dragons could not simply stand by and do nothing, and so they decided to use their bodies to capture great masses of water from the sea, taking it upon themselves to bring the rain. The people were grateful and prayed their thanks to the Jade Emperor, who soon discovered what the dragons had done, and became angry that they intervened without his blessing. The Jade Emperor ordered Mountain God to trap the four dragons. However, from each mountain that trapped a dragon there sprung a new river. From Yellow Dragon came the Yellow River, from Long Dragon the Yangtze River, from Black Dragon the Amur River, and from Pearl Dragon the Pearl River. The rivers thereafter flowed from west to east and north to south, the dragons ensuring that the peoples of China would never be without water again. His predecessor and successor[edit] The Jade Emperor was originally the assistant of the Divine Master of the Heavenly Origin, Yuanshi Tianzun. Yuanshi Tianzun is said to be the supreme beginning, the limitless and eternal creator of Heaven and Earth, who picked Yu-huang, or the Jade Emperor, as his personal successor. The Jade Emperor will eventually be succeeded by the Heavenly Master of the Dawn of Jade of the Golden Door (金闕玉晨天尊).[3] The characters for both are stamped on the front of the arms of his throne. In two folk automatic writing texts produced in 1925 and 1972, Guan Yu became the 18th Jade Emperor in about 1840 AD;[4][5][6] however, some have disagreed that Guan Yu has succeeded, and thus the Jade Emperor and Guan Yu are often worshiped separately.[7] In Tientiteaching, the reigning Jade Emperor has 55 predecessors.[8]
  7. Transmission: Useful? What? Where? How to?

    In my experience: it is not about transmissions existing or being sent it has always been about a person being able/prepared to receive them.
  8. Living Hobbit Wild

    You could email ask Sara Ann Lawless about where she use to live off the grid, she farmed the land for natural remadies, it is some where in Origin, she has recently moved to Canada. I heard about this place 'slab city' I had thought about going there when I was a kid. There is lots more info on youtube but here is a couple of informative videos.
  9. I am officially jaw dropped amazed.

    In my experience: this is also same with psychopomp training. You have to prove your sincerity by being all in all of the time.
  10. Did anyone just experience something wierd?

    The region about my third eye vibrated for a couple of years before, my kundalini popped into a full lotus. Good on you if it keeps up.
  11. The Myth of Conscious awareness in Sleep

    'the-myth-of-conscious-awareness-in-sleep: practice to a completion neidan.
  12. Thanks I wanted to say something similer to our new friend 2ndChance, but the words got in the way.
  13. In my experience: We are subject to the ebbs and flows of the worlds collective, mind, but individually we can choose to drop a pebble in the pond 'milky ocean, collective mind', and move by riding on the waves that it creates. Destiny tweaking takes lots of practice/patience.
  14. My type of shaman journeying, is not the way to achieve a internal act of forgiveness. I can offer the following, which is how I personally keep free of troublesome thoughts. Alchemy lite:
  15. Sadhguru can blow your brain off physically?!

    In my experience: It sounds to me like , Sadhguru is talking about popping a kundelini, which could give a person a real head rush if they are not prepared for it. The kundelini popping out would be metaphysical, all though the effects have been known to appear physically. When my kundalini popped out first my head then body vibrated for several hours. I was prepared and relaxed so it felt weird but it didn't hurt.
  16. Visualizations stories the mage

    This poem (of sorts) is in honor of me changing my status from junior to Dao Bum on my profile. Your a doabum: If you are sitting on the pot but your really just posting a lot. Your a doabum If you posted a great theme but nobody knows what you really mean. Your a doabum If your walking out the door then you pause to post one more. Your a doabum If you left your body behind and you are posting using only your mind. Your a doabum If your holding onto your chair posting from a keyboard in the air. Your a doabum If you transcended onto a new plane while your still posting without refrain. (c) Feb. 2, 2019
  17. @2ndchance There is intense non *painful cultivation found here at the DBs, I have found that having a laugh with us is good medicine, just look at the signature on my post. After reading much of the perfected use of language in some of the posts I have been thinking of changing my user name from mrpasserby to Academically Challenged. To stay within the metaphysical parameters of the thread: In my experience, I have discovered that some unseen world beings believe in uncomfortable forms of cultivation.
  18. Changing/Editing signature

    Thanks for the help.
  19. Changing/Editing signature

    I have read posts complementing other DBs signatures, but I have never seen someone else's signature in a post. Any help thanks?
  20. Do you believe in the Metaphysical Occult nature of our reality or do you believe Wikipedia? The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to metaphysics: ... Esotericcosmology maps out the universe with planes of existence and ... Ontology is the study of the natureof being, becoming, existence, or reality, ... The occult is "knowledge of the hidden" or "knowledge of the paranormal", as opposed to facts ... for most practicing occultists it is simply the study of a deeper spiritual reality that extends pure reason and the physical ... The term occult sciences was used in the 16th century to refer to astrology, alchemy, and natural magic. I did not understand your question until I discovered that it was two questions. yes to both. I commented on the part of your post that I did understand-with the caveat: that the unseen world is not all that secret, In my experience, it is just a matter of which circles that you run in. @2ndchance, 'Our earth has an infinite number of secret dimensions and secret cities in the mountains, the seas, in the inner core of the earth, in the sky, etc. which are only accessible to those with spiritual power.' 'GE 11:8 So the LORD scattered them from there over all the earth, and they stopped building the city. 9That is why it was called Babel--because there the LORD confused the language of the whole world. ' The following is not a direct quote: 'I think that it was the ancient sage Rumi that gave this big Hint and said something like: *I lead you to the gate of heaven, then when a demon pops up you all run away.' In my experience: For some people a personal contact with the unseen world even after decades of focus, training, and even with good intention, seams to not always have the desired effect. In my experience: *when meeting gate gardiens and the like weather they are benevolent or malevolent, most people seem to become discomforted when interviewed by these sorts of spirits, Angeles, daemons, demons, etc... A person reacting with shock, fear, anger, etc... seams to be enough to cause the unseen world being to not reflect back to the person their rare beauty, instead they seam to tend to reflect back an apprentice/actions mimicking the persons deepest fears/intentions. Background: Balaam, was on a mission to curse with destruction a whole group of people. 'At this point, Balaam is allowed/(able) to see the angel, who informs him that the (evasive movements of the) donkey is the only reason the angel did not kill Balaam.' (words in parenthesis added)
  21. Haiku Chain

    No quite but almost Queen takes moon in macro scheme Live power restored
  22. Gospel of Thomas

    I spent many decades sifting the esoteric info. out of historical documents, This is a impressive bit of clear info that I apparently missed or forgot. In support of this I offer a bit of current information, howbeit hearsay. I have discovered that several of the spirits 'that I have had something to do with', and who are functional, that where living in the USA seem to have moved to the New York area. This knowledge led me to inquiring about and I discovered a source of hearsay, that stated to me the following, 'there is a unseen world pyramid near New York'. I wouldn't be caught alive(pun intended) in New York, but apparently a number of functional spirits seam to like it enough to have migrated there. Who Knew!
  23. Haiku Chain

    Curling inward on Place lifeforce into the mold Move beyond the vale