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Posts posted by kpodhayski

  1. 58 minutes ago, Starjumper said:


    What about when the guy had his back turned and so couldn't see the push?


    I do not explain the tricks, I just know that are tricks. I can think of several ways however, all it takes is the two to be in collusion.


    James Randi was better at exposing you fools than I am:



  2. 1 hour ago, Stosh said:



    How do you know I am not self righteous? Ha!


    And what does acceptance have to do with learning? Because I disagree with you you think I do not accept you? Maybe if you accept me you can learn something from me!

  3. 1 hour ago, flowing hands said:


    To make judgement is not Daoist, to make fun of others does not show compassion, to not know how to conduct oneself in accordance with the way shows great ignorance.


    I make fun of these people because they are doing harm to the innocent. You are judging me on my compassion! Ha!

  4. On 6/25/2017 at 8:53 PM, Marblehead said:

    The emperor of the Southern Sea was Lickety, the emperor of the Northern Sea was Split, and the emperor of the Center was Wonton.  {{The undifferentiated soup of primordial chaos.  As it begins to differentiate, dumpling-blobs of matter coalesce.  Wonton soup probably came first as a type of simple early fare.  With the evolution of human consciousness and reflectiveness, the soup was adopted as a suitable metaphor for chaos.  On the connection between wonton soup and cosmic chaos, see Eugene Anderson, The Food of China, p. 191 and Norman Girardot's booklength meditation on the theme of chaos in early Taoism (Myth and Meaning), especially pp. 29-38, citing Wolfram Eberhard, the great authority on the local cultures of China.}}  Lickety and Split often met each other in the land of Wonton, and Wonton treated them very well.  Wanting to repay Wonton's kindness, Lickety and Split said, "All people have seven holes for seeing, hearing, eating, and breathing.  Wonton alone lacks them.  Let's try boring some holes for him."  So every day they bored one hole, and on the seventh day Wonton died.


    They tried to turn Wonton into a dualist like them (lickety / split) by making him give importance the five senses.


    They did not understand where wonton's kindness came from. They thought it came from his humanity but it actually came from the Dao. When they drilled the holes in him he went away from the Dao and died.


    Many people mistake Wu Wei for humanity, and to copy it they drill holes in their head or practice Tai Chi. :)

    • Like 1

  5. 6 minutes ago, Marblehead said:

     I think it would be interesting to talk with you one on one live.


    Agreed!  There is so much lost just reading someones thoughts.

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  6. 4 minutes ago, Stosh said:

    Um,, no they didn't tell you what you need to know.

     What you need to know, is that your values exist in your head alone , and on that basis,, you can accept others who do not have the same values,  uncompromisingly. Your niece or granddaughter is going to have her own too,  as she grows into a young lady.

    She is going to want to have pretty hair , a bright smile,  friends and family, and be accepted. You are going to have to reject her , or tolerate her values as being her own. Just as she will have to make accommodation for her strange grandparent.  Right now , very young she can accept, because she hasn't been taught intolerance, and we find it charming. This is the uncarved wood , we are supposed to remember. Not only for everyone else's benefit but for our own , because there is no carbon copy of me , or you. 




    I tolerate non-daoists, those people still deluded, and I wait for their return. To the little girl who wants to be accepted, I will try to teach her the Dao because she does not understand it yet. I will read her 'Horses's Hoofs' as a betime story. 


    But here in a forum of Daoists, some who say they are such masters they can perform unbelievable feats...I will point out the diversion from the Dao, not only to save the little girl from falling victim to you, but to help you on the way to the Dao as well.


    Did you come here to be accepted?


    Am I rejecting anyone? Or an I rejecting what they write?


    And you say there is no carbon copy of me, yet you want me to be non-judgemental just like you?! Your rightousness is as useful as a sixth toe!


    Some Chaung Tzu:

    "A ligament uniting the big toe with the other toes and an extra finger may be natural growths, but they are more than is good for use. Excrescences on the person and hanging tumours are growths from the body, but they are unnatural additions to it. There are many arts of benevolence and righteousness, and the exercise of them is distributed among the five viscera; but this is not the correct method according to the characteristics of the Tâo. Thus it is that the addition to the foot is but the attachment to it of so much useless flesh, and the addition to the hand is but the planting on it of a useless finger. (So it is that) the connecting (the virtues) with the five viscera renders, by excess or restraint, the action of benevolence and righteousness bad, and leads to many arts as in the employment of (great) powers of hearing or of vision."

  7. 56 minutes ago, Marblehead said:

    I was pleasantly surprised to see your post.  I think it is nice that you are still with us.


    I wish you would get involved in our study of Mair's translation of The Chuang Tzu.  We just finished the Inner Chapters.


    And remember, Chuang Tzu was rarely judgmental.


    I poked my head in that sub forum a few times but I like sharing the Dao in living examples.


    And I do not care if Chuang was judgmental or not. Who are you? Confuscious? What is with all the morality? But to paint it with more complexity, I am not judging, I am being discerning, and I am doing so with people talking about the Dao. You would call me two-faced if you saw me talking to people who do not pretend to understand the teachings.

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  8. 8 hours ago, Wu Ming Jen said:

    Billions of people move everyday without me touching them. 


    Ha! Yes! That is what I shall do! Post videos of myself with my hands magically pushing hundreds of people along a sidewalk! I could have my own temple in no time!

  9. On 6/22/2017 at 5:51 PM, flowing hands said:


    Love is a many splendid thing they say, but here is a person calling themselves a Daoist, who by his own words thinks that others are running scams and are frauds, who are apparently trying to boost their egos. But he does not realise that he has purported to furnish himself with a very large ego, without any real validation to others that he has any real understanding or comes from any great lineage that we can get a handle on.

    We wait for his return, devoid of his own ego. We all disagree and agree with each other and that's what its all about; sharing and learning. Some of us like myself learn from Immortals, some have no teacher at all, but we all have something to give and to learn. That's what is important. So we wait for your return K, devoid of your pre conceived ideas.


    Lineage? You are right, I have none.


    Learning? That I have none of either.


    Scams an frauds, yes, there are a few here. Starjumper thinks he can move people without touching them, and stages a trick video to use the immature and those fulled with desire to help him finish building his house. And Eric who thinks leverage, resonance, and weight displacement are things not taught to every senior in High School. I will continue to make fun of these silly people.

  10. On 6/22/2017 at 8:25 AM, Marblehead said:

    Sad that we didn't live up to your expectations.  Chuang Tzu told you to hold no opinions of your own.  You missed that boat.



    "Those who would correct their nature by means of the vulgar learning, seeking to restore it to its original condition, and those who would regulate their desires, by the vulgar ways of thinking, seeking thereby to carry their intelligence to perfection, must be pronounced to be deluded and ignorant people."


    -Chuang Tzu

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  11. On 6/23/2017 at 9:00 PM, Stosh said:

    Bummer, I liked the guy. Poetic in speech , novel in attitude. But, if this crowd is too ecclectic for him to find his comfort zone , I hope he finds one better suited. 


    Stosh, too eclectic? You are too nice. :)


    The other responses, they tell me all I need to know.

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  12. I was hoping I would find some Daoists here, and maybe there are, but I do not like the company you keep, so I am leaving.


    You allow people here who act in a way that is not representative of the Dao. All these fake, "magic" people trying to boost their ego or their wallet with silly parlor tricks that take advantage of mentally weak people, ha!


    The Dao is hidden, people are confused, I wait for your return.


    Love you, mean it, goodbye,


    • Like 2

  13. 45 minutes ago, WuDao said:


    I guess we'll have to disagree on this.


    My perspective is that Dao flows in all directions, at the same time, in each moment.... and even flow isn't the right word because there is nothing that is not Dao - for Dao to flow against!!


    Your examples (water path, true nature) are ways we can make our individual dao (way) easier, indeed.


    And when breathing is hard, Dao is right there down in the shit with us (ZZ), enabling our next breath in the next moment to be easier, if we choose it.


    To me, there are no 'laws of Dao'. There are, however, laws (tendancies) of physics, and laws (experiences) of what might be more efficacious in this situation or that, all of which can be observed....  but there is no law of Dao, no fixed path of Dao. WuDao.


    warm greetings


    Yes, like the law of gravity, which is how I was using the word law.


    The Dao does not flow. Common misconception. Think of the Dao as the patterns in a terrain. When rain falls on the terrain it follows a certain pattern. That pattern reveals the terrain (Dao), but it is not the terrain (Dao). so yo can flow with the Dao, as water flows down hill.


    You get that?


    These guys explain it well. Check it out at about 3:12



    so you can act in a way that is not in accordance to the Dao or against the Dao.  Lao Tzu says; "That which goes against the Tao comes to an early end."  Whenever you are not in a state of Wu Wei you go against the Dao. When you do you are aligned with the Dao.


    And "Let the kingdom be governed according to the Tâo, and the manes of the departed will not manifest their spiritual energy."


    Chuang Tzu brings it up several times;


    "The ancients who regulated the Tâo nourished their faculty of knowledge by their placidity, and all through life abstained from employing that faculty in action;-- they must be pronounced to have (thus also) nourished their placidity by their knowledge."


    " They left the Tâo, and substituted the Good for it, and pursued the course of Haphazard Virtue."


    Not only can we go against the Dao, it can be lost and hidden!


    "When the Tâo was lost, its Characteristics appeared. When its Characteristics were lost, Benevolence appeared. When Benevolence was lost, Righteousness appeared. When Righteousness was lost, Ceremonies appeared. Ceremonies are but (the unsubstantial) flowers of the Tâo, and the commencement of disorder."




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  14. 35 minutes ago, Wu Ming Jen said:

    Your right, the sun could have shifted or he ate something or a butterfly flapped its  wings it was anything but tai chi. Your argument is hilarious and is the reason I have something to post rather than read..You may have magical thinking and are trying  to prove your own thought that tai chi is bullshit and it is for you and always will be.


    This part, you are mistaken. I did not say it disproved Tai chi, I said it did not prove it was the Tai chi. Scientists use double blind studies to negate magical thinking.

  15. 1 hour ago, WuDao said:


    Ho ho! Forget Daoism; what is it you think is not in line with the Dao? Do you think you have found something that Dao is not a part of?


    Sorry, aligned with, as opposed to in line with. Following the path of water. Keeping to your true nature.


    Meaning anything that attempts to work against the laws of the Dao. Like Tai Chi. :)



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  16. 7 minutes ago, Chang said:


    When a superior man hears of the Tao,
    he immediately begins to embody it.
    When an average man hears of the Tao,
    he retains some and loses some.
    When a foolish man hears of the Tao,
    he laughs out loud at the very idea.
    If it were not for that laugh,
    it would not be the Tao.
    My own view is that this also holds true for Tai Chi.
    The microcosm reflecting the macrocosm.



    No, I do not laugh at the Dao, only at Tai Chi. Your own view is worthless.

  17. Just now, Starjumper said:

    Well, Kopd, won't find the person or the answer he want's because of a mistaken thread title, and when I pointed this out he ignored it.  When I pointed out Chang Tzu having a sword he ignored it.  


    The funny thing is that he could really get a much deeper appreciation of Taoism if he learned tai chi, but that won't happen.  In response to one of my posts he said he was in an illegitimate school of Taoism, but I think he's not in school, or if he is then it is illegitimate.


    Who said I do not know Tai Chi? I practiced it once and I laughed the whole time!


    Why bother talking with someone who does not understand the metaphor of Chaung Tzu's Three swords? You think he needed a real sword? Ha!


  18. 1 minute ago, Michael Sternbach said:


    Actually, we don't have to look far for this:


    The way that can be spoken of 
    Is not the constant way; 
    The name that can be named 
    Is not the constant name.

    The nameless was the beginning of heaven and earth; 
    The named was the mother of the myriad creatures.

    Hence always rid yourself of desires in order to observe its secrets; 
    But always allow yourself to have desires in order to observe its manifestations.

    These two are the same 
    But diverge in name as they issue forth. 
    Being the same they are called mysteries, 
    Mystery upon mystery - 
    The gateway of the manifold secrets. 


    Ha! Is that the Donald J Trump Translation? Horrible! Here are some others:



    Always without desire we must be found,
    If its deep mystery we would sound;
    But if desire always within us be,
    Its outer fringe is all that we shall see.



    Therefore it is said:
    " He who desireless is found
    The spiritual of the world will sound.
    But he who by desire is bound
    Sees the mere shell of things around."



    Therefore not to desire the things of sense is to know the freedom of spirituality; and to desire is to learn the limitation of matter.



    1 minute ago, Michael Sternbach said:



    Why should I? Giving them up altogether turns one into an living dead. I do like to observe the mysteries of the manifestations.


    Maybe it's because you have pulled in the dirt a practice that many here do and love?


    Love is a four letter word!


    Yes, to be the living dead, that is the goal!


    Go ahead, do what you like, but it is not in line with the Dao and it is not Daoism.

  19. 13 minutes ago, WuDao said:

    Only thing to disconnect from is the idea that a bridge is needed, whether provided by you or an -ism. That laser-focused idea is what perpetuates the idea of separate from dao.


    In talking to others, do you say 'Im here to help you connect to dao' - or do you say 'You are already connected to dao; maybe I can make your life easier' <<--Do you see the subtle difference?


    That difference is the fine hair making up the fly trap.


    Which words ^ do you think would be most effective; manifest the most love?


    Ha! She is beating all your Tai Chi asses!