
Junior Bum
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About solstice93

  • Rank
    Dao Bum
  1. Best Jing restoring herbs ?

    On the same topic, has anyone heard of Jin Suo Gu Jing ? I have been taking it lately for a self diagnosed reason, (I haven't had the chance to talk to a Chinese Medicine practitioner, which I know is recommended). I think it fits into the category of what you're looking for, but maybe deals a bit more specifically with leaking of energy out of the sex organs (nocturnal emissions and general leakage). For myself I felt that it would be a good way to bring health to the kidneys and parasympathetic nerve system, from what I read. A few months back I was having random nocturnal emissions and I came to the conclusion that it was related to a recent problem I had with energetic retention during sex (premature ejaculation). I feel that my diagnosis and decision to take Jin Suo Gu Jing was appropriate based on everything I've read, along with another supplement called Shilajit, but if anyone knows more about this topic I'd love to hear back. And sorry to hijack your thread, I just thought this herb fits into what you're talking about and maybe we can both learn something here. Thanks.
  2. Looking forward to seeing more of this forum

    Hey Limahong, I agree, it is very much double edged. Like anything powerful it requires responsibility and accountability. What I meant by "improve the role I have in it" was that instead of consuming content that leaves me feeling drained and despondent, I hope to minimize my exposure to such content and replace it with things that seem richer to me, and more life affirming. Studying the various practices that this site is devoted to, or even learning some simple exercises/stretches, seems like a much better use of time. When I say that the content makes me feel this way, it is under the admission that I am responsible for this reaction, and ideally in control of it. But nonetheless it is there. The content that currently proliferates the internet, whether it is clickbait news headlines, ephemeral idolization of overnight-celebrities, mindless memes and viral content, some of which is created for the sole purpose of expressing a nihilist or depressive sentiment, is more easily consumable than ever. For example, I'll see that my friend or relative sent me something, and within one swipe I'm exposed to all these headlines that are created just to generate views from the general public, really mindless stuff. For someone like me who has ADD (whatever that means) it can be hard not to get caught in the trap of looking at the stuff I see - or it was tempting for a while, and admittedly I've spent hours of my life distracted by it. I know it seems very simple to ignore, and it can be, but I also wonder about all the kids who come into this world thinking that THAT'S the stuff that really is important. It's all so influential. I can even feel a tangible generation gap between myself and people two years younger, due to the differences in the technology we were brought up with. So my goal in that post was to acknowledge that a large portion of that noise is very disagreeable to me, and there is great power in unplugging from it. It's an act that results in quieting the mind, like wiping off your lens to get a better view of the world. One that is more aligned with your own purpose, and less distracted. From this place, you are able to create, and take full accountability for it. And it's an action that's not as simple as not looking at certain websites or apps, it involves developing a kind of force field of psychical power, to avoid being drained of energies. The same "headlines" I was talking about, if they don't catch your eye, they can still influence others into a state of being that can affect you, and them. I hope that answers your question. If you wanted to know what I will contribute, personally, I can't tell you now, as it's less about telling and more about doing. Thanks for your question and I'm interested in hearing if you have any thoughts on it, even if its a very brief post
  3. Hey All, Here is my obligatory newcomer post. I found an old bookmark on my browser that linked to here, that I must have added several years ago and forgot about. I came back and checked out a couple other posts, and some of the discussions intrigued me. Due to a confluence of life factors that have led me to feeling somewhat aimless in the past few weeks, I've found myself wasting time viewing mindless, mind-numbing, psyche-degrading content, out of compulsivity more than anything. It seems that it's everywhere, leaking out of my smartphone and the websites I frequent. I know my paying attention to it cannot be helping the fact that it seems ubiquitous. I feel like having this site as my home page will encourage me to tap into a much more evolved conversation than the types I'm exposed to on other feeds, where people are regurgitating political news, memes, etc. Lately I've thought about how it's all virtual, and shouldn't be taken to reflect the state of the collective consciousness, but it's hard to ignore as it's not just contained on screens anymore. The internet is a gigantic influence on society in so many ways, and so I'm hoping to improve the role I have in it. A bit about me- I'm 23 years old, will be 24 in a few days (as my username signifies). I'm a male, graduated college last year in northern California and still live here in the same town. Originally from the east coast. I studied film in school and make films and music, both in my own time and for work. Just to name off some things that I'm into, that I'm anticipating are relevant to this forum: exercise, meditation, yoga, kundalini, lucid dreaming, film, music, philosophy, basketball, life. Anything. I'll probably check the off-topic threads too. Thanks for reading.