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Everything posted by voidisyinyang

  1. Do we live in the matrix?

    I'm not "blaming" them - I'm just saying if you want to understand the diagram go to the source - it's a neo-gnostic diagram. The context of the image is next to George Lucas' secret meaning of Star Wars as also a neo-Gnostic message. but thanks for pointing out the traditional meaning of the Tree of Life. I added a neo-gnostic caption to the image to prevent future hissy-fits. Also I added a new "divide and average" solar dynasties map. Thanks for your feedback.
  2. Do we live in the matrix?

    what "original split" are you referring to? such a "split" was debunked by Frawley https://books.google.com/books?id=98iUFS6lvWwC&pg=PT270&lpg=PT270&dq=original+split+between+zoroastrianism+and+vedic&source=bl&ots=_xcNlZsHG7&sig=Mbshnt05OtAA-FrjVLiaTCo9wyk&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiw_s3k7eHJAhXLFh4KHcSCCZUQ6AEIJTAB#v=onepage&q=original%20split%20between%20zoroastrianism%20and%20vedic&f=false And hence my "solar dynasty" term - https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=5&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwi6q4ib7-HJAhWKmR4KHTe9CW4QFgg0MAQ&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ece.lsu.edu%2Fkak%2Fzoro.pdf&usg=AFQjCNEiXsxHoGS2-OCXr8lVyhJ8RvvkIw&sig2=NDcbWQaf5JROnN2T0CK6yA pdf link - Vedic Zoroastrian solar dynasty just means that the solar-based agriculture united this whole region. The ancient solar dynasty of the puranas is a good example. http://www.veda.harekrsna.cz/connections/Vedic-Iran.php More Zoroastrian-Vedic parallels here See also Norman Cohn https://books.google.com/books?id=WRiKFom_1QIC&printsec=frontcover&dq=norman+cohn&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjatJbK9OHJAhVMmR4KHbMBCT8Q6AEIQjAE#v=onepage&q=norman%20cohn&f=false googlebook
  3. Do we live in the matrix?

    http://tbknews.blogspot.com/2006/06/this-stinkin-earth.html I posted that ten years ago....
  4. Fear of the Feminine

    The passage quoted should make people feel very uneasy. India literally was "raped" by the British imperial colonialism - in so many ways that people have no idea. For example I read some right-wing book complaining how Bangladesh was starving because they need to grow more rice. But Noam Chomsky points out in his 500 years is Enough! book that actually the traditional crop of Bangladesh was jute - but the British destroyed that. The British destroyed the crafts culture of India - using a "divide and conquer" strategy. But the right-wingers have no idea that the traditional crop of that area was not rice but jute. Another issue - for example the floods in the news recently about India - saying how the canals are overflowing. Guess what? The British installed those canals which caused stagnant water and massive malarial outbreaks and the British dismantled the traditional water systems of India. But people reading the news would have no idea that those "canals" in India are actually British. oh - then there's the genocidal famines in India caused by the British - let's see.... http://www.monbiot.com/2005/12/27/how-britain-denies-its-holocausts/ Yeah that's a lot of people murdered by British colonialism in India - and you can read the details at that link or the original source. So let's just say this male is clueless. And for those who say - oh but we need "male" input also - guess what? Western males are not real males because they are not initiated into the trance pineal gland spiritual healing. India had that trance tradition from the Dravidians and the oldest influence in Western Asia also - Anyway that trance tradition teaches the males how to control their lower bodies so they don't need to be afraid of females. thanks for sharing.
  5. Do we live in the matrix?

    o.k. - your 2 mins and 17 seconds on my blog - well here is my recommendation - first of all I never typed "Cosmic Christ" or any caption to that image - it is part of the image. Secondly you right click the image, copy the url, paste it and go to the link and then you correct the source of the image. Post your comment correct at the source of the image. Thirdly if you disagree with the image itself then the image is not going to have any correct context with the rest of the blog in your terms is it? haha. That's called a "false framework" of debate - it's like debating war by one side saying they want to escalate and the other side saying that we've made too many errors - yet no one pointing out that war is fundamentally wrong. So you disagree with the framework of that image which was created by its source. What I did is I cut your disagreement and I pasted it into the search engine and I added images to see if that same image would come up - this is what I got: http://artof4elements.com/entry/40/spiral-of-life So you said it's "wrong" as if you're stating a fundamental fact. I've now provided evidence - based simply on searching your assertion - of a contrary claim. I'm really not interesting in arguing with you. You can debate that site also. haha. Everyone has their worldviews - I'm just providing information. My "meme" is all human cultures use the 1-4-5 music intervals, the secret of alchemy. It's pretty simple and I build up from there. You obviously have a different worldview. Words don't usually change worldviews but I think images are more powerful. I appreciate your feedback - I find that fascinating that someone would get hung up over some intricacy of some religious viewpoint that arose out of Western monocultural farming which archaeology has proven to have created ecological crisis already 10,000 years ago! haha. The Kabbalah is a reform religion - and I'm not hung up on its intricacies. I would say the problem with the Western worldview is it is too easily hung up on superficial issues without getting to the "rotten root." So I searched Rene Guenon on Kabbalah because his research does a better job at getting to the root of things. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=3&ved=0ahUKEwiav9ibyuHJAhUGVhQKHclkBSYQFggpMAI&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.worldwisdom.com%2Fpublic%2Fviewpdf%2Fdefault.aspx%3Farticle-title%3DKabbalah%2520-%2520from%2520Essential%2520Guenon.pdf&usg=AFQjCNFuoQCJ2RnVrTIE_DzJQlm4A78agg&sig2=r17OcOknN2Jw6eaR2w35vQ&bvm=bv.110151844,d.d24&cad=rja pdf - Rene Guenon's essay on Kabbalah Now if you had spent a little more time on my blogbook you may have noticed my use of the tome "Christ in Egypt." This led me to search kabbalah "Christ in Egypt" and I got a hit of a discussion that I was actually part of.... http://freethoughtnation.com/garden-of-eden-originally-a-pygmy-myth/ Anyway - the thing I ask you to consider in terms of my blogbook is that the kabbalah is based on symmetric gematria which is actually a Hellenistic attribution. And so the Pythagorean Tetrad influence on the Tree of Life again does not get at the "rotten root" since it's already derived from the Platonic symmetric logic gematria. I expose this fake symmetric gematria logic in my "Alchemy of Rainbow Heart Music" book. This Freemasonic gematria left-brain phonetic ritual sacrifice science was first used in the Babylonian Zoroastrian, Egyptian, Vedic and Hellenistic Solar Dynasty technology....That shift from lunar silver matrifocal water energy to iron-solar patriarchy represents the shift from a forest auditory culture to a visual savannah-agriculture relying on gematria (phonetic-number symmetry) for Freemasonic technology.... The Solar Dynasty extended from West Asia into the Levant (meaning sun-riser) and then on into Europe. The Jewish language was changed with Hellenization of Western Asia from Alexander the Great in the third century BCE, creating Hellenized Aramaic – and from this came the rise of gematria as the secret of Judaism and a new focus on antisemitism. Alexander had taken over the Persian empire from where Aramaic came from, used originally as the Assyrian language but continued for commercial trade and Aramaic was the vernacular language while Hebrew is the priestly language. The key to gematria is equidistant spacing of the letters with the numbers. This emphasis is even explicit in today’s obsession with “the number code” in the Bible — all that fake Western magic promoted on (CIA) cable t.v. (for example the History channel's series “Decoding the Past”). What gets lost in all this is the Pythagorean Theorem and its connection to the Law of Pythagoras — the diverging Harmonic Series. Symmetric logarithmic gematria was from the Greek Phoenician combination with Hebrew as Aramaic – which also signified the Levant (Sun- Riser) as the misogynistic Essene (Jesus) cult over the earlier matrifocal lunar cultures. Nevertheless it seems that the Hebrew gematria known to us now (i.e., assigning 1-9, 10-90, 100-900 to the letters) came from the Greeks…. According to Diringer (Story Aleph Beth 136), one of the distinctive differences between Early Hebrew (which is very much like Phoenician) and Square Hebrew (which is influenced by and perhaps derived from Aramaic) is the presence of final forms in the latter, so this form of gematria cannot have been used before Square Hebrew.”631 631 John Opsopaus, “Some Notes on the History of Isopsephia (Gematria),” The Biblioteca Arcana , 1995.
  6. Do we live in the matrix?

    advertising is 100% tax deductible. I'm not selling anything. as I said - I already posted the links. What you did is respond to just one thing I said and ignored the other things. that's called quoting out of context. If you thing something I posted is "totally wrong" - then how about some evidence. Just saying something is "totally wrong" is completely vapid on its own. Also you never responded to the Bushmen "correction" that I provided you. Another example of "willful ignorance" on your part. You could have looked up the information if you had been sincerely interested in it. Instead you claimed I had "forgotten" the Australian Aborigines. haha. What evidence do you have for that claim that I forgot them? An accusation without evidence is a false accusation. But still I appreciate you exposing the fake photo of some E.T. ancient alien claim. Kudos for that.
  7. Do we live in the matrix?

    I've posted several links - but you choose "willful ignorance." http://philipcoppens.com/gulfbreeze6.html http://philipcoppens.com/starconundrum_react.html My Actual Matrix Plan expose link again: http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/ciencia_matrix43.htm
  8. Do we live in the matrix?

  9. Do we live in the matrix?

    This is very boring. Even cable t.v. has the evidence presented to us - I just watched on Discover Science how the Egyptologists have detailed lists of the names of the craftsment who built the pyramids - whole generations of craftmens - all their lineages are documented in detail and how they built the pyramids. It's also racist to claim that ancients could not build these. We have a highschool student from Baalbek do an exchange at my sister's house with my nephew - he was surprised I knew about Baalbek. So I asked him how he thought those megaliths were built? He said people were bigger and stronger back than. That's true! the wheat monocultural diet that soon followed after these megaliths is what has destroyed the health of modern humanity - and also caused ecological destruction to spread around the world. God means Bull from the Indoeuropean Gott - as Brahman also means Bull - it's this monocultural monotheistic farming regimes that actually created white people from lack of vitamin D in the wheat diet. DNA science has documented this. The whites then fled to Europe as the first stunted growth farmers into Europe. My blog gives all the references and details. The truth is much stranger than some boring sci-fi soap opera that just projects late capitalist sci-fi fantasies on to the past - fantasies which are racist. Now consider the caral ancient megalith pyramids in Peru - I was just emailing with a Peruvian correspondent about caral. So you gonna say extraterrestials built the megaliths of the New World also? And so first of all you claim there is no evidence that ancient cultures could build these megaliths which is not true. Secondly you claim therefore it must have been e.t.s but guess what - there's PLENTY of evidence that the promotion of E.t.s is a CIA-Freemasonic-theosophist New Age mass mind control agenda. http://www.philipcoppens.com/starconundrum_0.html Here you go - this is the dude who researched the Stargate Conspiracy book - he has an article on the CIA Freemasons promoting the E.T. alien invasion lies surrounding Egyptology. http://philipcoppens.com/gobekli.html His Gobekli article And so we can see how religion was the start of the end of humanity. haha. Indeed I give the detailed evidence of how already early monocultural wheat farming created ecological crises - and the pastoralists were fleeing the destruction of farming in Western Asia - and so there has been an ancient farming and pastoralist dynamic of destruction in that region.
  10. Do we live in the matrix?

    yeah I have extensive discussion of Turkey in my book - you can word search https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjQxoPM9uDJAhVvpYMKHVyNAMUQFggdMAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.gearslutz.com%2Fboard%2Fattachments%2Fmoan-zone%2F279031d1330198691-retune-your-music-444-old-tuning-standard-alchemy-rainbow-heart-music.pdf&usg=AFQjCNHfPsV52pcAYbRCVTLkEboCjazrng&sig2=ka_CW2Z1EBOV7ukJfuDLlQ that pdf link I'll do it for you - Gobekli “There’s no doubt that it was religion that brought people together here,” Schmidt says, looking at the [Göbekli Tepe] assemblies, which predate Stonehenge by some 6500 years. “It’s the first place that images of deities are seen.” He tells me that earlier art depicted natural things like animals and people. But here, he points out, there are three levels of symbolism: the human heads forming the capitals of the stones; the animals carved on their sides; and some non-human, non-animal symbols: an H-shaped icon and a round image with a quarter-moon shape beneath. But, he admits, “We really have no idea” what they mean overall….Hodder interprets the imagery as symbolizing danger, wild animals and male sexuality. “It’s a very sort of male/sexual/wild animal type of world,” he says. He links it with Çatal Höyük “in the sense that there may well be rituals in which male prowess was associated with killing wild animals and giving feasts. Social status was built in that way.” And it was rituals and feasting that led to the first temple-building and crop domestication—not vice versa—argues another leading prehistorian. Brian Hayden, professor of archeology at Simon Fraser University in Canada, describes such feasting as “economically based competition,” which he says was a fundamental characteristic of all complex hunter-gatherer societies. Graham Chandler, “The Beginning of the End for Hunter-Gatherers,” Saudi Aramco World, March/April 2009. Klaus Schmidt has confirmed that the huge temple built 11,600 years ago was constructed by hunter-gatherers – before agriculture: Amazingly, the temple's builders were able to cut, shape, and transport 16-ton stones hundreds of feet despite having no wheels or beasts of burden. The pilgrims who came to Göbekli Tepe lived in a world without writing, metal, or pottery; to those approaching the temple from below, its pillars must have loomed overhead like rigid giants, the animals on the stones shivering in the firelight— emissaries from a spiritual world that the human mind may have only begun to envision. “These people were foragers,” Schmidt says, people who gathered plants and hunted wild animals. “Our picture of foragers was always just small, mobile groups, a few dozen people. They cannot make big permanent structures, we thought, because they must move around to follow the resources. They can't maintain a separate class of priests and craft workers, because they can't carry around all the extra supplies to feed them. Then here is Göbekli Tepe, and they obviously did that.” Discovering that hunter-gatherers had constructed Göbekli Tepe was like finding that someone had built a 747 in a basement with an X-Acto knife. “I, my colleagues, we all thought, What? How?” Schmidt said. Paradoxically, Göbekli Tepe appeared to be both a harbinger of the civilized world that was to come and the last, greatest emblem of a nomadic past that was already disappearing. The accomplishment was astonishing, but it was hard to understand how it had been done or what it meant. “In 10 or 15 years,” Schmidt predicts, “Göbekli Tepe will be more famous than Stonehenge. And for good reason.” …. The construction of a massive temple by a group of foragers is evidence that organized religion could have come before the rise of agriculture and other aspects of civilization. It suggests that the human impulse to gather for sacred rituals arose as humans shifted from seeing themselves as part of the natural world to seeking mastery over it. When foragers began settling down in villages, they unavoidably created a divide between the human realm—a fixed huddle of homes with hundreds of inhabitants—and the dangerous land beyond the campfire, populated by lethal beasts. French archaeologist Jacques Cauvin believed this change in consciousness was a “revolution of symbols,” a conceptual shift that allowed humans to imagine gods —supernatural beings resembling humans—that existed in a universe beyond the physical world. Schmidt sees Göbekli Tepe as evidence for Cauvin's theory. “The animals were guardians to the spirit world,” he says. “The reliefs on the T-shaped pillars illustrate that other world.” Charles C Mann, “The Birth of Religion: We used to think that agriculture gave rise to cities and later to writing, art and religion. Now the world's oldest temple suggests the urge to worship sparked civilization.” National Geographic, June 2011. Schmidt's thesis is simple and bold: it was the urge to worship that brought mankind together in the very first urban conglomerations. The need to build and maintain this temple, he says, drove the builders to seek stable food sources, like grains and animals that could be domesticated, and then to settle down to guard their new way of life. The temple begat the city….Religion now appears so early in civilized life—earlier than civilized life, if Schmidt is correct—that some think it may be less a product of culture than a cause of it, less a revelation than a genetic inheritance. The archaeologist Jacques Cauvin once posited that “the beginning of the gods was the beginning of agriculture,” and Göbekli may prove his case. Patrick Symmes, “History in the Remaking: A temple complex in Turkey that predates even the pyramids is rewriting the story of human evolution.” Newsweek, February 19, 2010. After surveying several Neolithic sites in Europe, Hodder concluded that a symbolic revolution had taken place in Europe as well. Because the European sites were full of representations of death and wild animals, he believes that prehistoric humans had attempted to overcome their fear of wild nature, and of their own mortality, by bringing the symbols of death and the wild into their dwellings, thus rendering the threats psychologically harmless. Only then could they start domesticating the world outside. Michael Balter, ÇATALHÖYÜK, The Seeds of Civilization, Smithsonian, Issue 05, May 2005 read my book for more details: Jacques Cauvin, “The Symbolic Foundations of the Neolithic Revolution in the Near East,” Life in Neolithic Farming Communities, Fundamental Issues in Archaeology, 2002, Part IV, 235-252.
  11. Do we live in the matrix?

    You can read one of the authors of the Stargate Conspiracy responding to his criticisms of Graham Hancock - on the GH forum. http://grahamhancock.com/phorum/read.php?1,22350,22537#msg-22537 Clive Prince http://grahamhancock.com/phorum/read.php?1,22350,22594#msg-22594 both comments worth reading. the book is a fascinating read and freaked out a lot of people who couldn't wrap their heads around it. haha.
  12. Do we live in the matrix?

    Science is our current mythology - what I called based on the Strong Misanthropic Principle. There is a reason to the madness as I detail in the Actual Matrix Plan - it's called the "music logarithmic spiral" - a structural "tantric trajectory of technology" from the mathematics. So there is a "convergence" of evidence - and to just latch onto wild speculations actually ignores again the covert agendas as I detail in the Actual Matrix Plan expose - of the CIA-freemason-Theosophists. I name names and give great details. Science is corrupt going back to Plato indeed - but nevertheless as a process it ironically discovers and destroys its own legitimacy as it unravels. For example the Nazis rejected Einstein and quantum physics - and tried to rely on alternative science - and so they lost the race to build a nuclear bomb. The u.s. committed mass war crimes to scare off the Soviets - by dropping nuclear bombs on Japan - and then both the Soviets and U.S. took Nazi scientists in the attempt to win the war to dominate space, and mind control, etc. So for example psychic spies was supported by CIA research because it was discovered the Soviets were relying on it successfully. The covert occult side to science is based on military budgets that are controlled by the elite - but even then like on coasttocoastam you get the "alien agenda" promoted by CIA-Freemason-New Agers. So actually the truth is very radical - there is multiple lines of evidence that humans are based on the Bushmen culture and yet this is covered up and ignored. People would love to believe in some ancient advanced civilizations - preferably with alien influence - because it enables the denial of how Western science as a whole is destroying the ecology and social justice of the planet. So basically Western civilization is tantric because it's based on females using technology to try to protect themselves from male rape from male ejaculation addiction. This is a psychophysiological problem that goes back to our primate origins - comparing bonobos to chimps for example. Female chimps use spears for hunting so they are not raped by the males bringing them meat and demanding sex. All this technology stems from that deep psychophysiological problem - and unless males train in spiritual healing as was done in the Bushmen culture - then the cause of the problem is not addressed. So we get instead a postmodern late-capitalist techno-feminist agenda. Anything goes. Or like that Chicago musical. The best defense against the technofeminist postmodern agenda is to flex the anus to sublimate the energy. In other words females can do whatever they want - they can destroy the planet with technofeminism as postmodern science - all based on their wild attempt to run away from males who can't control their lower bodies. FEmales can strip and run around naked if they want - the male only needs to control his lower body - and train on his own. haha. This should not be an excuse to ignore the actual "objective" truths of science as much as they can be ascertained - despite the fact that the overall trajectory of science is apocalypse based on a linear time and a contained infinity through geometry. My blogbook uses quantum biology as the latest science as a model we can embrace as Taoists - but even still it is a dialectical opposite extreme - science can be used as "intellectual self-defense" and so the most cutting edge science is actually the best defense. For example Noam Chomsky's latest book, "What kind of creatures are we?" - I read it the past couple days - it is an objective overview of science but he only quotes Henry Stapp on quantum consciousness - he ignores a lot of quantum consciousness research and he also dismisses the anthropological origins of language as simply "story-telling." No - it's a lot more than story-telling. To use the dismissive term "story-telling" is way off-base. But then this is an ecofeminist issue - like Elizabeth Marshall Thomas was strongly attacked for her book title "The Harmless People" - by the male anthropologists. We are talking about male scientists, psychophysiologically not able to comprehend for example why bonobo males frequently have sex yet only ejaculate if they are going to have sex for reproduction - the male scientists assume this is so the bonobo males can have the hormones stored up for confronting other males. haha. They don't know the secret of the vagus nerve internal orgasm of females - but Master Nan, Huai-chin reveals that secret. Male scientists can not control their lower bodies - but at least Robert Sapolsky has investigated this mystery and he identifies the mystery and he promotes meditation but he has not pondered that males, like females, can also have vagus nerve reproductive organ climaxes. As Gurdjieff said - we are controlled, we as modern humans, by the Kundabuffer and so as the dominant organism on Earth we are not feeding the spiritual evolution of the Moon. Just as relativity and quantum physics was the best defense against the Nazis - but in reality it is the CIA-Freemason-New Age elites promoting war as the tantric trajectory of technology. So you get for example the wife of Dick Cheney backing him to no end - and the secret child sex abuse trafficking rings that the elite rely on - and in actuality this is ritual mass sacrifice occult mind control of the elite. I personally have seen the big black equilateral triangle craft up close - it is a military secret propulsion craft - but that does not mean free energy is going to save us or quantum computing is going to save us, etc. Nevertheless indeed there is amazing science that the military hides but it's not from aliens or ancient civilizations as promoted on coasttocoastam - that's what they promote to cover-up the military destruction. As de Broglie figured out and as is being confirmed by the cutting edge quantum science - there is a real subquantum reality that does allow time travel and precognition, etc.
  13. Do we live in the matrix?

    my signature has my link to my website - all my books are free online - links on the site or search the title "alchemy of rainbow heart music" - and it's word searchable as a pdf - my website is set up as a free blogbook and links to my online articles, books, etc.
  14. Do we live in the matrix?

    http://ucdavismagazine.ucdavis.edu/issues/su96/News&NotesTOC/News-Troy.html saying Greek civilization was a 1000 years older than previously thought is no comparison to 700,000 years older. haha.
  15. Yin Through Synthetic Material - Yes or No?

    Sorry - that's my personal secret. haha.
  16. Yin Through Synthetic Material - Yes or No?

  17. Yan Xin's Free Energy Secret

    I'm glad people are digging what I wrote almost 9 years ago - you can read my updated research on my blogbook linked below - where I tie in the Yan Xin secret to the Klein Bottle. thanks.
  18. Do we live in the matrix?

    Bohm did not get to the "rotten root" of time-frequency uncertainty as de Broglie did. Sure Bohm was a good reformist but he didn't break through to the foundation. de Broglie did make the break through. Physicsts point out that Bohm actually stole from de Broglie - and so a lot of people use "Bohmian" without realizing that he lost the connection to the foundation that de Broglie had discovered. So then physicists use de Broglie-Bohmian to try to make up for this stealing from de Broglie. But the problem is that de Broglie didn't realize he had discovered noncommutative time-frequency resonance. de Broglie was attacked and censored as a 2009 book proved that I cite and so after Bohm took up de Broglie then de Broglie tried to return to the issue - but by then it was too late. Bohm was trying to use statistics of entropy heat information based on Schrodinger and so de Broglie followed suit - but the problem is statistics still uses symmetric-based math. So yeah I'm sure Bohm says lots of cool things - I've read his book a bit and also the Holographic Principle - he's a good transition back to de Broglie who, luckily, has made a comeback recently. But even then people need to really study de Broglie - the best book on de Broglie is one I cite in my book - by a dude who just died a couple months ago - Bernard d'Espagnat. There's a TON of quantum physics books that are impossible to understand because they don't have a proper analysis of the mystery at the foundation - de Broglie discovered the mystery. He did not solve the mystery.
  19. Yin Through Synthetic Material - Yes or No?

    or turn to Wim Hof - he can do both hot and cold - proven by science. He can heat up his body while submerged in ice and the body has cooled to hypothermia levels. He can run a marathon in the driest hottest desert in the world - namibia - without drinking any water. The reason this works is because of quantum physics - when you activate the Yuan Qi it is neutral as noncommutative time-frequency consciousness. It's called "immortal breathing" - so you can create yang qi (hot) or yin qi (cool). The best source for yin qi is water - that's why the original qigong master likes to do his Level 4 rainbow meditation next to Lake Superior with its ancient water and why he is chanting on the ocean now. But earth is the next best yin qi source and the moon the third best - and why meditation is 10 times stronger during the full moon. The original humans practiced the original spirit training as a copulation of the sun and moon which brings harmony to life on earth. yuan qi is made from water - yin qi - going into quantum coherence as a literal black hole turning into a white hole - sonofusion. Taoist quantum biologist Dr. Mae-Wan Ho has studied this intensively and has detailed explanations that I quote in my blogbook. As for personal experience I went 8 days on half a glass of water and yet I created all the water I needed! I realized it was some kind of reverse electrolysis combining hydrogen and oxygen through the pineal gland opening up out of the top of the skull aperture as real yuan qi-yuan shen fusion. So basically noncommutative means you have complementary opposites of infinity and zero - or hot and cold if you want to put it that way or white hole and black hole.
  20. India has massive pollution and poverty because of their failed Brahmin-Vedic caste system with British colonialism and patriarchal Islam just making it worse - sure British colonialism made it ten times worse but the fundamental problem remains. That's why there's hardly any real yogis left in India - the same for China with qigong masters - Westernization has accelerated China into the worst polluting nation on Earth and it's just going to get worse. The most spiritual river in India is the most polluted river in the world.
  21. Do we live in the matrix?

    First of all you should read "The Stargate Conspiracy" by prince and picknett the "alternative" egyptology scene is not so innocent. Secondly then read "Christ in Egypt" by D.M. Murdock - I just read the book. She exposes in great detail how christianity is actually based on Egyptian religion. third - all that limestone casing on the pyramids required deforestation - and that had already caused an ecological crisis from the first agriculture in West Asia - around 9,000 BCE - and the first migration of white people to Europe - white since the lack of vitamin D in the wheat diet is the cause of white skin. My blog book and blog have all the details - "alchemy of rainbow heart music - how paranormal sonofusion subverts the Matrix." So as for Schoch's geological dating of the pyramids - I read his book and sure it's controversial - there is debate about his interpretation. that latest study the article references doesn't seem to "hold water." Alchemy actually came out of Ethiopia and from there it originated out of the Bushmen culture - the oldest Bushmen tribes in that area - the Sandawe were from Ethiopia originally but they got "moved" to Tanzania. If you study Bushmen spirituality - they have all the alchemical skills - it was the male masters who would go off alone to perfect their yang shen transformation physical bodies and immortality that scared the rest of the tribe. That started the alchemical tradition. So this obsession with Egypt that ignores the Bushmen is actually racist - and that's what the "Stargate Conspiracy" book goes into in great detail. The CIA-Freemasons control the New Age scene.
  22. Do we live in the matrix?

    The problem is David Bohm wasn't using the actual de Broglie pilot wave model - he still relied on Schrodinger which is not relativistic. I go into this on my blogbook. There is no "pure" math - and my math research was vetted by two math professors, one said my math was good, another that I should submit it for publication. It was rejected without comment since I was exposing math as based on "pre-established deep disharmony" to quote the other math professor. More details on my blogbook. But yet - de Broglie did figure out the secret - I have a very detailed analysis of de Broglie's quantum relativity model on the blogbook. He didn't quite understand what he had discovered by luckily his results have been verified recently. Of course all the pieces have not been put together by science - since quantum physics is the dialectic opposite extreme of actual alchemy practice a la nonwestern music theory.
  23. Do we live in the matrix?

    World's most ancient race traced in DNA study That's the UK Guardian headline referring to the Khoisan. the other two tribes that are also the "oldest" split off from the Khoisan at least 35,000 years ago while the Khoisan split off from the rest of human at least 90,000 years ago but more likely 125,000 years ago. So the other two tribes are the Sandawe and the Hadza, both are "click" languages based on the Khoisan langauge - the Sandawe culture is also very similar to the Khoisan - they have the same full moon menstrual trance dance spiritual training - which is proven to exist before human language developed! http://conspirachi.blogspot.com/2014/11/revisiting-tantra-in-light-of-sandawe.html It depends on what DNA evidence you go by - if it's matrilineal dna then the Sandawe are older I think whereas if it's patrilineal then the Bushmen are older. Regardless they are the same culture only the SAndawe lived in the forest. http://news.sciencemag.org/africa/2014/12/dwindling-african-tribe-may-have-been-most-populous-group-planet The sources for that wiki link you gave are from 2009, as is that UK Guardian headline I posted. But this last link is from 2014. Researchers have thought that the Khoisan inherited their genetic diversity from a large ancestral population, an idea supported by a single Khoisan genome published in 2012. But scientists couldn’t rule out that the variation in Khoisan DNA arose from more recent interbreeding with other diverse Africans. In the new study, published online today in Nature Communications, biochemist Stephan Schuster of Nanyang Technological University in Singapore and colleagues sequenced the complete genomes of five Khoisan hunter-gatherers from Namibia and compared them with the DNA from 1462 genomes of people from around the world. Schuster’s team found that two of the Khoisan, members of the Ju/’hoansi population in Namibia, inherited their DNA only from Khoisan ancestors in the northern Kalahari region and showed no sign of interbreeding with non-Khoisan speakers. These two Ju/’hoansi genomes preserve ancient diversity inherited entirely from their direct ancestors, the authors say. So this proves that not only are the Khoisan the most diverse, the oldest human DNA but were the most populous in Africa and so their original culture is the true human culture. The tens of thousands of tribal cultures that spread around the world originated out of the Khoisan Bushmen from before the Toba supervolcano explosion 70,000 years ago. The key here is the Khoisan rely on gibberish for their spiritual training - not much philosophy or language - the training is music-based and not word-based. It's from BEFORE human language had crystallized. haha.
  24. you gotta figure that modern humans are thoroughly brainwashed in terms of religion and political mind control. I studied this issue thoroughly. Brahmanic Vedic philosophy seems nonWestern and somehow more pure but in fact all these wars are just controlled by the elite and they're for imperial purposes. Read General Smudley Butler - he was very public about his career in the military just being a mercenary for big business. This has not changed since these Solar ritual priest empires were first established around 3000 BCE. Or Bruce Lincoln has expose on this regarding religious mind control for hierarchical power structures. It's very difficult to escape these situations - but basically warfare is big business. Consider "false flag" operations. People are brainwashed into being supportive of one side over another but in reality it's controlled and created by elite bankers - commerce banking. DNA science has proven that indeed the white race is based on caste in India - that the white race is from malnutrition of wheat monocultural farming - and it spread into India around 9,000 BCE or so. I have posted the details on my blog. So actually the Bagdavad Ghita was stolen from an older philosophy Samkhya - which is Dravidian African based. It was appropriated into Vedic philosophy and changed around. Of course things have gotten worse - but essentially the system is bad and this is based on the wrong mathematics and the wrong philosophy. Archaeology has proven this - it's called "the symbolic revolution." Brahmin philosophy still attempts to contain infinity through geometry as a Solar dynasty priesthood. Of course it's all mythologized as is the propaganda of today - LIberation and freedom b.s. There is no worldly duty - modern humans have a huge population explosion - and that is detailed on my blog - the book "Countdown" is the best work on the topic. So having kids should not happen. If we all have one child that would be o.k. but obviously most people have 2 or more and so a lot of people need to have no kids to make up for the difference. So the hunting for females - providing for the household - well if the female is not going to be pregnant she doesn't need as much resources - she might as well be vegetarian and not have too much fat on her. haha. The best duty males can do is to create the qi energy as love energy - yuan qi from the heart. This is a monastic type calling - or trance dance training. The original human culture never has declared war because all the males train in spiritual healing - and so the love energy resolves conflicts and gives the power to go without food and water so that resources needed are very limited and the culture does not produce more humans than can survive on the land. That culture has the same spiritual training from before 125,000 years ago!! So who really cares about Brahmin Vedic philosophy from 3000 years ago. haha. It is nothing compared to a philosophy that is 122,000 years older and longer and still with us - as the real biological spiritual truth of humanity. Kind of ironic that no one knows or cares about 90% of human history - from before 10,000 BCE!!! It's quite amazing with all the fancy knowledge people have. haha. Hilarious!
  25. Do we live in the matrix?

    I exposed the Actual Matrix Plan that we live in - 15 years ago. http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/ciencia_matrix43.htm it has been spread around in the interwebs So I just read through this thread. First of all statistics and probability assume a symmetric mathematics which goes against Taoism - as does chaos math which still is based on symmetric logistic equations. Secondly - the whole tribal slavery discussion should defer to the original human culture, the Bushmen, which last separated from modern humans 125,000 years ago. Their whole culture is based on the spiritual training of the males and the culture is very peaceful - and egalitarian (despite modern male anthropologists trying to show otherwise). So obviously we have to "reverse engineer" ourselves out of the Matrix which I trace back to - archaeology wise - around 10,000 BCE with an accelerating destructive trajectory. I call this the "Strong Misanthropic Principle" in my blogbook - the link below.