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Everything posted by voidisyinyang

  1. Stefan Molyneux Exposed.

    Brian - New DNA science proves that white skin is from malnutrition due to lack of vitamin D in wheat monocultural farming. So race as skin color is very superficial - it is just an expression of a gene, not an actual gene difference. You compare humans with dogs but humans are a "genetic bottleneck" which means that a "pack" of chimps or a "pack" of bonobos has more genetic diversity than all of the 7 billion plus humans on the planet. So humans are not like dogs genetically. Sure there can be a case made for melanin and adrenaline levels as with dogs being domesticated - like the fox experiment in Russia - so that the domesticated foxes lost their melanin - but what that means is that white skin is again a sign of malnutrition that also indicates a loss of virility. But we also know that melanin is a photoreceptor - so it converts photons to electrons but magnesium does this also. So for example Milarepa lived off stinging nettles when he was not in full lotus samadhi - and so the skin of Milarepa was green. Did he have a different genetics? Was he a different "breed" or "race" as you seem to think? Nope. haha. Ellen Page has orange palms of her hands and orange arm pits. Why? Because she loves to drink carrot juice. I have yellow skin because I was eating 2 full bulbs of garlic a day for a few years. haha. I could clear a bus just by getting on it. But that was only because my bicycle broke down. Hydrogen sulfide is fed to special forces since it supercharges the mitochondria, thereby doubling endurance and strength. Melanin also breaks down water into proton energy for mitochondria, just as other pigments like magnesium and other super-anti-oxidants. So for example new DNA science hows that West Asian pastoralists spread their genes into Europe - and this is the real source of the taller europeans - because the pastoralists were living off a meat diet mainly - compared to the smaller wheat monocultural farmers that spread white skin into Europe. And then the people living closer to the arctic have darker skin - like Samis and Finns - because their traditional diet was fish based so they had more vitamin D in their diet.
  2. Daoism and Buddhism's Differences

    We learn the commutative principle in 10th grade: A x B = B x A. This is incorrect as the foundation of reality. The commutative property was the origin of irrational magnitude and symmetric math, as the Greek Miracle. So it's not that you're not smart enough. You just have to unlearn a lot and really think about basics. So think of music theory. 1 is C, 2 is C as the octave, and 3 is G, as the overtone harmonic, but at the same time 3 is F as the subharmonic. This was covered up by Plato and Archytas. So in music theory it means 3/2 as the Perfect Fifth is allowed but NOT 2/3 as the Perfect Fifth. Empirically they are both the Perfect Fifth, C to F is 2/3 and C to G is 3/2. But Archytas needed his equation (Arithmetic Mean x Harmonic Mean equals Geometric Mean Squared). So he could only use fractions with value greater than 1. So the Perfect Fourth is 4/3 as C to F just from "doubling" 2/3 - and thereby concealing and covering up the truth of noncommutative phase. So then 3/2 x 4/3 = 2 (which is geometric mean squared). So then 9/8 cubed = the square root of 2 as the tritone or Devil's Interval. That is the secret of the square root of two - you don't learn that the Pythagorean Theorem is from WRONG music theory that hides the truth of infinite complementary opposites resonance. I have more details on my blog http://ecoechoinvasives.blogspot.com So this secret of complementary opposites from music theory was rediscovered in quantum physics as "time-frequency uncertainty" - I have quoted the mathematician in this thread about 2, 3, infinity being "noncommutative" from music theory. The "noncommutative" part means that it's in 2 places at the same time as complementary opposites - and it is also quantum entanglement. So that is the secret of the Tai Chi - it is before spacetime but creates spacetime and energy-mass from quantum entanglement that is noncommutative. This is now proven by science - it's called EPR=ER. In other words we exist within micro quantum virtual black holes every where as the ether or yuan qi that is the Tai Chi as the fundamental foundation of reality - eternal change as harmonization.
  3. Daoism and Buddhism's Differences

    So this pretty much sums up your wrong view of Daoism. https://jeelooliu.net/ Professor of Philosophy Department of Philosophy California State University, Fullerton ACPA (The Association of Chinese Philosophers in North America): President, 2010-2012 https://books.google.com/books?id=jBknDwAAQBAJ&pg=PA51&lpg=PA51&dq=laozi+chapter+28+wuji&source=bl&ots=h2LmY9ecpA&sig=ktn97OMv1i2-9EVSVJ3YW6Y-PuQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiyvNK2heLUAhXpzlQKHTorCiUQ6AEIPjAE#v=onepage&q=laozi chapter 28 wuji&f=false Neo-Confucianism: Metaphysics, Mind, and Morality JeeLoo Liu John Wiley & Sons, May 19, 2017
  4. Daoism and Buddhism's Differences

    I got a response from Pregadio - he has not read yet the 2013 essay by the Korean philosophy professor on the real meaning of Taiji as wuji. Also Pregadio said he doesn't know why the earlier Tai Chi doesn't have the "hub" as the Emptiness. So he said he would get back to me. We shall see what he says. I posted his responses so far on my blog http://ecoechoinvasives.blogspot.com
  5. Daoism and Buddhism's Differences

    You already posted a Komjathy quote stating that the Dao=qi. Do you want me to repost if for you - that will be the 3rd time that quote gets posted in case you forgot. Your second quote is Stephen Little - but you cut the quote off. So he is a "curator" of Asian Art. If you included the rest of the quote - he refers to the same Zongmi image of the earlier Tai Chi that posted - the one without the "hub" of Emptiness. The third quote you give the link to - and so I read the link. In fact it's another quote of Stephen Little from the same book! haha. So again he's an art curator. Not exactly qigong or neidan training. "Introduction to World Religions: Communities and Cultures": So that is written by Mark Meulenbeld - a Ph.D. at my Alma Mater - UW-Madison. His specialty is folk taoism and martial arts. So refers to the three pure qi gods - of course they have to "emanate" from the Dao. haha. How else could they be three different gods? So that is religious Daoism based on religious gods.
  6. Daoism and Buddhism's Differences

    That quote you give is a claim that cites John Henderson's book. https://books.google.com/books?id=c9-fVey0bP0C&pg=PA149&lpg=PA149&dq=Henderson,+John.+The+Development+and+Decline+of+Chinese+Cosmology&source=bl&ots=if1wtWt0DK&sig=o6eAXbR-Ome7xh_s5ynlO0kI03s&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjXsLS0wOHUAhXmxVQKHd1ODPA4ChDoAQgnMAA#v=onepage&q=Henderson%2C John. The Development and Decline of Chinese Cosmology&f=false The book is not based on real Taoist training - So to try to conflate Taoism with Western traditions - you need some more evidence. And besides - this is supposed to be a discussion of the difference with Buddhism. Yet when I post a quote and discussion about the difference between Buddhist Emptiness - you claim it is just a discussion of Taoism. Then try to censor it. Hilarious. You are projecting wrong views onto Taoism. You claim that the qi "emanates" from the Dao but you have absolutely no evidence for this. I have meanwhile provided lots of evidence to the contrary. You claim there is some static timeless immortality - but you have no evidence for this. Meanwhile your own source states that the Yang Shen "roams" in timelesness - how is that possible if it is a timeless realm - you can't "roam" in a timeless realm? haha. The answer is just as I have explained but you fail to understand it since you don't want to understand real Taoist philosophy. So you have posted a fake thread because you refuse to engage with the information I have presented and then claim it is not about the difference between Buddhism and Taoism when I just gave you quote that it is. Then you instead say Taoism is like Western esotericism when Platonic philosphy is based on symmetric math - that is not Western esotericism. So now you say o.k. before Plato - like I said show some more evidence. That article you cite is just general numbers with no real meaning about them. Nice attempt to dodge the very subject of your own thread. Hilarious.
  7. Daoism and Buddhism's Differences

    I've taken my evidence directly to the source - Pregadio - at least he replies to me to engage with the evidence.
  8. Daoism and Buddhism's Differences

    Do you have any evidence for this claim? I have detailed precisely why Daoism in now way "closely mirrors" western esotericism as Plato is based on symmetric math from irrational magnitude.
  9. Daoism and Buddhism's Differences

    I have a quote stating that is why Taoism is different than Buddhism - because of the Tai Chi as complementary opposites. You now claim that is "off topic." Hilarious! Censorship is your only way of even acknowledging the information I have posted in this thread. Nice "thread" dude! So how is that off-topic again? Censorship is hilarious! That quote is explaining the symbol that Pregadio uses in the essay that you cited!
  10. Daoism and Buddhism's Differences

    This is not the meaning of complementary opposites. So 2=C while F=3=G at the same time. It is not a coin - but a Klein Bottle - two moebius strips put together that can not be visualized, fundamentally since it's the 4th dimension of space but as time - noncommutative phase. You can read my pdf for images to help clarify things for you. https://www.pdf-archive.com/2017/04/10/idiot-s-guide-to-taoist-alchemy/
  11. Daoism and Buddhism's Differences

    Now notice yesterday - I quoted Pregadio from the source you posted. I actually engage with the citations you post. Pregadio referenced this image of the Tai Chi: He stated that the "hub" was the Emptiness and the yin-yang then revolved around that hub. But that is not the oldest image of the Tai Chi - it is a later Song derivation. So here is the oldest image of the Tai Chi. Notice the difference. NO HUB OF EMPTINESS. It's yin-yang all the way down. Eternally. https://chinesemedicalclassics.wordpress.com/tag/tai-chi/ Now last night I posted the discussion of the "later" image of the Tai Chi with the supposed hub. The author who made that image spent his life clarifying that Wuji IS Taichi. Wrong. http://www.academia.edu/8144785/Creation_and_Its_Inversion_Cosmos_Human_Being_and_Elixir_in_the_Cantong_qi_The_Seal_of_the_Unity_of_the_Three_ Pregadio is relying on the wrong meaning of the original Tai Chi symbol.
  12. Daoism and Buddhism's Differences

    I just edited my post. Try to response to the content of the information I post. Thank you. Have you even read my pdf yet? I reference it about - see the image and link to the study of trans-metamorphic memory. thanks https://www.pdf-archive.com/2017/04/10/idiot-s-guide-to-taoist-alchemy/
  13. Daoism and Buddhism's Differences

    These "intellectual" debates are tawdry. For example - Yogananda makes reference to the "everfresh, evernew." There is a book called "The Eternal Return of the Same" - that discusses this issue. For example if time is eternal then every individual experience will eventually be repeated exactly - and so there is no real individuality. But this whole discussion is based on a misunderstanding of "noncommutative phase." Yogananda understood the truth of "noncommutative phase" because Kriya Yoga is based on the "three gunas" - the oldest philosophy of India. As science has emphasized - Fourier Uncertainty or "time-frequency uncertainty" is the inherent limitation of science. This is because of "noncommutative phase" - so that means that quantum entanglement is an eternal process of change that is never the same exactly again. It is "ever fresh, "ever new" - so there is impersonal awareness yet it is always creating new experiences that are slightly different. As I said - the qigong master can change the past at the "point of origination" and that memory is stored holographically based on the emotional energy. So with our eyes open - it's like a camera - we holographically imprint the external world, internally, as a micro quantum black hole that stores the memory. In my free pdf - I cite the science research on "trans-metamorphic memory." In other words if you cut off the head of a planarian worm - and the head regrows - the worm still remembers its actions from before its head was cut off. The memory is stored - not physically in the body - but holographically in time-frequency. Karl Pribram tried to explain this holographic mind but, as Eddie Oshins points out - Pribram fundamentally still misunderstood "noncommutative phase." https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjgls_b4uDUAhUmjlQKHeThAOEQFggmMAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.quantumpsychology.com%2Fpdf%2FModels-and-Muddles-Part-I.pdf&usg=AFQjCNFGuQp-xjAKntaA_zQD8Vzj_I4nJw So the "three gunas" is the same as "noncommutative phase" due to infinite time-frequency as complementary opposites from music theory. Now maybe Shaivism in Kashmir understood the secret of the "three gunas" from Spanda - I can look into it. But essentially what this means is when light goes into a black hole - the information is not lost, the energy dissipates due to time-frequency uncertainty - and when it does so it is still quantum entangled, nonlocally - so it is in two places at the same time. So memory is inherently non-local because it is stored in the 5th dimension as phase - not in a spatial dimension of the mind or body. https://unbornmind.com/2016/04/12/the-three-gunas/ So what this means again, is the difference between "individual consciousness" or spirit and "universal consciousness" or universal spirit. So in the Tai Chi - the center sine wave line is the consciousness while the circle is the universal consciousness as the Emptiness. So what happens then is the individual consciousness is the light that is "turned around" back into it self. Because of time-frequency uncertainty, as the inherent complementary opposites of reality - this means that as 2 is the double of 1 then 3 is F as subharmonic and 3 is G as overtone harmonic at the same time. That is the secret of complementary opposites. So if the light is not turned around then you have "astral travel" as the ego - for example Master Nan, Huai-chin states, even if you can go out into the solar system as an immortal - you will live a very long time but there will still be some cosmic cataclysm that will destroy your immortality. In other words - only the formless awareness of the Universe is truly immortal - no individual spirit. So memory - when it is re-experienced - it is the formless awareness that experiences it. So it is the Yuan Qi that stores the memory - as the Emptiness - and so when the light as spirit is "turned around" - then the time goes to zero (zero time = no memory) but just like a magnetic disk - the memory is stored by superconducting proton-proton or yuan qi energy. So even though the individual spirit goes to zero as time, the memory is stored in noncommutative phase. This is why Ramana Maharshi says that the Self is achieved through the Sattvic mind of light but the Self is not light, rather the Self is the "ether" of the light. Another example is a book I review on Amazon.com - about dreams and repression of trauma. Basically it is assumed we have to have REM sleep for our mind to store new experiences as memories that our integrated with our old experiences. But for people with deep trauma then they don't remember their REM sleep. And the question is - should they be able to remember their dreams to process their deep trauma? Or is it better to just leave the trauma as repressed unconsciousness? For example ever night, unless we are qigong master Haideng who did not sleep for 60 years - we go into deep unconsciousness with no memory of spacetime or energy. Yet when we wake up we feel bliss and realize we had to have that deep unconscious experience. So the question is - who is it that experiences memory? As i have stated - memory is stored nonlocally in the impersonal formless awareness. So it is not necessary for the individual to remember it. But the more an individual can harmonize their own memories - consciously - to consciously sublimate their subconscious holographic energy experiences - the more the individual can merge with the formless awareness information and access it and even change it - delete it or rewrite it. https://www.amazon.com/Enchanted-World-Sleep-Prof-Peretz/product-reviews/0300066023/ref=cm_cr_dp_d_ttl?ie=UTF8&reviewerType=all_reviews&sortBy=recent#R3TO6PDXYW146Y
  14. Daoism and Buddhism's Differences

    https://books.google.com/books?id=G8jVCgAAQBAJ&pg=PT80&lpg=PT80&dq="yuan+qi"+wuji&source=bl&ots=Ylz3Q0lTPS&sig=VekXEzvxaMOlhnhEPZfXa3WUe2Q&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiA5u_45d_UAhUjwFQKHZ-NA8UQ6AEIPzAF#v=onepage&q="yuan qi" wuji&f=false The Mind Inside Tai Chi: Sustaining a Joyful Heart By Henry Zhuang 2015, YMAA
  15. Daoism and Buddhism's Differences

    So I was being nice and said - if you "want" the other sources - open the pdf link and click on the links. I'll do that for you since obviously you choose the path of "willful ignorance" hoping to hide your head in the sand like an ostrich. So here we go: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=6&ved=0ahUKEwjPteGkifzSAhVEeCYKHd-YAg4QFgg4MAU&url=http%3A%2F%2Fygmh.skku.edu%2F_custom%2Fskk%2F_common%2Fboard%2Fdownload.jsp%3Fattach_no%3D2807&usg=AFQjCNH9hXoVg_Xmt0Qx17ZDM3mxOYImKg&sig2=0m2H7OB4TQ10IaHjK_RMXw&bvm=bv.150729734,d.eWE&cad=rja that's a pdf link. The article being quoted is this: Zhu Xi's Metaphysical System and the Role of the Taji (Great Ultimate) by Kim Han-Sang, 2013.
  16. Daoism and Buddhism's Differences

    No references, no quotes. I already detailed how you misunderstand Liezi and it's a latter Confucian text anyway. Already disproven by science - noncommutative phase as quantum entanglement creates spacetime. This is called EPR=ER. Taoism corroborates this truth. Nope - the Yuan Qi is the Dao as "undivided yin-yang" or the Tai Chi "at rest" - this is because it is noncommutative phase. You don't understand what complementary opposites mean - as you project your Western logic onto Taoism. This means the Dao is the process of change that does not change. Understand yet? You have yet to engage with or directly answer any of the links or quotes I have provided with. There is no "circle" here - there is you ignoring the information I have provided - which is frankly rude at best, but cowardly at worst. There is only me disproven you're pitiful claims by directly quoting them and explaining why they are wrong - by quoting from the same sources your provide. Wanna try some more? Keep ignoring what I Have posted in your thread - and keep trying to post weak evidence. I fully understand "your" perspective. Can you at all even acknowledge what my perspective is? Can you even claim to understand what noncommutative phase is based on music theory? I have provided LOTS of quotes. Can you quote them and then directly reply to the quotes to try to refute them? Nope - you have not at all. I'll give you another chance to study and then learn from the links and quotes I have provided: - Chuang Tzu, 300 BCE Now according to Plato mathematicians can indeed reach the ultimate - based on his irrational magnitude alogon mysticism. But if you really study mathematics - they admit this is not true. math professor Borzacchini states the cover up by Plato of real music theory is "really astonishing" and "shocking." Now for Westernized thinkers they see, 1, 2, 3 and infinity and think - so what - it's just counting. But for mathematicians who know some music theory - this is not true - there is more to it. So suddenly those few numbers mean something different. So that is not monism - it means that the complementary opposites are at the same time - that is called noncommutative phase. Do you see the difference yet? Not yet? O.k. I'll give some Taoist quotes now. So what the means is that qi is shen under jing at the same time - noncommutative phase. https://www.scribd.com/document/225213533/Taoism So I am referring to the essay in that book by Zhang Guangbao. Here's another one: The Magus of Java: Teachings of an Authentic Taoist Immortal (on John Chang). So notice it says - that is the "secret." Secret is in you did not pick this up. I hope now you are picking it up. This is all from my blog. So what that means is when the light is turned around then time goes to zero and the yuan qi is created from virtual photons as the hidden momentum of light from relativity - the inherent noncommutative phase of spacetime as the 5th dimension. That is the "Movement in non-doing" of yuan shen - the creation of yuan qi. internal oppositional exertion....is more than anything a mental shift in awareness....such omni-directional mutually cancelling efforts engage the connective tissue web continually, they increase the elastic strength of the frame even while an external observer discerns no apparent movement. Citing the book Masters of Perception: Sensory-Motor Integration in the Internal Martial Arts. by Jan Dipersloot Vol. 3, 2013. So that again is the secret of noncommutative phase. O.K. Now I'll open up my pdf and quote from that. too bad I can't cut and paste it! So you quote the Tao Te Ching taking about before Heaven and Earth was created - but try to realize that the Wu Chi symbol was created in the Song dynasty when the elite were claiming Confucianism and Taoism and Buddhism were all the same. haha. So that quote is stating that Taoist masters embody the Emptiness as the Yuan qi that is formless awareness. How do they do that? By putting shen below the jing - for fire under the water to create steam. Now a different translation of the Tao Te Ching states, "Indeterminate yet the Great Ultimate" or "wuji is taichi and taichi is also wuji." O.K. here is the final quote from Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality: "Since is it the undivided yin-yang it is called the One Vitality." If you want the other sources then you gotta open up my pdf for the hypertext links. https://www.pdf-archive.com/2017/04/10/idiot-s-guide-to-taoist-alchemy/
  17. Daoism and Buddhism's Differences

    Now I am reading the actual paper you quoted. You referenced the book but not the actual paper. http://www.academia.edu/8144785/Creation_and_Its_Inversion_Cosmos_Human_Being_and_Elixir_in_the_Cantong_qi_The_Seal_of_the_Unity_of_the_Three_ And so what do we find: So the image he posts of the original Tai Chi - there is actually an earlier version but oh well - he says that the Heaven and Earth cross the Hub that is the Emptiness - so yang and yin cross the Emptiness. That is the noncommutative phase. The Emptiness inherently relies on yang and yin as the eternal process of creation as complementary opposites - it is continuous.
  18. Daoism and Buddhism's Differences

    Notice how I willingly engage with your quotes and references and yet you refuse to engage will all the quotes and references I posted? What does that tell you?
  19. Daoism and Buddhism's Differences

    As I stated Wu Chi as a symbol was created in the Song Dynasty. There is no "unchanging origin of the cosmos" That is your delusion. The Yuan Qi is formless, united yin-yang, undivided, at rest because the Yuan Shen is turned around back on itself. There is no rest mass to light - therefore the spacetime creates yuan jing from the yuan qi that is the reverse time phonon energy as noncommutative phase - being in two places at the same time, but the places are complementary opposites and therefore always create energy-mass. Noncommutative phase is the 5th dimension of reality - it is "time-like" as phase. It is not in space - it is not static. You can listen to it but not see it. The process of change is the unchanging origin of the cosmos - not some static space that is timeless. That is a Western concept from Plato, etc.