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Everything posted by mrpasserby

  1. what is next

    Thanks for asking: In my experience: the original form of what is called a church today, was the gathering of people to form the *head of a egregor, then those who have the focused ability to tap into the available collective power could utilize the power to quicken the mental, physical, spirit of any who were ready and able to receive it. (like the collective power of a master with a long and powerful linage who can tap into to assist a student who is ready to receive enhanced abilities). These heads form naturally over tribes, nations, and are subject to certain principles. (in the bible: they are called Angeles over the 7 churches, or the heads over many nations). In my estimation: At DBs, those who can tap into this natural formation of collectivize spirit information, are being cultivated at a advanced rate, some are even able to project assistance to others, and so the collective grows. Your previous posts suggested to me that you are one of those people. This is what is one of the reasons that makes DBs special. The egregore or egregor is a term used by members of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and The Kaballistic Order of Rosicrucians to describe the personality a group takes on independent of its members. It is a sort of thought form being that is formed from the collective consciousness of a group of people but develops its own autonomy capable of exerting influence on the group's members. Groups can put conscious work and thought into creating an egregore, but when groups work toward collective ideal long enough, it takes on a life of its own. The word egregore comes from the Greek ἑγρήγορος egrḗgoros meaning "wakeful" or "watching"1. The word "Egregore" derives from the Greek word egrégoroi, meaning "watchers", which also transliterates as "grigori". the Grigori, (also known as The Watchers) The mysterious eighth order of angels, the gentle Grigori were created by gods to be Earthly shepherds of the first humans. The Grigori were both physically and spiritually gigantic, at least by the standards of the people who later wrote about them. *Head, In my experience: groups of people/tribes/nations, naturally form the heads of egregor, through their natural collective creative abilities, this is only the first step in creating what is called a Grigori-watcher, no need to worry about accidentally creating something larger then a head, it took the ancient Egyptians a football field sized temple and thousands of followers to do that.
  2. what is next

    I agree, the internet being a substitute, for the old pyramid system where we all spoke the same language is a real boon to all. One of the ways that the DBs has become special to me is the free flowing Egregore. I have experienced other Egregore but to participate in them a person would have to submit to being bound to untenable rules and receive/except training in faulty logic's. Thanks '
  3. what is next

    My experience in DBs so far has shown me members with different talents. The talents that I have earned for myself have usually come to me on the heals of some need being manifest in my lifes experience, so that I am able to step up from my mundane experiences and receive the rewards of my previous labors. Just in this thread: I read of one who was able to see/perceive his own solar heart, another who discovered his path to obtain his own solar/immortal body, and still a third who stepped up and obtain the power to manipulate her cable of destiny in order to change the course of events in her life and the life of others, and there are many who have the wisdom to understand these occurrences. DBs Rocks As for , "what is next" as a *'spirit quester', I recommend the casual practice of spirit questing E.g. checking out the *local genius loci, or visiting a near by relative. Good exercise for your spirit body, 'Just say-en' *genius loci /ˈjēnēəs ˈlōsī,-kī/ the presiding god or spirit of a place. plural noun: genii locorum
  4. Visualizations stories the mage

    Visiter: I was at home on a quiet evening sitting/meditating in my meditation circle when I was jolted out of my usual trance, I noticed the jolt when a spirit had suddenly charged into the area of my domain circle and, smacked against the energy emanating off of my circle. I watched as the image of a face smeared a fleeting visible dark swath across its outer parameter. I immediately channeled the spirit/avatar while it was still in touch with my circle and for a instant I could hear/sense the chattering thoughts of rage emanating from it. As it had streaked across my circle I recognized something in the temporary visible smear of what looked like the outline of the face of a forum acquaintance of mine who I had apparently but unintentionally offended. I decided that I would give the shaken intruder time to pull itself together and as the hour was late I went to bed and fell asleep, a couple of hours later I was awakened by a startling light projection that emanated from the full length mirror next to my bed it seemed to explode and light up my whole room instantently waking me from sleep. As I opened my eyes and recognized the presence of a functional spirit/avatar, standing next to my bed. The aforementioned spirit/avatar had come to me in open vision standing across from the full length *mirror next to my bed. In a sinister sounding voice he gave me a slight bow and immediately apologized for the rude interruption to my sleep, then as we exchanged a dialogue of intense (fake friendly polite sounding words) he did his best to sound intimidating as he tried to kowtow me by projecting a set of powerful mental persuasions accented by sharp hand gestures. I could tell that he was obviously seeking for a win by force of will augmented by his deliberately evil appearing clothing and attempted intimidation’. After a time of me mentally shielding myself, (while I maintained a slightly amused conversational tone and while still talking politely), his psychic attack faltered, then he slumped. I concluded that this was from the psychic effort, his projection of his avatar through my mirror along with the earlier energy draining effects of having **charged headlong into my meditation circle earlier that night. I could see it on his drained face when he realized that they could not overpower me with his considerable efforts, then just at that moment his attitude changed to a degree humbler, he fell down on his knees and he paid me a ***tribute of stomach water, then the light in the room dimed and he was no longer visible. *mirror magic: is not my specialty but this mage must have been very expert at it in order for him to project his full avatar into my room-I for one was impressed. **My meditation circle is a spirit friendly place for visitors to come over, but slaming into it with force is not ok. ***Side bar: this is a good example for those who previously asked me about the meaning of a friendly enemy: (in a duel for dominance when the aggressor loses: To avoid future retaliation a being gives/surrenders something, (frequently called giving tribute, to the victor). Once I have received tribute, after a challenge to dominance over my domain, from then on I consider the attacker a friendly enemy.
  5. If you are into creating a functional spirit body from your existing spirit, then as a newbie, you could try alchemy lite for a bit. It is a new internal energy system that I have bin creating for some time now. You could focus the harvested energy and focus it toward opening up your chakras one at a time, or use it to just self energize your internal spirit. If you use Alchemy lite, please post any comments on how I can improve it or clarify the writing. Note: I am still perfecting the wording. You can find Alchemy lite :it in the rabbit hole section by clicking the link below. PS I need to mention that any type of creating (functional spirit body, etc...) requires Energy, there are a number of ways to obtain and focus this energy, most of which require decades of training. Alchemy lite only gives you a taste of this energy that can be focused toward creative purposes).
  6. Very very cool. I meant no offense by the binding spirits is not OK comment. I have some experience with a sourcer who thinks that binding spirits for his use is OK. I release spirits from bindings, and I work with totems that are bound to the spirit for their use, giving them functionality.
  7. Thanks for the heads up. I am continuing to do research on the similarities, between what I practice and Neiden.
  8. Why does all this overexposure of Taoist inner alchemy happen? In my case, I began studding Neiden (Taoist inner alchemy) when I joined DBs. I compare it to my own western practice (gleaned from personal dealings) In my experience so far: Neiden is a verifying factor to compare my practice with. Studding it has helped me to clear up some misunderstandings, in performance issues in my bubble system which is in its center form, extremely similar to the microcosmic orbit of Neiden, with the enfasis on free flowing energy rather then storage. I am not knocking energy storage, conservation, in the body. I am just saying that I tried it with poor results. My storage is within the passive area of my third bubble. Woops apparent goof up of info: For example, according to Lu Kuan Yu: "It is harmful to pinpoint places in the body, the very idea of which should be relinquished since it hinders the course of the inner fire and of vitality. I have begone to believe that the catholic destruction of information caused many the misunderstandings between east and west which would have otherwise closely matched each other in training and execution. So in my opinion the dedicated seeker of spirit body functionality needs to reach out to Neiden as a available source/reference and practice.
  9. In my experience: if you no longer have a temporary physical body for your spirit to go home to, you realize that your life/I Am depends on developing a permanent functional spirit body that can actually move about and do the work to provide for your I Am. bible 'work out your salvation with fear and trembling'.
  10. Nungali, making a spirit house is a very kind thing to do, as long as there is no binding of spirits. Thanks for the good feelings.
  11. Jeff, did you hear anything mentioned about a debtors prison?
  12. The Magus of Seattle

    I enjoyed reading your new book, especially the part about dragons. If you remember we had posted a bit about dragons a while back.
  13. Humans Without Souls

    Thank you, I have posted to very few who are interested in christian soul information, and at the same time can handle more then just the generic information.
  14. Humans Without Souls

    In my experience: those who manage a functional spirit still need to pass through initiation(s) to the point of self hood. In my opinion about those who don't make the determination to evolve could sercombe to the fate that it is mentioned in historical documents : 'they will nether marry or be given in marriage but will be as the angels.' In my experience: the causation of a lower state is the statement that at some point in their progression if they throw their crowns to their teacher/master (relying on teacher/master for salvation). The visual of this lower estate is the seen of Pentecost where the apostles where viewed wearing tongs of fire/feathers of fire which in my opinion is a indication of a lower estate. This does not mean that they cannot or will not achieve mastery/higher estate, it is just telling of their current state, which needs to be passed by, or else they could be stuck.
  15. Humans Without Souls

    Well said. From this starting place which in my experience is the future angel level, if the initiated is still alive and willing they could press on toward self hood.
  16. Story of Atlantis Part 1 - Ice Age and Deluge

    Thanks, there does not seem to be a lot of support for the study and understanding of certain sciences of the past, OOPs I was speaking from personal experience and forgot to mention it: except by those who are labeled as fraudulent and called alchemists/magicians.
  17. Frugivore (homosapiens natural state)

    Thanks for the laugh, I grew up on S.A.D. also, but then recently, I all of a sudden lost my life long appetite for animal meat (hamburgers), and know I am what is called a pesco-vegetarian/pescetarian/fish eater. Who knew!
  18. If anyone is upset by my post about a visit from a avatar or goddess, just let me know and i will delete part or all of the post. I personally have barely met any Hindu gods/goddess, I do not worship any gods/goddess, "I work out my own salvation with fear and trembling"=(anxious for each practical unseen world gain). I do not have a lot of practical writing skills. Sharing in the experiences of others helps me, and so I also share.
  19. Thanks, for your post I struggle with sharing, but all of the cultivation that I am receiving form this forum helps me to push my limits.
  20. When I was a young person, without the means/ability to travail far, I needed to give a item to someone who live far away, so one of my spirit guides suggested that a femail friend of his with the ability to travel through the unseen world could help me out. A week later at noon in the appointed place and in public view I was in a trance expecting the visitor (considering all of the christian dogma that I had had to swallow all of my life, I expected or was picturing to look like or slimier to the virgin marry), when all of a sudden to my surprise a what could only be described as a India/Hindu princess emerges out of the unseen world and into my view, I handed over the item, then upon receiving the item (she spoke with what I remember as sounding like a India accent) asking if there was anything else, I said no. I do not know which goddess or avatar of a goddess she was, but a number of years later I found out that the item wound up in India as a part of a edifice dedicated to Shiva.
  21. Similarities among religions

    In my opinion: Same life, different, functionality, perspectives. In my experience: this stage like turtles struggling to get out of egg shells, next climbing up to get out of sand nest, next racing to the ocean, next swimming against waves toward smother water.
  22. Similarities among religions

    I thank you for the cultivation of words that this post has provided me. I can't express in words the picture that you have provided. I have just been calling it, becoming a singularity.
  23. Similarities among religions

    In my experiences: of psychopomp training death is a regular practice, you can't aid the spirit of someone passed away unless you can get to that plane of existence. You get in, you help the persons spirit body, to raise up out of the grave, give them a shove in the right direction and then you get out. PS In my opinion many religions seam to point toward a recycling program of sorts with a escape clause providing for those who are prepared to receive a enhanced evolution, and then no more recycling on this physical plane of existence.
  24. Transmission: Useful? What? Where? How to?

    Thanks for this, page 15 is exactly the cultivation I needed to read/understand at this time. About transmissions, In my experience: you have to be prepared to receive one to get a benefit from it, if not then even a well intentioned one can possibly do harm.